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Episode U-813: Wounds

Logline: With Diana winning the lottery on one world, the group slide off and get split up when the wormhole opens in two different locations on the next earth, leading the group to meet up. Three Sliders enter a bank and are soon take hostage by a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Wade has a life changing decision to make.Episode 13: Wounds Starring: Charlie O’Connell, Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Thomas Calabro as Ronald Babcock, Vera Farmiga as Jennifer Babcock, Amy Acker as Marsha Winthromb/Pamela, Chuck Woolery as himself/host, and Chris Klein as Roger Buxar Synopsis: As a news woman is speaking on camera of the latest lottery winner in a group of ten winners this past month, the sliders are seen in the background on a platform in a large room decorated with balloons and confetti with Diana speaking into a microphone. Diana explains she didn’t expect herself to win because it was a less likely chance for her, but her friend Mallory pushed her into doing it. Mallory blushes, but doesn’t say anything. Wade turns around so the camera doesn’t see it, and pulls the timer out of her jacket pocket, with it reading 38 seconds and she places it back into her jacket pocket. Wade heads close to Diana who backs away from the microphone, with Wade whispering to her that it was time to move on. Diana returns to the microphone, thanking the public for her check and would do her best to help people. The group quickly exit out a side door, but people come tearing out the same door after them. Wade pulls the timer out with the seconds counting down. The six of them stop to see a large group of people getting closer to them, even with a camera crew coming out to video tape them. Wade asks if they should slide out here with so many people watching them. Joel tells Wade it doesn’t matter anyway since no one is likely to follow them to the next world. Wade shrugs her shoulders with the vortex soon opening. The group quickly enter into the wormhole as the people look on in amazement and shock. The vortex closes, with the sliders moving on to the next earth. Inside the wormhole, it becomes unstable for a few seconds with creating a second tunnel, but returns to normal as one. The vortex opens above a large pile of snow which Wade and Joel are dropped off into it and the vortex closes. The two stand up, surprised of why the others didn’t come out with them. Joel states the others must have been dropped off someplace else on this world, so they should take off to find them. Wade wonders why there was snow around when it was obviously summer time, but figures each earth is different. Joel states that it could be possible for a weather shift or some type of weather problem going on, but he doesn‘t mind the cool down since the previous world was too stupid to never invent air conditioning. Wade states that maybe Diana will know what is going on, if they can reunite. As the two begin to go downward from the snow pile they landed in, a man close by is running toward them with a rifle being pointed at them. Joel and Wade stop in their tracks with the guy yelling at them to get off his property. Wade apologizes as she hides the timer in her back left pocket of her pants, explaining they must have gotten lost. The man tells the two they were lying, since he knew they were with the tabloids, trying to get every shot of him doing something, just so they can sell a magazine. Wade explains that they came from down the road and somehow wandered into his backyard and apologizes for upsetting him. Joel states that they don’t have any cameras on them and just out for some exercise. The man lowers the gun down, apologizing for his quick reaction, inviting the two into his house to warm up, since no one should really be outside in the freezing cold. The two sliders looked confused at each other wondering why the man first wanted them dead, and now wanted to become friends, but the man soon introduces himself as Roger Buxar, along with Wade and Joel introducing themselves to Roger as the three head toward a large Victorian style house. On the other side of town, another vortex opens above a dumpster, tossing the remaining sliders out into it. Once the vortex closes, the four quickly exit the dumpster and head out to the sidewalk and start walking right. Mallory soon notices the stores have back to school sales, wondering if school started later than what they usually would or too early for a head start. Ryan states that there could be education problems in New York and the public schools might have to start later in the year and continue through the summer. Colin wonders where the others were, since they didn’t exit out with them. Diana asks if anyone else noticed the wormhole splitting off, since she believes that might explain the separation and would just have to meet at a motel of choice since she can’t really pay for a high priced hotel until she can cash her check. As the sliders continue their walk, Mallory notices a bus nearby with a large billboard on the side of it, asking for men to come onto a dating game show called “American Sweethearts!” Diana also notices it, telling Mallory he should try out for it, since he hasn’t been lucky on the past few worlds with women. Mallory agrees with Diana, asking Colin for his cell phone; Diana explains to Mallory she was just teasing him and really didn’t expect him to actually call the dating show to become a contestant on it. Mallory quickly dials the number before the bus pulls away. A woman comes on the line with Mallory asking the woman if he could get on American Sweethearts. The woman explains to Mallory that there were a few spots left for male contestants and if he wanted to, he could visit their studio for rules and all the information needed to go on the show. Mallory asks the others for paper and a writing utensil, with Colin supplying both to him. Mallory jots down the address for the studio and then thanks the woman for the possible chance to get on the show. Mallory turns off the phone, handing it back to Colin, as well as ripping the piece of note pad paper from the pad and returning the pad of paper and pen to Colin. While in a taxi, Colin, who is sitting in the front seat gets a call from his cell phone, with him answering it to find Joel on the other end of the line. Joel explains to Colin that they slid out somewhere else and was in someone’s home for the time being. Colin tells Joel that it is good to hear from him and that they will have to get back to them on the lodging they are going to choose. Joel states that he and Wade can catch a taxi to wherever they choose to stay; Colin states he would be in contact and says good-bye to Joel with turning his cell phone off. Colin turns around to the others, explaining their plan and would get in touch with Joel and Wade soon enough. Ryan notices the Plaza Hotel up ahead and asks Diana if she would want to stay there. Diana agrees to the idea, but realizes they will have to wait until her check is cashed, so they should find something in their usual price range. The taxi driver suggests a Super 8 Motel a few miles ahead to the sliders, with them agreeing to it. Once the taxi arrives at the motel, the four sliders exit with Colin paying the taxi fair and joining his friends who enter the front door to get a room. Once the sliders enter, they head to the front desk, where a front desk clerk greets them, with Colin asking if they could get adjourning rooms. The woman starts typing on a computer in front of her, explaining that they were lucky to get the last one; the sliders are relieved to know that won’t have to cramp into a single room with six people. Colin hands the woman his credit card from his wallet, with the woman processing it. The woman prints out a sheet of paper and has Colin sign in, with giving two sets of keys to the group. The sliders exit outside and realize they will have to walk up a couple flights of stairs to get to the their rooms. Back at the house, Roger and Wade are in a large living room chatting away as Joel enters from just using the bathroom. Joel notices Wade having a fun time, but interrupts her laughter, with telling her he got a call from Colin, stating they would be staying at a Super 8 Motel and they should get going. Roger tells Joel that he could take them both down to the motel since he had some things to do close by in the surrounding city. Joel states they could just take a taxi since he doesn’t want to bother him with the job of taking two strangers to a motel. Roger stands up, with heading over to Joel to tell him it was no trouble for him and he would get the truck started. Roger exits the room with Joel taking a seat by Wade who seems excited. Wade states she has never met a man like Roger and really is enjoying his company. Joel tells Wade that sometimes the wealthy type aren’t all that normal like the poor people. Wade tells Joel that what he said was rude and should apologize. Joel stands back up, with looking down to Wade to explain that prior to sliding between worlds