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Episode U-808: Honor Thy Soldier Part 1

Logline: On a world thats is 62 years slower than Earth Prime, the sliders land in a world that has the United States reversed in land formation, leaving California on the Atlantic Ocean and Maine sticking out by Hawaii. With vacation time in hand, they take off for Hawaii to find out it’s still occupied by the military and days before the attack on Pearl Harbor.Episode 8: Honor Thy Soldier Part 1 Starring: Charlie O’Connell, Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Reynaldo Rosales as Buddy Hansen, Jay Michael Ferguson as Harry Bardou, Special Guest Star Freddie Prinze Jr. as Raymond Griffith Synopsis: As the sliders exit a dinosaur museum, they head into an alley close by, with Diana pulling out the timer, stating that they have about a minute before the slide. Joel comments that he is surprised of how the people of this earth don’t do much for preserving artifacts, in that he was surprised of all the kids who were hanging on the bones of the dinos and some breaking apart and no one seemed to care. Wade tells Joel that maybe this earth just doesn’t care for old stuff and just likes to see the present. Colin tells the two not to jinx them and make them end up in a world of dinosaurs again. Diana opens the vortex, with the six sliders entering and the portal closing after Mallory makes the final jump. Through the vortex, the sliders travel to the next dimension, when the portal opens up above a park, dropping the group onto the grass. Once the vortex closes, the group stand, with Diana stating that they slide in nine days, sixteen hours and counting down from forty seconds. Wade tells the group they should check out the world and see what it has to offer. As they start walking down a street, they notice people passing them in an early Ford Model T which seems odd, but they figure New York is the state for differences compared to the rest of the country. With continuing down through the city, Mallory starts to wonder if they arrived on a movie set since that had occurred before and usually a director yells at them to get off the set. Joel tells the others that he figures that they are on a world that is very slow and figures they should get to a library and check things out. Wade stops a couple of kids on bikes, near the sidewalk they are on, asking where the local library was. The boy points that it was two blocks straight ahead, but would need money since he was asked a question. Colin gives the kid a twenty, but the kid tells Colin that he was a joke and rides off with his friend, crumpling up the bill, and dropping the twenty on the ground and Colin bends down to get it, placing it back in his wallet. The group arrive at the library, entering to find the inside furnished to fit with a mid twentieth century society and a woman in black coming up to them, asking if she could be of service. Diana asks the woman if they could be pointed in the direction of the history section. The woman tells Diana it was the last aisle in the library with many different volumes of history material. Wade thanks the woman, who returns to her desk, knitting a sweater, and the sliders taking off in the direction they needed to be in. After a while, the group is relaxing around a table, with Diana overlooking a history book which looks like it’s about to fall apart. Diana tells the others that from what she has scanned over, it looks like this earth is at least sixty years behind the times, placing society back in the late 1930s, early 1940s. Colin states that with nine days until the slide, they better get used to amish technology and try to enjoy what they can, especially with wearing outfits from the past. Ryan states that if their cash is no good, they better find a way to get money. Diana figures they could visit a local bank, invent a story where they have come from another country and easily get new currency to enjoy society for the time they’re on the world. With a couple of hours passing, the group managed to get past the money situation and have enough money to buy new outfits to fit into society. Once arriving at a local hotel, they get a big room with six cots and a stand with a water pitcher on it and a dresser inside a closet. There is a small window, which shows out to a river, but is hard to see from the large smoke stack in the way that is blowing out very black colored clouds of smoke. Joel and Mallory decide to take off and visit a local travel agent to possibly find out places to visit with the time they had to spare. Once arriving by buggy at a New York travel agent office, the two get off, with Mallory paying the man a couple dollars and catches up to Joel who is walking down the dirt path to the main door which is surrounded by a white picket fence, and a building that looks like a one room school building. Once entering, the two are greeted by a large man, resembling Theodore Roosevelt which Mallory comments to Joel about and the man introduces himself as Mortimar Ruscan, asking if he could be of assistance. Joel asks the man if he could speak with him about planning a trip out of New York for a few days. Mortimar stands up, and heads over to a file cabinet, where he opens the second drawer and pulls out a map of the United States. As Mortimar lays it out