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Episode U-806: Equal Opportunity

I've returned after a three week hiatus, but I'm back with a brand new episode tonight.Logline: After the sliders land in Syracuse, Diana and Wade are arrested for not covering their faces, leading them to revolt against the government to change the policy of the way women are treated in the United States. Episode 6: Equal Opportunity Starring Charlie O’Connell, Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Jacqueline Bisset as Teri Gates, Ted Wass as Senator Joe Roddrick, Christopher McDonald as William Morris, and Daphne Maxwell Reid as Doris Simmons Synopsis: Through the vortex, the sliders travel to the next world with the portal opening up inside the Rosamond Gifford Zoo, near the men’s restroom. As the sliders tumble out onto the paved walk way, they soon stand up with the portal closing. Diana comments that at least no one saw them slide into this world. Joel states they have a little over a week on this world, but they should get jobs, since their bank account is about gone. As the sliders start to exit the zoo, they soon realize they were in the countryside. Mallory notices a mini mall down the road, stating he notices camping equipment in one of the stores and tells the others they should consider going for a camp out. A bus soon appears in the mini mall parking lot with a man exiting the bus and heading into a grocery store. Diana states that they could get some lodging at the KOA Kampgrounds, pointing out the logo on the side of the bus. The sliders agree to the idea and head toward the mini mall to stand near the bus, awaiting the driver to return. Colin tells the others he was a bit hungry and needed to buy some food. Joel agrees with Colin’s idea for food, telling the others to remain by the bus until the driver returns and hopefullyg the guy will give them a ride to the campground. As they enter the store, Colin heads down the chip aisle, quickly looking for corn chips since he says he hasn’t had much salt in his diet. Joel states he would get some water for the bus ride, since the previous world didn’t have an appealing water source. Colin then heads down another aisle and grabs a pack of gum, with catching up to Joel who is carrying a couple jugs of water a small bag of plastic cups. The bus driver completes his purchases, with exiting out the front door prior to the guys arriving at the counter. Joel places the jugs and cups on the counter as does Colin with his items. The clerk states it would be $4.22; Joel pays the man with a $20 dollar bill and gets his change back. The two exit back into the parking lot, with the bus driver talking to the others. The driver soon gets back upon the bus, with closing the door and talking on his radio. Joel and Colin quickly get back to the others, asking what happened. Ryan states they spoke with the driver and he said he was going to give them a ride to the campground. Joel states they finally may have got a chance for a small countryside trip. Diana states that she doesn’t like the countryside since she grew up in the city and her family never really went out camping, but things could change her mind about the countryside. Joel tells Diana that since she is a slider, she should try things out and on this world, they will go camping and she can enjoy the outdoors the way they’re meant to. The driver opens the bus door back up, telling the group to hop on and they could get going. The driver looks a bit confused at Diana and Wade, but doesn’t let them see his face and acts as if nothing is wrong. The driver starts the bus up once the sliders were seated, with driving taking off and soon heading down the road, going left and speeding off. Once arriving at the KOA Kampgrounds, Colin notices a couple police squad cars and looks to Wade, who is seated behind him, telling her of what he saw. Wade states that the cops would be there for any reason, even though she thinks someone is getting arrested for drug possession, because it seems like every time she sees cops on worlds, it involves drugs. As the bus stops, the sliders start to get off the bus, when a couple officers point guns at them, telling Wade and Diana to come with them, since they were illegally dressed and would have to be arrested and taken in. Wade and Diana agree to go with the officers with Wade telling the guys that things were fine and they should be back soon enough. One of the police officers opens the back door to his squad car and has the two get in, and after opening up the front door, he grabs a large blanket and tells the two to cover up since he doesn’t want people to see women’s faces appearing as they drive by. Wade and Diana look confused, but agree to follow the command. Joel heads back to the bus, asking the driver if he had called the cops to arrest his friends. The driver states it is unlawful to be seen out in the public like that for women and he had to do something. Joel states they were new to the area and should have been given a warning. The driver states it doesn’t matter and they should have been prepared when showing up in New York or any other part of the United States. The driver shuts the door on the bus and takes off, with Joel returning to the others. Colin states he was lucky enough to take the PDL with him before Wade and Diana got carted off. Joel states they should get some lodging and figure a way to break the women out if they are forced to. Ryan points the others in the direction to the main office to rent a cabin and the four head in that direction with Joel and Colin carrying their groceries. In the back