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Episode U-805: Deception

Sorry for the long delay, please be patient with me and I promise to get my eighth season done before the end of the year.Logline: After landing in New York, Joel soon realizes his double, who was part of the NYPD was murdered, leading Joel to take the place of his double to find the killer. Meanwhile, the other sliders get reunited with a past friend who has been trying to track them down for some time. Episode 5: Deception Starring: Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Amy Brenneman as Officer Lin Carter, Carlos Gomez as Luis Gonzalez, Don Stark as police sergeant, Dan Gauthier as George, and Charlie O’Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: Inside a club, which is very crowded, Diana is dancing with an attractive black male who is a few inches taller than her. The music is loud and the people around her are just as wild as she is on the dance floor. The other sliders appear as they enter through the front door, and heading straight for Diana with Mallory telling her it was time to go. Diana thanks the man for a nice time, but tells him she had to go. The man asks her for her number, but Diana tells the man she couldn’t give it out since she would be going overseas due to the war. The man tells Diana he enjoyed her company for the few days they were together and they share a kiss. Mallory grabs Diana’s arm and pulls her away as the group exit out the back way into the alley. Diana puts her coat on, stating she wish the slide lasted for another few days since she was enjoying the man’s company. Wade tells her if she stayed any longer, the atomic bomb could have been dropped on New York and killed everyone. Joel opens the vortex and the group quickly pile into the portal with it closing seconds later. The group travel through the wormhole where it then opens up in another alley, surprising someone already there. Once the vortex closes, the man who the sliders scared ran away, with Ryan chasing after him, but the man was too fast for Ryan to catch. Joel heads to the man to realize the man was shot and stabbed and after taking a newspaper section off of the man’s head, Joel was shocked to see his own double, dead on the ground. A woman rushes toward the group, and shocked to see Joel and his double together. The woman pulls her gun, stating she was putting them under arrest for the death of Joel Douglas. Diana tells the woman that they came upon the murderer, but he got away before he could be caught. Joel tells the woman he is a double of the Joel from this earth and they just came from another dimension. The woman doesn’t believe anything Joel says, but Ryan attacks her, with giving Mallory the chance to get the gun and pointing it back at the woman. The woman breaks away from Ryan and slowly starts to back away out of the alley. Joel heads to the woman, apologizing for the death of her friend, but he wanted to help catch the killer. The woman tells Joel that he can’t be telling the truth, since she doesn’t believe in scifi crap because it’s all unrealistic. Joel asks the woman that if she can’t accept the story, at least give him the chance to help find the killer, since he wouldn’t want his double’s murder to go unsolved. The woman starts to tear up, covers her face and walks over to the wall where she slowly lowers herself to the ground and cries. Joel tries to comfort her, but she shrugs him off. The other sliders get close, with Joel standing back up and returning to the others. Diana states it might be a good idea to just forget about the whole situation, but Joel tells her as well as the other sliders that he isn’t going to pass this situation up, since it does involve his double. Joel tells the sliders to call an ambulance and he would remain until they carried the body away and they could call his cell phone to tell him where they are staying. Before the sliders can move, the woman stands up, heads over to the group and states she would go along with the idea of using Joel to replace his double to find the killer, but then they will have to explain the truth to her afterward about who they are and why Joel has her lovers face. Joel goes to the woman, thanking her for the opportunity and promises not to screw up. The sliders start to walk out of the alley to find a pay phone. The sliders head to a Motel 6 down the road and checking into a couple rooms, with Diana, Wade and Mallory in one, and Ryan, who will stay with Joel in the other room. Until Joel returns, the sliders decide to head out on the town for a late dinner. The group find a Pizza Hut and so they enter, with getting seats and soon ordering after their waitress returned with their drinks. The group decides on getting a large pizza so everyone can at least have a couple pieces. Ryan states that with a little over two days until the slide, they should do something fun. Wade states that the last time they tried to have fun, an earthquake occurred, nearly getting them killed. Diana explains that this worlds New York probably wouldn’t have a fault line down the middle of the state. Diana states that she would stop by a local bookstore and check out this New York’s history to make everyone feel safe and not fear an earthquake. Wade asks Diana how she enjoyed having the company of a man for once, since they don’t usually get the chance to meet people. Diana stated the man was very nice and she almost considered a relationship with the man, but she knew the group has a better reason to keep going on, but she hopes