As seen in the Jan/Feb 2000 edition of J. Franklin Campbell's Correspondence Chess Report:
More Chess on TV
My attention is always drawn to the TV screen when chess comes up (very occasionally). I had the TV sitting on the Science Fiction channel recently when an episode of "Sliders" started. The alternate world our heroes were in this time was some kind of digitally created place. One of the regular characters found himself challenged to a game of chess by the evil dictator and a fully correctly set up chess board appeared with the bad guy as Black. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6. The good guy observed that the opening was a Petroff's Defense. What a nice surprise! Usually they make up some kind of Russian-sounding name. This time a real (and accurate) name was used. 3.Nxe5 Nxe4 ... wow, the bad super-intelligent master of this world plays like a patzer. 4.Qe2 ... now the "genius" [Chandler] acts surprised, saying that 4.d3 is the normal move.
I was disappointed when the story now "interfered" with the chess and the game was continued no further. It was pleasant seeing the game presented in a realistic fashion, though, and certainly provided a lot of interest for me.