on a wooden table, next to the door the two entered, Joel asks Mortimar if he realized the map was backwards. Mortimar smiles a bit, stating that it would have been interesting of the United States would have been formed differently. Joel apologizes, stating that he had forgotten his glasses and Mortimar shouldn’t pay any attention to him. Mortimar tells Joel that his comment was alright, since it was a little funny. Joel and Mallory look at each other in a shocked manner to see that the North American continent is in reverse and are shocked to realize they were by the Pacific Ocean, instead of the Atlantic. Mortimar notices the remarks on their faces, asking the two if they ever saw a map of their country before. Mallory tells him that they really haven’t kept up with maps and usually just stay in the area. Mortimar laughs, surprised of the two never being outside of New York before. Joel asks him how much it would cost to travel to Hawaii. Mortimar returns to his desk, checking a tablet for prices, and finally arrives at Hawaii, stating that a plane ticket would cost around $28 a person, but that would be for a one way. Mallory speaks up, stating that they wanted a round trip, since they had things to do once returning to New York. Mortimar states that it would be just ten dollars extra for a round trip. Joel pulls out his wallet, telling Mortimar that they needed six tickets and would be paying in cash. Mortimar takes the bills that Joel tosses on his desk, with him counting it and making sure it was the correct amount. Mortimar opens a desk drawer on his right side, and makes the change to return to Joel, stating that if he was told the address they were located at, he would drop off the tickets when he had them prepared. Joel states that they were staying at the Algonquin Hotel and were in room # 30. Mortimar laughs again, stating that the Algonquin was likely to go out of business soon since the hotel has had complaints about the mining company next door; Joel tells Mortimar that he’ll remember that the next time he is traveling and needs a place to stay in New York. Mortimar thanks Joel for doing business with him and they should enjoy their trip to Hawaii. Joel and Mallory both shake Mortimar’s left hand, with them exiting the travel agency and taking off back to the hotel on foot. Back at the hotel, in the bar, the other sliders are relaxing with beers, and sitting around a wooden table with wooden chairs, and a man in the opposite end of the bar is playing a piano, along with other hotel guests relaxing with drinks or smokes. Colin tells the others he is surprised of how many people they’ve seen who like to smoke and is surprised of why people smoke. Diana states that cigarettes and cigars were things people couldn’t live without in the era they are visiting, since it even got soldiers through the wars that Americans were involved with. Wade tells the others that she hopes that the guys got them an exciting trip since she will be glad to leave New York and travel the rest of the country. Ryan states that they could go out and visit California since he never really has seen it back in the olden days. Colin tells Ryan that he has visited the wild west and that wasn’t much fun even though they had a kromagg to deal with. Ryan shrugs his shoulders stating that he is fond of history and just likes the idea of feeling like they time traveled to the past, even though that isn’t what they do for a living. Joel and Mallory arrive in the bar and greet the others with surprising news. Wade pulls a couple chairs up to their table from a nearby table and heading to order a couple beers for the guys. Once Wade grabs the beer mugs and sits back down, placing beers in front of Mallory and Joel, Joel tells the others that they have tickets to go to Hawaii. The others looked confused at Joel, with Diana asking him why he would set up a trip that far from where they are located. Mallory looks to Diana, stating that they’re on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and they are just hours away the Hawaiian islands. Wade tries to understand the situation by rephrasing what Mallory said, asking if the United States was backwards. Diana pulls into the conversation, stating that on this earth, maybe when the land formation broke up into different continents that the United States ended up shaping differently since she didn’t have much else to go on. Colin states this world actually has something going for it. Joel raises his glass, telling the others that they can toast their trip to Hawaii and the six sliders cling their glasses together. When arriving at the PanAmerican airport the following morning, they are dropped off by a man driving a horse and buggy with the group thanking him for the lift and the guy taking off. They head inside a building where they notice many other people traveling or just coming back from a flight. Wade notices a few guys in uniform which intrigues her but thinks nothing of what she is about to learn. The group head to the main ticket counter where a woman greets the group, stating that their flight would be departing in fifteen minutes and if they would please take their tickets to the gate, the woman would direct them to the plane they will be traveling on. After the other woman takes the group’s tickets and thanking them for