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Episode U-810: An Adventure Of A Lifetime

Sorry for being gone so long. I'm hoping to post the rest of the season over the next few months, so bare with me.Logline: After landing on a world where money is no longer used and everything that is by credit card or electronically via the internet, Ryan soon realizes that his double is a world wide known celebrity for doing several extreme activities, from sky diving to climbing Mount Everest, but Ryan’s adventurer double has disappeared, leading Ryan to take over his doubles role in the spotlight with the others racing against time to find the double before it was time to slide. Episode 10: An Adventure Of A Lifetime Starring: Charlie O’Connell, Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Judd Hirsch as Wesley Smith, Holly Marie Combs as Gina Smith, Paul Feig as Leonard Wilson, and Cynthia Nixon as Detective Veronica Loughlin Synopsis: The vortex opens up in a parking garage, with the sliders exiting, including Joel who is spitted out and then Wade comes flying out, knocking him down and landing on top of him. After the vortex closes, Joel and Wade get up, with Wade apologizing, stating that she usually ends up going before him. Joel accepts her apology, stating that he is getting used to being knocked down when he exits the vortex. Mallory tells Joel that he shouldn’t feel so alone, because when he started sliding, he kept ending up in dumpsters or thrown into bushes. Diana states that they slide out in about 8 days. The group exits the parking garage, with them realizing that they ended up by the Empire State building. Ryan tells the others that on one of these worlds they’ll have to visit the Empire State building since he never visited New York on his world to explore it and would like to on one of these worlds. Wade tells the others that they should stop at Barnes and Nobles to get a history book to scoop out what is different on this world. Diana states that they had to skip lunch in order to stay alive and she wasn’t going to skip dinner. Wade agrees with Diana, pointing out a bistro, so they all decide to eat, taking off toward the place. Once seated, the group order pasta meals and then wait for their drinks to arrive. Colin states that with a few days on this world they should try to relax, since lately they are either running from something or hoping that a plane doesn’t drop a bomb on their heads. Wade tells Colin that they were all lucky to survive the start of the second world war for the United States and move on after the loss of people they got close to, so he should show a little respect to the fallen heroes at Pearl Harbor. Colin apologizes, stating that he was just trying to make conversation and will watch what he says next time he speaks, even though Ryan did the same thing when they were visiting Hawaii. Ryan tells Colin that he just isn’t the type of guy to express his emotions, nor does he feel the need to watch what he says around people. Wade tells Ryan that if he ever expects to find a woman, he better start acting differently and be more of a gentleman. A boy on the other side of the bistro notices Ryan, who is seated at the end of the table, and the boy walks over to Ryan, asking him for an autograph. Ryan looks confused, telling the kid that he could, with writing his name down on the pad of paper the kid had, with the boy walking away, thanking him for his signature. Ryan looks to the others, questioning the kid, then he looks up at a television monitor by the bar close by, anchored from the ceiling, noticing his double on it, stating that he will be white water rafting on the next adventure which everyone should tune into to watch. Ryan is shocked to see his double a television star and is surprised the theme of the show is outdoor sports which is what he had enjoyed doing back on his homeworld. With the group finishing their meals, the sliders soon start exiting, with Joel paying for dinner, but the cashier looks confused at Joel, asking what he was giving her. Joel states that he was paying the bill of their meals. The woman looks confused at Joel again, then apologizes, stating that he was funny and she is somewhat interested in currency from the 1800s. Colin, who is beside Joel, steps up, apologizes to the woman, handing her his credit card and states that his friend likes showing off his currency to people for some unknown reason. Joel picks up his money, placing them back in his wallet. The woman pushes over an electronic device, asking Colin for his fingerprints. Colin places his right hand on it, with the machine beeping and the woman handing his card back to him, telling him to have a nice day. Colin takes his hand off the machine and starts walking outside with Joel, catching up to the others already outside waiting for them. Joel looks to Wade, stating that he has figured out what is different about this world, with explaining that money no longer exists and everything is apparently paid for by credit, or possibly the use of the internet. Wade states that it should be fun on this world since Colin has the credit card, and they could go on a spending spree, without paying for a bill. Colin tells Wade that since he was the only one with a credit card, he doesn’t plan to spend it all on one world and would prefer to keep it around in case of future emergencies. The group catch a bus, with Colin having to slide his credit card through a machine before the doors could open on the bus and him having to pay for six people. The group soon head farther downtown New York and arrive at a stop where lodging was close by. The six sliders exit the bus and are about to enter a Hotel 6, which surprise them, when a couple of women stop Ryan in his tracks, asking for autographs. Ryan agrees, signing his name on a couple more pieces of paper before entering the hotel. With getting a room, and starting to relax, Ryan, who is streched out on the sofa, starts watching his double on his adventure show, surprised of how exciting his double gets to live. Wade soon takes a seat close by, asking Ryan why he didn’t pursue that type of stuff on his world and make a lot of money to be on television. Ryan tells Wade that he wasn’t given a chance, since of the situation involving the lottery and how he had planned to die, before another Wade Welles double stopped him from doing so. Wade tells Ryan she heard about the situation involving the group she was with, and that her double had fallen in love with a different Ryan, but he disappeared after sliding with them to another world. Ryan states that after joining his Wade, Quinn and Rembrandt, he finally had felt like he was going to get close to Wade, but all she could do was think of Quinn and he didn’t want to pursue his feelings for her, since he knew she had eyes for only one guy. Wade tells Ryan that she is glad that he decided to hitch a ride with Professor Arturo and is where he is today since she likes having him around. Ryan thanks Wade, stating that even now, he still feels without a world to live on and hopes someday he will live on a world he can enjoy. Diana exits the bathroom, with coming over by the two, stating that she looked out the bathroom window to see a lot of people standing around at the entrance of the hotel and even a guard was standing at the front door. Ryan looks at Diana and Wade, wondering if his fans have arrived. Colin, Joel and Mallory return with drinks and ice from the lobby, with Joel stating that people were at the front door and they were chanting Ryan’s name. Ryan states that maybe he should go down and see his fans. Wade tells Ryan to not get involved, since this wasn’t his earth and that his double might get upset if he took his fame away from him. Ryan tells his friends not to worry, since he figures he could sign a few autographs and return in a half hour. Ryan exits out the door, with Wade looking to the guys, stating that he shouldn’t be left alone. Joel and Mallory decide to go downstairs to watch out for Ryan, with Colin, Diana and Wade staying in the room. Once getting to the lobby, Ryan goes to the front door, with opening it and stating that his fans have arrived and he was ready to please them all. Ryan goes out into the crowd, but soon disappears. Mallory and Joel soon arrive at the front door seconds after, but don’t see Ryan. Joel opens up the front door, asking the guard where Ryan went to; the guard states that he really wasn’t paying attention and figures Mr. Smith was having the time of his life. Mallory notices Ryan and heads out into the