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Episode U-719: Fixed Problems

Logline: After landing on a world where they meet Diana's double, she is able to help the sliders save their Diana, along with helping out another group of sliders who were affected by Diana's doing a few years ago.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Tembi Locke as Diana Davis, Nicholas Lea as Ryan, John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas, Cleavant Derricks as Rembrandt Brown, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen as Valerie Mallory, Sabrina Lloyd as Wade Welles, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: Diana's double looks to the sliders, shocked of them being in her office, so she asks who they were and wonders what was going on. Quinn explains that they were sliders between parallel worlds, and they needed to get to a hospital. Diana's double looks at Diana, asking what was wrong; Mallory explains that Diana was probably brain dead and they hope she can be revived. The double introduces herself as the boss of Fremont Labs and they've been working on a new piece of equipment known as the combine which can split or meld people together and thinks there might be a way to save their friend. The double leads the sliders down a few hallways and into a stasis chamber room, where she asks Mallory to put Diana in one of the stasis pods, since it would keep Diana going. The double explains that she was going to experiment on using herself in the combine but wasn't sure of who she would find to meld with and thinks Diana would be the perfect candidate for her if they wanted to see their friend again. Mallory agrees to the plan, asking when things could get underway; the double states that it would take at least 10 minutes and then the experiment would be completed. The double tells the sliders to return to her office to wait and she would meet them there soon enough. The group returns to the office to wait. Mallory states that he is glad that Diana will be alive soon, in a sense and he hopes that his Diana will come back to life again. Quinn figures that it may be possible to split the two if the double works with them to get them all home. Wade realizes it would be too obvious for her and her double to get unmelded and Quinn could get his Wade back. Quinn smiles at Wade, stating it probably would work and they should ask the double for assistance. Maggie takes a seat beside Joel, sitting in the other chair by the desk. Maggie looks to Joel, asking what was wrong, since he had a sad face. Joel tells Maggie and the others that he realized if he can't get home today, he may get stuck sliding for 20 years to find home and wishes he never got involved with them. Quinn tells Joel that when returning to Earth Prime, he would work his best to find a way to get him home, unless the Diana of this earth could help them all instead. As a half hour went by, Diana's double finally arrives in the office as the group stares at her. The double explains that the meld was successful and she could feel their friend inside her still alive. Mallory states it was great news and wonders if they returned home soon, if things could get reversed and his Diana would be alive once being unmelded. The double explains in scientific terms that it was possible and she was working on a way to scan her double's quantum signature so they would arrive on their earth within a few days. Wade heads near the double, explaining of her situation and wonders if it was possible to get split from her double. Diana's double asks how it was possible to meld two people together without such technology like the combine; Wade explains that her double was basically a cyborg at the time and she managed to produce enough energy to find a double of herself to meld with as she was sliding with friends through a portal and that really is the gist of it. The double states that she had a few things to do and knows that she could split both of htem apart within a few hours. The double then explains of a new situation that occurred a few days ago, involving a group of 3 people who were pissed off at her double for screwing with their lives. Wade asks the double if the people she was talking about were Valerie Mallory, Rembrandt Brown and Maggie Beckett, and the double states those were the people and they were actually at a hotel and she promised to set things right for them before they slid out the following day. Wade explains that her friend Rembrandt Brown back home had told much about the three and if they ever found a way to help them, they could forgive Diana, and things would have been set right. Wade tells the others that they should consider going to the hotel, so they could relax for the time being, and she would stop by later. Quinn suggests that they take off, leaving Wade behind, and they could come back later for any new developments in splitting the two Wades. The group starts exiting the office, leaving Wade and Diana's double alone. The double tells Wade that after she finished a few more calculations on getting everyone home, she would split them and then get back to work. Wade thanks the double, explaining that it's been over a year since she was melded with her double and knows that Quinn will be glad to see his Wade again. When the group arrives at the Chancellor Hotel, Quinn suggests to the others to have fun, since he was going to the bar and was considering on going back to the lab soon enough to see if his Wade was going to come back to life again. Maggie, Joel and Ryan decide to go the movies, as Mallory plans to head to the room to rest. Quinn asks Mallory if he was interested in going back to the lab when he did and Mallory tells him that he would really like that idea, since he really wants to see if his Diana was still alive inside the double. Over at the Chandler Hotel, inside a room, sits Valerie Mallory, Rembrandt Brown and Maggie Beckett's double. Valerie tells the two that hse has a plan will take out Diana, along with the lab, making it impossible for future occurrences of losing people to experiments. Maggie states that she feels Diana's double is doing her best and she