flying PanAm, they exit outside to a Clipper which was aluminum colored and in the water, with the group quickly joining the line where ten other passengers were boarding, including five naval officers, two nurses and a family of three, including a dad, mom and son. Once aboard, the pilot tells the passengers to enjoy the flight to Hawaii and they would be arriving in about three days. Diana and Wade give each other looks of shock, with Ryan noticing their looks and laughing at the two, stating that with the world being back in the 1940s, they should have realized that air travel wasn’t as fast as it would be on world that is up to date. Wade asks Ryan if they were going to travel that long, where would they use the bathroom. Ryan, who is sitting beside Diana, points Wade in the direction behind her with a restroom to use. Wade rolls her eyes, stating that they should have brought nose plugs. After a few hours had passed, Wade was exiting the restroom, when she bumps into one of the officers who apologizes and keeps walking around her to use the restroom himself. Wade takes her seat, with everyone but Colin and Ryan sleeping. Wade looks to Ryan, stating that she is starting to wonder about something involving the fact that she had noticed officers at the airport in New York as well as on the flight and is starting to wonder if a war is going on or is about to start. Ryan states that early stages of the second world war might be starting since after the plane took off, he starting thinking of where they were headed to and realized they could get caught up in the middle of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Wade’s eyes widen, with her asking Ryan why he didn’t bring it up to them before they left for the airport. Ryan tells Wade, and Colin who is finally paying attention to the conversation, that he didn’t think much of it and figured this world wasn’t going into the second world war. Colin tells the two that next time they go flying, he should offer to take over as a pilot since it was interesting to travel in the air. Wade asks Colin if he is at all worried about the second world war and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Colin states that every world is different and he figures that their vacation won’t have any problems. Ryan tells Wade to relax and he figures that if Hawaii is attacked, they could always slide out early and start landing in Hawaii. Wade comments how lucky they would be if they became Hawaiian natives, or slid out onto a world where Hawaii doesn’t exist and be stuck in the Pacific Ocean for three days. Colin and Ryan smile at Wade, with her rolling her eyes and then putting her head back on her seat, closing her eyes to get some sleep. The officer who bumped into Wade earlier exits the restroom and then gets close to her seat, tapping her on her shoulder, apologizing and then asking if he could be given the privilege to speak with her privately. Wade smiles and then stands up, with the two walking back to a couple of seats behind the officer’s buddies. The man tells Wade that she is very beautiful and wants to get to know her. Wade tells the man how nice he was to comment on her and would be willing to get to know him too. The man introduces himself as Raymond Griffith, with Wade introducing herself to the officer. Wade asks the officer what his story was and how he ended up in the uniform he had on. Raymond explains to Wade that he is orginally from Dallas, Texas and since he came from a poor family he thought he could help his family out to give more food to his siblings and leave the house for the navy. Raymond explains that he hasn’t been home to see his family in about a year and will be glad to see them after he is assigned back in the states. The officer asks Wade for her story. Wade explains that she is from San Franciso, California and came from a small family with just having a sister and two parents who love each other dearly. Wade continues, explaining that she began work as a waitress and then joined up with a few friends and have been traveling ever since. Raymond points to the others, asking if those were the friends she started traveling with. Wade explains that she had three other friends, but left the group to join a larger one for certain reasons. Raymond asks Wade where she has traveled to, with Wade explaining that she has just been around the United States mostly and back in high school she went with a class group to Germany. Raymond comments to Wade that she must have went before all hell broke lose and the Nazis took over. Wade agrees, stating that if she hadn’t, she could have been killed or sent to a concentration camp. Raymond starts the conversation up after a few moments of quietness, asking Wade how long she would be in Hawaii. Wade tells Raymond that they plan to stay for a week and would be returning to New York and get back to the grind of things. Raymond tells Wade that if she was free at any time, he would love to take her out and maybe get drinks. Wade tells Raymond she would like that, but would have to remember that before leaving the plane, they would have to exchange locations so they would reconnect. Raymond smiles at Wade, stating that he needed to get back to his friends and Wade states the same. The two leave the seats they were in and return to their sides of the