crowd himself, with pulling Ryan back up, with having no shirt, messed up hair and lipstick all over his face. Ryan states that he never experienced anything like that before, but he loved it. Joel tells Ryan that they should get back to the room, since something could happen and he doesn’t want to have any more problems arise since they’ve had to many to deal with lately. A man from the crowd bursts into the hotel, with stopping the guys and introducing himself as Leonard Wilson, giving out a business card to Joel. Leonard Wilson explains that he was recently hired by the show to be Ryan’s assistance, since the show needed help to seek out adventures that Ryan could perform. Ryan states that he doesn’t mind the help, but he should just talk to the show instead of talking to him, since he didn’t control what the producers chose for episodes. Mr. Wilson tells Ryan that after he heard of his return to society, he was sent by the show to bring him back to do a job out in Colorado. Mr. Wilson explains that he found this unique adventure out in Colorado for kayaking and he would need to head out west as soon as possible. Ryan tells Mr. Wilson to give him a few minutes to talk about things with his friends and would be back down shortly. Mr. Wilson tells Ryan that he would wait in the lobby for his return. Once returning to the room, the three sliders inside the room are shocked of the way Ryan looked. Joel tells the three that they just met an assistant to the show and they need Ryan to go to Colorado for an adventure. Diana states that if he did go, he would need to make sure he was back in time for the slide. Ryan states that he still is confused why his double wasn’t around, but he figures he could learn things and get back to them about the location of his double. Wade states that they should go on a hunt for Ryan’s double since he may have gone into hiding for some reason. Joel tells Wade to cool her jets since he isn’t sure about the situation and wouldn’t want to get them into another murder mystery. Ryan states he was fine with everything, but like he had just said, if he finds out where his double is, he could contact them about it, and they might have to go in search for him if the double has gone missing. Joel tells Ryan that he better know what he is getting himself into. By the following morning, Ryan and Mr. Wilson meet the producers of the show, a man named Jerry Farmer and a woman named Stella Warwick at a restaurant for breakfast. Jerry and Stella both stand up from the table they were sitting at to greet Ryan back to the real world. The four take seats, with a waitress arriving to hand out menus asking Ryan and Leonard if either of them wanted coffee, with them both agreeing to it. Stella tells Ryan that she is glad to see him so healthy and more alert. Ryan states that he had a change of heart on life and wants to get back out in the world. Jerry asks Ryan if he was updated on the events for the next few days; Ryan states that he is well aware of the situation and can’t wait to go out to Colorado to face the river ride he’ll enjoy doing. Jerry tells Ryan that they’ve been thinking of firing him from the show after so many issues have come up, on whether or not he can handle being the star of the show. Ryan tries to persuade Jerry that he is a changed person and apologizes for all the hell that he put the show through or even people in his personal life. Stella tells Ryan that if he thinks like that from now on, they shouldn’t have to worry about replacing the star of a very high rated show. Once returning to the room, Ryan finds his friends relaxing around the room, with Diana, Wade and Joel watching television and Colin and Mallory playing chess by the window, behind the sofa. Joel welcomes Ryan back to the real world and ask what he found out. Ryan takes a seat by Diana on the right hand rest of the sofa, stating that he believes his double is an alcoholic with a short temper and the people he saw this morning think he is the real deal. Wade tells Ryan that as long as he plays the role of the double, he shouldn’t worry about screwing things up. Mallory asks Ryan if he was going to actually head to Colorado, with Ryan stating that he wants a little adventure before they slide off, and really will enjoy playing the part of his double. Joel asks Ryan if he found out anything involving the whereabouts of his double, with Ryan explaining that he figures his double has disappeared, since he apparently wasn’t having a good time on the show and he learned that the producers wanted to fire him. Diana suggests that his reappearance might have sparked the producers to believe he has come back into society and ready for action. Ryan states that his double might not want to be found, but even he agrees that he doesn’t want to be stuck on a world that he doesn’t want to be a part of. Colin states that he figures it was up to them to figure out where the double went to. Ryan tells the others that he thinks that even though this world may have a few set backs, this world will be one he can enjoy being on since he won’t have to do the hard work this time. Diana looks to Ryan, stating that maybe on the next world he will have to get a job to cover their meals and lodging situation. Ryan smiles, stating that he was needed back at the studio to cover a few things before his flight in a few hours. Ryan states that it might be a good idea to start with family and friends and maybe move to possible other locations his double might be at. Wade states that she might head to a local internet cafe and try to track down the family; Mallory agrees to go with Wade to search, since he feels that with searching, they should be paired up in case different angles are revealed, so they can speed things up without wasting time. Diana states that until further notice, the rest of them can stay in the room. Ryan states that he figures his double won’t be found, but if he was, his double can return to adventure seeking and continue being a celebrity, since Ryan is confused why his double would want to leave the spotlight, along with making millions. Diana states that it could be possible for his double to have gone into hiding for a reason and they could be screwing up the life of the Ryan of this world. Joel agrees with Diana, telling Ryan that he may want to be careful with what he does since he could be targeted for something his double did. Ryan states that he believes he is taking a huge risk, taking on the role of his double, but feels nothing will get disturbed, since when they slide out, no one will find him and then society can believe Ryan Smith has gone into hiding again. Wade suggests that if they do locate the family, that they should keep the news to themselves on the whereabouts of the double, since the family might keep a tight lid on where Ryan’s double was at and not want to tell the rest of the world. Ryan states that hopefully they will get their answers, but he feels that if nothing comes up to not worry about it, since he just wants to have an adventure. The other sliders smile at Ryan, with him soon standing up and walking out the door with saying farewell to his friends. Out in the Colorado area, Ryan is being transported by a limousine, along with Leonard, Stella and Jerry on their way to a hotel after their long flight. Stella, dressed in a dark colored outfit sits across from Ryan, stating that ratings have declined a bit, but figures that with this episode, things should look up. Jerry looks to Ryan, stating that he is definately a popular icon among the women age groups 18-70 which is a good way to bring things up. Ryan states that he feels that doing these sports obviously are a rush which should excite the guys to watch and then go out and experience the sports for themselves, since the whole point of the show is to go extreme and enjoy ones youth. Stella tells Ryan she is surprised of such a turnaround in his character, since the past couple of months he was having problems and even had to join an AA group to survive a life without alcohol, which didn’t look like it was helping. Leonard tells Ryan that he should feel right at home when they arrive at the hotel, since he personally called the hotel who has fitted the room just for him. Ryan states that they didn’t have to go to all the trouble because he was just a simple man. The three in the limo start laughing, with Jerry stating that at least Ryan has his sense of humor back. Back in New York, Wade and Mallory arrive at an internet cafe, with Wade taking off to sit at a computer and Mallory going to order