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Episode U-801: A Very Public Slide Part 2

In October 2002, Slider120 posted "A Very Public Slide Part 2" under the heading of "Sliders S8 Season Premiere on TNN," with the following intro:I apologize for not posting the season premiere as intended last week, something came up, but hopefully nothing will happen again, so here is the season premiere with the show on a new network and an 8th season which might be something to check out every once in a while. After five more TNN episodes over the next three months, he suddenly stopped... then returned in October 2003 to repost the same episodes over again on behalf of UPN. After a year, I've finally returned with an eighth season to my second sliders series, and again, I apologize to those who had been reading my stories and I had stopped, but I promise that I won't this time and have a full season of Sliders. I'd speculate on the reasons for this change if I actually cared. Logline: A world which bans witch craft and will execute anyone who is seen doing it, Diana and Joel meet Kelsey, a good witch who has premonitions and helps people out. Kelsey gives the sliders a deal that if they help her, she can send them back in time to save their friends. Episode 1: A Very Public Slide Part 2 Starring: Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Jerry O’Connell as Quinn Mallory, Jason Gaffney as Bennish, Sabrina Lloyd as Wade Welles, Sherilyn Finn as Kelsey Warren, and Lane Smith as Detective John Wilson Synopsis: Diana and Joel look strangely at the woman who had know them. Joel heads to the woman, asking who she was and how had she known them. The woman introduces herself as Kelsey Warren and she explains that she had a premonition of two people who call themselves sliders would be arriving and would need to go back to the previous world to save their friends. Joel looks to Diana surprised that this woman who they barely knew, knew they had recently lost their friends and wondered of a way to save them. Kelsey suddenly collapses to the floor with the sliders rushing to her side; Kelsey starts to yell out in pain along with Diana noticing Kelsey was burning up. Diana decides to rush around the house they were in to find something to cool Kelsey down. Kelsey finally starts to shake but stops, and she then closes her eyes. Joel feels for a pulse and realizes Kelsey was still alive. Diana returns with a couple wet paper towels and tries to cool Kelsey down; Diana asks Joel what happened to Kelsey and Joel is unsure, but suggests Kelsey had a seizure. Kelsey awakens seconds later with quickly standing up along with the sliders doing the same. Kelsey tells the sliders that she just had a premonition about a woman going to die and she needs their assistance to save the woman’s life. Joel and Diana are confused, but agree to help, asking what they need to help the woman. Kelsey explains that the woman was going to be attacked in a quiet and dark area of the nearby city and they would need to get moving before the woman was killed. Kelsey quickly grabs her jacket, purse and keys, with exiting out of the house. She walks back in a couple seconds later, telling Joel and Diana to follow her to her car, since she wasn’t the type to own a broom. Diana and Joel quickly exit the house, with Kelsey shutting of the kitchen light and shutting the door. The three arrive in a city, downtown, and close to an alley way. Kelsey parks her jeep near a Chinese restaurant, with the three exiting and heading over to the area where Kelsey saw her premonition. The three look around for the woman that Kelsey had seen, but no one was around. Joel asks Kelsey if she knew if they were at the right place, but Kelsey looked around more without answering. Diana notices a taxi arriving nearby, letting a woman out and Kelsey soon realizes the innocent woman she needed to save was in walking distance. The three head to the woman as they jog over to the taxi, which is pulling away. Kelsey stops the woman, who looked confused, asking who the three were. Kelsey explains to the woman that in a couple minutes, she would get killed by a man wearing a ski mask. Joel tells Diana they should look around the area for the suspect, so they do, but no one is seen. Kelsey and the woman soon meet up with Diana who had walked a couple blocks away and Joel arrives a minute later from the opposite side. The four take off down the sidewalk, but are soon stopped by the known suspect who is pointing a gun at the four. The man asks everyone for their money, but Joel quickly takes action and attacks the man, along with Kelsey helping out. Diana and the woman quickly head over to a payphone to call the police while Joel and Kelsey manage to get the suspect on the ground and the situation under control. Minutes later, two police cars arrive, with an officer handcuffing the man and placing him in the back of one of the police cars. An officer speaks with Kelsey, Joel and Diana, but they lie, stating they noticed the woman, named Jessica, being attacked and were ordinary citizens helping out another. Kelsey tells Joel and Diana they should get going and return to her house. Back at the house, as Kelsey was making coffee, Joel and Diana were seated in the living room, watching a news program about two people being burned at the stake. Joel tells Diana that maybe they shouldn’t have landed on this earth and took their chances with the FBI like their friends