he had an incident which involved a very rich woman, whom he got involved with for a couple months, but then she started to treat him poorly and he nearly lost everything when the woman froze his bank account after a fight. Wade stands up, telling Joel that just because he had a bad experience, doesn’t mean he has to treat everyone who has the money like they are garbage. Joel tells Wade to just be careful with Roger, because he may turn out to be something she won’t like. Wade grabs her jacket which is on the couch, with putting it on and telling Joel to just come along since their ride was about ready. As the three got closer to the motel, Roger asks Wade and Joel to come out to dinner with him, along with their friends, since he was new to the area and would like to get to know some new people. Wade smiles at Roger, telling him they would be ready by 7 p.m. to be picked up. Roger states he would bring a limo for them to ride in style. Wade thanks Roger for the warm hospitality and is glad that she landed in his backyard. As Roger stops his truck, Wade and Joel exits the truck, with Wade getting out, shutting the door and waving to her new friend. Wade turns around and catches up to Joel who is walking toward the stairway up to their room. Wade states she hasn’t felt this special in a long time and is glad she is along for the ride. Wade and Joel get to the top of the stairs, with heading down to the room, but while walking, Wade tells Joel to just keep their conversation separate from the group, since she feels they need to deal with their feelings and not get the others involved. Joel tells Wade that he will keep quiet, but is just trying to warn her of making a mistake to get involved with a Richie Rich type of guy. As the two locate the rooms, Joel begins knocking on #203 for someone to answer the door. Mallory opens the door, telling Joel and Wade to come in and relax since they were enjoying the air conditioning after the heat wasn‘t much fun to walk in. Joel tells Mallory and the others that where they slide out at, there was snow, but figures the snow was melting and that could explain why the area they were in now was very warm and had no snow to deal with. Ryan offers Wade and Joel some drinks with Joel declining, but Wade accepting a can of soda pop. Joel takes a seat on the bed closest to the bathroom, sitting besides Diana who is over looking the PDL. After Ryan hands a glass to Wade, she explains that they ended up in a guy’s backyard and he invited them to dinner in a few hours. Joel asks Diana what was going on and why she had a worried look on her face; Diana tells Joel that she was studying the slide through the vortex, and is very confused as to why the wormhole split off. Joel tells Diana it was probably nothing and to not worry about it. Diana states she wasn’t going to take a chance and wanted to learn what happened, since advancing the timer might have screwed something up. Colin exits the bathroom, with soon heading to the sink to wash his hands, and then proceeds to grab his glass and takes a couple sips. Mallory tells Colin that they would be going out to dinner in a few hours since Wade met a new friend. Colin looks to Wade, asking how much time they had until the slide; Wade grabs her jacket, pulls the timer out and tells the group they slide in 79 hours, and 15 minutes. With the group going out and buying a few new clothing items in a store close by the motel, they get dressed up and soon head outside and downstairs when Roger shows up and exits out the back of the limo after his driver opens the door. Diana tells Wade she didn’t do so bad with choosing the right guy, since even she finds Roger attractive. Roger comes to the bottom of the stairway, and waits for Wade to come down for a hug. He grabs a hold of Diana’s right hand and kisses it as well as shaking the hands of Mallory, Colin, Ryan and also Joel who he says hello to again. Roger and Wade get hand in hand as they head to the limo with the others following her. Once getting into the limousine, Roger tells his driver to take them to Nobu and the driver shuts the window between the front and back seats, taking off down the road. Roger states that he is really glad to have met such nice people as Wade told him so much about them. Mallory tells Roger that he hopes Wade didn’t say everything bad. Wade smiles, stating she hid some things from Roger. Roger smiles, with looking to Wade and kisses her on the cheek. Ryan looks toward Roger, asking what type of work he was in; Chris explains he was a business executive, working mainly with advertising, but traveling world wide to establish business partners to join the firm is also an enjoyable position. Ryan states he almost feels jealous, since he thought he did exciting things in life. Roger explains its a hard job to do, especially with all the work, and slowly taking control of the company his dad owns. Roger feels at times, he wishes he could just quit and do something easier, like owning a ranch in Texas and ride horses all day. Wade looks to Roger, stating that she enjoys riding horses. Roger states that if she was going to be around for a while, they could go horseback riding. Wade tells Roger that she likes that idea very much. Once arriving at Nobu, the group get a large table with a private setting. When Joel pulls a chair out for Diana, she tells Joel that she feels odd without having people around her when they are eating meals. Roger overhears what Diana says, stating he likes it being quiet, since he can get to know people better without the noise of people talking. A waiter arrives, with Roger ordering wine for everyone as well as everyone looking over the menu and ordering meals. Roger looks to Diana, asking what type of work she did; Diana explains she travels for the most part with her friends from place to place to just explore the world and seek out new cultures. Roger tells Diana it sounds like an interesting job and would probably enjoy doing that more than his current position. Mallory comments that sometimes, there are times he wish he was back home instead of traveling. Roger tells Mallory that at least he is doing something he enjoys instead of working in a stuffy office environment with huge windows to look out at to see the world, yet he can’t be a part of the world, just a member of a corporation. Joel states that he does know what it’s like to work in an office space, since prior to the traveling gig, he was a deputy and stuck in a small police department wasn’t much fun, since he had no windows in his office. Roger tells Joel that he was lucky, since he didn’t have sky scrapers to look at with people cleaning the windows, helicopters flying by, or even airplanes flying over, making it difficult at times to hear people speak. Wade asks Roger if he worked in the World Trade Center, since the way he sounded, he worked in a very large place with planes flying over. Roger states he did work there for a short time, but his dad moved to another location, and even today, Roger wishes he could be back in the Twin Towers, but after getting news of the buildings being demolished in a few months, due to the increase of job production outside of the United States, the buildings are being emptied. Wade states that maybe he should talk to his dad about buying the towers, since he never knows what could happen with the buildings. Roger asks the group if they were busy later, since he found a club that he wanted to check out, but didn’t want to go alone, since it would be boring. Mallory and Wade both tell Roger they would enjoy a little fun. Diana soon speaks up, stating that she hasn’t gone dancing in a long time and it would be fun. Joel doesn’t really seem interested and was going to bail on them. Ryan states that he would like to go, maybe meet a few women and get their numbers. Roger stands a bit and gets a high five from Ryan, telling Ryan that he likes how he thinks. Colin tells Joel that he would join him. Colin apologizes to the others, but he doesn’t really feel the need for loud music or a large group of strangers who are likely to spill drinks or ram into each other and that doesn’t really sound appealing. Roger states that he would get his driver to take them wherever they wanted. Joel looks to Colin, stating that bailing on a club might be more appealing that he thought. With the sun beginning to set, the group headed to the club called Filter 14. Joel and Colin decide to check out a local wax museum before it closed for the day. The music is loud, making all the dancers have a great time. Roger gets drinks for everyone and soon asking Wade to dance, which they do. Diana, Ryan and Mallory sit back as they watch their friend be happy and have a date. Diana states that she hates being dateless and maybe she could find a guy to hook up with. Mallory sees a couple women walk by and tells the two he would be back later and chases after the women. Ryan asks Diana if she wanted to dance, with Diana agreeing to the idea. The two get out on the dance floor and try to mix in with the others. Joel and Colin are walking around the wax museum, Colin