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[Rembrandt Voice-over]
They say that truth is stranger than fiction. You can take this for what you will, but every word of it is true. I know the odds must seem astronomical, but we're living in a universe that offers endless possibilities. I won't blame you if you doubt -- in fact, I had doubts of my own. And Lord knows I didn't see it coming.
What if you found a portal to a parallel universe?
What if you could slide into a thousand different worlds, where it's the same year and you're the same person, but everything else is different?
And what if you can't find your way home?
Starring: Cleavant Derricks as Rembrandt Brown Kari Wuhrer as Maggie Beckett Robert Floyd as Mallory Tembi Locke as Diana Davis ![]() ![]() by QBall79 Produced by Q-Ball79 and Chaser9 The rippling vortex opened on yet another new world. Rembrandt Brown was the first to be deposited from the void, and after landing on his side, he rolled over to avoid the next slider that hurdled through the opening, which turned out to be Diana. Upon landing, she instantly got up to join Rembrandt. Maggie flew out next and landed on her backside. She let out a sigh as she was about to get up, but she was stopped by Mallory, who was thrown from the vortex and landed on top of her. "Dammit, Mallory!" Maggie blurted out. "We have got to stop meeting like this!" Mallory said, with a laughing smile. He looked into Maggie's eyes for a couple of seconds, hoping for a returned sentiment, but was met with a jab to his ribs. "What are you doing?" Maggie said. "Get off me, NOW!" "Okay, okay," Mallory said as he got up, holding his ribs. Rembrandt stood by and laughed. "We have six hours on this world," Diana interjected. She held the timer in her hand. "Well, we may as well get a room and relax," Rembrandt said. "Looks like we'll be staying at The Dominion, since we're in San Fran. That's where we always used to stay." He led the walk to the street, where they would catch a cab. "The Dominion?" Maggie questioned. "We never stayed there; we always stayed at The Chandler, remember?" "Well, it was before you joined us," Rembrandt answered. "Back before Quinn's female double screwed with our timer, and we always landed in San Francisco. We actually stayed at the Motel 12 before that, but that was before we won the Lottery." "The Lottery?" Mallory said. "You won the lottery? Why didn't you just stay there? You could have been rich and famous, and you could have had anything you wanted!" "I've been rich and famous, Fog Boy," Rembrandt said. "But the lottery on that world was killing people. It was population control." Mallory flagged down a cab that was coming their way. It stopped, and they all piled in. Rembrandt took a look at the driver and immediately recognized that hat and beard. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Where to?" the driver said in a distinct Russian accent. "The Dominion Hotel, Pay-vill," Rembrandt replied. "That's Pavel," the driver replied. "Hey, wait a minute," Pavel said, looking at Rembrandt through his rear view mirror. "I know you from somewhere, yes?" The nostalgia was overcoming Rembrandt. He missed those days when sliding was so simple, when all they needed to do was get home. It was so much easier then, because so many of the worlds were so similar to his own. But everything had changed since the Kromaggs had taken everything he held dear. He almost felt a sense of home here, in a San Francisco taxicab with good old Pavel. "You are Crying Man, no?" Pavel said with enthusiasm. "No…uh, I mean…yeah, I'm the Cryin' Man!" Rembrandt answered with a smile. He had heard these words before from Pavel, on that earth they slid onto right after Russia world - the one that was almost home. This recurrence just made him long more for the good old days. Pavel told him what a great singer he was, and how much he enjoyed his Christmas album. With that, Rembrandt was reminded of how far from home he really was. On his world, Rembrandt never recorded a Christmas album. For a second, he had thought he might have been home again, that perhaps the Kromaggs were defeated, or that they hadn't really invaded his earth, but one merely similar to his. But with that, his hopes were destroyed once more. Pavel drove them the rest of the way, and they got out at the Dominion Hotel. Mallory paid Pavel and rejoined the sliders as they entered the building. They got adjoining rooms and went upstairs. Maggie and Diana turned on the television and decided to take a load off, an opportunity they seldom had. Meanwhile, Rembrandt decided to go down to the bar and…forget his troubles. Mallory joined him. "You know, Mallory," Rembrandt said as he held his draught. "There was a time when I was like you. I used to think Sliding was fun and exciting. For me, each new world brought new possibilities." "Oh yeah?" Mallory said, hinting that he wanted his friend