did. Diana tells Joel that he has a raw sense of humor; Joel agrees, stating that its the only way to stay motivated in life. After Kelsey pours three cups of coffee, she enters the room, handing them both a cup, and returning to the kitchen for hers, where she soon returns to the living room and takes a seat across from the two on a sofa. After a few sips Kelsey explains that ever since she was little, she would get premonitions and by the time she was a teen, she stopped a few disasters from happening in the area, but she had to keep it a secret from everyone, since people would consider it witchcraft and she would be burned at the stake if anyone found out she was part witchy. Joel tells Kelsey that he noticed how fun society is on this world. Diana tells Kelsey as well as Joel that her explanation explains mostly everything as to how she knew them after sliding in. Joel looks to Kelsey, asking how she could help them save their friends. Kelsey states that besides getting premonitions, she was given a powerful spell book by her great aunt and she had used the spell more than once, which involves time traveling and changing the coarse of history for good, instead of letting evil take over. Joel states that time travel couldn’t be possible and they would need to move on without their friends. Diana agrees with Joel, stating that she had read science fiction novels about time travel, but as a scientist, she would have to say in fact, that no such passage through time is possible. Kelsey takes a few more sips of coffee before stating it was possible and they should go to the basement with her to show them how it would work. Diana and Joel seem less optimistic, but agree to let Kelsey show time travel as a realistic concept. Down in the basement, Kelsey pulls out a large book hidden in a desk drawer, located in a corner, and placing it on the desk. Kelsey turns on a desk lamp and tells Joel and Diana that she would find the page for a time travel spell and show proof she had a way for them to go back and save their friends. Kelsey flips through the pages and halfway through the book, she points it out. Diana looks at it closely, as does Joel. Diana asks Kelsey how it was possible for such a spell to exist; Kelsey explains again, that she is a witch and she can cast spells for things to work out for her. Joel states that if it is possible, they could return back before Wade and Ryan were killed as well as before Mallory turned on them, save them and keep sliding. Diana stops looking at the book, to look at Joel, explaining that she doesn’t believe time travel is possible, but if it was, they would still be exposed to the public, tracked down and things would occur the same way again. Kelsey states that with her knowing nothing about sliding, they could still somehow manage to find a way to shift the portal they exited out at in another location, so they wouldn’t be exposed or killed. Diana states that the geographic spectrum stabilizer would have to be reprogrammed for a new location, but still the problem that is occurring is the fact that they can’t return back in time to prevent such a disaster, since if they did return back in time, they would be returning to the point they wouldn’t remember anything they would be experimenting now. Kelsey explains that with time travel, comes a realization that if someone was to return in time, their souls would move back, not themselves actually and they would still have knowledge of the future with them, when going back. Joel states that he wish he had knowledge now, to return back in time to save himself from being forced into sliding. Joel continues, explaining to Kelsey of the time he was forced by Diana’s double, and he originally had taken the day off from work, but was called in after a fellow officer had called in sick. Kelsey states that they would only get one chance of a time fix, and they would need to consider what to do before things happened again. Kelsey looks at the spell and jots down the ingredients needed on a piece of paper. Kelsey tells Diana and Joel that she would be upstairs, finding the ingredients for a potion they must drink, in order for the time trip back in time to work and for them to keep their memories. Diana and Joel look at each other and Joel tells Kelsey they would join her soon enough since they needed to talk about a few things in private. Kelsey agrees, with grabbing the book, taking it upstairs, and closing the basement door. Joel and Diana take seats on a couch near a wall in the basement. Diana states that she is surprised of a way to time travel, but even though it isn’t a common science experiment, she would easily go along with it so they could save Wade, Mallory and Ryan. Joel tells Diana he may want to reconsider the idea of doing that, since he feels that if they could return to the day he was forced to go sliding, he wouldn’t be going by force, and he would still remain on his world, and not be stuck sliding to find home. Diana states that even though her double has no memory of doing such an act, she feels sorry for him, but knows everyone feels like that and is in the same position, wanting to go home. Joel states that they should figure something out before time was up, since the timer is counting down with 5 hours before the vortex opens. As Kelsey and Joel take off to China Town to get ingredients for the potion, a mystery man is seen seated in a dark colored vehicle, watching the two drive away. Diana stays at