when she returns to her world, she might look Kenneth’s double up and maybe check things out. Mallory tells Diana he can definitely tell a big difference from his Diana, since she was not a social partier and rather enjoyed being alone. Diana stated she could feel that type of personality when she was melded with her double, but maybe once she is unmelded, she will change. Mallory tells Diana he would definately try to get his Diana out more since he has gotten to know her more since they started sliding together. Ryan brings up the fact that he doesn’t have a world to go to, and would just have to keep sliding to find a world. Mallory looks over to Ryan who is sitting beside him and states they could use a friend on their world. Ryan tells Mallory he would consider the option, but until things were fixed, he would be unsure. The pizza finally arrives, with it being placed in the middle and after plates and silverware are handed out, the sliders dig into the pizza, eating away. By the following morning, the sliders wake up and begin to move around, but when Joel meets them for breakfast at a restaurant next door, they are surprised to see him in a police uniform. Joel takes a seat by Diana, and after him noticing the looks of his friends, he explains in order to be undercover, he needs to take the place of his double in order to catch the killer. Wade asks Joel if he wanted help since she feels bad for not wanting to get involved. Joel states he would need help to track the killer down, but until he got any leads, they should just enjoy the world. Diana asks if the woman they met last night would meet him at the restaurant, or if he had to show up at the station. Joel states the woman’s name was Lin Carter and that she would be meeting him in the restaurant before heading to the station. Ryan asks Joel how his double could be in New York, since they all originated from California. Joel explains that he originally was from North Carolina, but he had moved to New York to achieve his goal as a police officer, since he felt the city needed a man like him. He became a police officer after graduating the academy and he worked the streets for a couple years, until a promotion came around and it was between him and another officer, but he got the job as a deputy out in Los Angeles and moved out there. Mallory figures that the other officer on this world won the promotion and went out to Los Angeles, leaving Joel’s double behind to remain as an officer on the streets. Joel agrees, but he feels bad for his double to lose his life, but he wouldn’t let his girlfriend down and nab the killer so he could feel like he contributed help to this world. The sliders order breakfast with Lin entering and taking her sunglasses off to locate Joel, who is waving his hand at her. Lin joins the sliders, with her being given a menu and ordering breakfast. Lin tells Joel that she talked with their chief and he doesn’t suspect a thing, but she hates lying to someone who is very close to her since she has known him most of her life. Joel states the only way to fix things is to play the role of his double until things are figured out. Lin states it may be harder than he expects, since being a police officer means getting a job done, but that job can take months or even years before cases are resolved. Joel tells Lin that she needs to start believing he is a double of the Joel from this world and they as a group came from a parallel world, giving meaning that even though he is a double of the Joel from here, he still thinks he is a very good police officer. Joel and Lin arrive at the police station, where a fellow officer calls out to Joel from a door a few feet away. Lin tells Joel that George was Joel’s best friend and the guy is very laid back. Joel waves to George and heads over to him, giving him a high five. George welcomes Joel into his office, telling him to take a seat after George closes the door. George takes a seat at his desk, asking Joel if he was free next weekend for the big Yankee’s game. Joel states he may have time, but wouldn’t be sure until a couple days beforehand. George tells Joel he will buy the tickets and if he can’t go, he would find a nice, attractive woman downtown to go with him. Joel smiles, stands back up, and tells George he had work to do. George tells Joel he would see him later. Joel exits the office, with Lin and the chief talking and so Joel heads toward them and the chief tells Joel that he had a lot of cases to work on. Joel asks if it was possible to take some time to do some research for a case which isn’t active; the chief looks confused, but allows Joel to conduct his research. Joel asks the chief if Lin could work on it with her, and he agrees, with still being confused and walks away. Lin smiles, stating she hasn’t seen the chief like that in years. Joel states he figures the best way to get to work is put his cards on the table, and had hoped the chief folded. Lin tells Joel to follow her to the research room. After Diana purchases a book on american history, she meets the others outside of the store, with Mallory finishing off a cigarette and flicking it to the ground, with stepping on it to put it out. Wade asks Diana if she got something to go on, and Diana states she did, but figures with book prices reaching 20 plus dollars, she may just read them inside and try to remember alternate history of each world. Ryan tells Diana that she may just start a collection of books and when she gets home, she could claim credit for them all without anyone finding out. Diana