notices a few celebrities, and wishes he could have brought a camera. Joel states that maybe on the next couple of worlds, they could buy a camera and visit the museum and pretend they know celebrities. Colin tells Joel that he noticed he didn’t like Roger much. Joel tells Colin that he doesn’t really trust the wealthy, since he had a bad situation once with a rich woman and he doesn’t feel that any of them are different. Colin tells Joel that he is probably right, but until he experiences it for himself, he won’t know for sure. Joel asks Colin why he didn’t want to attend the club, since he figured he would enjoy experiencing a new gathering place. Colin states that he has been to a few clubs and they aren’t much fun. Joel asks Colin if he has gotten over the loss of Grace and John, since he seems a little less hostile than compared to the past few worlds. Colin states that he is beginning to let things go and move forward, he still hurts a bit, but he realizes that his managers chose to die and not try to live their lives, and people usually can’t be helped when they feel the need to die. Joel tells Colin that during their visit in La Florida, he was having nightmares of the Pearl Harbor they visited and how upset he has been ever since leaving that place and not being able to save Buddy. Joel explains that Mallory helped him to be more easily accepting of things in life, since this was their life, sliding between parallel worlds and even though they aren’t at home with family and friends, they have bonded with each other enough to consider each other to be a family and everyone needs to realize no one will turn their backs on anyone. Colin agrees with Joel, but he at times feels that people don’t understand things, but talking through things will help in the end. The two notice the EXIT sign ahead. Colin looks at his watch, telling Joel that it was a quarter to ten and they should leave. Joel quickly notices Bonnie and Clyde statues, holding guns, with Colin stating that they look so real, but at least they aren’t going to come alive and chase after them. Once the two exit back outside to meet the driver, the two statues begin to move. The woman takes off a wig, telling the man to stand up. The man states that at least they have managed to hide from the authorities. The woman states that she is glad that they choose Bonnie and Clyde to be their role models, since they can make a final bank hold up in the morning and escape to Antarctica, since their friends have contacts with the government facility in an area down there to hide them in the basement for a couple years, then they could go to Italy to live their lives. The man tells the woman he loves her and kisses her. The man tells the woman to follow him and the two take off down the hallway disappearing into the darkness of the museum as it closes for the day. By the following morning, at a restaurant close to the motel, Colin, Joel, Wade and Ryan are eating breakfast, when Diana and Mallory show up. The two take seats on the circular booth the others were sitting at. Wade asks Diana who Omar was, with Diana explaining that she had a fun night and Omar made it more enjoyable, but with having a hangover, she doesn’t really remember much about what happened afterward. Joel tells Diana that she was in need of a one night stand. Diana states that Omar was an enjoyable guy to be with, but when she woke up a couple hours ago, he was missing. Colin asks Diana if they went to a motel, with Diana stating that Omar didn’t want to wait another couple of hours to take off her dress, so they located a cheap motel. Mallory speaks up, stating that he also enjoyed his night, he never had a threesome, but it was fun, especially when the two women started to make out. Wade slaps Mallory on his left shoulder, telling him he is such the typical male pig that he always is. Mallory smiles, but the group is soon interrupted when a waitress shows up giving Diana and Mallory menus and both ordering coffee to drink. Colin asks Wade what time she returned to the motel, since he fell asleep after midnight. Wade states that Roger took her out to his boat and they had another drink before he dropped her off. Diana states that Roger definitely has an attraction toward her, with Wade agreeing, stating that Roger is a fun guy, but with time running out, she will have to leave him. Ryan tells Wade that if she feels this guy is the one, she might want to consider staying. Wade isn’t sure if that would be the smartest choice, but she could keep an open mind of the idea. Diana tells Wade that if she found a man like Roger, she might consider staying. Joel asks Wade what her plans were, since he figured she was going out with Roger again, probably for the entire day. Wade states that she isn’t going to waste any time in getting to know Roger and wants to spend as much time as possible with me, which she hopes doesn‘t make her look clingy, but she doesn‘t have the time to waste. With returning to the room a couple hours later, Diana and Mallory decide to change their outfits, Wade contacting Roger to pick her up, and the others unsure of what their plans would be for the day, besides Diana cashing her lottery check and go on a spending spree. Once Diana and Mallory were ready for the day, Mallory realizes that he had to get going to the studio if he wanted to be on the dating show. Wade questions Mallory on why he wanted to do the dating show in the first place, but Mallory explains that he just wants to have fun and with sliding between worlds, he didn’t care of the consequences. Mallory puts on his jacket and exit’s the room, telling the group he would see them later. As Mallory opens the door, he notices Roger exiting the limousine and tells Wade that her boyfriend had arrived. Wade tells the group farewell also and exits with Mallory. Joel asks Diana when she wanted to go down and get her check cashed, so they could have a day of spending. Diana states that she would be ready to go soon enough, but needed to discuss something with them, and she could fill Mallory and Wade in later. Colin, Ryan and Joel sit in the chairs near a table by the front door. Diana explains that she had some time to look over her data analysis of their slide and has come to the conclusion that the wormhole stability is decreasing, which could be a problem for them in the future. Colin asks if his timer would affect the slide in anyway; Diana states she does not believe so since the timer isn’t connected to the tunnel they travel through. Colin states he did deactivate his timer just in case they needed spare parts. Diana explains that she will continue to over look the data from the slide and study it to get a further conclusion to their recently added situation. Joel asks Diana if she thinks this splitting of the wormhole will be constant, since he really didn’t like the idea of being separated and he would feel bad if he ever had the timer, and have a couple seconds on the world, without the rest of them. Diana states that if she had time to look the timer over and maybe get into a laboratory, she could analyze more information to reveal what is going on, but she doesn’t want to let this situation go, since things could get worse. Ryan tells Diana that they have their full support, since she is the scientist in the group and they don’t want to go against her on her beliefs. Ryan brings up the subject of Mallory and wonders if Mallory did finally choose to settle down with a girl, they might lose two good friends. Diana looks the others stating that hopefully Mallory and Wade can make up their minds, and if they choose to stay, they can’t stop them. Colin states that he remembers his brother bringing up a situation that occurred when he begin sliding with Rembrandt, who almost stayed on a world to keep his fame, but in the end Rembrandt was forced off the stage and decided to keep sliding. Diana states that she often wonders herself if this whole sliding thing is worth it, since they might get into a really difficult situation and things may get worse for them, and all they had to do was stay on a peaceful world they may pass up someday. Colin tells Diana and the others that sliding to him is an adventure and their lives, but he feels that until they journey comes to an end, he wants to enjoy it with however many people will stay around; Colin states that he doesn’t mind the idea of sliding alone, but it wouldn’t be much fun if that happened to him. Diana finally pulls the check out of her bag, waving it in front of the three sitting at the table, stating that now she was ready to go shopping. Colin stands up and states he wanted to visit Brooklyn since he wants to visit all areas of New York, before time was up for them to return to California, so he plans to spend the day getting a taste of the New York life by whatever he encounters. Colin stands up and heads to the bathroom, while the others get ready to go out to a local bank. When Diana, Joel and Ryan arrive at a local Fifth Third Bank, the three enter the building with Diana finding a teller who could help her and she asks her to cash in her check