some coffee since it was very cold outside and they couldn’t catch a ride with little or no taxi service. Wade finds a location with a computer, she could use that was free for her use. Wade starts to work online, but a credit card number was needed. Mallory soon shows back up, stating that they have to wait a few minutes for coffee. Wade states that she hates the idea of everything being electronic. Mallory states that he was given Colin’s credit card before leaving the hotel, with Wade asking for it and with Mallory handing it to her, she punches in the numbers and she is able to proceed to connect to the internet. After a few seconds, Wade gets to a search engine and puts in Ryan’s name and searches for possible leads they can follow. Once the search was complete, Wade finds a link “The Disappearance Of Ryan Smith”, and with clicking on the link, she finds an article from the CNN.com website, showing a picture of Ryan’s double, with shaggy blonde hair and a goatee and explaining of Ryan’s disappearance. Wade looks to Mallory, stating that they just might be onto something. Joel arrives at a local library, with finding the magazine section and searching through adventure magazines to find anything involving Ryan’s double. A librarian approaches and asks Joel if he needed any help, with Joel asking if they had any magazine articles involving Ryan Smith, the extremist. The librarian states that she would look up the name in the database and would be back shortly. Joel continues to look through magazines, possibly getting lucky in finding anything out about the double. Colin returns to the room, with finding Diana doing some work with the PDL. Diana closes the device, asking Colin how his search went. Colin states that without his credit card, it was cold outside since he didn’t have the money to get taxi service or ride the city bus. Colin takes his jacket, hat and gloves off, placing them in the closet. He grabs a cup of coffee and soon joins Diana at the table she was working on, explaining that he visited a couple local sports bars and even stopped at a sportings good store, asking around about Ryan’s double. Diana asks if anyone was willing to give out information. Colin states that most of the people he talked to were fascinated by Ryan Smith, but they really didn’t seem that knowledgeable of his whereabouts, or if they had heard of any problems arising in the star’s personal life, but no such luck. Colin tells Diana that he did speak with a woman at the sportings good store who mentioned something about Ryan disappearing over six years ago, but she really hadn’t caught any news coverage involving Ryan’s situation or if he had quit sports all together. Diana states that hopefully no one wants to take out the double, or else Ryan will get in the way and possibly get harmed. Colin asks Diana if Ryan left a telephone number to reach him. Diana states that she had written it down and put the piece of paper somewhere, and would have to search for it. Back at the internet cafe, Wade keeps searching for possible leads, with Mallory soon joining her from being outside. Wade asks Mallory how the weather was, since she still doesn’t understand why anyone who smokes would go out in below zero temperatures for a smoke. Mallory states that the building doesn’t let anyone smoke inside, so he needed to calm his nerves and had to do it, even if it meant being outside. Wade suddenly clicks on something, shocked to find what she had been looking for. Wade tells Mallory that while he was outside having fun, she was searching for possible leads for Ryan’s family and she had located the names in an address look up from other informative sources naming his family members. Mallory asks if she had an address, with Wade stating that she found one in the area, so all they had to do was find the house, talk to the family and explain to them that they know Ryan’s double and hope that they won’t toss them in the loony bin. Joel arrives back to the room, with finding Colin and Diana just sitting around. Joel states that he bought some drinks and then tosses Colin a Coke, along with tossing one to Diana, who both miss catching their drinks, with Joel commenting that maybe they should stay away from any major league basketball teams. Colin tells Joel that he is just jealous, since he was taller than him. Joel states that people who are 6’3 tend to have low IQ scores. Diana tells the guys that maybe they would like to continue this on some debate show. Joel and Colin laugh at her, with Colin stating that they need to make fun of each other to keep their spirits up. Joel tells the two that he found some information pertaining to Ryan’s double at a local library in the magazine section, along with some information to back up the situation they had at the diner. Joel goes into an explanation where apparently on this world, back during the civil war, which had advanced weapons, like they did during the Vietnam war, and it was a bloody battle. Joel continues on that under the presidency of James Buchanan, who won the election in 1861, beating out presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln, with being considered a great president, had a well known man under him, which on most worlds was known for his counterfeiting, by the name of Benjamin Boyd who worked with the money, and in the early 1880s, Boyd made a way for currency to be gotten rid of completely, and everyone used early devices as credit machines to basically tab everything to a bill and would pay it later. Colin comments that it’s the early version of the credit card, and figured with it starting back then so early, people probably added on a lot of debt. Joel agrees, but he finally understands why the cashier at the bistro looked at him in an odd way. Diana then asks Joel if he had much luck in finding anything out that might help them with Ryan’s double. Joel tells Diana and Colin that Ryan’s double is very popular among a lot of youngsters who obviously look up to him, and he read about all the places Ryan’s double has visited, lived or even vacationed, but nothing that stuck out in his mind besides the possible locations that Ryan’s double had lived. Colin suggests that maybe they should try other angles in the double’s disappearance, something that just isn’t sticking out. Diana states that hopefully Wade and Mallory can find some help, and maybe if they find the family, they’ll say something that will reveal clues to the doubles whereabouts. Colin states that if they didn’t find Ryan’s double before they slide out, it would be a shame, but nothing to feel guilty about since the double took off and is either dead or taking on another identity as someone else on this world. Diana asks Colin how cold he can be, since she thought they were all trying to make an effort to find the double. Colin states that searching for the double is at the top of their list, but he often feels that sometimes they get in over their heads too easily to help out, and not realize the danger they may face. Joel tells Colin that he in some way agrees, stating that on one of these worlds, they could try to help and they could all be killed off. Diana asks the guys if she was dreaming, since she thought everyone in the group was a team player. Joel tells Diana that even she had doubt on a few worlds they visited, but Diana intervenes, stating that she is willing to open her mind to things, and if she feels that if a situation on a world needs to be fixed, they might as well take the opportunity. Colin tells Diana that they do everything for others and it might be time to just let it go and slide aimlessly. Colin continues, stating that he’ll keep an open mind, but they should really think about things before it’s all over for them. In a part of town that is wealthy looking, a taxi is driving through the area, with Wade and Mallory riding around in it. Mallory states that hopefully with locating his family, they might be able to help them understand the disappearance of the double, or possibly help if the family doesn’t know where the double was at. Wade states that they’ve run into people before who aren’t the helping type. Wade soon notices the address, telling the taxi driver to stop; Wade pays the man, with sliding the credit card through a machine in front of her that was attached to the seat, telling him to wait a few minutes and they would be back. The driver agrees to wait, but tells Wade that he just doesn’t want to wait all day. Mallory and Wade exit the taxi, with soon heading up to a blue colored house with a white picket fence surrounding