states it would be smart, but would rather publish her own ideas instead of stealing others. As the group heads into a nearby park for a walk, they are surprised to see a green colored vortex open 15 feet in front of them. A figure is deposited to the ground with the vortex closing. Diana looks around to make sure no one saw the wormhole, and she was lucky to find no one around. The group heads to the figure on the ground and shocked to see Colin. Colin stands up, telling the group it was about damn time he found them. Wade asks Colin if he knew them, Colin tells Wade he did but that it would be better to go to a private area and he would explain things. Back at the room Diana, Wade and Mallory were sharing, the group enters, with Colin closing the door, telling everyone to take a seat. Diana tells Colin to start talking, since they were all confused. Colin asks Diana if she remembers a woman named Kelsey Warren and Diana is surprised of Colin to know of the woman. Diana states she was the witch who sent them back in time to save the others. Colin explains that after sliding to Kelsey’s world, she took a guess that reciting the spell, they somehow managed to go backward in time to prevent his death, and likely anyone else who was with them who was killed. Diana comments that it is likely for Arturo’s double still died, since the planet imploded and a kid she was told about, named Jules Conig is likely still alive. Colin continues explaining that he had awoken in his coffin and then magically transported back to the alley way he was killed at. Colin continues, stating he realized he missed the slide and figured he would have his friends possibly return. Colin states he waited two weeks, and then realized they weren’t coming back for him. Colin tells the group he went to seek out the Quinn Mallory of that world and he luckily had created a timer and was going to test it, but he decided to steal the timer and start sliding after making a few adjustments, including a tracking device to track each world the group traveled to. Colin explains of landing on Earth Prime, but before he could get to his brother’s house, the time was up and he had to slide, and without storing coordinates, he couldn’t go back. Diana tells Colin of them having Earth Prime’s coordinates and they could send him back to that earth, but would have to land in New York and return to California by other transportation. Colin states after the past few weeks of sliding alone, he realized sliding was an adventure, and so he wanted to keep going for a while and then surprise his brother when returning home, but not before he assists in any way possible to get them home. Colin finishes his explanation, stating that after leaving Earth Prime, he slid into San Diego and then showed up in New York, which he has visited about 10 worlds in New York. Diana explains that she refigured the timer so they wouldn’t be chased by people who tried to kill her friends. Colin looks confused, but doesn’t let the story bother him. Wade stands up and heads to Colin to give him a hug, stating she missed him and glad he is alive. Colin thanks Wade for missing him and they would need to talk later. Ryan explains that the other slider with them, named Joel Douglas was taking the place of his double to find the murderer who killed his double. Colin comments that some things never change, and asks if Joel needed help with any police investigation. Wade states that Joel was going to work on it himself until he had leads for them to follow. In the research room at the police station, Joel sits at a desk, looking through files when Lin enters, giving Joel a cup of coffee and sitting across from him. Joel looks up, picks up the coffee cup, with takings a few sips of coffee and placing the cup back down on the table, with thanking Lin. Lin asks Joel if he had any luck with possibly finding the killer. Joel states that he remembers a few of the suspects when he was on the beat in his New York, but checked out that everyone was behind bars. Joel asks Lin if it was possible that one of his friends would be out to get his double. Lin tells Joel that she wouldn’t understand why, since her Joel was the guy who everyone liked. Joel asks Lin if he ever had any previous girlfriends that may hate him for breaking their hearts. Lin laughs a bit, but tells Joel he really didn’t date anyone serious, until she came into his life. Joel asks if George could be a suspect; Lin tells Joel that her Joel and George were the best of friends and would never consider doing away with each other. Joel tells Lin that it’s been a long time since he worked in New York and isn’t sure what life is like in the city back home, since he is sure when he worked in New York, he made plenty of enemies. Joel asks Lin if he could stop by Joel’s apartment to check things out, since he wonders if the killer might be wanting something from his apartment. Lin tells Joel to go ahead if it would help in any way. Lin tells Joel they could go at any time since she has a key to get in. Joel thanks Lin, stating he knows how hard this is going to be for her. Lin looks to Joel, stating she is going to have the hardest time telling his parents, since she knows how much they loved their son. Lin continues, with telling Joel that it will be hard to move on, since she figured they would get married and start a family. Joel places his hand over Lin’s, telling her things will be okay, even though life may be hard at times. Lin thanks Joel for helping out, even though she barely knows him, but she feels she