to continue. "Yeah," Rembrandt answered. "It wasn't that way at first, though. I didn't choose to slide. I was kind of…sucked into it when Quinn did his first slide, and I resented him for it." "Well, actually, Remmy," Mallory said. "It was his second slide, but who's counting?" "Yeah, whatever," Rembrandt said as he continued his anecdote. "At first I was upset about my Caddy. I didn't even realize the magnitude of what had happened. I didn't understand then that I had lost my family, my friends, everything that was important in my life." "That had to be tough to come to grips with," Mallory said sympathetically. "It must have hit hard." "Oh yeah," Rembrandt answered, fighting tears. "It would come back to haunt me every once in a while, and I would blame Quinn for it. I know he lived with it every day, but for some reason I felt I had to remind him. Now he's gone, unstuck, whatever you want to call it, and all I want to do is find him and help him." "I know," Mallory said, patting Rembrandt on the back. "I blamed him for my accident too. In fact, at the times when he had control, I felt helpless and furious at the same time. I finally said to him, 'This body isn't big enough for the both of us,' and decided I was going to regain control. Now, I feel somewhat responsible for his situation." "Yeah," Rembrandt said. "But how could you have known? There was no way." "How could Quinn have known what he was about to do to you?" Mallory replied. There was a pause. "You see," Mallory added. "It's not always that easy. The scars remain." The two sat and pondered that statement for what seemed like an eternity, when their thoughts were interrupted by someone who had just come into the bar. "Oh, my god," she said. "Rembrandt?" Rembrandt turned around and saw a sight he had thought he would never see again. He started to shake with shock and surprise. "Wade?" he said, another tear emerging from the corner of his eye. "Is it you…I mean…It can't be you...can it???" "Yes, Remmy, it's me," she said, crying as well. "It's your Wade!" The two embraced as though they would never let each other go. Wade was back, and Rembrandt's nostalgic longing was answered. "But how?" Rembrandt said. "I mean, on that other world you were still captured by the Maggs and you were turned into a human computer. You caused some kind of explosion and…" Rembrandt tried to hold back the tears. "What are you talking about, Remmy?" Wade said, wiping a tear from her own eye. "I escaped the Kromaggs months ago!" She squeezed Rembrandt as hard as she could and asked him to just hold her. "I'm never letting you go again, girl," Rembrandt said. He looked at her and laughed out of joy. Mallory motioned to Rembrandt that he was going back to the room to leave them alone, and Rembrandt nodded to him. "So what happened?" Rembrandt said, still a bit puzzled about the whole thing. "I mean, how did you escape that place in one piece?" "Why don't we go up to our room and talk about this?" Wade suggested. "Sure," Rembrandt said. "Hey, Wade," he added. "Our room? What do you mean our room? Who else is with you?" Mallory rushed upstairs and fished in his pocket for the room key. Having found it, he opened the door to his room and entered. The door adjoining his room to Diana and Maggie's was ajar, so Mallory opened it and rushed in. "Diana! Maggie!" he yelled, waking them from a peaceful nap. "You won't believe what happened!" "Yo Mallory," Maggie interjected. "Don't you ever knock?" "What is it?" Diana said, rubbing her eyes. "I can hardly believe it myself!" Mallory sputtered. "It's Wade! She's here!" "Wait a minute," Maggie said. "Wade Welles? The Wade Welles? That's impossible!" "Are you sure it's Remmy and Maggie's Wade, Mallory?" Diana asked. "I know it sounds impossible," Mallory said emphatically. "But Wade told Remmy that she escaped the Kromaggs months ago! Plus, she recognized him! I mean, how many Wades would recognize Rembrandt? His initial slide was a freak accident." "But how?" Maggie said. "Mallory, she has to be a double. I mean, Wade...our Wade is gone, right?" "I think I may know what could have possibly happened," Diana said. "If we assume an infinite number of universes branching off from an infinite number of choice points, the earth your Wade came from could have branched off at any given point of time, creating another universe, and, in effect, another Wade that is just as much yours as the one we encountered before." "You mean there could be a bunch of us out there sliding somewhere else on a totally different world," Mallory asked. "...or a world just like our home where our doubles never left?" "That's right." Diana answered. "I'm just glad it didn't happen to branch off when I stopped Geiger's computer...or else we may not even exist anymore." "Well, where is she?" Maggie asked. "And where's Rem?" "I left them both down at the bar," Mallory said. "I felt they needed to be alone to talk