after winning it big in the lottery a day ago. The teller looks confused, but processes the check and asks what type of bills she wants. Diana states she will take whatever so she can spend it quite easily. The teller explains to Diana that her money will be with her momentarily due to the large amount which will be taken from the bank’s vault. Diana tells the teller to take her time since they weren’t in any rush. As the teller walks away, Diana turns around to Joel and Ryan, stating she isn’t sure if they should shop on this world or wait to spread the money out, since she feels that living rich once is better than never having the money to spend wherever they want. Joel states they could just drive around in a limo for the afternoon and shop like there is no tomorrow. Ryan seems surprised of how easily it was to show up and get a check cashed, but maybe on this world, everyone is trusted. Diana states that it would be nice to have that as a possible world to live in, so she wouldn’t have to worry about getting raped or killed by a psycho out on the streets. Without anyone noticing, a man and woman enter, wearing raggedy clothing and bandannas over their faces and the man tells everyone to get on the floor after firing a few bullets into the ceiling. The three sliders quickly get to the ground and look worried as to wonder if this was their last slide of all.
Mallory arrives at the studio for the dating game show, with the woman he spoke with on the phone introducing herself as Marsha Winthromb and tells Mallory to follow her to her office. Mallory tells Marsha of how excited he is going on the show since he never really figured himself as the dating game show type of guy. Marsha states that many bachelors come on their show and usually end up getting married a few months after knowing the girl who chooses them. Marsha enters her office with offering Mallory a seat and her taking a seat behind the desk. Mallory crosses his legs and looking directly at Marsha. Marsha looks to Mallory with looking over a piece of paper on a clipboard, asking him questions about himself with the first one being, “Have you ever been sexually involved with the woman choosing the man of her dreams today?” Mallory shakes his head no, stating he doesn’t even know who the woman is. Marsha then asks “Will you agree to a prenuptial if the woman asks for one?” Mallory states he figures he isn’t likely to get picked anyway but would agree to have one written up, but it wouldn’t matter since he was leaving town soon. Marsha tells Mallory that if he is chosen, he can’t flee the country or he will go to prison. Mallory has a little fear appearing on his face, but doesn’t let the idea get to him. Wade and Roger arrived at The Boathouse for lunch, which was located in Central Park, and two of them getting a nice view of a lake with the sun reflecting off of it. Roger and Wade order their meals with the waiter soon walking away. Roger looks to Wade, asking her if she has ever been to a place like they were at now, with Wade responding that she couldn’t afford a place as expensive as the place they were presently at, since she doesn’t make the money. Roger apologizes to Wade, stating that he didn’t mean to bring up the subject, he just didn’t know her tastes in things. Wade states that she would enjoy a wealthy lifestyle, but with her traveling, she feels that what she gets is better than nothing. Roger tells Wade how much he envies her, but realizes this was his life, and he needs to accept it. Wade tells Roger that she understands how lucky he is with having the money to spend and be able to go to places that are better off than crappy looking places that she usually goes to for meals, but she isn’t trying to complain, just often feels that the wealthy might go overboard. Roger apologizes to Wade, and states that if she doesn’t feel comfortable in The Boathouse, they could go somewhere else for lunch. Wade tells Roger that it was okay, but maybe for another meal, they could go somewhere else, or just stay home, since she does feel a bit uncomfortable. Roger takes Wade’s right hand and kisses it, thanking Wade for the truth, since he hates it when people lie to him. Wade states that she will always have an opinion and won’t back down on her beliefs. Roger tells Wade that he likes women who are in control. Back at the bank, the woman is cleaning out the vault, as the man watches over the people to make sure no one is doing anything suspiciously. He does notice the sliders and heads over to the three who nervously look toward the man. He kneels down and has a sharp eye on Diana, pulling her up from the floor with grabbing her hair which is in a pony tail. The man looks at her and then yells back to the woman, stating he thinks they just found a rich woman and they could use her for as a hostage. The woman finishes up in the vault and then exits, with shutting the vault door. The woman gets close to the man and also looks at Diana, agreeing that she would make a perfect hostage. Joel looks up to the couple, stating Diana should be let go and have him replace her as the hostage. The woman this time grabs a hold of Joel’s turtleneck collar and brings him up with pointing a gun at his face. The woman states that they both can be hostages. The man looks at the woman then down at Ryan, stating he thinks all three should be taken. The man yells at Ryan to get up and the three soon are in front of the two gunmen, heading out the door. Before they can open the front door to the bank, they notice a couple police cars arriving in the parking lot. The man and woman shove the sliders back and telling them to return to their spot on the floor. The man tells the woman that they better find a new way to escape, since he realizes the cops could take them out. As two large men head toward the front door, the woman fires a few shots out the front door with surprising the officers who quickly get out of the way from being shot at which each going in a separate direction. The officer on the left calls in on his radio that there was a possible bank robbery in progress and would need back up. The woman heads back to the man, calling him Ronald and telling him they better get the people somewhere else, since they could consider the option of overpowering them. Ronald yells at everyone who again fires a few shots into the ceiling, stating that everyone needed to stand up and head toward the vault. The 15 people in the bank, including the sliders head toward the vault, with the teller who was helping the sliders beforehand open the vault. The woman pulls Diana out of the group, telling Diana she was needed for something else. Ronald grabs a hold of Diana and heads toward the front door to see what was happening. Joel tries to talk the woman into letting him and Ryan stay with Diana since he figures they were a team and he doesn’t want a team to be broken up. The woman whacks Joel over the head with her rifle, knocking him on his knees. Ryan assists Joel up and they continue to the vault where the woman slams it shut. Ronald forces Diana back with him as he heads to the woman, calling her Jennifer and telling her to tie Diana up in a chair with explosives around her chest which will be used for insurance to make sure that they will make it out alive and flee the country. Wade and Roger arrive back at Roger’s house in a limo and both soon exit. Roger shuts the limo door and grabs a hold of Wade’s hand and them turning toward the house and walking back inside. Roger tells Wade that he wanted to have a little fun in the evening since he is really enjoying her company and considered going to a movie, followed by dinner. Wade considers the idea to be fun and would really enjoy an evening with him, since she too is enjoying his company and wanted to tell him that she feels breathless when she is around him. Roger asks Wade if this was the first time she met a great guy. Wade shakes her head yes, explaining that she never met a guy who took such good care of his girlfriends. Roger smiles, telling Wade he is glad to know that she considers him a boyfriend. The two enter into the living room and Roger decides to call local theaters for movie times and Wade soon pours herself a glass of wine that was at a mini bar near the sliding door which was close to the fireplace. Roger also takes a glass for himself after Wade offers to pour him a drink. Wade sits across from Roger on the leather sofa, handing him a glass, which Roger puts down on a table close by. Roger states that he is listening to movie times, but wanted to make a toast to Wade for coming into his life and can’t believe how happy he is starting to become. They cling their glasses and both takes sips of the wine. Mallory is in a dressing room, getting ready, when Marsha enters, stating the show was about to go on and wondered if he was ready to go on. Mallory finishes tying his tie and states he is ready now more than ever. Marsha smiles, telling Mallory to follow her to the set. Mallory sees that two other guys are sitting on wooden stools and Marsha tells Mallory to take a seat in the remaining spot for the