can trust him. Joel thanks Lin, telling her he must have a trusting face which sometimes gets him in trouble. After a couple of hours passing, Lin and Joel arrive at the apartment, with shutting the police car off and heading up a flight of stairs close by to head to Apartment #19. Lin pulls a key out of her pocket and unlocks the door, with them finding the place trashed. Joel states his double must have enjoyed partying a bit to much. Lin states someone must have obviously came in, because she always knew Joel to keep his apartment very clean and tidy looking. The two enter, with Joel trying a light, but figured the power must be off for some reason. Joel pulls out a flashlight out of his back pocket to scan the rooms over, but has yet to find anything disturbing. Lin also takes a flashlight from her back pocket and also starts to search. Joel enters the bedroom, and finds the room a mess; Joel asks Lin if someone was looking for someone his double had. Lin states that Joel never really kept anything hidden from her and figures it could just be a random attack. Joel notices on the bedpost, hung a bracelet, but didn’t figure anything of it, thinking it belonged to Lin. Joel exits the room, and heads to where Lin is at, which is in the kitchen. Lin turns around to see Joel, and telling him she is at a dead end, figuring this case will be unresolved. Joel tells Lin that he figures the answer is back in the files he was looking through, figuring, someone had to be out to get him, who he had sent to prison. Lin agrees, stating she would help to track down the suspects which may have a motive. Back at the station, Joel continues to look through profiles of convicts his double sent to prison, but as he continued to check on the men his double put away, they were all accounted for. Joel stops looking at profiles of convicts, with looking at the wall to think about what motive could possibly get his double killed. Joel tells himself it’s likely for something to be at the apartment. Joel shuts the folder, picks it up returns it to the file cabinet and then exits the room, heading to find Lin. Joel runs into George, who asks if he had seen Lin. George tells Joel that he was told by another officer that she went out for a while and would be back. Joel asks George if he ever gave me a copy of a key to his apartment; George tells Joel that he did, and wondered why he asked about it. Joel states he just wanted to ask, to make sure he still had it, in case he lost it. Joel then asks if he could borrow it, since he lost his and wanted to make a copy of it. George agrees to give Joel his copy of the key with Joel quickly exiting the station and taking off in a squad car. Joel arrives at the apartment, to find the fire department there and realizes his double’s aparment was up in flames, with the firefighters trying to put out the fire. Joel exits the squad car, and heading to a stranger, asking the woman what had happened. The woman looks at Joel, stating someone started his apartment on fire and now the apartment building is going up on smoke. Lin arrives a few minutes later, shocked of what she saw. Lin heads to Joel, stating she wanted to come by to get something from the apartment, since she had a lead in the murder investigation. Joel asks Lin what she was going to get, and Lin states she was going to grab Joel’s camera since she remembers him taking photos on a stakeout earlier in the week. Joel states it would be impossible now, since the film would obviously be destroyed. Later in the evening, Joel is at the station, looking over police reports his double made the past couple months, trying to learn something. A young woman gets close by to drop off a large envelope and handing it to Joel. Joel opens the envelope, to find pictures inside, leading Joel to asks the woman what the pictures were and she explains that he told her to give him the pictures he took earlier in the week once they were developed. Joel thanked the woman, with taking the photos out to find photographs of Lin being handed a brown envelope and her pulling money out of it and shaking hands with a man of mexican descent. Joel’s eyes widen and gets a shocked feeling, realizing it was Lin all this time. Joel quickly puts the pictures back in the envelope and hides it in his jacket pocket which is hanging on the chair he is sitting in. Once returning to the motel the sliders were staying at, Joel, along with the other sliders eating Chinese, are talking of the situation. Joel explains that they should have realized Lin was behind the murder, but even though she didn’t pull the trigger, she must have hired a hit man to take his double out. Diana suspects that the obvious reason was to get the double out of the way so Lin could be paid for whatever service she did with the man from the photo. Joel states he did find it odd when he arrived to find his double’s apartment on fire, Lin coincidentally showed up to say if they got the double’s camera, it could be a lead to solve the murder. Mallory states it could be possible, she saw the camera in the aparment the first time they were there, checked to see if there was film, and then figured Joel’s double never developed it, and just pretended to say that. Joel agrees, figuring if Lin didn’t know about the pictures already being developed, she would obviously want to cover her tracks. Wade states Lin may get nasty if she is cornered. Joel states that is why he needs their help to get after Lin and arrest her, but not before they solve the situation at hand. Colin states since he was