plane. After arriving in Hawaii, at the airport, the sliders exit the plane and walk across a wooden made dock along with the other passengers who await for their luggage. When entering the terminal, there are several people standing around, waiting to board a plane. Joel notices many officers hugging and kissing their wives and one particular couple who had three children that the father was kissing and tells his wife that he would be back in New York within the next couple of weeks. Wade taps Joel on the shoulder, with him realizing that his friends were exiting the airport to get a taxi. Joel catches up, with the six taking two separate taxis. The group arrives at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, with them exiting the taxis and entering with their luggage in hand. Mallory tells the others that he would catch up since he needed a cigarette after not having one for almost three days, which was very painful to handle. The other five members enter the hotel, leaving Mallory on his own and him noticing a couple hot women walking nearby to the beach. Mallory whistles out to them, and then stating that they are making his trip to Hawaii a lot more enjoyable. The two women laugh and proceed to the beach. Later in the evening, before sunset, the sliders are enjoying a luau and eating away as are many other guests. Wade tells the others that she should have invited Raymond to the party since she could have gotten to know him better. Diana tells Wade that with the ships docked, she shouldn’t have any problem finding her man. Wade smiles at Diana, with Diana looking back at Wade, doing the same. Joel speaks up, stating that after learning of what would be happening in a couple days, they may want to take a long trip away from the area so they wouldn’t get killed. Colin tells the others that maybe they should warn the people here, so no one would die. Wade agrees, stating if she got to Raymond in time, she could have him warn the top brass and maybe Pearl Harbor wouldn’t get attacked, giving this world’s America a chance to experience safe and secure feelings, instead of complete terror. Ryan states that with the 7th already passing, he figures there wouldn’t be any attacks on Pearl Harbor. Ryan continues, explaining that with having a feeling like they’ve went back in time, they should remain passive, since some things need to occur in order for a world to move forward and deal with problems that arise for them, just like the worlds they came from. Wade tells Ryan that he is right, but at what price would it be for a world to not have an attack and to have an America where no one fears terror. Ryan tells Wade that she should remember the world they visited a couple months ago where terrorism hit the United States in New York and the citizens around the country were striving to be brave from terrorism, which is a certainy for survival. Wade gets frustrated with Ryan’s lack of understanding her feelings and decides to get up from the table, telling the others that she would be down at the beach relaxing and they can just meet her back at the hotel room later. Diana asks Wade if everything was okay, with Wade stating that she is just really tired and wants to get a way from it all. Wade takes off, with the others looking to Ryan, who asks why the others are staring at him. Joel tells Ryan that he should have considered Wade’s feelings in the situation they may have to face and that she has someone in mind that could get killed. Ryan gives out a look of stupidity, telling the others that he can’t believe he didn’t realize that Wade was getting attached to someone who she met recently, who is in the military. Around midnight, Wade and Diana head down to the hotel lobby and into the swimming pool nearby. Wade and Diana change into their bathing suits and then exit out of the women’s locker room and both getting into the pool. Wade starts to swim around, with Diana just relaxing by the side. Wade splashes water onto Diana, stating that it was very enjoyable and can’t remember the last time she was in a pool. Diana swims out to join Wade near the middle of the pool, when Raymond surprisingly shows up and calls out to Wade. Wade swims over to the side, as does Diana, with Raymond asking Wade if she would be free for a walk. Wade looks to Diana, who pursuades her to go and that she would be fine alone in the pool. Wade jumps out of the pool and grabs a towel that was draped over a chair nearby and proceeds into the women’s locker room to change. Raymond looks to Diana, asking her if Wade was seeing anyone since he would hate to interfere with an ongoing relationship. Diana tells Raymond that she is free as a bird and that she hasn’t had much luck with men in the places that they visit. Raymond has a sigh of relief, telling Diana that he is glad to know that, since he had that happen to him a few years ago and the guy who was involved with the women he put his eyes on got into a fight with him. Diana smiles, with heading back into the middle of the pool, swimming around and Wade soon exiting the locker room to join up with Raymond and waving to Diana who does the same. By the following morning, Joel and Mallory are jogging around the area, when a humvee passes them and then slows down, with reversing their direction to catch up to the two men. An older man in a