contestants. Mallory gets up on the stage, sitting in the middle chair, between the two guys looking over Mallory and looking at each other. The man to his right looks to Mallory and asks him if this was his first time on a dating game show; Mallory explains that it was and wanted to try to find a date. The man states he had been on 18 times before and still hasn’t been picked. Mallory tells the man that he figures he won’t get picked and just wanted to do this for some fun. The guy to his left tells Mallory and the other guy that he figures it was all part of a plot against American citizens to make them weak after getting rejected, but with getting a nice payment in the form of a check, he is fine with everything working out. Mallory asks the guy how much they will get for being on the show, with the guy explaining that the last check he got was around $250, but maybe it would be more. Mallory asks the guy to his right how much he has gotten, and the guy says about the same amount and he has really enjoys the idea of getting rejected, but if he was picked, he would get more, even enough for a honeymoon trip to Hawaii or the Caribbean. Mallory states that either way, he won’t go home unhappy. Colin exits a taxi and enters a park close by the Brooklyn Bridge with taking out his disposable camera and taking a couple pictures of the bridge. He continues to walk to check out the area, when he notices a group of artists in a small grassy area by the river and he decides to check it out. The teacher is walking around to see how her students are doing when she notices Colin getting close to the area. She steps into his path, with asking him if he was here for the art club; Colin tells the woman he was just fascinated by the artwork done by the painters and admires how well they can paint. The woman asks him if he would like to try to paint; Colin isn’t sure, explaining he did some painting back home, but really hasn’t done anything in quite a long time. The woman introduces herself as Sarah Pult and has Colin follow her to a table filled with painting supplies in an open area of the park and Sarah pulls out a paint brush and tells Colin to go to an easel and take a shot, since the paint is at the easel to work from. Colin puts his camera back in his jacket pocket and takes the brush with heading to an open easel and starts to get his paint colors prepared to be used. Back at the studio, the show begins with the host, Chuck Woolery introducing the guys and when he gets to Mallory, he calls him that, stating it sounds just like Cher, a one named person. The woman of choice comes out, with taking a seat, beside the guys but is blocked off by a wall between her and the three men. The host introduces the woman as Pamela, with Chuck asking her to begin her questions for the guys. Pamela speaks up, asking guy #1 the question of, Have you ever been a criminal? The first guy tells the woman he has not and doesn’t plan on it. Pamela asked both Mallory and the third man the same question. Mallory states he used to hot wire cars to joy ride or break into buildings to steal stuff. The third guy states he used steal food from a local grocery store for fun. The audience boos the man, with the man shrugging his shoulders. Pamela looks upset, then continues with asking the question, Have you ever slept with your girlfriend’s mother. The first guy states he would never do that, the third one states the same, Mallory explains that he got drunk at one party in his youth and accidentally did, but would never do it to her if they got together. Pamela asks Mallory if he was ever the next door neighbor type of guy; Mallory states he really wasn’t, but would be willing to give it a try, since Mallory explain that everyone needs a little excitement in life compared to a boring personality. Pamela then asks the third guy if he would ever date her sister, the guy states he would never do that, unless he wasn‘t with her currently. Chuck looks to Pamela, stating that she was now ready for the second round to continue questioning the guys and then finally choose a man. Chuck looks at the camera, telling the viewing audience to come back since Pamela wasn’t through interrogating the guys. Roger and Wade head to the swimming pool located in the basement of the house to keep themselves busy, due to the amount of time they had until the movie started. The two are swimming around, when Roger gets close to Wade and gives her a hug, then kisses her. Roger pulls back, stating he wanted to talk to her about something important; Wade states she was ready to talk now if he wanted, but Roger explains that it was something that could change their lives forever. Wade states she would get out of the pool and change into her clothes and they could talk in the living room. Roger states that they could enjoy some more time in the pool, and he could discuss things in the morning. Wade puts her arms around Roger, kissing him on the cheek and then swims away with Roger splashing water on her. Back at the bank, the police is covering the area, as the bank robbers are inside, with Diana still strapped to explosives. Jennifer tells Ronald that maybe they should try a different approach in getting out of the bank. Ronald heads to Diana, and then looking back to Jennifer; Ronald states that all they would have to do is use Diana for their hostage and make sure everyone realize they were not joking around. Diana states if they wanted money, they could take her lottery winnings and just walk out the back door, or she could always walk out claiming to be a robber, but her friends would need to come out of the vault to also be arrested, since they could switch places and they would go free. Ronald looks to Jennifer, wondering if that idea might work, but realizes it was just a trick to get people out to over take them. Jennifer gets in Diana’s face, stating that they wanted more than just lottery winnings or switching places, since they want enough money to support themselves for the rest of their lives, after they both lost their jobs to the government who don’t give a damn about them. Diana states that she agrees the government is not all that trustworthy, but at least they are trying to make Americans feel safe in the country, even if they have to be a little mysterious than most people in the world. Ronald tells Diana that he, along with Jennifer plan to leave the country and never come back to the United States. Diana states that they were probably going to be arrested and put in prison for the rest of their lives. A beeping sound is heard, and Jennifer soon heads to Diana’s jacket, with pulling out the PDL and also finding the timer. Ronald looks at both devices, asking Diana what the devices were. Diana states it was nothing; Jennifer slaps Diana on the face, stating that it was the wrong answer, and the next time she lies, she will regret it. Diana looks frustrated, but explains that she, along with the two friends in the vault came from a parallel world and they will be departing to another one soon. Jennifer asks Diana why the timing device was counting down from 56 hours. Diana states that is how long they have until the next window of opportunity is given to them. Ronald states it could be possible for them to stay in the bank until the timing device reaches zero and then travel to another world. Diana states that three other companions of hers were out in the real world and they would need to go along also. Jennifer states her friends can join them after they get to safety from the law. Diana explains that the timing device won’t hit zero for another couple of days, and they might not last that long in the bank, let alone the hostages in the vault. Ronald asks Diana if she could open the window sooner, with Diana explaining that she could, but if that happened, she wouldn’t be able to return to find her friends. Ronald tells Diana that she doesn’t have a choice, so unless the police give them what they want, they will be traveling somewhere else soon enough. Jennifer hangs onto the devices, with walking away and getting behind the teller stations. Ronald asks Diana if what they want will be possible. Diana states that she could send them to another world, but they will have to realize, once they leave this world, they can’t come back. Jennifer states that she likes new places and a new world might do the trick. Ronald states that he might give the police an hour and if they don’t help them out, he will plan five minutes before the window opens, to take the explosives off her, so they won’t get killed while traveling to the next world and set them to blow up and kill mostly everyone in the bank and parking lot. Diana doesn’t look too excited, but agrees to the idea. After Colin finishes with his painting, Sarah comes up to him, asking what the painting was supposed to be of. Colin states it was a tunnel between worlds and wanted to see how well he could remember it. Sarah looks at him in a confused way, asking him if he had seen the tunnel before. Colin states he meant he saw it from a dream he had, and it was a very wild dream. Sarah tells Colin he should try