of the police car, Wade and Diana are under the blanket, when Diana asks the officers what they did to deserve being arrested. The officer driving looks in his rearview mirror, looking at the two under the blanket, laughing a bit and stating they should be ashamed of themselves for not covering up. Wade states she hasn’t been in the country in a while and is lost of why she had to cover up. The officer looks into his mirror again, telling Wade to just stuff it and they would be at the station soon enough to take care of them. With the police car soon entering into the police station, and parking by the front door, the officer driving, exits the car, with opening the back seat up on his side, and takes the blanket off of the two, telling the two to follow him inside after he closed the back door. As they enter the station, other officers stare at Diana and Wade with a few men laughing. The officer, who the two women are following, walks up to an older, larger man who tells the officer to place them in cell block F4 with the others like them after they had their mug shots taken as well as their finger prints taken for filing purposes. After a few minutes, the same officer tells the two to follow him after he opens a large metalic door and heading down a hallway with the two following. They get to the end of the hallway and get into an elevator with the officer going to the F level. Diana looks to the officer, stating they needed to be filled in with what is going on. The officer doesn’t say anything and the elevator doors soon open. The officer exits first with the two following him again. He gets to a cell which is darkly lit and opens the cell door, telling the two to get in or he would have to use force on them. Wade and Diana rush into the cell, with the officer soon shutting it and returning to the elevator to go back up to the main floor. Wade looks to Diana, stating they probably were going to be executed for not covering up, whatever that meant. Diana states its just a misunderstanding and if they can talk to a lawyer, they shouldn’t have any problems getting out before the slide. A few hours later, back at the KOA Kampgrounds, with rain coming heavily down, a man gets close by a cabin with exiting his car and walking up to the door with knocking on it. Colin answers it with the man entering by force, with Colin backing away. The man takes his hat off as well as his jacket, with hanging them both on the coat rack in the cabin, by the door. Joel asks the man what he could do to help them with releasing Wade and Diana. The man states that this was a first for him as a lawyer, but had talked with a few people and realizes he could get their friends out if they are willing to cover up. Mallory states the two would definately be willing to fit into society if they were given a chance. The man asks the four if one or two of them would come with him to the police station to assist with getting the women out of confinement. Joel agrees to go, as does Mallory. The man states he would stop by in the morning to pick them up, but he would call prior to him showing up to retrieve them. Joel thanks the man for his time, who quickly then leaves the cabin after he retrieved his jacket and hat. After the lawyer leaves, Joel looks to the others, telling them that he hopes Wade and Diana will go along with the plan, since he often wonders how they percieve the idea of a world where women have to cover up or they could be stoned to death for showing skin. Colin states they have been in worse situations before and he figures Diana and Wade would do anything to have themselves free and able to move on to the next world. Ryan states he would take off tomorrow to find a job and tells Colin he should do the same for them to be able to stay in the cabin for the time until they slide out. Joel states if they can survive this world, they shouldn’t have any problems unless the situation gets any worse. By the following morning, at the police station, A police officer takes Joel and Mallory, as well as the lawyer to the women down in the confined cell. Diana and Wade are glad to see their friends, with Wade asking if they were going to get set free. Joel asks the officer if they could get in the cell to talk to their friends in private. The officer agrees with opening the cell and Joel, Mallory and the lawyer enter, with the officer closing the cell door and walking back by the elevator. Wade looks to the guys asking what was wrong; Joel asks Wade and Diana if they realized the crime they committed. Diana states that they were arrested for not obeying the law of covering up as women do in arab based countries. Joel states she was right on the money, but here in the United States, that is the way life is for women or anyone of the female gender. Mallory finishes the conversation, asking the two if they would want to cover up so they could get set free. Wade and Diana agree to the idea, even though they dislike it, they would rather be free than confined to a jail cell. The lawyer introduces himself as William Morris, telling the two that he was representing them and he had a change of clothes for them in an upper level womens bathroom for them. Wade states they would agree to it and would be ready to go as soon as possible. With returning to the KOA Kampground, Diana, Wade, Joel and Mallory return to the cabin, with Colin and Ryan a bit shocked of what Diana and Wade were wearing. Wade takes the head cover off, stating it wasn’t much fun with her face covered up and barely able to breathe. Diana does the same, agreeing, but is glad she is in the outside world rather than in a