naval uniform exits the passenger side and yells at Mallory, telling him to stop where he was at. Joel and Mallory do as they are told, with the officer getting close to Mallory’s face, asking him why he wasn’t in uniform. Mallory jokes with the officer, stating that he forgot to wash his uniform and was letting it hang out to dry. The officer tells Mallory that his humor was as bad as the war going on in Germany and that he would return to the ship immediately. The driver exits, who is revealed to be a bigger guy and forces Mallory into the back seat. The officer looks to Joel, telling him to go on about his business which Joel does and continues running off in the opposite direction that the humvee was going. The officer jumps back into the passenger seat, with the humvee taking off down the road. Once returning to a ship that is docked in the marina, the older officer exits the passenger side, opens the back seat door and tells Mallory to get out, which he does. The officer tells Mallory to wait for him at the spot he was at. Mallory tries to tell the officer that he doesn’t understand what is going on, but isn’t given a chance to speak out. The driver exits the humvee, getting close to Mallory, telling him he should have been in uniform and nothing would have happened. Mallory tells the driver that he isn’t part of the military and would prefer to return to his vacation. The driver tells Mallory to cheer up since being in the navy was a very honorable duty to the United States. Mallory tries to explain to the guy that he must be mistaken for someone else, but the driver ignores him, with returning to the humvee to await the older officer. The older officer returns with a young naval officer, telling him to get Mallory a uniform since he wants to be a panzy and not fight the good fight like everyone else does. The younger officer salutes the older officer with him getting back into the humvee and it taking off. The officer looks to Mallory, asking what his name was, with Mallory stating that his name was Quinn Mallory and he wasn’t in the navy. The officer looks at Mallory for a few more seconds, realizing that he has seen him at the bars lately and has done some funny things to people when he is drunk. The officer tells Mallory to follow him and he would get him set up. Mallory decides to go along, with him asking questions about what was going on since he was lost. The young officer looks confused at Mallory, asking what he means. Mallory states that he isn’t a naval officer on board and that someone who he looks like is the real officer who should be aboard the vessel. The young officer tells Mallory that he must definately be drunk if he believes what he is saying. Mallory is taken aboard a ship, with going down a couple decks, before reaching cabins and with the officer taking Mallory to cabin # 13, where a few bunk beds were placed. The officer tells Mallory that his bunk was on the top of the third one in the first row, by the port hole. Mallory asks the officer where his uniform was at since he didn’t own one. The young officer laughs, stating that he should have a spare in his box, which is underneath the bed, which the officer points out to Mallory. After the officer leaves, Mallory heads into the cabin, with taking a seat on the bottom bunk, opening the box that belong to him, with him noticing many personal items. Mallory takes a picture out, which shows Mallory’s double and another guy together, with Mallory looking at the back of the photo and noticing the other guy was named Dennis Shannon. Mallory then looks down to a death certificate with the name being Dennis Shannon, realizing his double lost someone who meant a lot to him. Mallory places the picture back down, with finding another uniform and Mallory decides to put on the uniform, with him exiting back out into the area and returning to his friends who were about to travel to a nearby beach via taxis. Before they get into the taxis, Joel asks Mallory what he was doing with the uniform on. Mallory states that he felt that joining the navy was a very proud thing to do, since his double was missing and he figures he could take over for the double. Wade tells Mallory that he might want to consider becoming a civilian again since if they are attacked, he could very well get killed. Mallory laughs it off, stating that not every world will have a war, and that he figures that when they return to New York, they all will be in one piece. Joel tells Mallory that they were on their way to the beach, stating that they will relax, while he returns to his ship to do his militaristic duty for the country. Mallory states that he would do that after he took a break and soon takes out a cigarette package and a lighter from his pockets. The other five sliders take off, with Mallory lighting one up and walking back toward the marina, where he was at previously. As Mallory returns to the ship his double was assigned to, he is still smoking the cigarette he started at the hotel, and when his commanding officer gets close to him, he yells out at him to put out the cancer stick and get back to work. Mallory agrees with tossing the cigarette on the ground, stepping on it, then proceeding back aboard the ship where he is greeted by the young naval officer from before. He asks Mallory where he went to since he had