out for the art finals and get a chance to place it in an art gallery. Colin states he would really enjoy that, but had to move on soon and would not have time to wait for it. Colin starts to walk off, but stops, telling Sarah that she should put it in the art finals and maybe she could get the prize. Sarah asks Colin if he could sign his initials at the bottom of the painting; Colin turns back around and uses the brush to write his initials C.M. in the lower right hand corner. Colin hands the brush to Sarah, stating he really enjoyed painting and may consider getting back into his artwork when he gets back home or gets a few weeks of vacation, whichever comes first. Colin thanks Sarah for giving him an easel to work with for a while. Sarah tells Colin he is foolish for not taking the painting to finals, but agrees with his decision that someone shouldn‘t split their focus in life and should follow the current issues of ones life. Colin pats Sarah on the left shoulder and starts walking out of the park. Wade and Roger are traveling in the limousine to a local theater to watch a romantic comedy. Wade asks Roger what he wanted to talk about, since they had some time before arriving at the theater. Roger states that he might considering changing his mind on talking to her, since he feels what he wants to talk about is a bit fast paced. Wade states that she is willing to have an open mind with things quickly popping up in her life and will take on what he wants to talk about. Roger seems reluctant to talk to Wade, but he starts off, wanting to ask her if she really liked him for who he was instead of the money he has. Wade grabs Roger’s hand, stating she loves spending time with him and doesn’t care about money; Wade states as long as she is with a guy she likes, they could be homeless and living on the streets and she would love him for the rest of her life. Roger states it was great to hear that, since he believed she was very affectionate for him even with him having money. Roger explains to Wade that in the past, he has gotten involved with women who show they are selfless and sincere, but turn out to be people who want his money. Roger gets back to his idea he wanted to share, by telling Wade that with having a large company in his name soon enough, he will have to travel overseas for a short period of time, but may be working out of Europe to keep the business afloat out of the country and have it expand throughout the world. Wade seems confused, asking Roger if he was trying to ask her to come with him. Roger continues, explaining that he really is falling for her, which is rare for him, and he doesn’t know her future plans, but he would like her to be a part of his life and maybe down the road, get more involved into a serious relationship. Wade is very shocked, with explaining to Roger that she had just met him the previous day and was not sure how to answer him. Wade tells Roger that she really likes him and feels they could make it in the world as a couple, but the idea is so fast, since she has to consider certain things and make a decision that would change her destiny in life. Roger tells Wade that she may take as much time as needed, but he might get transferred within the next couple of months. Wade states she would consider certain things, and would tell him when the time was right for her. Roger apologizes for asking such a big thing to her, but really thinks he found the one person he would love the rest of his life. The limo soon arrives in front of the theater, the driver rolls the window divider down, with Roger telling the driver that the movie should end around 5:30 p.m. and he could pick them up in front of the theater and then they will be off to dinner. The driver tells Roger and Wade to have a nice time and the two exit the limo, with it taking off seconds after Roger closes the limo door.
As Colin is returning to the city by foot, he passes by a television store, and soon notices a breaking news report about a bank. The news reporter explains of two suspects who are a modern day Bonnie and Clyde pair who are holding up in the bank, along with twenty-some hostages. Colin soon pulls out his cell phone, dialing a number and soon getting Joel on the line but there is static. Joel asks Colin where he was at; Colin states he was watching a news report about a bank robbery gone bad. Joel states that they were in the bank, inside a vault, but Diana is out with the bank robbers and he fears Diana could get killed, since she had explosives placed onto her to wear. Colin states he would get a hold of Mallory and Wade and they would get to the bank as fast as possible. Joel tells Colin to be careful since something could happen. As “American Sweethearts” returns to the air, Chuck states that Pamela is about to reveal which guy she wants to marry. Pamela stands up from her seat and states that she really likes guy # 2 all the way. Chuck motions for Mallory to come out behind the wall to meet his match. Mallory is revealed to Pamela, who turns out to be Marsha, giving Mallory a shock and Marsha quickly gets excited, hugging Mallory and telling him she likes to fool people into believing she is someone else. Chuck asks Mallory what he thinks of being the luckiest guy on the planet. Mallory smiles, with stating it’s either a dream come true or his worst nightmare. Chuck ask the announcer what their honeymoon will be; the announcer speaks of a two week trip to Italy after they get hitched. Mallory looks confused, asking the host why he would be getting married instead of just a date. Chuck whispers into Mallory’s ear to read his contract that he signed. Mallory looks frustrated, but tried to look as if he was very excited about the whole idea of getting married to a stranger. Chuck tells Pamela that she can also meet the guys she didn’t pick; the host motions for the other guys to come out and shake Pamela’s right hand. As Wade and Roger are sitting in the movie theater, watching the movie, Roger’s cell phone vibrates. Roger smiles at Wade, and soon notices the call was from Colin. Roger whispers to Wade that the phone call was for her and she would have to take it outside. Wade takes the cell phone out into the lobby and answers the phone, asking Colin what was up. Colin tells Wade if she has been watching the news lately, with Wade stating that she was at a movie with Roger and really has been a bit to busy to watch the local news. Colin states that Diana, Joel and Ryan were hostages in a bank robbery and so far, the police can’t do anything, and one of the officers thinks Diana might have explosives connected to her. Wade is shocked of this news and states that they would get down to the bank as soon as possible. Wade asks Colin for the address of the bank, with Colin stating that the address was 755 Lakewood Avenue and she likely couldn‘t miss the scene of cop cars and a bank still open past it‘s closing time. Colin tells Wade to not be worried and was thinking of a possible solution to everything. Wade asks Colin if he has gotten a hold of Mallory yet, with Colin explaining that the studio said he won the dating game and was out to dinner, so he plans to get to the restaurant Mallory is at and pick him up. Wade states that she and Roger will get there hopefully within the hour. Colin states that he would be back at the bank soon enough. After Wade hangs the phone up, Wade returns inside the theater and pulls Roger out into the lobby area, explaining to him what is going on. Roger tells Wade to go back in for their jackets and he would call his driver to pick them up. Roger apologizes to Wade, stating he feels bad for her, but he realizes her friends were fighters and they will make it out alive, Wade thanks Roger, telling him he was very sweet to consider her feelings. Wade quickly returns inside the theater to get their things while Roger calls his driver to pick them up immediately. As the sun begins to set, police forces are still waiting outside the bank. Colin returns with Mallory and Wade and Roger soon show up in the limo. Wade heads to Mallory and Colin, hugging them both. Wade asks Colin if any progress has been made. Colin states that a negotiator is trying to talk to the bank robbers, Jennifer and Ronald Babcock to explain what they want. Wade notices Mallory with lipstick on his face, asking him how his date went. Mallory states that he was having too much fun and someone ruined it, but on the flip side, the woman who chose him originally made him believe she was coordinator for the show and had a different name, so it was a little scary. Colin looks to Mallory, stating that if he didn‘t arrive when he did, they would have been heading to the airport for Italy; Mallory explains that a trip to Europe would have been fun. Roger states that Italy was an enjoyable place to visit this time of year. Wade slaps Roger‘s shoulder, with Roger smiling at Wade, who then gives him a smile back. Wade heads to an Asian male, in his later years, talking on a phone with the bank robbers. Ronald is seen by the front door, holding Diana, who is still attached to the explosives. Inside, Diana notices