jail cell fearing for the worst. Joel tells the two that they would just have to stay in the cabin if they wanted to be free of the garments. Wade states she would go outside, just not a lot so she wouldn’t die from oxygen deprivation. Colin tells the others that he and Ryan didn’t do so well with finding jobs and they might have to consider sneaking out in the middle of the night so they wouldn’t get arrested themselves without paying for the bill. Joel states that they should just keep up searching for employment since he figures someone out there is hiring. Colin states that they would try again the following day. Ryan asks the women if they were filled in about this world and how it got the way it did. Diana states that the lawyer, William Morris basically said it all. Mallory comments that he is shocked that the Taliban rules the roost with the help of the president who is just making laws by their choices. Wade comments that every president doesn’t seem that powerful, but she isn’t in the government and doesn’t know what really goes on behind the scenes. Colin states that thanks to President Wallace, everything changed for society and nothing had stayed the same since. Wade tells the guys that since they were forced to stay inside without covering up, they’ll cook dinner. Diana looks to Wade, asking if she knew how to cook since she didn’t. Wade states that she did a lot of cooking back home and people usually liked it. Diana states that she can try, but science is usually fitted best for her. The women smile, looking at each other, with Ryan stating that it was about time they got cooks. Wade tells Ryan that he better watch it, or he’ll get some rat poison in his meal. Later on in the afternoon, Wade and Diana arrive at the general store to purchase some things for themselves as well as the others. A couple other customers, who are male are in there and notice Diana and Wade being covered up and smile about it, with giggling at them as they walk past them. Diana and Wade soon get to the counter with a woman, also covered up asking them if they found everything they needed. Diana states they did and hopes to enjoy their stay at the KOA Kampgrounds. The woman asks the two if they would be interested in coming to a meeting later in the evening. Wade asks the woman what type of meeting it was, since it might be fun to socialize with other women since they don’t get to do that much in their lives. The woman states that she has weekly meetings with a group of women to just discuss issues women face on a daily basis, but it might not appeal to them. Diana and Wade agree to the idea since they feel it would be good to socialize with others who know what it’s like to be a woman, living in this unfair world. The woman introduces herself as Teri Gates, with Diana and Wade introducing themselves to Teri and shaking hands. Teri hands a flier to Diana, stating she will be hoping for their presence since tonight was special meeting. Teri quickly bags the groceries and Wade and Diana each take a bag, with exiting the general store and walking back to the cabin. Diana looks over the flier, wondering what type of meeting they were going to. Wade figures it could be a protest about women being forced to cover up to go outside, and maybe if they stayed long enough, they could learn a few things about this earth. Wade continues, stating that if they could help a world, they should take a shot. Diana states she was never the protester type, but she really hasn’t made a change to a world yet, unless she counts the time she tried to talk to a guy back on the world where she was on Ellis Island, but she really didn’t get the guy to do anything except sleep in his cell. Wade states that she can remember all the stories she was told by Quinn or Rembrandt of how they helped worlds out of situations to give them a better outlook on life. By nightfall, Wade and Diana exit their cabin with taking off to the general store and with them heading to the front door, where they soon are met by Teri, stating the door to the meeting was in the back of the building which goes to the basement. Diana and Wade follow Teri and the three then go walking down a flight of stairs where the two notice a few other women, showing their faces and are surprised to see the lawyer from earlier down in the basement. Teri tells the two to take their facial vails off, since it was a woman’s world down in the basement. Wade and Diana both uncover their faces, with the other women looking at them. Teri introduces the other women to Wade and Diana, with the two introducing themselves. William Morris soon gets close, telling Diana and Wade he was glad they were at the meeting. Wade tells Morris that she was glad he showed up in time to set them free. Morris tells the two he was just trying to help women in society since he feels women should be able to be wear what they want and not be forced to cover up. Teri has Diana and Wade sit in the back row with Teri starting the meeting. Teri starts talking about how the government is a ridiculous group of people who don’t know what they are doing since women should be free to live in their own way. Teri continues, stating with the help of her brother, she would be traveling to Philadelphia to go before the senate to propose that they be given the chance to uncover their faces and show the world what they look like. Morris starts talking, stating that any other women who want to come is encouraged to attend the meeting, since with more support, the more of a chance they can get the law passed for freedom to women. A woman sitting in the front row asks if President