the home with a nice white layer of snow on the lawn and the walkway cleared out. Wade asks Mallory if they’ve landed on a world where Leave It To Beaver was a reality. Mallory states it wouldn’t be the first world they visited where everything seemed perfect. Once arriving at the front door, Wade rings the doorbell, with a man answering the door. He asks the sliders who they were and Wade states that it has to do with the disappearance of Ryan Smith. The man lets them in, with Wade taking her hat and gloves off, and the man offering them any drinks, with both declining. The man invites them into his living room, with them both taking a seat on the sofa, and the man taking a seat close by in a green colored recliner. The man introduces himself as Wesley Smith, Ryan’s father and he wanted to know about his son. Wade apologizes for the way she said things, and wanted to explain something, involving Ryan. Wade states that they are from a parallel world and they have a friend also named Ryan Smith and once entering this dimension, Ryan soon took off as a popular outdoorsman, taking the spot of the Ryan of this world. Wesley tells Wade that she can say what she wants, but he isn’t going to believe her. Mallory tells Wesley that it was the truth and they want to help in locating the real Ryan, unless he was willing to share some information to explain his disappearance. Wesley takes a few sips of tea, before telling the two that he already has a detective working on the case and doesn’t want any lunatics working a case that is far more complicated than anyone could understand. The front door opens, with a woman walking inside, calling out to Wesley, asking what a taxi was doing at the end of the driveway. She walks in to the living room, to notice the sliders, then seems confused but walks into the kitchen and remains quiet for a while. Wesley calls in his daughter, calling her Gina, and stating that he wanted her to meet some people. Gina walks in, asking what was going on. Wesley tells Gina that they were people claiming to know where Ryan might be. Mallory intervenes, stating that they didn’t say that. Gina asks Wade and Mallory who they were and what they wanted from Ryan. Wade states that she tried explaining to her father about them being from a parallel world and they have a Ryan duplicate who is taking the place of her brother. Gina states that she doesn’t get the prank and would rather have them leave. Wesley agrees with Gina, telling Wade and Mallory to leave the house, or he would call the police to arrest them. Mallory and Wade stand up, with Wade putting her hat and gloves back on, and walking to the front door, with opening it to exit back to the taxi. Before Mallory leaves, he turns around to tell the two that they have a real chance to find their Ryan, and if they choose so, they would be at the Hotel 6 downtown New York, under the name of Diana Davis. Mallory shuts the doors, with catching up to Wade and getting back into the taxi. Inside the house, with the two watching the taxi drive off, Gina looks to her father, asking if those people were telling the truth. Wesley states that he doesn’t want to believe those people are from parallel universes or clones taking over for people since his ex-wife talked about walking on mars someday, and that hadn’t occurred yet. Gina tells her dad that maybe they finally got the break they need in searching for Ryan, because they’ve had the detective search for Ryan for the past six years and no such luck. Gina states that she was going to find the two later on, with or without his help. Wesley tells Gina that he didn’t mean to offend her, by talking about her mother that way, but he feels some people just don’t realize that reality comes with a price. Gina looks at her father, but then exits back into the kitchen, with Wesley going in the opposite direction, heading upstairs.
With the sun setting on New York City, the sliders are returning from having an enjoyable dinner in the hotel. Colin tells the others that he is definately surprised of a Motel 6 turning into a hotel and giving them the benefits they usually would have gotten at the hotels back in California. Joel states that he never really stayed in any motels or hotels until he started sliding, which does get boring, since he can’t call a place home. Mallory tells Joel that it’s better than being outside in the cold, and they usually don’t pay the bill for additional nights. Diana states that she was going to get to work on something she has been contemplating. Wade asks Diana if she could share such information with the rest of the group, but Diana apologizes, stating that she likes to give out facts, not pieces of information that may not be helpful in the long run for them to understand. A knock on the door is heard, with Mallory answering it, to find Gina standing there. Gina tells Mallory that she decided to seek their help on her own, since she doesn’t know who else to trust. Mallory invites Gina in, introducing her to the others, telling her that he would take her coat for her. Gina hands Mallory her coat and hat, with Gina holding onto her purse which the strap is hanging from her right shoulder. Wade tells Gina to have a seat on the sofa, who then takes a seat beside Gina. Mallory sits on the other side, with the other sliders going off to do their own thing, including Diana going to a bedroom to work and Joel and Colin going down to the bar for a few rounds of pool. Wade asks Gina what was up, and Gina explains that after a fight with her father, she felt that finding her brother is at the top of her list of things to do again, since she feels alone in the search for her brother. Wade tells Gina that they didn’t actually know of her brother’s whereabouts, but they wanted to help. Gina states that she realizes what they know, but is willing to get others involved with the search, since the police won’t do a damn thing about helping out, which is why they went to an investigator, who she believes is worthless, since the detective has barely had any breakthroughs to the disappearance of her brother. Wade asks Gina if her Ryan had any particular places he would go to, for possible hiding or to enjoy a vacation at. Gina states that she explained to the investigator that they were a family who traveled often, but she remembers a few locations that Ryan enjoyed, and she started thinking that maybe they could team up with the investigator and try to track down her brother, by possibly going to the locations that she has been thinking about. Mallory states that it might be the best shot they have, and that they better get moving, since they were running out of time as well. Gina states that she is having a hard time believing they are from a parallel world, but she has an open mind to things and for the time being, she’ll consider them guardian angels. By the following morning, Gina takes the sliders to the investigator, who had a practice a few miles beyond from the city. Gina introduces Detective Veronica Loughlin to the sliders, explaining the situation to her, which she had a hard time believing also. Once the detective allowed the sliders on the case, she soon gives them much information which seemed helpful with the little clues she had to go on. After being debriefed, the sliders decide to split up, to go in search of the double. Wade tells the detective that they could take off for Kansas, with Mallory offering to go to Wisconsin and Gina soon speaks up, stating that she would go along with him. Diana states that rest of them can remain behind in New York, since there were a few locations mentioned in the New York area. Wesley soon arrives at the office, yelling at Gina for acting out against him. Detective Loughlin tells Wesley that he should be proud of his daughter, since she was the one who has planned a search party for his son. Gina tells her father that she wants the sliders to help them find Ryan, since she feels that even though they might not find her brother, that at least they put an effort to find Ryan, compared to just sitting around and doing nothing. Wesley tells the group that even though he hates the idea, he will join in. Wade speaks up, stating that he could come along with her and the detective to Kansas. Wesley seems less optimistic, but agrees to go with the two. With the sun shining on the Colorado mountains, there is a river nearby, with a semi driving down a path close by. The semi stops, with the back doors opening, to reveal Ryan, and the staff from the show. Ryan helps carry a kayak, once a ramp is in place, down it and