her friends and asks Ronald to let her speak with a friend. Ronald seems reluctant to do it, but asks for a friend of his hostage. The Asian male looks behind him, asking if they knew the hostage by the front door. The sliders notice Diana and Colin decides to take the phone to speak with her. Diana asks Colin if everyone was okay, with Colin explaining that they were all fine, but he was more worried about who was inside. Ronald backs off a bit to let Diana be given some privacy, but stays close, as to not tip their control of the situation. Colin asks Diana what the two wanted, and Diana explains that they wanted to slide off to the next world. Colin asks Diana if they had a couple days left until the slide, with Diana agreeing that they did. Colin states that he might have an idea to let everyone get what they want. Diana asks for the plan, but Ronald takes the phone and hangs up, telling Diana that they weren’t making any deals with the cops, since he was not going to die. Diana states that she was speaking with a fellow traveler between worlds and he said he might have a plan to get everyone to safety. Ronald tells Diana that he can tell her friend wants them to turn themselves over to the police and they won’t do it. Jennifer pulls Diana back from the front door and pushes her down into a seat close to the teller stations. Diana tells the two that with two days until the vortex opens, the people in the vault will die. If they could trade the other hostages for her other friends, they would be safe and then once the timer hits zero, they could all slide off world. Ronald looks to Jennifer and pulls her off to the side, so that Diana couldn’t hear them and talk about something. With a couple of hours passing, the group outside, as well as inside were getting restless. A helicopter is hovering with shining a spot light on the front door. Inside, Ronald and Jennifer continue to be upset that they can’t get out of the bank. Jennifer tells Ronald that if they would have been smart and robbed a bank in Maine, they could have taken a ship over to Europe and not get caught. Ronald tells Jennifer to not let the situation get between them. Ronald forces Diana out of the chair, telling her to activate the timing device earlier than expected so they could get out of harms way. Diana states it wouldn’t be smart since the timer would likely be destroyed if they ever wanted to go to another world. Jennifer get upset and fires a shot into a wall, telling Ronald she is sick and tired of this and can’t believe they screwed up. Ronald tells Jennifer to just calm down and as soon as the timing device reached zero, they could get the hell out of their world and into another. Diana asks Ronald if her idea would work, since if they switched hostages, they would be safe and together. Jennifer asks Ronald if Diana’s idea would work. Ronald seems concerned that if her friends came in to replace the hostages, they might turn on them. Diana tells the two that once her friends come in, put them in the vault, so she would be the only one still outside as their hostage. Ronald agrees to the idea, contacting the officer who he spoke with earlier. The phone rings outside by a police car that the group were standing around. The negotiator answers the phone and soon looks back to the sliders, and soon putting Ronald on hold. The officer looks to the sliders, stating that her friend has made a deal with her hostage takers to exchange hostages, so they would go in and the others would go free. The sliders look at each other and Wade states that they were ready to go. Wade soon grabs a hold of Roger’s hand, holding it tightly. The negotiator tells Ronald that the group was headed to the front door, and so he would need to do the same with the other hostages. The sliders soon begin to walk toward the bank door with caution, unsure if they could get shot at. Ronald and Jennifer let the hostages out, but force Joel and Ryan to remain in there, since they weren’t going anywhere. Ronald closes the vault door and tells the hostages to go to the front door. Ronald notices a fourth person walking in and gets angry, firing shots at three of the hostages who soon go down, while the rest escape. Ronald forces the sliders down on the ground, telling them that the deal was only the other travelers between worlds, and no one else. Roger sits up, stating that he was with Wade, and he was just a bystander. Ronald fires a few more shots into the three people, killing them all. Jennifer forces the four up, stating that it was time to enter the vault. Colin speaks up, stating that he had a solution to their escape. Ronald and Jennifer listen up while Colin speaks of another timing device that can also lead to parallel worlds. Colin slowly pulls out his timer from inside his jacket. Colin activates the timer, with lights turning on and noises being heard from it. Ronald asks Colin how such a device can exist. Colin states that it wasn’t important, but he can set the timer to activate a portal in a minute, and they can travel to the next world and be on their way. Jennifer and Ronald look at each other and Ronald tells Colin to do it, but he was going to take a couple hostages with them to make sure they get to wherever safely. Diana speaks up, stating that she would obviously go. Mallory suggests that they let his other friends go, but Jennifer puts a gun to his neck, stating that she’d rather put a bullet through his head, but she will take him anyway. Colin tells everyone to back up and Colin soon opens a portal, a large green colored vortex appears in front of the group which Ronald, Jennifer and Roger are shocked of what they are seeing. Wade looks to Roger, stating that this was her lifestyle and how she travels. Roger states that it was very amazing and liked the illuminating color. Ronald takes the timer and grabs a hold of Diana, rushing into the portal. Jennifer does the same with Mallory and the portal soon shuts. Colin looks to Wade, stating that they need to rush to open the vault, since the vortex would be returning them soon. As the two head to the vault, Wade tells Colin he was a genius. Colin states that hopefully his plan will work and they can capture two killers. Roger quickly locates the combination on the computer which was already up. Colin quickly turns the knob and gets the vault door back open. Ryan and Joel are relieved to see their friends. Wade tells the two that the enemy would return and need to get ready for their arrival, since they will have a few seconds of slowed reaction. Joel and Ryan were ready to fight and the group return back by the location of where the wormhole will open. Joel and Ryan are also shocked to see dead bodies, with Roger stating that Ronald thought he was a cop and shot people for revenge. Ryan states that he is relieved that they weren’t killed once they entered the bank. The portal soon appears again, and the four exit the portal. Joel and Roger soon take down Ronald, while Wade, Colin and Mallory hold down Jennifer. The two fight the sliders, and manage to get free. Ronald takes a hold of Diana and fires a couple shots, both hitting Ryan in the leg, and Jennifer hits Mallory in the shoulder. Ronald tells Jennifer it was time to move, Ronald rips something off of Diana and rush outside, with Jennifer following. The group hear gun fire. Colin heads to Diana, and realizes it could be detached from her, but noticed a timer counting down from a minute, so Colin quickly takes it off and places it on the floor. Roger and Wade help Ryan out the door, while Joel, Diana and Colin help Mallory out. The group rush back to the negotiator and Joel tells him that they need to go, since the bank could go up at any second. The sliders get put into two separate police vehicles and the group of police officers rush out of the parking lot. As the cars fly down the road to the hospital, the bank explodes, sending a ripple throughout the city and sending a few cop cars off the road, including the ones the sliders were in, which included the car that had Diana, Mallory and Colin hit an electric pole, and the one that had the others in it, hit a parked car close to a driveway. With midnight arriving, the sliders are still at the hospital, awaiting the news of the others. Roger soon arrives, sitting by Wade and hugging her, asking how things were going. Wade states that they haven’t heard how Ryan and Mallory were, but hopefully they will soon. A doctor soon arrives, telling the group that their friends both did well in surgery, but they needed their rest, so it might be smart to go home and return in the morning. Diana thanks the doctor, shaking his hand and the doctor soon walks away. The group feel relieved of having their friends still around. Roger states that they could all crash at his place for the night, since it has been a long day. Roger puts his arm around Wade as they walk down the hallway. Joel and Colin both put their arms around Diana as they walk down the hallway. In the morning, Wade is going for a swim in the pool at Roger’s house, and soon notices Diana standing by the edge of the pool. Wade stops