Perrot would be there, since she figures the president may get after them. Teri states everyone in the room has every right to be anywhere in the world since they deserve attention just like men. Teri looks to the back, with asking what Wade and Diana thought of the situation. Wade states that she agrees about something being done to change how society treats women and she would be willing to go to D.C. to fight for equal rights of women. Diana states she agrees with Wade, in feeling that women’s rights are being violated and something should be done about it in a peaceful way instead of resolving it through war between people of the same country. Teri states her protests are always peaceful and they always will be. Teri continues, explaining that she spoke with a few other resistance groups and they also shall attend the gathering in Philidelphia, and she hopes this message will get across to women all over the world in hopes that she can give women a chance in the world as men are so freely given. Teri states the busses leaves tomorrow afternoon and anyone wanting to go, should show up in front of the general store to take a chance and show the president they aren’t afraid of standing up for something they believe in. Teri adjourns the meeting, telling the women to have an enjoyable evening. Before Wade and Diana leave, Teri asks them for a quick chat. Teri asks the two if they would be coming to Philidelphia with them the following afternoon and remain for a few days to get the word out that they aren’t afraid to stand up to the government. Wade and Diana look at each other, with Diana stating they would need to talk it over, but if they decide to go, they will be at the bus stop. Teri tells the two that she hopes they will come along for the ride, since it will be an exciting journey until the end. With the women returning to the cabin, they notice the guys are relaxing, with Colin and Ryan watching television, Joel reading a magazine and Mallory out of site. Wade takes her head cover off, with asking where Mallory was at. Joel states that Mallory found a gym located in the area and he wanted to work out a bit. Wade comments that Mallory probably also went out for a smoke or two. Diana takes her robe off, with placing it in the closet, with also doing the same for Wade. Joel asks the two how the meeting went; Wade explains that Teri wants them to go to a protest the next day, but isn’t sure if she wants to go. Joel tells Wade to take a shot since she may change life on this earth for the better. With Diana stating the protest was in Washington D.C., the three guys get Diana’s attention with looking toward her and Joel asking if they were going that far. Wade states it would be a great opportunity to help, but with being there for about a week, compromises the slide. Colin stands up from the couch, stating they still should try and maybe they could tag along and manage to slide off if they could in Washington. Diana states if they did that, it could disrupt their sliding range and they could end up sliding into Washington D.C. for some time unless she could fix the sliding radius to return them to New York on the return trip through the wormhole. Joel states they shouldn’t have any problems getting into Washington D.C. and getting back to New York in time with leaving the protest early. Wade states that they may have a problem, because if Teri wants them to stay around, it could create a situation. Diana states they would have to take off in the middle of the night. Wade agrees to the plan, but is going to feel bad for leaving a worthy cause to go to another world. Ryan comments that it would be better to slide off to another world, than be stuck on a world where females of any generation are forced to be covered up. Wade states she could stay on the world and start a new life for herself, since it obviously is going to take years to return home anyway. By the following afternoon, five Grey-Hound busses are parked out in front of the general store, with women, and a few men getting aboard. Teri has a clipboard with writing names down. The sliders soon arrive, with Teri thanking them for coming along and that they won’t regret taking this shot to help women. Once the busses were loaded, they took off, going south down the main road, hitting the highway. While on the bus, Teri is talking with Diana and Wade about how much work they have to do to prepare for the meeting with New York’s senator and then begin the protest in front of the White House. Diana tells Teri that she definately has heart in her work and she figures they may make an impact in society soon enough. Near the back, Colin and Joel, who are seated together, chat about upcoming events, with Joel starting to wonder if the whole protesting idea is going to fail, since he realizes the law has been around for a few decades, but realizes that with people already going against the United States government, there may be a change. Colin states that they will have to find a way back to New York prior to the slide, since they don’t want to be screwed over for missing the slide and being stuck on a world where woman have to cover up and live poor lifestyles. Joel states that he can tell Diana and Wade sometimes feel like outcasts in the group since they are the weaker sex compared to the male population, but Joel thinks that Diana should have more common sense and realize this is a parallel world due to an altered coarse of history. Colin agrees that Diana usually wouldn’t be into this type of stuff, but he does think Wade is often being held back by not being able to say things to them during their