the house to work on the timer, so when she did go back to the past, she would know what to do with a little amount of time they would be given. Diana uses a computer in an adjacent room to the living room to work with equations as well as accessing the internet to see if she would be given any information about time travel or parallel dimension hopping. With little to work with, Diana figures that the only way for things to be fixed, would have to involve changing the spectrum stabilizer as well as having an anomalous wormhole to work so they could succeed with the mission to save the others. As Kelsey is driving, Kelsey brings up to Joel that he may want to reconsider his option for the time travel mission. Joel looks to Kelsey, asking if she had eavesdropped on their conversation. Kelsey apologizes to Joel, stating that she felt tention between him and Diana and wondered if she could help. Joel tells Kelsey that she seems like nice person, but would rather deal with situations on his own even if things are difficult. Joel continues, stating that if they can return to his world, he would definately not show his face at work because he hates sliding between parallel worlds and can’t understand why so many people are fascinated by it. Kelsey states that everyone has an imagination and people want to explore science. Joel states that he likes having a world to live on where things are normal and not being forced to run every second of his life. Kelsey seems nervous to say anything, but does bring up the fact that someone else could be taken by force and end up in his position. Joel looks at her and is about to say something, but doesn’t and looks out the window as they continued on traveling down the road. As Diana continues research, and drinking coffee, the front door is knocked open with a man entering with his gun out and rushes around to find anyone around. Diana is shocked when she exits the room and notices a man in her presence. The man pushes Diana back toward the kitchen, asking where Kelsey had gone. Diana states she had went for a drive and would return soon enough. Diana asks the man who he was and what he wanted; the man states he was a detective and was watching Kelsey’s house, since he wants to expose her as a witch. Diana smiles at the detective, asking if he was joking; the detective tells her he wasn’t and has decided to arrest her until Kelsey can be arrested herself. Diana tells the detective she wasn’t a witch and since she arrived in town a few hours ago, Kelsey offered to let her stay at her house. The detective asks Diana if she thought it was strange of her to let a stranger into her house. Diana states that she was surprised, but since her car had broken down, lost her money from an attack, Kelsey helped out and was willing to take her in. The detective pushes Diana up against a wall in the kitchen, placing handcuffs on her and forcing her out the door, with Diana protesting against this arrest. Kelsey and Joel arrive back at the house a couple hours later, with them entering the house to find the front door open and Diana missing. Kelsey tells Joel to check the basement, but she fears Diana has been taken. After Joel looks around the basement and doesn’t see anything knocked over or a fight that may have occurred, Joel returns upstairs to find Kelsey in the kitchen, where Joel notices a glass mug on the floor, smashed to pieces. Kelsey looks to Joel, stating that she must have been arrested by a nosy detective who keeps wanting to catch her in the act of practicing magic, but he must have thought Diana was a witch and arrested her. Joel states they should get moving and save her before she is burned at the stake. Kelsey states that the detective really wants her, and she couldn’t risk going to the police, but she could take him there and have him bail Diana out. Joel agrees, telling Kelsey they should get moving downtown. The two exit the house and return to Kelsey’s jeep. As they are in the jeep, Joel tells Kelsey, that he hopes the timer is at the house, since if the timer was taken with Diana, they could lose their chance to exit this dimension and save their friends. Kelsey asks Joel if recent events have changed his mind about sliding. Joel tells Kelsey that after their short chat in the car to the market, he started realizing that Diana was right and he, along with everyone else were stranded in the same boat and he doesn’t want to give up a chance to be part of a group since he hasn’t really felt part of something in a long time. Kelsey smiles, telling Joel that she must have made an impact of his decision. Joel thanks Kelsey, telling her that she definately helped him realize how blind he was about being stranded with friends he cares for deeply. In a cell, at a local police station, Diana sits patiently when Detective Swain, the man who had arrestd her earlier, shows back up. Diana stands, with the detective looking at her; Diana asks if they did a background check on her yet and the detective states he did, and realized she wasn’t a witch. Diana feels relieved, then asks the detective when she could be let free. The detective tells Diana that since Kelsey Warren refuses to be caught, they will have to use her to punish Kelsey in some way. Diana tells the detective he didn’t make any sense, killing an innocent woman for doing nothing wrong. Detective Swain tells Diana the justice system isn’t perfect and that she would be burned at the stake at sunrise in the