things out, you know." "And yet he doesn't knock before entering…" Maggie muttered underneath her breath. "Well, they may still be down there. Let's check it out." Wade slipped her room key into the lock. Rembrandt couldn't believe it. This was Wade, healthy and alive! Life was good again, and things couldn't get much better. "Hey, guys," Wade yelled to her roommates as they entered. "I've got someone here you might want to meet!" Rembrandt nearly collapsed when he saw who she was rooming with. Standing before him were none other than Quinn Mallory and Professor Arturo. Mallory, Maggie, and Diana rushed into the bar. They looked around…no Remmy…no Wade. "They couldn't have gone far," Maggie said. "I say we split up and look for Rembrandt. Whatever happens, we meet back here in three hours to talk about it over dinner." "Sounds like a plan," Diana said. "Let's go!" "These are doubles, right?" Rembrandt said, trying to explain the inconceivable sight before him. It couldn't be true, could it? "No, Remmy," Wade said. "These are the real thing." "The genuine article?" Rembrandt wanted to make sure he completely understood what Wade was saying. "Yep!" Wade assured him. Quinn and Arturo were just as astonished to see Rembrandt as he was to see them. There was about a two-second pause before they all hugged one another and laughed. "But how can this be?" Rembrandt asked. "I mean, the Professor was…" Rembrandt was getting choked up trying to say it, but there was no need. They all knew what he was thinking. "And Q-Ball, you lost your body! How the devil could you be my Quinn and Arturo?" "It's quite simple, Mr. Brown," Arturo answered. "Do you remember the earth we landed on about three years ago? The one we all thought was home?" "Yeah, everyone except Q-Ball, that is," Rembrandt added. "You remember that we ran into my double on that world, correct?" "How could I forget?" Rembrandt said. "When you slid out of that world, there was a struggle between my double and I," Arturo continued. "He knocked me out in his basement, and I barely had enough time to make it for the slide." "Are you saying that…" Rembrandt's sentence was cut off by Arturo. "Precisely, Mr. Brown. I came up in the taxi just in time. You were about to take my double with you! Of course, he wasn't about to stay behind and face ultimate humiliation for his sliding hoax, so we fought in front of the vortex. In the end, he knocked me down and ran through, and I was left behind, without a sliding device." "So then what happened?" Rembrandt asked. "Well, I lived there as my double for nearly a year and a half, working feverishly to recreate a sliding machine." Arturo began. "I was a laughing stock in the scientific community. I lost my job as professor and the statue erected in my double's honor was auctioned off for a very low price. So I was left to my own devices. An old associate of mine on Earth Prime, and apparently of my double on that world as well, hired me at U.C.L.A. He said he believed there was truth to my assertions on sliding, and that he would help to finance my venture. I took advantage of this opportunity at once, and eventually I was able to create a sliding device of my own, complete with timer, wormhole tracking and a photon scrambler." "So then you slid?" Rembrandt inquired. "Not quite yet. I was a bit leery about sliding again. As we all know, it can be quite dangerous, and God only knows what kind of hazardous environment I may have landed in," Arturo continued. "And I also thought you may come back to look for me. So I waited until I was literally forced to slide." "Forced? What do you mean, Professor?" "The Kromaggs followed us to that world," Arturo began. "They may have waited over a year, but they eventually invaded that earth. After living there for so long, it was almost like seeing my own home overrun by these creatures." "We know what that's like," Rembrandt said. "Don't we, Wade?" Wade simply nodded and motioned for Arturo to continue. "I was in town when it all happened," Arturo recalled. "There was an eruption of wormholes in the sky, and out of them came a fleet of Manta Ships. I did the best I could to run for cover while I reached for my timer, which I kept with me at all times. I was about to activate it when I heard a familiar voice cry for help. The voice I heard was Miss Welles, and she was being carried off by Kromagg foot soldiers. When I saw them open a wormhole and carry her through it, I took advantage of the wormhole tracker and followed them to the next world." "But wait a minute," Rembrandt interrupted. "We were home, weren't we? I mean, Rickman's timer had our home coordinates in it!" "Well, not exactly," Quinn inserted. "When I took apart Rickman's timer while Maggie and I were sliding, I found out a chip directly tied to the recall of coordinates had been damaged - the same chip that was damaged on fog world with Rickman, remember? Apparently, instead