time on other worlds, but all they can do is sit back and support her decision this time around. Joel tells Colin that he hopes neither Wade or Diana will want to stay on this world forever to keep the fight going. As the following evening arrives, the busses arrive in Washington D.C. and head to a hotel where the group on the bus the sliders are on notice many women and a few men standing outside, awaiting the five busses to arrive. Teri is first off the bus with a woman named Doris Simmons introducing herself to Teri with Teri hugging her and thanking her for supporting the cause. As the buses begin to get evacuated and people walking into the hotel to get a room, the sliders try to stick together so they wouldn’t be lost in the shuffle. In a large dining room a couple hours later, four tables that are in length of the room has the people sitting around and Teri and Doris standing up at a podium talking into a microphone. Teri explains of how well the cause has been doing and knows that with time, many more citizens of the United States will join the cause and then the president will have to change the way women live in society. Doris starts in, talking of the following days plans and that she, along with Teri and a few other team leaders will meet with Senator Roddrick to talk to him about getting a bill signed to pass into Congress and have it possible to get the original law repealed, replacing it with the new one to give everyone the possibility of equal opportunities in the country like young boys and men alike already do today. After dinner was finished by the people, they were dismissed to do as they pleased. Teri stops Diana and Wade to join her, along with a few others for a meeting in a half hour to talk about tomorrows plans. The two agree, with still taking off with the guys to return to their room. Once getting there, Mallory states he would return down to the lobby to get ice, since he still was thirsty. Colin and Ryan agree to go along since they as well wanted to get some pop for themselves. Joel tells Mallory to get him something also, since he doesn’t really care what is bought, just as long as it is cold. The three guys leave, with Diana and Wade taking their robes off along with their head covers. Joel asks the two what Teri talked to them about. Diana states that Teri wants them to meet in her room to discuss the meeting with the senator. Joel states that they still need to be careful since he is getting a bad vibe from Teri. Wade tells Joel to not worry about it, since she doubts that Teri has any evil plans to kill them all off. Joel tells Wade that since he began sliding, he has gotten to realize that some people aren’t so trusting. Wade tells Joel that next time he had a comment to just keep it to himself since she is getting tired of his rudeness everytime she wants to help a world out. Joel apologizes and tells Wade he will try to support her in any way he can. Wade thanks Joel, and then tells him, along with Diana that she was going for a stroll and would be back to meet up for the meeting with Teri. Down in the lobby, with the guys getting the drinks and ice, they notice Teri, Doris and another woman getting close, but the women don’t realize the guys are there. Teri talks to Doris, asking her if the plans were in affect. Doris states that they were and when the protest comes to an end for them she hopes that their deaths will impact women all over the country and the rest of the world will join forces to defeat the men and then both women and men can walk hand in hand without anyone being forced to cover up. Doris asks Teri if her new friends would take their own lives. Teri states that Wade is a prized candidate and she will do it since she knows it is the right thing to do. The three women get onto an elevator and disappear. Colin looks to the others, stating they better get back to the room and tell Wade and Diana of Teri’s true nature of how they plan to stop women from being unequal. With the guys returning to the room, Colin asks Diana and Joel where Wade was at since he had some disturbing news to tell her as well as the two of them. Colin continues, explaining that when they were down getting drinks, they heard Teri telling a couple other women that they will be killing themselves to promote their way for the women of this country. Diana tells Colin that he must have construed the message that Teri was telling the other two incorrectly. Mallory states he also heard it with Ryan agreeing. Diana states anything was possible and she will tell Wade as they walk to Teri’s room and be prepared for anything that Teri may force them to do with the resistance group. Joel states that maybe he should go along and protect them at the meeting, since they could be dealing with a psychopathic person. Diana states that they have been to many worlds where people had different ethical beliefs and Teri could think that killing herself is the only option to prevent women of the future to live as she does now. Ryan states that they may want to consider checking out of the hotel sooner than they were planning. Joel agrees, figuring that Teri could have them forced into drinking a spiked punch or commit suicide in another form. Diana states she would be aware of anything that Teri may do or say and if things change for the worst, they can depart Washington and return to New York for the slide as soon as possible. I don't know why Scifi is making me do this, instead of posting my episode in 1 post, I have to do two of them which really wastes my time, but here is the rest of the episode. Synopsis: By the following morning, Teri, Doris, Wade, Diana, Morris