never introduced to Lin, he could disguise himself as a spy and talk to Lin, but they would need to learn who the man was in the picture. Wade asks Joel if she could use a computer at the station, she could find their suspect. Joel tells Wade that she could use the one in the research room for privacy so she can scan the picture into the database to track a lead down. By the following morning, Wade who is sitting at a computer in the research room scans the picture of Lin and the man she is talking to. Joel arrives to say that Lin hasn’t showed up at work yet and figures she hasn’t realized they got her. Wade states that Colin was going to check out a lead when she gets one, so he they can continue with the plan, so Lin will never suspect them behind the case. Wade brings up the picture and starts a scan of the criminals in the database. Wade states the search may be a while since there are over 5,000 prisoners listed. Joel states that he would rather catch Lin and get her taken to prison, than slide out and never get a chance to stop her for good. Suddenly, a beeping sound is heard, with the computer finding a match. Wade and Joel are surprised of a quick match, with Wade checking the name for the mexican male as a Luis Gonzalez. Wade picks up her cell phone, dials a number and she soon is talking to Colin. Wade tells Colin the name of the man they are searching for, along with a current address. Colin jots it down on a small notepad he had with him, thanking Wade for the lead. Wade tells Colin to be careful and she would meet him back at the motel later. Colin tells Wade he would see her soon and turns off his cell phone he was talking on, placing it back in his jacket. Colin waves down a taxi, telling the driver where to go and the taxi takes off. Once arriving in a surburban area, Colin tells the driver to wait for him and exits the taxi to head to a brick house on the right side of the street. Colin heads to the door, rings the door bell, with a woman answering the door. Colin asks the woman if he could see Luis Gonzalez. The woman welcomes Colin in, stating she would get Luis for him. Colin thanks the woman, as he shuts the door and waits by it. A tall, thin man exits an adjacent room, with the woman also exiting and heading to the kitchen. Colin states that Lin sent him and that they needed to talk. Luis gets an upset look at his face, but tells Colin to follow him into his den which is the same room he walked out of to greet Colin. Luis tells Colin to take a seat, as he takes a seat behind his desk. Luis asks Colin what Lin was up to. Colin states that he was here to pick up her cash that he promised to her after the hit on Joel Douglas. Luis states that he already paid her off and told her he wouldn’t pay her anymore. Colin states that he was told by Lin to get more money to take someone else out who may be a threat to her business. Luis asks what business she was in, but Colin states he couldn’t talk because it was a private business with no other investors. Luis tells Colin that if she wants another hit man, to talk to him herself. Colin states that he actually was the one who wants the money to take out Lin since he is part of another organization because his boss feels Lin is a threat and in his way. Luis states that he should have his boss contact him to make an arrangement. Colin states that his boss doesn’t like to talk to people and usually has people do the work for him. Luis tells Colin that if his boss really wants to take out Lin, have her taken out and then he’ll pay him the cash. Colin considers the option, stating he may be able to arrange that, but would prefer if he could supply the weapon, since his boss is very careful with who he works with. Luis asks Colin where they should meet to take out Lin; Colin states they should meet at a warehouse on Jefferson Valley street. Colin continues, stating they should make it an evening event, so no one can see the shooting take place. Luis asks if tonight was a good time; Colin agrees, stating he can easily trick Lin into meeting him and then have her taken out. Luis stands up, as does Colin, with both shaking hands. Colin states that a good time to show up would be around 9 p.m. Luis agrees, stating he would be there. Colin exits the den, and soon exits the house. After Colin exits the house, he returns to the taxi and tells the driver to return him to the Motel 6 at 4400 Maple Road. By the evening time, the sliders were in the motel room, chatting about the events that are going to take place in a couple of hours. Joel tells the group that they slide shortly after the meeting. Diana states all they have to do is trick Luis and Lin into meeting, have the cops close by and have events take its coarse. Colin tells the group that he still thinks Luis is very gullible and figures Luis believed everything he said. Joel states that he will call Lin about an hour before the meeting, explaining of a contact he made and for them to meet this mystery man to talk. Lin will go along with the idea and then once Luis and Lin meet, the cops pop in to save the day and luckily, Lin will come out of this alive. Mallory asks Joel where they will be the whole time; Joel states that since they aren’t part of the situation to stay back with the cops, since he doesn’t want to lose his friends in the gun fire. Joel states that he and Colin will meet Lin, pick her up and take her to the warehouse that Colin told Luis to go to and everything should work out. Diana tells Joel that when the situation is dealt with, they will need to quickly