duties to attend to around the ship. Mallory apologizes, stating that he needed to sober up some and needed to get coffee at a nearby cafe. The officer tells Mallory that he might want to consider the option to quit smoking cigarettes since they were bad for his health. Mallory tells the officer that he knows what he is doing and smoking relaxes him which he needs to do every once in a while after he sees the things he sees on his many visits to other places. The officer asks Mallory if he could tell me of some of the places he has visited since joining the navy. Mallory puts his arm around the kid, starting to talk about how surprising the earth really can be as the two begin walking down the main deck of the ship. Once arriving at the beach, the five sliders find a good spot to relax and lay their beach towels on the sand. Colin, Ryan, and Wade head for the water, with Joel wanting to get a tan and Diana wanting to just relax in the sun before going into the water. Joel notices an outdoors beach hut that was serving snacks and drinks. Joel asks Diana if she wanted anything and stated that she would like a bottle of water, Joel states it would be early for that, and that she should try a non-alcoholic beverage. Diana smiles, stating that he shouldn’t copy Mallory in humor, since he could get hit with telling another bad joke. Joel apologizing, stating that Mallory was missing, he wanted to be the one picking up the slack since Mallory usually is the one making corny jokes. Diana puts her sunglasses on and lies down on her towel to relax. Joel heads over, with getting into a line, waiting for his turn to order. A man who Joel remembers seeing at the airport arrives behind him, with also standing in line. Joel turns around, commenting on how hot the weather was in Hawaii and hopes rain will show up soon enough. The man agrees, stating that New York is probably even worse since the last time he was there, it was in the 90s which he doesn’t like and is considering moving out toward California which he has heard is comfortable and has a lot of vegetation. Joel asks the man if he was recently at an airport, saying goodbye to his family, with the man looking confused at Joel, then explaining that he had his wife and kids come over, but with the war brewing, he wanted them out of harms way. Joel states that he recently arrived with his friends and had noticed him when he entered the airport. The man asks Joel if he has seen many of the tourist attractions; Joel explains that he really hasn’t and wouldn’t mind finding a tour guide. The man states that he is a good tour guide and wouldn’t mind showing him and his friends around. Joel shakes the man’s hand, introducing himself, with the man introducing himself as Buddy Hanson. After the introductions, Joel was finally able to order and get back to Diana. Before Joel takes off, he tells Buddy that he is staying at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel and he could find them on the fifth floor and in rooms 205 and 206. Buddy states that he should have some time the next day and he would contact him later in the evening about plans. Joel agrees, heading back to Diana, along with trying to eat his food while walking through the hot sand. Later in the evening, the sliders are in a theater as they watch the news reels show what has been happening across the world the past few months, involving the war. The sliders are surprised of such similarities that they’ve seen from their own earths during the second world war. As the news reels end, they exit back outside and plan to go to a small restaurant down the street for dessert. Raymond surprises Wade with flowers, as he approaches her by the theater, stating that he wanted to show his appreciation toward her hospitality with her being so kind to him. Wade accepts the flowers, with giving Raymond a kiss on the cheek. Wade asks Raymond how he knew she would be at the theater, and Raymond states that he was in the theater they were in, and he snuck out early to buy flowers for her, so the run in was coincidental. Wade tells Raymond that he was a very romantic person and she could never think of a guy doing what he did for her just now. Raymond tells Wade that his mother always told him to treat women like queens, and he plans to someday with that special lady. Raymond then asks Wade if she would like to go watch the sunset in a place he recently has found which seems really special to him. Wade looks to the others, then back at Raymond, stating that she would definately want to go and tells her friends she would see them later. Raymond leads Wade to his truck, with him opening the passenger side door to let her in first, then after shutting the passenger side door, he proceeds to his side to get in. The two take off, with Raymond beeping his horn at the other sliders, who’ve begun walking down the sidewalk to the restaurant. Diana looks to the others, stating that Wade may get too emotional to let Raymond get killed and want him to go along with them for the journey. Joel agrees, stating that the last time she got nasty with them, she wanted to save the women of America and she actually did. Colin tells the group as they keep walking to the restaurant that if they were to keep piling on more people through the void, things may go terribly wrong for them. Ryan tells