swimming, asking how she felt. Diana states that after yesterday, she can handle anything that will come their way. Wade gets out of the pool, telling Diana that she was very brave, especially having the explosives attached to her. Diana tells Wade that she almost thought she was going to die. Wade hugs Diana, who then begins to cry, and puts her arms around Wade. Joel soon walks in, not realizing what is happening and reveals to the two that he just got off the phone and they could go see Mallory and Ryan whenever they were ready. Wade tells Joel that they would be out soon. Diana soon backs away from Wade, wiping her tears, and telling the two that they could go, since she just needed a hug. Wade states that whenever she needed one, she will gladly be around. Joel tells Diana that he feels bad for her, but she should realize they were alive and together, so they should feel good about life. Diana states that she is glad to have slept with a guy, since if she would have gotten blown up, she wouldn’t have had a great night with a guy she barely knew. Joel states that Colin and Roger were preparing breakfast, so they should join them soon. Wade states that she would change clothes and meet them downstairs. Joel puts his arm around Diana as the two walk down a flight of stairs a few feet beyond the pool entrance. Joel, Colin, Diana, Wade and Roger show up at the hospital where Mallory and Ryan were staying at. The group soon get to the room which had them both in it. Roger tells the sliders that he would wait outside, since he felt that they were a family and he really was just a stranger. The four sliders enter the room, to find Mallory half awake and watching television and Ryan missing. Diana goes to Mallory, telling him good morning with Mallory unsure if the morning was that good. Wade asks Mallory where Ryan went to, with Mallory explaining that since Ryan got shot in the leg, he was being put in a cast and would be using crutches for a while. Diana states that at least Ryan can feel what she had to feel last year, when they landed in earthquake country and had to use one for a couple weeks until Ellis Island had advanced technology to get her back on her feet. Joel asks Mallory how his shoulder was, with Mallory commenting that it wasn’t much fun to get hit with a gun. Colin states that he knows what it’s like to get shot in the shoulder. Mallory states that hopefully they won’t have to deal with another hostage situation for at least another hundred slides or so. Wade tells Mallory that Ronald and Jennifer were killed and once the building went up, the bodies got burnt to a crisp, but since they were dead, they didn’t feel much pain. Colin states that he is glad to know the situation was over with, but he feels a bit upset that he lost his timer, but also he really liked his plan that saved all who needed to be saved which is more important. Diana tells Colin that she had wondered if he had something up his sleeve when he pulled out his timer. Colin explains that the only way to distract the two was to do something so shocking the two would be weak, and despite two of their friends getting shot at, was still a good end result. Wade states that she feels bad that the hostages who died and wonders if they wouldn’t have died if they wouldn’t have did what they did there, but at least Ronald and Jennifer were gone and would no longer hurt anyone. The door opens and Roger enters with Ryan, walking with crutches. Ryan states that Roger looked bored, so he thought he would invite him in. A nurse is accompanying Ryan and helps him back to bed. Roger gets close to Wade, putting his arm around her, telling Mallory that hopefully he will get better, but wonders if he hadn’t join them in the bank if it still would have caused what happened with the hostages who died. Diana states that she felt stupid for not mentioning another person, but at the time, she wasn’t thinking. Diana tells Roger to not beat himself up over it, they had a short amount of time to figure things out and there was a huge risk of death. Roger states that he feels a bit closer to the group after experiencing the hostage crisis. Wade tells Roger that he was definitely part of the group. As the nurse leaves, Ryan looks to the group, stating they were alive and that is all that matters, plus he might get a nurse’s phone number, and maybe seek out the double on the next world, and hopefully the nurse will still be a nurse on the next world. As the following afternoon arrived, Wade, Colin, Joel and Diana arrive at a 40/40 Club, meeting Roger there for lunch. Roger kisses Wade on the cheek and welcomes the others into a place he considers a second home. Wade asks Roger if they could talk with Roger stating that if they liked pool, they could go play a game. Colin and Joel seem up to, with Diana going along to maybe take a shot at winning against some guys. Roger takes a seat on a sofa with Wade joining him, asking Wade where Mallory and Ryan were at. Wade states that they will be released in a few hours and they plan to pick them up before they have to leave. Roger states that he was a bit shocked to learn the truth and finally find out who she was. Wade tells Roger that she often hates the idea of telling people she travels between world, since it doesn’t exactly go over so well. Roger states that he has an open mind about things and is really appreciative to have met a traveler between parallel worlds. Roger tells Wade that her friends are great people to travel with. Wade states that beside their little tiffs, they get along great. Roger states that her friends definitely were prepared for the hostage situation and luckily made it out alive. Wade tells Roger to not blame himself, since the two killers had bad attitudes and Ronald chose to kill people for fun. Roger asks Wade if she had decided about their relationship with Wade reluctant to answer, but tells Roger that she has made a decision that she might regret down the road. Roger tells Wade that he understands her situation and hopes someday down the road he could find a woman like her to love. Wade comments, stating that he could track down her double, but she might look different. Roger tells Wade that he has an enjoyable three days together, more than he could say with his previous girlfriends. Wade tells Roger that he is a great guy, and almost wishes he could give it all up and come with them through the gateway, but realizes he has a life. Roger tells Wade he did consider letting it all go for her, but he too felt he needed to make the right choice. Wade states that Diana had the coordinates in a device she works with and she could always come back for him. Roger hugs Wade and they share a kiss. With the sun slowly going down, Mallory and Ryan return to the motel they were staying at. Wade greets her friends as the arrives back inside the room. Diana states that it took forever for the doctors and nurses to let them leave. Wade states that they were cutting it a bit close with a few minutes until the slide. Mallory tells Wade that he figured she would return once sliding off to rescue them. Wade tells Mallory she probably would have hooked up with a couple of guys and keep going. Mallory smiles, telling Wade that sometimes, her jokes scare him. Wade slaps Mallory’s shoulder, who feels a bit of discomfort and backs away from Wade. Joel asks Wade to step outside for a minute since he had something to say. The two exit out, with Wade closing the door. Joel tells Wade that he feels like a stupid idiot for telling her the things he did about Roger, since he shouldn’t have judged Roger at first glance. Wade thanks Joel for the apology, stating that she kinda did get why he acted the way he did, since even when they went out for lunch, she felt a bit uncomfortable and Roger didn’t really notice it until she commented about the place. Joel tells Wade that in the future, he will give people a chance, but he just often feels worried about the others and would hate for them to lose it over someone destroying their emotions. Wade hugs Joel, telling him that he was a good friend, but they should probably go, since the others don’t want to be stuck for 29 years, even though she wouldn‘t mind it. The two enter back into the room, Wade reveals of a minute left to go. Diana states that she saved the world’s coordinates, in case anyone wanted to come back. Wade tells Diana that she read her mind and feels appreciative to have a possible choice to return and live with Roger when the time is right. Mallory states that maybe he could return and finally get married to Pamela or Marsha, or whoever that woman was that he met. Wade opens the vortex with herself jumping into the portal first. Mallory follows with Joel helping Ryan into the portal, following him to make sure when they exit the vortex on the next world, he won’t break his leg. Diana looks to Colin who motions her to go, which she does and Colin takes one look back and leaps into the portal, with the portal closing seconds later. Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill Dial
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