and two other women meet up with Senator Roddrick for the meeting. Senator Roddrick is telling the women that he considers their proposal a hard situation to deal with, since the law of women being forced to cover up and have little contact with the outside world has existed for more than 40 years and the law will not likely be taken out of the constitution for just a little protest. Teri explains that with her plans of a protest in a day or so, everything may change for the better. Senator Roddrick asks Teri what type of protest she was going to have, with Teri stating it was a surprise, since she doesn’t want the police or even the government to stop them before proceeding with the plans. Roddrick tells the women that he will back them up to a point, but he realizes that so many men out there will not likely agree to changing a law that has existed for so long. Doris tells the senator that their surprise should do the trick in changing the minds of the other senators. The women stand up from sitting in chairs and exit, with Morris right behind them. At the elevator, Teri asks Morris if the supplies they needed had arrived yet. Morris states that he was going to pick them up at the postal office and he can get to work on it soon enough. Teri turns to Diana and Wade, telling the two that she needed to talk to them about their special surprise and need their full acceptance if the plans are to proceed as scheduled. Wade states that she is for whatever Teri is planning since she knows that making a dent in society, should give women a better chance at life in America. As Wade and Diana decide to walk around the city, the others take off in a mini-van and soon disappear. As the two walk down the sidewalk of the Capital building, Diana tells Wade that she has some bad news to tell her. Wade asks Diana what was going on, with Diana explaining to Wade that the night before, Colin, Mallory and Ryan overheard Teri talking to others involved with the protest group about killing themselves, and she isn’t sure if it involves spiking a punch or dying in some way to shock the entire world. Wade tells Diana that the guys must have heard it differently or were lying since they feel embarrassed by her for trying to take a shot at something that will help society out in some way. Diana tells Wade that the guys seemed serious and they may want to consider getting out of the protest, before they get killed. Wade tells Diana that until she is given real proof, she won’t budge an inch out of the city. Diana tells Wade that she should consider talking to Teri and ask her up front if that is her plan. Wade states that she may consider doing that, but doesn’t understand why Teri would want to kill herself, along with several thousand other women just to make a point. Diana tells Wade that every world is different, and it could be that on this world, America has citizens who are willing to kill themselves just to prove something is the only way. Wade agrees with Diana, but still thinks that there could be another way to destroy the law of women having no control in society at all. Diana tells Wade that maybe what should be done, is have all of them, including the guys, go to Teri and talk to her about finding another way to resolve the situation. Wade considers the idea, but feels that the guys might not really care if this world gets better or not. Diana tells Wade to give the guys a shot since they might actually care. Wade also thinks the guys care, but not so much as they do. Diana starts to say something, with Wade cutting her off, asking if she was with her all the way. Diana states that she isn’t fully agreeing that killing themselves will prove anything and that maybe Teri should think of another way to fix society. Wade tells Diana that she sounds like the guys and that maybe she should join them and just leave Washington D.C. for good, leaving her here to protest women’s rights. Wade starts off heading into a direction walking really fast with Diana catching up to her, stopping Wade in her tracks. Diana tells Wade that she shouldn’t start acting this way toward her friends, since they all care for her. Wade tells Diana that ever since she started sliding, she has always felt alone no matter how many times her friends would tell her that they care for her and wouldn’t know what to do if she was not with them. Diana states that maybe the guys don’t really care about the situation they are dealing with, but they do care for her, just like she does, since they were a team that moves together no matter what. Diana hugs Wade, stating that she would hate to have anything bad happen to her, or any of the guys. Wade thanks Diana for her support and appreciates knowing that she has backup, but just really wished people would act more than just say words that mean nothing. With late afternoon approaching, the sliders arrive at Teri’s hotel room, with Wade knocking on the door. Morris answers the door, with him opening it and welcoming the sliders into the room. Teri gets off the phone, also welcoming the sliders in and wondered what was on their minds. Wade asks Teri if what she heard from her friends were true. Teri asks Wade what she had heard, with Wade stating that she heard that they would commit suicide to protest women’s rights. Teri looks to the guys, with a somewhat angry look on her face, but tells Wade it was the truth, because there isn’t any other option to make women equal to men. Diana tells Teri that there were many other options they could consider, such as continued protesting, meeting with top government officials, start a change in a small