As posted by cc_deville (5/7/00)

commercial for my cable company (SR)My cable company (Staten Island Cable//Time Warner) is running ads to promote their new internet access, something called rabbit.
In the ad, they show a kid looking down a corridor of TV screens with different shows on them. One of the TV's to my amazement, was showing the trip into the slider's vortex, that blue spinning cyclonic action they travel between dimensions.
I thought, wow! so cool! They used a slider's scene in their promotion.
I wonder what ad agency they used and who on the staff is a Sliders fan!
trippin' without use of drugs, far out
hakavonn's reply (5/8/00)

A good while back mine did it too...They mentioned all their channels and their internet service, and at one point began listing the names of dinosaur varieties! (Guess they were either tying in all the DISCOVERY type channels, or internet searches.) The last dino variety they listed was the "I-think-he-saw-us"...and as the announcer said it they showed the scene (very quickly) that ended up on the opening credits, of Remmy noticing there was a T-Rex standing not too many feet to his right.I couldn't help but wonder if Universal or Cleavant got any money for their using his likeness.
If it had been Jerry, and during the early 5th season, can you imagine the banshee howls there would have been?