heads to a location near the river. Leonard states that it would be a few minutes, but they should be able to get under way. Ryan states that the river looks rough, but he thinks it will be fun. Leonard tells Ryan that he definately is fit for a show that he does. Ryan states that he likes to go to the extreme and feels that it’s better than sitting at home playing card games and being bored. At the JFK airport a few hours later, Diana, Joel and Colin see their friends off, as well as Wesley, Gina and Detective Loughlin. With exiting outside, it continues snowing, with Joel telling the two that they should just get back to the hotel, and he figures if the snow stops coming down, he might try out a location in New Jersey. Diana states that Ryan might have called them, and she figures that Ryan might have called to gloat about how fun it is to enjoy his time out in Colorado, while they do all the hard work. Colin hails a taxi, with the three entering into the back seat of the taxi which then takes off. Back out in Colorado, Ryan quickly overlooks a script, with Leonard soon asking if he was ready to film. Ryan hands Leonard the script, stating that he should be all set. Leonard heads behind the camera, with the director counting down to film, with the director pointing at Ryan to begin talking. Ryan tells the viewers that he is in sunny Canon City, Colorado on a chilly day, but it wasn’t going to stop him from having a little fun. Ryan explains of taking a trip down Grape River in a kayak and maybe things will go wrong to make it more enjoyable for some of the viewers to watch. Ryan states that some of the river might be icy, but he figures nothing should stop his travel down the river. The director cuts filming, with telling Ryan how perfectly he did his performance. A couple of men from the show, show up with the kayak, and before Ryan gets in, a small video camera is placed on his jacket, along with a camera being placed in the front and back of the kayak to show the viewers the trip down Grape river. The kayak is placed in the water, with Ryan soon getting in it and telling the crew that he’d see them in a while. Ryan starts paddling and quickly starts going down the river. Back in New York, at the detective’s office, the sliders keep looking around at the information that was found on Ryan’s double. Joel states that he has noticed one more possible target that is close by in New Jersey. Diana and Colin soon stop their searching and Joel quickly says that Ryan had some contacts in the area and he will take the trip to New Jersey, and hopefully he shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Colin tells Joel that he can use his his cell phone and and he can just call them back at the hotel once he has learned of some information about the double. Joel states that hopefully he will be lucky and find the double, so they could get back together and slide out without any complications. Joel starts to exit the office, with Colin stopping him and telling him that he forgot to give him his credit card, which he hands to Joel and tells him that they would look around some more, but would meet him back at the hotel. Joel acknowledges his message and exits the office. Colin asks Diana if she wanted to fill him in on what she had been working on the past couple of days since she has been very secretive. Diana states that she has been doing some thinking, but still would want to wait until she has all the details figured out to tell her friends about what she is working on. Colin tells Diana that he appreciates her effort to get them home and hopefully her ideas will work out. Diana doesn’t say anything and just goes back to searching the files. Ryan continues his travels down the river, with not having much problems, besides a few rough patches of water. Ryan then approaches the top of a waterfall and can’t believe that he will have to go down a ways before hitting the bottom. Ryan comments to his viewers that the waterfall will be a first, and then suddenly he goes over, speeding down and crashing into the water below. Ryan manages to come up to the surface, realizing he had fallen out of the kayak, so he quickly swims ahead to the kayak which is going down the river without him and he manages to get back into the kayak and keeps paddling, expressing his recent experience,by calling it a rush. Once arriving in Wisconsin a few hours later, Mallory and Gina exit the gate, with realizing how nice the weather was and Mallory figured that the road conditions should be fine for travel, since they are on a time schedule anyway. Mallory tells Gina that they should get going and points out the car rental area in the airport, with the two heading to the front desk and they soon get a Jeep Cherokee to travel around in. At an airport in Kansas, Wade, Wesley and Detective Loughlin arrive and soon exit out at the gate with the detective telling the two that they should rent a car and take off before it gets to late. While the detective gets a vehicle, Wade and Wesley take seats on a bench near the exit of the airport. Wade asks Wesley if he knew for sure of the locations his son might be at. Wesley tells Wade that with her not really knowing his son, she wouldn’t know much about him or his family. Wade apologizes to Wesley, stating that at times she has met people who believe one thing, when they can’t accept the truth. Wesley tells Wade that ever since his wife left him to move to Paris to discover her art talents, he has never really trusted anyone and feels that with Wade and her friends trying to help find his son, he feels that it’s pointless, since he figures that they will obviously want something if Ryan is found. Wade tells Wesley that she, along with her friends don’t want anything more than to reunite a family, since she knows how it feels to lose someone so close. Wesley tells Wade that she’ll never understand how it feels to lose someone by them disappearing, giving him fear that Ryan will turn up dead. Detective Loughlin finally arrives, stating that their truck was awaiting them. Wesley stands up, stating that they should get going, with Wade standing up and the three exit the airport to find the truck they would use. Mallory and Gina arrive at a rest stop, with them both getting out to take a break and look at a map, Which Gina spreads out on the hood of the jeep. Gina states that there are at least five possible locations Ryan could be hiding out at. Mallory asks Gina if they do find her brother, how will he react to her finding him in a different location. Gina states that she really won’t know what will happen until it does, since she doesn’t want to get her hopes up that things will be back to normal, once finding her brother alive, because things obviously have changed, especially for Ryan. Back at the Hotel 6, Colin and Diana returns back to the room, when Colin’s cell phone rings, with Colin answering it. Joel speaks up, stating he was at a harbor in New Jersey, and wanted to say the lead was a dead end, since he did talk to a few people who knew a Ryan Smith, but the guy listed in the file didn’t go into much information, since the Ryan of this world only worked for the guy for a few weeks, until he disappeared. Colin states that they didn’t have much luck with the files on Ryan’s double, so hopefully the others out of state will find the answer that they need to find out. Joel states he would keep in touch, with hanging up his cell phone. Colin closes his cell phone up, with relating the information to Diana; Diana states that usually something good happens, but not always and they shouldn’t give up hope. Colin tells Diana that she better be right or they were going to have problems soon enough if they don’t reconnect for the slide. Ryan arrives back to the hotel room he’d been staying in, with Leonard following behind him and closing the door to the room. Ryan states that he definately had an enjoyable ride on the river and hopes to continue his pursuit in the future. Leonard states that he and the rest of the staff were pleased, especially after the water fall leap. Ryan states that he was just shocked to have seen it so early on, but he was ready for the challenge. Leonard tells Ryan that he was going to order some meals and asked Ryan if he wanted anything special, with Ryan stating that he’d eat whatever was available. Leonard exits the room, with Ryan soon heading to the phone and contacting his friends back in New York. Diana comes on the line, asking how he was doing and if he was going to gloat about his trip. Ryan states that he’d do it when