town and increase to larger cities. Teri tells Diana that her ideas seem absurd and obviously wouldn’t work. Joel tells Teri that unless she has considered those options and have tried them, then she wouldn’t know whether or not they would work out. Teri states that her plans have been in progress over the past few months and she feels that suicide is the only option to show to the world that women can do anything just like a man can. Colin is about to say something to Teri, but Morris tells the sliders to get out of the room and they should leave the protest group if they aren’t willing to participate. Wade tells Teri that they should discuss this further and let the women who plan to die, to have a life when the law is changed for women to be equal in society. Teri tells Wade and Diana that they’re a disgrace to all women and they can’t attend the protest the following day unless they want guns placed to their heads. The sliders exit the room, with Joel stating that he would call a taxi to pick them up and they can head to the bus station to return to New York, then go find another hotel to stay at until they slide out. Wade tells the others that she thinks that her work isn’t finished yet and that they need to stay and prove to the women that killing themselves isn’t the answer. Colin asks Wade if she heard Teri’s threat clearly, since if they show up at the protest, they’ll get shot. Wade states if they were covered up, they wouldn’t be recognized, just the guys would be, so Diana and her could still go to the protest and hopefully they can talk to the women to not kill themselves and to fight for the rest of their lives to be equal. Joel tells the others that Wade is right and that they should try to make a small impact, even if nothing happens and society remains as it did prior to them entering this dimension. By the following afternoon, the area in front of the White House was littered with women from all over. Teri, Doris and Morris can be seen in the middle on a platform, with a microphone standing close by in the middle of the stage. A large punch bowl is on a table, with a lot of Styrofoam cups next to it. The sliders can be seen exiting a couple of taxi, with the group getting close to the entrance gate. Joel asks Wade if she really wanted to do this, since she didn’t have to. Wade tells the others that she knows what is right and that she shouldn’t have any problems stopping the suicide plans. Diana tells the guys to meet them on the road by the White House, so they could quickly get away. Colin tells the two that they need to get to the bus station in 40 minutes, which doesn’t give them much time. The two women agree, with soon entering into the large group of women and working their way to the platform. Ryan asks Joel if Wade and Diana knew what they were getting into, with Joel telling him that they better or they may never make it off this world. Teri soon starts to speak into the microphone, welcoming the men and women to the protest of women’s rights and that the day for victory in making women equal to men in the future was finally here. Wade and Diana manage to get close to the stage, with Wade yelling out that Teri was a fraud and she shouldn’t be up on stage telling them things that likely aren’t the truth, leading Wade to get up on the stage by Teri. Diana manages to dodge security, with stealing a gun from one of the guards and gets onto the stage as well, with Diana pulling a gun on the three, telling them to stay where they were and not to move. Wade starts telling the people in the area that Teri was going to have them poison themselves and die just so that the government would change their decision about women’s rights. Wade states that there were other ways to get after the government to change, with Wade stating all the things she told Teri the day previously. Teri soon gets close to Wade, taking control of the microphone and telling the people that Wade was a betrayer, and that she shouldn’t be trusted. People start booing Teri, with Teri looking nervous and scared and returns back by Morris and Doris. People start to chant Wade’s name, with Wade taking off her head piece and stating she is just trying to prove that women have all the rights that men do and they shouldn’t have to live in the home and forced to never show their faces to the public. People begin to cheer, with other women also taking off their head pieces, with Teri, Doris and Morris soon exiting a back way into a police car and taking off. Wade puts both her hands up giving the peace sign as Nixon did when he resigned from his presidency. A photo is taken, with time moving forward to a few days later. Back in Syracuse, the sliders, who all can be seen are walking down a sidewalk, when they notice a newsstand and Wade sees her picture on the front page. Mallory tells her that she made an impact to society and things might change. Wade still has doubt, figuring that her little stunt did nothing to change the president’s views of women’s rights, but it could change some part of the government some day down the road. Ryan pays the vendor and takes the paper, with them heading down an alley and Joel opening the vortex. The sliders start to enter, with Diana and Wade left standing, Diana tells Wade that she should have stayed here and got a seat in Congress. Wade tells Diana that sitting in a room with a bunch of old men would get boring after a while. The two have a chuckle over it and both enter the vortex together, with it closing seconds later. Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill Dial
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