find a quiet and clear place to slide out, since they don’t want to get the authorities after them. Joel agrees, but figures if the situation gets tense they may have to slide on without them and then return to this world to pick them up. Diana agrees to the plan, but she will wait for them as long as the wormhole will stay open. Joel arrives at Lin’s apartment complex with Colin in the back seat. Joel tells Colin to just follow his lead when Lin gets into the car. Colin agrees, stating that Lin may already be on to them about what is going on. Lin exits her apartment on the second floor, walks down a flight of stairs and heads to the squad car. Once Lin gets in, she looks to the back seat, asking Joel who their passenger was. Joel introduces Lin to Colin with them shaking hands and Joel continues to explain that he was the one who called him about the tip he gave in order to arrest the man involved in the assassination plot against his double. Lin seems a bit surprised, but tells Joel she will follow him into battle any day. The three arrive at the warehouse they intended to meet Luis and decided to wait inside the squad car until Luis showed up. Colin states that their contact will be here shortly and they can meet the guy to talk. Lin asks Colin how he knew about Joel nearly getting killed; Colin state he has his sources, and he would rather not talk about it. Lin states that he better be right since she would hate to go into a meeting and then get killed off. Joel tells Lin that he has to trust someone, and Colin would be the person. Lin asks Joel if he trusted her and Joel tells her he does, but really doesn’t know her that well to make a correct assumption. A white Sedan pulls up in front of the car the three were in and Luis exits the back door and enters the warehouse. Lin puts a clip into her gun and hides it in her purse with Joel hiding his weapon in his jacket and both exiting the car, followed by Colin who stays close behind. Once arriving at the door, Lin tells Colin to go in first, since she doesn’t trust him and it could be a setup. Colin agrees with Lin opening the door and entering, followed by Joel and then Lin. The three head to a lit area in the corner, where the man is not facing them and sitting on a crate. Lin gets a confused look at her face and quickly heads to the mystery man. She gets in front of him and then pulls her gun on Colin and Joel, asking what was going on. Luis stands up and points his gun at Lin and turning around to face Colin and Joel. Joel states that they found their killer and their job was finally done. Lin smiles with pointing his gun back at Luis, but Luis continues having his gun pointed at Lin, asking what the hell was going on. Colin states it was all over for them, since the cops are waiting outside for their signal to enter. Luis turns his gun toward Colin and fires at his shoulder and is knocked to the ground. Instantely, Joel gets behind a crate with another bullet fired at him. Luis looks at Lin, stating that they were set up and she needed to be taken care of. Suddenly, the door flies up, as does a garage door on the opposite side of the warehouse, with police forces entering and telling Lin and Luis to drop their weapons and get down on the ground. Luis fires at a police officer, but the officer quickly fires at Luis who is hit in the leg and falls to the ground. Lin drops her gun and gets face down on the ground, with an officer quickly coming over to arrest her by placing handcuffs on her. Joel heads to Colin, with Joel yelling out that he needed medical help right away. A few minutes later, Colin is being bandaged up inside an ambulance, with the other sliders standing outside, waiting for their friend. Joel, who is over by Lin in a police squad car, states that she wasn’t quick enough to cover the evidence and is glad to catch the woman behind his double’s murder and glad he still had his law enforcement skills still intact. Lin tells Joel that the reason she did it was because her Joel had caught onto her money laundering and figured the only way to deal with him was to take him out with a hit-man. Joel states that Luis is talking up a storm and her so called hit-man is being picked up even as they spoke. Joel tells Lin to have a good life behind bars, but before Joel could walk away, Lin tells Joel that she did love her Joel, at least a little bit. Joel doesn’t say anything and keeps walking over to his friends. Colin exits the ambulance, with the medic telling Colin to be careful since his shoulder could get dislocated if he did any harm to it. Colin tells the medic he will try his hardest to make sure his shoulder heals before doing any painful activities. The group starts to exit the scene and enter into alley with Diana counting down until the vortex opens. Diana activates the wormhole with the sliders sliding out. Before Diana, Joel and Colin jump in, Diana asks Joel if he was okay with everything even though it didn’t turn out like he expected; Joel states that with every new slide, comes a new chance at life, and figures one hurtful slide would not get him down. Colin tells Joel at least he didn’t get shot in the shoulder; Joel smiles, telling Colin that he will have plenty of other chances to take a bullet for him, but hopes he doesn’t have to. The three laugh about the thought and all quickly leap into the portal, with it closing seconds later. Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill DialNote: John Haymes Newton originates from North Carolina
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