town square. Detective Swain walks away, with Diana sitting again and covers her face with her hands. Joel and Kelsey are farther back so that no one can notice them in the parking lot of the police station. Kelsey states that it may be hard to get Diana out, since they might think he was a witch too. Joel states that he would have to take that chance, since he barely knows the woman, and yet he likes her. Joel exits the vehicle and heads into the building. Joel heads to the front desk, stating he got a call about a woman being arrested and wanted to pay bail. The clerk asks for the name, with Joel stating Diana Davis. Detective Swain over hears this, heading to the main desk, looking at Joel, asking him what he wanted with Diana Davis; Joel explains that he is a friend and can’t believe his friend would be arrested. Swain explains that Diana was in a witches house and she needed to be punished; Joel tells the detective that Diana shouldn’t be killed just because she was in someone’s house whom he believes practices witchcraft. Swain denies Joel access to free Diana; Joel asks the detective if he could at least see her. Swain agrees, taking Joel down a few hallways, up a couple flights of stairs, and into a prisoners area. The detective tells Joel that Diana is on the right side at the end of the prison cell area, but he would be given only a couple minutes to talk. Diana is looking outside, when Joel gets close to her cell, calling out to her. Diana heads to the bars, and telling Joel she was glad to see him. Joel explains that he isn’t able to free her with bail, but he knows of a plan to get her out before her execution. Diana tells Joel that the timer is at the house, and she was almost finished with her work until Detective Swain broke into the house and arrested her. Joel tells Diana he has met the nice man by that name, but doesn’t like his personality. Joel continues, stating that Kelsey is being spied on by the detective and he probably wanted to bring in a prisoner so he would have completed his job as a law enforcer. Joel tells Diana that things will be figured out, but to be prepared to escape the cell before sunrise. Diana grabs a hold of Joel’s left hand, thanking him for not leaving her to die. Detective Swain yells at Joel, telling him his time was up; Joel tells Diana to stay strong, then Joel exits the hallway, returning outside and back into Kelsey’s car, where he explains the situation and what they needed to do. Kelsey states that there are four levels in the building, and they would need to get the right cell area, before they are caught themselves. Joel states that he has a good memory and they should be able to get in and out without getting caught. Kelsey tells Joel that she hopes he is right about this one. With just an hour passing, Kelsey and Joel get the gear to climb down the building and save Diana. Once reaching the police station, the two take an emergency fire escape and head to the roof. Kelsey and Joel look over a map of the jail once they open the electrical box showing which areas are connected by the wires for power. Joel tells Kelsey where he went, so they would have to find Diana on the third floor. Kelsey states that she would need to cut power so they could break the glass in the cell for Diana to escape and not let anyone catch onto them that they broke someone out. Joel tells Kelsey that the glass opening is small, but it should be big enough to slide Diana out. Joel gets the rope ready and starts to go down the side of the building with Kelsey preparing to cut the wire to the third level of the building. Joel gets to the level he needs to be, but has a hard time trying to find Diana’s cell, since the lights were off. Joel remembers Diana’s cell was at the end, so he gets to the end of the building, smashes in the glass, with Diana heading toward the window, telling him it was about time he showed up. Joel tells Diana she would need to climb up the wall and get out of the cell via the window. Diana steps on her cot, and grabs a hold of Joel’s boot and she manages to swing her upper part of her body out the window, with Joel grabbing her arms and pulling her out. Once Joel has Diana in his grip, he starts to head downward with them reaching the ground. Kelsey looks over to the side of the building, giving Joel a thumbs up; Kelsey gets her gear and quickly comes down the fire escape, catching up to the two. Kelsey tells Diana she apologizes for her getting arrested and they should have stuck together, instead of nearly getting her killed. Joel, Kelsey and Diana race off into the night with getting into Kelsey’s jeep and speeding away. Inside the building, people are scrambling around to get the power back to the third floor. Detective Swain returns down the the first floor, noticing a security camera screen showing the parking lot and a jeep speeding off. The man quickly grabs his keys and rushes out the door to catch up with the three. Once returning to the house, Kelsey tells Diana she could wear something of hers for the time being and points the direction of her room. Kelsey states that someone could have watched them leave and they could be on their way to the house, so they should get moving and return back in time. Diana comes out of the room, stating she didn’t want to waste time with clothes, since if she was to return back into the past, she wouldn’t be wearing the same thing. Joel tells Diana that after some time, he feels he is part of a team