of Earth Prime, you landed on one dramatically similar…Azure Gate Bridge World! I didn't think it had affected your slide, and that's why I never said anything. After what happened on the world where we found you, I kind of forgot about it." "Wow," Rembrandt said. "That would mean that you're really from Earth Prime… and Colin was never your brother!" "That's right," Quinn said. "The whole time we were chasing my double's brother, can you believe that? Of course that means there's an alternate of mine out there who still doesn't know the truth." "So you rescued Wade?" Rembrandt returned to Arturo. "And the Maggs invaded that world with the blue bridge and not Earth Prime?" "Precisely," Arturo answered. "I rescued Wade while she was in transit. I had tracked her to that horrid breeding camp earth, but had no opportunity to get to her. I found a place to hide out in the mountains, where I would hunt and fish for my food." "Fish?" Rembrandt said, trying to hold back a laugh, but failing miserably. "You had to fish? It's a miracle you survived!" "Ha ha, very funny indeed, Mr. Brown," Arturo said. "During the day I rested and caught my food. By night, I would scope out the Kromagg camp under the cover of darkness. I was occasionally able to eavesdrop on conversations, and after months of waiting, my opportunity finally arrived. "I overheard two Kromagg soldiers arguing about a transportation of breeders the next day. From what they said, and with a few hunches, I was able to devise a plan to rescue Miss Welles. If I failed, I would have inevitably been killed and Miss Welles would have likely died. But if it worked, Miss Welles and I would be reunited, having escaped the Kromaggs." The sliders searched all over the area for Rembrandt and Wade, but there was no sign of them. It was starting to get dark, and it was almost time to meet back at the hotel to discuss things. Maggie had stayed pretty close to the Hotel, while Mallory and Diana had spread out. While Diana and Maggie had no luck at all, the same could not be said for Mallory. Mallory walked down the street, passing shops and restaurants. He had one thing on his mind - finding Rembrandt. He kept looking all around in case he popped up somewhere. And just as he was approaching a corner, he saw him up ahead. "Rembrandt!" he shouted. Rembrandt didn't hear him, and turned the corner. Mallory walked faster after him, turning the corner. "Remmy!" Rembrandt turned his head as if he heard, but resumed his walk. Mallory now started to run up to him. He tapped Rembrandt on the shoulder. "Man, we've been looking all over for you!" Rembrandt turned around and looked Mallory in the eye with confusion. "Who the devil are you?" he asked, unfamiliar with the figure in front of him. "It's me, Remmy," Mallory said. "It's Mallory, remember? Hey, where's Wade?" "Wade who?" Rembrandt said in a stranger's tone. It was now clear to Mallory that this was not his Rembrandt. "Look, I don't know who you are, but I don't like being accosted. So just keep away from me, okay?" "Yeah, sorry," Mallory said. "I thought you were someone else." Arturo continued telling Rembrandt about Wade's rescue. With each sentence, Rembrandt became more engrossed in his story. It was so gripping, so emotional. He knew how it all ended, but the story was still so captivating. "I still had another month on my timer," Arturo continued. "But I had never activated it early. I figured that there was probably enough power to activate the timer manually only once, as we did before with the original timer. It wasn't for sure, but it was our only hope. They performed the mass slide outdoors, and I was able to hide in some brush undetected. Looking at the many women who were abused by these creatures made me wish I could help them all. I scanned the crowd, and eventually found Wade. She looked healthy, but then I'm sure the Kromaggs are concerned about the health of their child bearers. When Wade was nearby, I ran out from the bushes and grabbed her. Expecting laser fire any second, I activated the timer as quickly as I could…and it worked! We leapt through the vortex to the next world. We were randomly sliding now, but it was not as if I wanted to return to the previous world, which was now infested with Kromaggs. To make a long story even longer, Miss Welles and I have been sliding ever since." "But what about Quinn?" Rembrandt asked. "Is he our Quinn?" "More or less," Wade answered. "Remember when I was trapped one time on the astral plane, and that girl Gillian was the only one who could see me?" Quinn asked Rembrandt. "How could I forget?" Rembrandt answered. "I thought we'd lost you, man." "Well, my situation was similar to that, Remmy," Quinn said. "When I was thrown from Mallory's body, I became trapped between dimensions, like I did before, on the astral plane." "But how did you get your body back, Q-Ball?" Rembrandt asked him. "The same way I did