the others that they should lay a law down with anyone who wants to bring someone along shouldn’t be allowed to. Diana did think that if Wade wanted to save Raymond, they could slide out with him and just return him after they slid off the next earth. Joel asks Diana if she is starting to become a conformist; Diana tells Joel that she doesn’t like to see her friends hurt and wants to be accepting in any way possible. Joel tells Diana that that would become her weakness someday. Diana looks to Joel in a confused way, but doesn’t let what he said get to her and continues walking until they reach the restaurant they were going into. Once arriving at a cliff where the ocean seems endless down below and the sun beginning to lower with nightfall approaching, Raymond parks the truck, with him and Wade exiting it and taking seats on a very big and flat boulder nearby. Raymond tells Wade to remain at her seat, since he wanted to celebrate something. Wade smiles as Raymond returns to the truck to pull out a basket and carries it over to Wade. He pulls out a bottle of wine, along with two wine glasses. He take the cork out and fills up both glasses which he hands one to Wade and after filling his glass, he places the bottle back in the basket and tells Wade that he wanted to make a toast. Wade gets her glass close to his, with Raymond stating that he is so glad to finally meet a woman who can really make his life feel perfect in every way, no matter the circumstances in Europe. Wade and Raymond cling their glasses together and both taking sips of wine. Wade tells Raymond that he is the first guy who has made her feel different in a good way. Raymond seems relieved, telling Wade that he is glad that she feels the same way about him as he does for her. Wade asks Raymond if she could trust him with a secret she has been holding in which is also difficult to tell people. Raymond tells Wade that she can tell him anything and he won’t hurt her feelings no matter what. Wade takes a couple more sips of wine, before coming out to Raymond that she, along with her friends come from parallel worlds and that they would be taking off shortly to return to New York, since that is the location they must travel to in order for the gateway which they travel through to open. Raymond starts laughing after Wade spill her guts, with him asking her if she was serious which Wade shakes her head yes and Raymond stops laughing, then taking in the rest of the wine before speaking. Wade tells Raymond it’s a lot to take in, but she felt that he needed to know who she was before sliding off world. After Raymond finishes his drink, he tells Wade that he doesn’t understand why she told him such non-sense. Wade states that she wanted to tell him because like she said, she finally met a guy that made her feel special and to warn him about a possible attack on Pearl Harbor that will occur any day now. Raymond stands up, telling Wade she wasn’t funny and that they should get back to the city. Wade stops Raymond, telling him that she wasn’t lying and doesn’t want to see him die in the attack. Raymond tells Wade that she needs to stop screwing with guys who are true to women and not hurt them by playing games. Raymond returns to the truck, with Wade getting in, but Raymond tells Wade to get out since he doesn’t want to have any more to do with her. Wade tells Raymond to talk to his commanding officer and check things out before Pearl Harbor is attacked and thousands of innocent people die. Wade steps out of the truck, with Raymond backing up and taking off, leaving Wade in the darkness alone. By early next morning, in the command post, Raymond arrives, with his commanding officer, who is getting a cup of coffee, greets him, stating that he should relax and take a day off since he has been working nonstop on the map locations of the Japanese battleships. Raymond asks his commanding officer if it would be possible for Japan to attack Pearl Harbor even though it would take longer to arrive. The officer tells Raymond that it wouldn’t be likely since the ships can only go so far, before needing to fuel up again. Raymond asks if suicide bombers would be coming since if the battleships got close, they could take off and still attack. The officer tells Raymond to follow him into a room, with the two going down a hallway close by and then entering the third door on the left, with the officer showing Raymond a map of the Hawaiian Islands and he points out that the miniature versions of the vessels were going west, instead of northeast, which is in the opposite direction of their location. Raymond asks if it would be possible to get an exact location of the vessels and whether or not they would be approaching Hawaii. The officer tells Raymond he would need to talk to the communications outpost for that information. Raymond states he would be back and takes off out the front door and driving off in a humvee. Buddy arrives at the hotel with a Buick Model 45 and enters the hotel to find the others. After a few minutes, Buddy, along with the five sliders take off in the vehicle, and Wade having to sit on Colin’s lap due to the lack of seating. The group travel all over the islands, with them taking a rest at a waterfall in the afternoon. With the group exiting the vehicle and looking around, Buddy pulls Joel off to the