to do one of the most adrenaline rushed experiments in all of times and he knows that he is willing to stay with the group the whole way. Diana smiles, thanking Joel for changing his mind. Diana asks if the potion was completed; Kelsey states she just needed a few more seconds before things were ready. Diana asks about the spell and Joel states it was set and things should work out since all they have to do is recite the spell and they should be leaving. Diana states she would get the timer so they would still have it in case this plan didn’t work, leading Diana to head downstairs and out of sight. Kelsey looks to Joel, asking if Diana isn’t believing in this plan. Joel states that even he has some fear that the whole thing won’t work, but he is willing to give it a try to keep their friends alive. When returning back upstairs, Kelsey hands Diana a vile, telling her to drink it, along with handing Joel one too. Diana looks the vile over, wondering about the black liquid, with Joel doing the same, but they both quickly drink the liquid, handing the viles back to Kelsey. Diana looks to Joel, with him stating it was a lot better than some of the drinks he has tried in the past; Diana smiles, stating that not every liquid tastes good. Kelsey asks Joel if he had the spell, so Joel grabs a piece of paper from his pocket, asking Kelsey if all they had to do is say the spell out loud for it to work; Kelsey shakes her head stating that it was time to rhyme. Once the three are holding hands, Joel holds the piece of paper out so everyone could read it; they all look at the piece of paper, reciting the spell out loud: “Wind on water Fire and ice, make this spell out of magical insight. Of time and space, we lock our hold with past and present so we can continue on with future decendents to save our friends from such evil dwellers.” After completing the spell, a vortex suddenly appears in front of the three. Joel looks to Kelsey, asking if that spell was supposed to have rhymed. Kelsey smiles, telling Joel and Diana good luck on their mission and hope they can save their friends from a present they don’t want to encounter. Within seconds, Detective Swain enters the house, with arriving in the kitchen, holding a gun on the three, telling them he now had the proof to expose them as witches; Kelsey tells Diana and Joel to go, since if they make the journey back, they won’t screw things up on this earth or her future with saving future innocents. Joel and Diana grab a hold of each others hand and leap forward into the vortex. Swain fires a few bullets into the vortex, then fires a bullet at Kelsey, knocking her down to the floor with the vortex closing and Kelsey telling Swain he was too late and he wouldn’t have enough time to expose her. The detective has a confused look on his face, but just looks at Kelsey who begins to lie on the floor and closes her eyes. Diana and Joel fly through the portal at high speeds, and when reaching the end, they see a white light and the two suddenly appear in the past with Diana sitting at a table, looking over a laptop and Joel laying on the couch as the television set is flickering in and out in the next room. Diana stands and heads to the adjacent room with noticing Quinn sitting in a chair next to the sofa half asleep and she doesn’t want to rush into things with Joel about returning into the past. Diana pats Joel on the leg, telling him to get up; Joel opens his eyes and shocked to see where he was. Joel gets up, excited that they returned to the past, but as Quinn awakens, Diana tells Joel to calm down since he must have had an odd dream. Quinn stands, stating he was going to bed and shuts off the television, telling both Diana and Joel goodnight. Quinn walks up the flight of stairs in his house and disappears out of sight. Diana tells Joel she can’t believe the spell worked, but now she had work to do to make sure they didn’t lose Mallory, Wade or Ryan to the government on the next earth. Joel states he would try to do as he did the night before the wedding, and since he wasn’t a scientist, he would just relax; Diana tells Joel how lucky he is to not be a brainiac, but she led her life toward science and she wanted to be a brainiac anyway, so she would have to get their mission completed and change their destination to a new location, so they won’t go through what they did again. Diana tells Joel that she will get working on the timer in the morning, since she noticed her watch had a quarter after one in the morning on it. With the sun shining on the city of San Francisco as well as the Golden Gate Bridge, Quinn Mallory, as well as the other house hold members were getting ready for the big day. Diana enters the basement to find Bennish working on something; Diana tells Bennish what a nice day it will be and wished they could stay a little longer than how long they really have. Bennish tells Diana he is just finishing up the timer with reworking the circuitry and advancing it a bit. Diana asks Bennish if it was possible to change their location from 400 miles, to just Los Angeles, since it would give them a better chance to get home. Bennish thinks about it and realizes Diana was right. Bennish tells Diana he had a folder of more information about the timer and what he has been working on to improve it for her to read. Diana thanks Bennish,stating that even though she is smart, she really can’t get used to traveling between parallel worlds. Bennish hands Diana the