before," he said. "For a while there, I was randomly sliding on the astral plane. The vortices would just automatically open for me and I would be sucked through...I couldn't control it; I was in a state of interdimensional flux. I'm not sure if that is simply normal behavior on the astral plane or not. I just went with the flow. Within several slides, I ran into Wade and the Professor. They couldn't see me of course, until I regained my physical substance after following them for a few slides. The vortices were all blue, except for the one where I regained my physical anchor. It was red. Apparently, the atomic makeup of my body was in limbo, so to speak. It was trapped in the void, and I just happened to stumble upon it on that slide, just as I did the first time in Gillian's world. It just took a little longer for it to happen this time." "So you're my Quinn?" Rembrandt said. "Wait, what did Wade mean by 'more or less'?" "Well," Quinn said with a sigh. "My brain was sort of swiss-cheesed from the merger. There are holes in my memories that were retained by my alternate after I became detached from him. I still have most of them, but at times I have problems remembering events. That's where friends come in." Quinn smiled at the Professor and Wade, who returned the gesture. He looked back at Rembrandt, who was dumbfounded at all he had learned in such a short time. Here he was, back with his old friends, the ones he began sliding with an eternity ago. He had forgotten how much he really missed them until this slide, and it made him take inventory of what was really important in his so-called life. Maggie, Mallory and Diana sat at a table in the hotel restaurant, trying to think of what they should do now. Rembrandt was gone, and supposedly there was a Wade with him. They had looked all over the place. "I have no idea where he could be," Diana said. "I've run out of ideas, people." "Same here," Maggie said. "Where else could he be?" "I don't know, all I could find was his double," Mallory added. "We know, Mallory," Maggie said. "That's about the fifth time you've told us that." "Wait a minute," Diana interjected. "Remmy said that they always used to stay here, right?" "Yeah, so?" Maggie replied. "Well, if that's true," Diana continued. "Then maybe Wade is staying here too!" "Good thinking, Di!" Mallory said. "I'll go check at the desk." "But what about Wade?" Rembrandt asked. We ran into one a while back, and she was made into some sort of human computer. What was left of her body was in some kind of liquid. She was able to open wormholes with her mind and communicate telepathically, and she used it to save my life. She knew me, guys. It was the Wade I was separated from by the Kromaggs. And she...gave her life to save mine. Now you can't both be my Wade." "I wouldn't be so sure, Mr. Brown," Arturo interjected. "You have to remember that universes split from each other as a result of choices made at a crossroads. Each choice presents a number of options. Often times a choice will be played out several ways by a splitting off of universes. That is how parallel worlds are created. The Wade you encountered could very well have been our Wade that hadn't escaped from the Kromaggs. In this case, apparently, my rescue attempt was a failure, but she was just as much our Wade as the one that stands before you." "Amazing," Rembrandt said. "You mean there are other 'usses' out there sliding together, all from Earth Prime?" "Precisely," Arturo said. "Hi! Um…Gomez?" Mallory said in an inquisitive tone. "That's me," he said. "What can I do for you?" "Well, I was wondering if there was a room here in the name of Wade Welles." "Hmmm," Gomez said. "Let me see…uh…no, sorry, no Wade Welles." "Okay," Mallory said with a disappointed look. "Thank you." Mallory walked back to the restaurant to deliver the bad news. "So what do we do now?" Rembrandt asked. "Play board games?" "I say we celebrate!" Quinn said. "To the bar!" The rest of the group repeated him in unison, "To the bar!" "Well, ladies, no Wade at this hotel," he said. "Sorry." "Maybe we should wait here," Diana said. "He'll most likely show up sooner or later." "Looks like sooner," Mallory said, looking at the entryway. "Good lord…look who's with him!" Rembrandt and his companions entered the restaurant and headed for the bar. On the way he heard Mallory's voice calling him. Turning around, he saw Maggie and Diana as well. He had forgotten all about them. It seemed like he had known them in another life, years ago now. He smiled and walked over to them, along with his companions. "Look who I found!" Rembrandt said, smiling from ear to ear. "But it can't be," Maggie said. "It's impossible! These aren't our Quinn, Wade and Professor are they?" "In the flesh," Quinn said, going up to give Maggie a hug. "Although our Professor isn't your Professor." "What?" Maggie said. "We'll explain later," Quinn said. The group pulled another