he got back together with everyone. Ryan asks if they had much luck with finding his double, with Diana explaining that they haven’t had much luck and that Wade and Mallory were working with people to find the double. Ryan states that they’ll do what they can and if things don’t pan out, to not get bent out of shape over a situation that will either be resolved or remain a mystery for eternity. By the following afternoon in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mallory and Gina stop at a cabin, which is close to Lake Winnebago. Mallory asks Gina if the cabin would be unlocked, with Gina stating that she did bring keys along to places they’ve stayed at, so she figures if the cabin was locked, she could just unlock it. With getting to the front door, Mallory tries the door, with him getting access inside. Gina goes in first, followed by Mallory who then closes the front door. Gina tries a light switch, but the power was out. Gina states that she is glad that with the sunlight being out, they didn’t need any light to look around the cabin, which obviously wasn’t being used. Mallory asks Gina what they did in the area, since it looked too private and miles away from civilization; Gina expresses how much her family enjoyed the summers to visit the cabin and go fishing, since Ryan was usually the one that got into the water to fish and at times he even caught fish with his bare hands. Mallory comments how much of a survivalist her brother was. Gina states that she had wondered if Ryan was going to move to a jungle and just live off the life there and not worry about civilization. Gina scans an adjacent room, but she returns to Mallory’s side, telling him they should get going, since the cabin didn’t have what they were looking for. Once returning to the jeep, Mallory asks Gina if it would be possible for her brother to actually live in the jungle like she had said, but Gina feels that even though her brother had the personality, he wouldn’t be able to do it. Mallory starts the jeep, backing up down the drive, to a main road, then taking off, going left down the roadway. Wade, Wesley, and Detective Loughlin arrive at a biker bar, with Wade commenting to Wesley that his son must have been a little wild, compared to her friend. Wesley states that Ryan was able to handle all types of people, since he learned it from his father. The three exit the truck and enter the bar, with taking seats at a table near the exit, and a waitress coming up to them, asking what they would have, with Wesley speaking up for the three, by telling the waitress that he’ll have the best ale around and he’ll buy a round for his coworkers; the waitress agrees to get him his order, with disappearing to a back room, where the drinks were kept. Wade asks Detective Loughlin if the bar was on the list of places they needed to be in, with the detective explaining that Wesley mainly wanted to get plastered and so she feels she’ll just let him drink. Wade states that stopping at a bar to get drunk wasn’t much of an option in finding Ryan. Wesley states that Ryan did visit some biker bars and he figures that someone might know something. Wade tells Wesley that if Ryan knew anyone at the bar, that maybe instead of drinking, they talk first. Wesley states that the bar they were in wasn’t much help, since he just found a sign for the bar and wanted to stop to relax. Wade states that they were wasting time, with Wesley telling Wade to just relax, since with his son being gone for a long time, there wasn’t much of a rush to search for him. At the Hotel 6, the sliders who were left in New York don’t have much to go on anymore. With Diana, Colin and Joel sitting around, they don’t have much to talk to each other about. Joel starts a conversation about how he hates cold weather, but neither Diana or Colin say anything. Diana states that with not having much to do, it’s kinda getting boring. Colin states that they could go out to do something, but with the cold weather, they really wouldn’t enjoy walking, and even he doesn’t want to waste his money on his credit card. Joel asks if anyone was up for a game of pool, with Colin stating that they’ve been playing pool ever since the others left, so it really isn’t much fun anymore to play pool. Diana speaks up, wondering how the others will feel if they don’t find Ryan’s double, since she feels that if they don’t succeed, that it will be a great loss for them, since they usually pull a miracle out of their hats before they slide off. Colin brings up what he said earlier, in how it might be time to just forget about worlds and just concentrate on themselves. Diana tells Colin that it seems a bit selfish, but she does see where he is coming from. Joel tells the two that they might want to sit down and have a chat with the others about what they are feeling. Colin knows that Wade wouldn’t like the thought and figures they would fight about it on a few worlds. Diana comments that hopefully they won’t land on a world where people will get arrested for speaking out in public. Joel states that if they do come to that world, they’ll have to just stay quiet. The three then share a laugh over the thought. With a few hours passing, the three are traveling down the road, when Wesley notices a sign for a town that he was familiar with. Wesley tells Veronica to stop up at the next town, since there was someone he could talk to, about Ryan. Minutes later, the truck pulls into a small town, with Wesley tells Veronica that he used to know an insurance agent in town and figures he would possibly know something. Veronica states that she’ll stay in the truck, along with Wade agreeing, since she feels if the man knows him, that they won’t add suspicion when he talks to him. Wesley exits out of the truck and heads to a building close by. With Wesley being tossed out of the office by two large and very angry men, he returns to Wade in the truck, with Wade telling Wesley that Veronica went to the local gas station to use the restroom. Wesley states that he can’t believe the insurance agent had gotten body guards, since they used to be friends, until Ryan hit it big and Ryan rejected him. Wade apologizes for not being able to get any help. Wesley tells Wade that he apologizes for his attitude with her, and how he feels bad for treating her and the others poorly. Wade states that she understands the grief of a father when they can’t find their child. Wade tells Wesley that she knows how it feels, in that a long time ago, she was separated from her father, and he couldn’t find her. Wesley starts to ask something, but Veronica enters the truck, telling the two that the town was disgusting, and she was ready to go. Wesley tells Veronica and Wade that there one more possible spot to look for Ryan, and it should take them another day to get to the location. Veronica starts the truck, with backing out and taking off, going fast down the road.
Once the two exit the post office, Mallory and Gina get back into the jeep, with Gina starting to tear up and begins crying. Mallory consoles her, stating that her father might have had some luck. Gina holds back her tears, telling Mallory that she must come to terms that her brother was gone and he was never coming back. Mallory tells Gina that there is still some hope left, and with him and his friends giving a push into the search of Ryan Smith, others may join in to help search and maybe someone will finally contact them with the whereabouts of Ryan. Gina wipes her eyes, stating that Mallory was right and she just needs to relax a little bit and then try to look at other angles and try to find her brother. Mallory starts the jeep up, stating that their flight was in a couple of hours and they should get back to the airport. Once Mallory arrives at a stop light, Gina suddenly spots her brother, telling Mallory that Ryan was walking down the sidewalk and she was going to chase after him, so he could follow her, once the light turned green. Gina exits the jeep, rushing across the street with a car beeping at her and she runs after Ryan, catching up to him, with tapping him on his shoulder, with Ryan turning around. Gina tells Ryan that it was his sister and needed to talk to him. Ryan is shocked and confused of seeing a woman, claiming to be his sister. Mallory soon approaches the sidewalk, telling Gina to get him into the jeep and they could go somewhere to talk. Gina asks Ryan to come with her, which he does and he gets into the back seat with her, along with placing his bag of groceries in the front seat. Mallory drives on, with Gina asking Ryan if he