timer, stating he had to use the toilet and would return. Diana smiles as Bennish leaves, with picking up the folder, and looking over the information Bennish had for her. Diana finds a page for changing the geographic spectrum stabilizer and quickly scans the article. Diana tells herself the information provided would easily give her access to change their destination without anyone knowing the future. Diana heads to a work bench, takes the back of the timer off and begins to grab the tools she needed to complete her work. Joel exits a bedroom upstairs to find Wade’s double heading toward the stairs. Joel stops the double, telling her to be careful today with the double looking confused at him. Joel apologizes, stating he meant not to get drunk, since he was told by someone that she easily can get a little lose from even just a glass of wine. Wade’s double states she could get drunk if she wanted, since it might be fun to try. Joel smiles at the double, but turns around and heads toward the bathroom with the double heading downstairs. Diana continues to rewire the curcuitry, but gets disrupted by Mallory, who is holding a tie. Mallory gets close to Diana, stating he was looking for her so he could get help with his tie. Diana stops work, to look at Mallory, but gets a bit teary eyed, then wipes her eyes. Diana apologizes, stating she just gets weepy whenever she goes to a wedding. Mallory states he has never been to one, but hopes to walk down the aisle one day. Diana states she was busy at the moment, but if he either wanted to wait or find someone else to put his tie on, he could get helped. Mallory states that Quinn’s mom may be of help, since she was an older woman who probably tied her husband’s tie a hundred times and would be an expert to it. Mallory exits the basement, with Diana getting back to work. A few hours later, just minutes before the wedding, Diana finds Joel chatting with a couple women who were guests at the wedding, but she interrupts, telling Joel they needed to talk. Joel apologizes to the women for leaving, but the woman smile and walk away. Joel tells Diana she looked nice; Diana thanked Joel, but asks him why he didn’t say it the first time around. Joel laughs, then stating he was going to, but the first time around involved him making out with a guest prior to the wedding, instead of freaking out about if they’ll make the same mistakes again and lose their friends. Diana tells Joel that after some time, and able to get Bennish out of her hair, she managed to reconfigure the system in the timer, so they would land in San Diego when the timer hits zero, giving them clearance to ever being exposed. Once Arturo yells out for everyone to be seated and Joel and Diana taking seats beside each other, the wedding begins, with the band playing music and Wade being walked down the aisle by her father where they head to a covered platform with Quinn and the priest awaiting her arrival. The priest begins the ceremony, along with Wade and Quinn giving their vows to each other as they both tear up. The priest declares Wade and Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Mallory and then Quinn and Wade share a kiss with the guests clapping for joy. Once the reception begins minutes later, Diana and Joel gather Wade’s double, Ryan and Mallory, with Diana telling them it was time to go. Ryan suggests that they should get all their past friends to watch them slide off, but Joel states it would probably be better if they just took off, since they would always return later on to visit with the world’s coordinates in the timer. The three agree with Joel and the five head to the front of the house with, making sure it was clear to activate the portal. Wade states she hopes Quinn and her double will live a happy life together for a long time; Ryan agrees, but feels he should have given it a try with the Wade double he knew, since he really loved her. Joel tells the two not to get over emotional, since he doesn’t really like people crying. Wade tells Joel that he should be more open to ideas, since he should express his emotions with his new friends since they are going to be together for quite some time. Joel states he’ll show his emotions with the use of his fist. Mallory and Diana smile, with Diana telling the others it was time and activates the vortex. Ryan leaps into the void first, followed by Wade’s double and Mallory; Diana and Joel look at each other, with Joel stating he hopes this slide works out with Diana agreeing. Diana leaps in, with Joel following and the vortex closes seconds later. The vortex opens in a mall food court area, with the sliders exiting out onto the floor and people staring at them in amazement and surprise. The sliders quickly get up as the vortex closes and exits the mall, into the parking lot. Mallory says it was a good thing no one came after them, since he would hate to get hounded on by people. Diana and Joel feel a bit of relief and Diana tells Mallory he is right, but she may have to figure out what to do about landings or ending up in public places with people to stare at them. The sliders rush off into the populated parking lot so no one could follow them. Meanwhile, back inside the food court, a news woman is on camera, stating she doesn’t know what just happened, but they just saw it live and she would find out the truth for the viewers. Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill Dial
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