table up and sat down together. They ate dinner and talked for the longest time. Introductions and reunions were made, and old memories were restored and relived. It was an amazing time for all of them, and one that they would not soon forget. Both groups were scheduled to depart at about the same time, so they all decided to stay together until the slides. "I've decided," Rembrandt said in mid-conversation. "When the time comes for the slide, I'm going with Quinn, Wade, and the Professor." Everyone at the table stared at Rembrandt. They all felt he might say this, but actually hearing him say it kind of startled them. "They're the ones I started this whole crazy journey with, and they're the ones I want to finish it with. I missed the hell out of them, and now that they're back, I'm not going to let them get away as easily as before." "But Remmy…" Diana started to speak, but was cut off. "No buts, Diana," Rembrandt argued. "I'm going, and that's all there is to it. No offense, but I've known these people a lot longer than I've known you. And seeing as how we're all from the same earth, I think it's only right that we stay together." "I…understand," Diana said. "I've really enjoyed getting to know you, Remmy. I'm going to miss you." "So, Maggie," Quinn said. "Are you coming with us? I think there might be room for one more!" Maggie looked back at Mallory and Diana, then back at Quinn. "Don't think it didn't cross my mind," she told him. "But I don't think I'll join you. When I joined you after my world was destroyed, things didn't go very well. Wade and I were like oil and water, and I think I really dragged you guys down. You might not agree with me, but that's my decision, and I think it's the best." "You sure, Maggie?" Rembrandt asked one more time. "Yeah," Maggie said, straining out a tear. "I'm sure." "What do you say we find a place to slide?" Arturo suggested. "It's almost time." Both groups of sliders went into a dark alley where they wouldn't draw attention to themselves. Arturo bellowed out the final countdown. "Three…two…one,". Arturo activated the timer and opened the vortex. It was a beautiful shade of green with some white thrown in. Quinn, Wade and Arturo leaped in one by one, and Rembrandt turned around to give one more hug and goodbye to everyone. "I'll miss you," he said to Mallory with a smile and a hug. "I'm going to miss you even more, Remmy," Mallory added. "You really inspired me in the short time we have known each other, and now I think I can let some of those scars heal, now that everything's going to be okay. Drop by if you're ever in the universe!" Mallory wiped away a small tear and let out a nervous laugh as they embraced. "Make sure those two behave, now!" Rembrandt said. "Well, Diana," he said as he walked over to her. "Now you know why they called me the Cryin' Man." Diana laughed and cried at the same time. "You have got to be one of the sexiest eggheads I have ever known. Thanks for taking care of us." They hugged before Rembrandt walked over to Maggie for his last goodbye. "Maggie, what can I say?" he said. "We've been through a lot together, and it's going to be hard not having you around. You're unforgettable, girl, and I mean that." "Thanks, Rem," Maggie said. "You'd better go." "You're right," Rembrandt said. He turned to all of them and waved. "Catch you on the flip side!" He leaped toward the vortex, expecting to feel the sensation of floating in the void. What he felt was a thud as he landed on the pavement. The wormhole had closed just as he had leaped toward it. "No, this can't be happening!" Rembrandt screamed as he got up. "Diana, can you get a lock on their wormhole?" "Yeah, hold on…" she said. "Two minutes until we slide!" "Well, hurry up and track them!" Rembrandt insisted. "I've got to get back with them!!!" "I can't seem to get a lock on their photon trail, Remmy," Diana said in distress. "The signal is scrambled!" "Damn! The photon scrambler," Rembrandt said with tears in his eyes. He fell to his knees sobbing. "I can't trace them!" Diana exclaimed. "Thirty seconds!" "This wasn't supposed to happen, dammit!" Rembrandt cried. "It was supposed to be back to the way it was! Like the good old days again!" "I know, Remmy, and I'm sorry," Diana said. "Yeah, Remmy," Maggie said. "But you never know, the next wormhole might take you home!" "Your real home, Remmy!" Mallory said. "Yeah, I guess you're right," Rembrandt said as he got up. He didn't feel any better, but he would have to deal with it on the next world. "Here goes nothing!" Diana said as she opened the vortex. One by one the sliders jumped into the vortex, wondering what lay ahead on the next world. Rembrandt was the last in, perhaps hoping that if he just waited here that his old friends would come back for him. There was no time to think about it, so he took a deep breath and jumped in. The End
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