knew who she was, with Ryan being confused of everything that was happening to him and he didn’t really know who she was. Gina explains that he disappeared a few years back and they tried everything they could to find him, but they didn’t have much luck. Ryan explains that he can remember up until six years ago, with his childhood and the rest of his memories missing. Gina figures it out that he got amnesia and he must have taken on a life of his own in Wisconsin. Mallory asks Ryan where he was headed before they picked him up, with Ryan explaining that his apartment was a half mile down the road. Gina states that they can go there and try to figure out what happened, since she is very relieved to know that her brother was very much alive. Ryan awakens to the sun shining into the room, along with Leonard walking into his bedroom, telling him good morning and that breakfast had arrived. Ryan wipes his eyes, with yawning then telling Leonard that he’d be right out, with Leonard realizing it was a cue to leave, with him shutting the door to the room on his way out. The hotel room is knocked on with Leonard answering it to find Jerry and Stella, who are both welcomed in by Leonard, asking them if they wanted some coffee, with both declining. Stella asks Leonard if Ryan had gotten up yet, since they have good news to tell him. Leonard states that Ryan would be right out, with the two taking seats on a sofa near the breakfast cart. Leonard asks of the good news, with Jerry stating that the episode they worked on the past few days have been a success and they plan to air it next week; Leonard states that news seems nice, but he figured there was something more that was exciting. Stella states that she wanted to tell Ryan to good news, since he was the star of the show; Ryan soon exits in a bathrobe, surprised to see the executives from the show and Stella blurts out that they’ve been renewed for another season, after much success of Ryan returning to work. Ryan is very shocked of the news with taking a seat at a table near the breakfast cart and starts pouring coffee. Jerry asks Ryan why he wasn’t that thrilled of the renewal, with Ryan stating that he didn’t think that his show would get renewed after so many problems that he’s gone through. Stella states that people like that type of media hype and she is just glad to still have a job through the next year. Leonard tells Ryan that now he can scout out more attractions for people and he can then go do a stunt somewhere out in the world. Leonard brings up an idea of going to Europe for a month, like sweeps month to increase the ratiings. Stella agrees, stating that she had thoughts of him going to Antarctica to hike and look at stuff. Ryan states that they can do what they want, but for now he’d just like to have some peace and quiet while he ate breakfast. The three shut their mouths, but Ryan soon tells them to leave. Leonard grabs his cup of coffee and muffin, with exiting out the door with Jerry and Stella. Ryan soon heads to the telephone, dialing the number back in New York. Joel picks up the phone, with Ryan glad to hear a voice; Joel asks Ryan why he sounded so odd, since he is suppose to be enjoying his trip out west. Ryan tells Joel that he just got news of his double’s adventure show being renewed for another year, but he really can’t participate in it, since they slide out in a couple days. Joel asks if the people from the show were keeping him there by force. Ryan states that so far he was free, but is getting nervous that he might be forced into traveling somewhere else right after Colorado. Joel tells Ryan to just tell the producers that he wants to return to New York, and they’ll probably let him, since he is the star of the show. Ryan states that hopefully he can return soon enough, since he is ready to go back to his old lifestyle. Joel states that he hasn’t heard any word from the others on the search for the double, but hopefully they’ll contact them soon, since time was running out before the timer hit zero. Ryan states that he’ll try to relax and he’d see them soon hopefully. Joel tells Ryan good-bye with Ryan doing the same, and then both hanging up at the same time. Once arriving at Ryan’s apartment a while later, Ryan is unsure of how to proceed with the situation at hand. Gina tells her brother that she wants him to come back with them to New York, get everything figured out and then proceed to return to Wisconsin, if he so chooses to live his life. Mallory states that if they wanted to get back to New York, they should get moving. Gina tells Mallory not to rush things, since they had to get things resolved. Ryan explains that he doesn’t have many memories of his past, since he remembers childhood memories, but he always thought they were just dreams. Gina states that he’s been missing for the past few years and they’ve been looking for him ever since. Ryan feels bad that he didn’t ever try to find his family, but after he awoken at a police station in Madison, he didn’t have any identification on him, since he figured someone robbed him. Gina seems confused why the police wouldn’t have taken him to find his family. Ryan states that the police station he was at, didn’t have a lot of police officers caring. Some just figured he was a bum and before he knew it, he was tossed out into the streets and had to go on his own. Ryan continues, explaining that after meeting a woman at a baseball game, which is where he was working at the time, and he fell in love with her and after some time, he went to college and got a teaching degree and recently had begun working as a teacher at a local high school. Gina tears up, huggin her brother, telling her how proud she was of him. Mallory picks up a picture, asking Ryan if she was the woman he fell for. Ryan tells Mallory and Gina that Laurie Fields was the love of his life and he planned to propose in the summer. Ryan explains that Laurie is a travel agent, and she had decided to go on vacation to Florida, and she was to be back the following week. Gina states that they can go to New York, get back with their dad and figure things out. Ryan tells Gina that he’d like that and asked what time their flight was. Mallory states that they should just go, and they probably would be at the airport within the their time limit. Ryan decides to quickly pack up a few things, and then they could take off. A couple hours later, back at the hotel room in New York, Colin enters and quickly rushes to his cell phone which he had left on on the table in the room. Colin answers it, to find Mallory on the other line. Colin asks Mallory what was up and Mallory explains that they hit the jackpot and found Ryan’s double, hiding out in a location not far from the one they had checked out in Wisconsin. Mallory states that he would fill them in on everything, once they return to New York. Colin asks Mallory if he could be a little more specific, but Mallory quickly tells him that his flight was about to leave and he had go, with hanging up on Colin. Joel and Diana soon return to the room, with Joel asking Colin why he looked stunned. Colin states that he just got a phone call from Mallory, revealing that he and Gina located Ryan’s double. Joel and Diana look at each other, sharing a smile, with Diana stating that she knew that with a lot of effort, they could help a family out. Colin continues, explaining that Mallory, Gina and possibly Ryan’s double were on their way back to New York. Joel states that they should contact Wade, to see what she and the others were up to, and have them fly back to New York immediately. Colin tosses his cell phone to Joel, telling him that lunch wasn’t so good for him and he figures he’d be in the bathroom for a while. Colin disappears, with closing the bathroom door, and Joel dialing the number on the cell phone to reach Wade. Diana, Colin and Joel arrive at the JFK airport, greeting Mallory, Gina and Ryan’s double. Mallory tells the others that they finally solved the mystery, but hopefully Wade, Wesley and the detective can come home soon. Colin tells Mallory that their flight should be arriving within the next hour, so they planned to wait around for them to show. Mallory states that with a long flight, he wanted to get back to the hotel room to get some sleep. Gina pipes in, stating that she and Ryan should get moving along home, since they have a lot of catching up to do. Diana states that they would see them all later, with Mallory telling Gina that they can share a taxi, with them heading to the baggage claim area to pick up their luggage. Joel tells