side, asking him for a huge favor. Joel asks Buddy what was up and Buddy states that he fears something is going to happen at Pearl Harbor soon enough and would hate to not have his wife be given his dog tags in case of his death. Joel tells Buddy to not think in such a horrific way and he should believe that he’ll survive any war attacks that come his way. Buddy pulls off his dog tags, placing them in Joel’s right hand, stating that in case he died, he wants a friend to deliver them to his wife in New York. Joel tells Buddy that he promises that he will do as he asks, but if nothing happens by the time he leaves back to New York, he will have to give his own dog tags to his wife when he goes home. Over at the marina, aboard his vessel, Mallory is shining his boots, when the young naval officer arrives, with Mallory calling out to him by the name of Harry, stating that he hates doing odd jobs around the ship that aren’t his style. Harry tells Mallory that he should have realized that he needs to keep up his neatness, since if he was to go on show, he would have to look spiffy for everyone. Mallory asks Harry if he was busy later in the evening, with Harry stating that he had night-watch, but other than that he was free up until 9 p.m.. Mallory tells Harry that he would like his friends to meet him, and they could go for dinner to catch up, since he hadn’t seen his friends in over a day, and just wonders what they would be up to. Harry states that he will clear it for their commanding officer and hopefully they can go on leave for dinner. As the sun begins to set on Pearl Harbor, Mallory and Harry arrive back at the hotel to greet the other sliders. Mallory introduces Harry to his friends, along with the others glad to know that Mallory made a new friend. Mallory brings up that they were free for dinner and wondered if they were up for a meal. Joel tells Mallory that they also made a new friend, named Buddy Hansen and he invited them out to a restaurant, so they can all go and have dinner together. With an hour passing, the sliders, along with Harry and Buddy finally are seated at the restaurant they were going to eat at. With the introductions out of the way, Buddy states that if they had time the following morning, he wouldn’t mind taking them to a local museum that has a lot of interesting things. Diana tells Buddy that they should be free and that is the point of a vacation, which is to have a little fun. Mallory tells the group that they are lucky, since he was told by Harry that he was going to be cleaning the guns and possibly paint parts of the ship in need of covering up from rust spots. Wade tells Mallory that he should be proud to serve the United States Navy and realize all of his contributions are a worthy cause to support the navy. Mallory smiles, asking Wade how her relationship with Raymond was going. Wade tells Mallory that they broke up the previous night since he didn’t like what she did for a living. Harry asks Wade what she did for a living, with Wade stating that she travels to different places. Harry seems confused why that would break up a couple. Wade states that if they got into a relationship, that she would never be around for him and that wasn’t going to work for him, so they just went their separate ways. The waitress finally arrives, handing each member of the table a menu. Over at the command post, Raymond is at a desk, do some paper work, when his commanding officer shows up, asking Raymond why he was still around. Raymond states that he did some digging, and after talking to the communication outpost, he believes that the Japanese are going to attack. The commanding officer tells Raymond that with aerial photos, they still are in the clear from any such attacks by the Japanese. Raymond states that in the morning, he wants to head over to the communication outpost and stay for a few hours and listen to communication between the Japanese and other possible threats, since he doesn’t want America to become a place for target practice. By the following morning, as the sliders begin to awake and move around, Joel returns from his morning jog and tells the others that after his shower he would meet them in the dining room downstairs for breakfast. Over on the Battleship Arizona, Mallory is already awake and on the main deck for roll call. Harry starts to notice Mallory dozing off, but nudges him a couple times, telling him he needs to stay awake. Mallory tells Harry that he isn’t used to waking up at 5 a.m. since he usually sleeps in until 10 or 11 a.m. before breakfast. After roll call, the commanding officer tells his soldiers of the news in Europe and how badly things are looking for the allies, but he has belief in every single officer on the ship and every other officer who is defending their country against such evil. The officer then salutes the men and walks away, with the officers scattering in different directions. Mallory and Harry return down below, where they both start to eat breakfast in the dining hall, along with a few other officers who arrive shortly after. On the south coast of the Hawaiian Islands, Japanese suicide bombers are coming into the area and headed straight for Pearl Harbor. To Be Continued.....Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill Dial
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