the two that they forgot to mention that their Ryan was going to be coming in before the end of the day, with Diana stating that it was smart not to say anything, since she figures Gina and her father have been through enough and they probably don’t want to see another version of Ryan. Joel agrees, feeling that maybe they shouldn’t have said anything about Ryan in the first place, since Wade told him that Wesley thought they were talking about clones and Wesley is obviously someone who doesn’t believe in science fiction. Colin states that hopefully Ryan won’t show up at the same time as Wesley, or something might happen that they won’t want to get involved with. Finally, with time passing, Wade, Detective Loughlin and Wesley exit out into the terminal, with Diana waving them down several feet away in a hallway several feet away. Once meeting up, Wesley asks if Gina and her Ryan had arrived yet, with Colin stating that they did, but they had went home, since they didn’t seem that interested in staying around. Detective Loughlin tells Wesley that they should take off and they could all have a reunion. Wesley turns to Wade, hugging her, and stating that he feels bad for treating her and the others poorly. Wade states that at least they found Ryan, and things could finally get back to normal, after so much chaos has been occuring for him and Gina. Out of no where, Ryan suddenly appears, walking toward the group. Wesley is shocked to see Ryan and rushes to hug him, with Ryan very confused of a stranger hugging him. The others head to where Wesley and Ryan greeted each other at, and Wesley asks Ryan if he knows who he is, with Ryan guessing that he was his father, which Wesley was glad to know that his son knew him. Diana tries to explain that the Ryan they see before them is actually with them. Wesley looks confused, with Wade stating that their story involving parallel worlds was real, and this was their friend Ryan. Wesley asks what kind of joke it was and wanted a real answer. Detective Loughlin tells Wesley that even she is having a hard time believing of seeing Ryan, yet he isn’t the one she’s been looking for over the past few years. Ryan speaks up, stating that he just got back from Colorado a bit early, and didn’t realize that he would run into a double of his dad. Colin tells Wesley to call his house and that he could talk to his son. Wesley takes Colin’s cell phone and dials his number, with it ringing and him waiting for an answer. Gina picks up, with Wesley rushing to find out where Ryan was at. Gina tells her dad to hold on a second, with Ryan’s voice coming on the phone. Wesley asks if this was Ryan Smith, with Ryan stating that it was. Wesley looks to Ryan, who is still in the airport, confused of what was going on. Wesley tells Ryan to hold on, and he’d be home as soon as possible. Wesley hangs up the phone, tossing it back to Colin, and then telling the group that he doesn’t know what type of game they were playing, but he’ll figure it out soon enough. Wesley soon heads for an exit, with the detective telling the sliders to just pick up their luggage and bring it to the house. Ryan asks the others what was going on, with Diana telling Ryan that he wasn’t supposed to have showed up for another few hours. Ryan states that he snuck out of the hotel and made it back to New York on time. Wade states that they better get to house, so everyone can understand why there suddenly is two Ryans. With the sun beginning to set, the sliders arrive in two taxis, and heading for the front door of the Smith’s home. Wade rings the doorbell, with Gina opening it, greeting Wade back and welcomes everyone in. Detective soon sees the sliders, with her telling the group to come into the living room. Wesley and Ryan’s double are standing when the sliders walk in. Wesley heads to Ryan, the slider, and pulls him close, and then wonders why his son has a twin. Ryan tells Wesley that he is a double of his son, not a clone, but an actually duplicate. Ryan’s double states that this day has gotten stranger by the minute. Ryan explains that several days ago, they landed on this world without much thought of what they would get themselves into, which happened to be reuniting a family. Ryan explains that after his son’s fan from his extreme adventure show latched onto him, the show thought he was the real deal, and so without really thinking about it, he took on the life of the Ryan Smith from this world. Wesley looks to Wade, asking why she said they didn’t want anything from them, but now realizes they wanted to profit from the adventure show. Gina tells her father that he is overreacting, but Wesley tells the sliders to leave and never to come back, since he is so angry with what he has learned. The sliders don’t have anything else to say and exit back outside the house and back into the taxis. With a couple days passing by and only hours before the slide, at the hotel room, the room phone rings, with Mallory answering it to find Gina on the other line, stating that they were taking off for a trip out to Los Angeles to help Ryan get the medical care he needed to help with his amnesia. Mallory tells Gina good luck with the trip, with Gina stating that she wanted him and the others to see them off at the airport, since she is very greatful of them coming into their lives and reuniting a family that was in a lot of pain. Mallory asks if her father was still upset over what he saw. Gina states that her father overreacts to things, but he’ll get over it. Mallory asks for the time, with Gina telling Mallory that they should be at the airport around 8 p.m. since their flight will be a half hour later. Mallory tells Gina that they would be at the airport, with saying his goodbye and hanging up the phone. Mallory looks to the others, who were scattered throughout the room, telling them that they are to see Gina, Wesley and Ryan’s double off at the airport. Diana asks about Wesley’s anger with Mallory stating that he is either calm or doesn’t seem to care. Colin speaks up, stating that he doesn’t understand Wesley’s anger, since all they did was locate his son. Wade states that during her trip to Kansas with Wesley, she told him that they weren’t looking for a hand out, and once Ryan brought up the fact that he took over on the show, it lead back to the idea that they wanted money out of locating the double. Joel states that they will have to slide out from the airport, since they won’t have much time left until the timer hit zero. Ryan comments that he is glad to be back with his friends and not stuck with people wanting me to go on adventures, which sounds very fun. Joel tells Ryan that his already has excitement in his life, called sliding. Once the sliders leave the airport, the group head to a small park nearby. Diana states that they were just about out of time. Mallory finishes off a cigarette, tossing it onto the ground, with Wade bending down to pick it up and tossing into the trash can, with him asking the others if Ryan’s double will get his memory back since he had started over in Wisconsin and it would be an odd situation to be in, especially when he barely even knows his family; Diana states that with a lot of effort, including trips to therapy and other medical breakthroughs, Ryan’s double should be able to retrieve his memory, but it won’t happen over night. Colin states that with the weather not being so nice, he can’t wait to return to California with the sun shining. Joel brings up the question, asking Diana when it would be possible for them to return to California; Diana states that she feels that until time has passed far beyond them being stalked down by people who want sliding technology or use them for government experiments, she will then know when to slide back into California. Diana activates the wormhole, with the sliders starting to slide out. Before Colin and Ryan slide out, Colin asks Ryan if he was okay with how things ended on this world. Ryan shrugs his shoulders, telling Colin he really was unsure, since he feels that his double was doing very well as a teacher and not part of the hollywood lifestyle, which at times make people selfish, turning themselves into a person they never wanted to be, and hurt people close to them. Colin tells Ryan that sliding isn’t the best way to live, but he at times feels he learns something on every world they visit. Ryan turns to the portal with leaping in, followed by Colin, with the vortex closing seconds later. Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill Dial
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