knows that the double could return Colin and then they could go sliding to find home. Rembrandt states that he really is starting to agree with Valerie and knows that if they just took off without doing anything, more people could get hurt or even worse, killed. Valerie states that on this earth, it's so easy to get explosive type material, that all they would have to do would be to locate the central plexas and after the explosion, the entire building would be worthless, leaving Diana's double and most of the other scientists back to square one and barely able to start over, since Fremont Labs was established 100 years earlier, and basically would destroy a lot of technology and information. By nightfall, Quinn and Mallory had returned to the lab to see what was going on with finding a way home for everyone and getting the two Wades split. When arriving at Diana's office, the two find no one around, so Quinn suggests they wait for someone to show. As a few minutes past, the door opens, with both Quinn and Mallory standing up and looking back to see who was coming in. The double enters, followed by both of the Wades. The Wade Quinn knew heads to him for a hug. The two hug for quite some time, with Quinn stating that he knew he would see her again. Wade tells Quinn that it's been so long, and she would need to catch up. Wade looks to her double, stating that it was nice to get melded with her and glad to have gotten to know her. Quinn looks behind him at Diana, asking how the progress was to get everyone home. The double states that she needed a few more hours to complete her work, but would also need to have everyone in the lab for a quick scan so she could align them each with their home coordinates. Mallory asks the double if she wouldn't mind him being around to possibly chat for some time and the double agrees. Quinn and the two Wades decide to take off, but Quinn tells Diana's double that she could scan them now, and he would get everyone else in the lab the following morning. The double agrees, telling the four to follow her. As the sun began to shine on the city, the sliders were on their way to the lab for their scans. Mallory and Wade's double walk behind the others, chatting about things. Mallory brings up the idea that she was free to find home, but wondered if she would be interested in joining him for a trip back to his earth. Wade tells Mallory that she may consider it, so they could get to know each other better, with Diana's double getting her home later, since she would be on his earth to unmeld herself from Diana. Inside of the lab, Diana's double is with Valerie, Maggie and Rembrandt inside a stasis chamber room, as the double tries to locate Valerie's brother. As the double works, the three are nearby, chatting of their plans. Valerie states that she was ready to activate the explosives and the lab would easily go up. Maggie's double still rejects the idea, but then Rembrandt talks sense into her, stating that Fremont Labs would get a taste of their own medicine. The double tells the three that she was getting ready to retrieve Colin, so they should come closer to watch. Valerie had started to pull out a device, but puts it away as the double looks at Valerie and her friends. The chamber in the room begins to fill with a smoke type fog and after a few seconds, a funnel is seen which turns into a figure, revealing to be Colin. Colin's double is now able to look at his surroundings and noticing his sister and his friends outside of the chamber. Diana's double states that Colin will soon be set to return to living and wouldn't go unstuck when they took off for their next slide. Valerie thanks the double, stating that she at least found a Diana that cared for problems her double did. Diana states that that her duplicate may not have been as smart as she was. Diana's cell phone rings, with her answering it and she soon hangs up. Diana reveals that she had other business to attend to, but she would be back soon, since Colin's stability wasn't in perfect sync with this earth yet. Diana leaves the room, leaving the others to be alone. As Diana leads the sliders into another room near her office, Diana has the remaining members of the group individually enter a machine like a metal detector for a white light to scan them over and the scan would be complete. After the group is finished, the double the double tells the group that she would just need another half hour to finish her tests and they would all have the necessary information to go home. Back in the other room, Valerie pulls out 2 devices, one is the timer and the other is the detonator to the explosives. Valerie tells the other two that they would only need to wait until Colin was out of the chamber and they could slide out with the lab going up in smoke. Maggie's double again feels it's a bad idea, but does agree that no one else should go unstuck or be melded together. Rembrandt tells Maggie that with them all together, they could finally have a better chance to get home. Back in the Chancellor Hotel, the sliders, along with Ryan and Joel, sit around, waiting for Diana to call. Wade and Quinn decide to head to the bar to remininse. As they get beer and take seats at a booth, Quinn takes a hold of Wade's right hand, looking into her eyes. Quinn tells Wade that he really felt stupid all that time Maggie had joined them and he had fallen in love with her instead of being with the one he loved. Wade states that they all were going through stressful times after Arturo was killed off, even though later on they found out otherwise. Quinn tells Wade that as soon as they return to Earth Prime, he wanted to ask her something which he hopes she would say yes. Wade tells Quinn that there was no time like the present and he should just ask now. Quinn smiles at Wade, but states that he wuld wait for the right time. Valerie, Maggie, Rembrandt and Colin exit Diana's office and outside to a grass hill. Valerie hands the timer to Rembrandt with it counting down from 33 seconds; Valerie pulls out the detonator waiting to push the button. Valerie looks to her friends, stating that she knew what she was doing, and even though life would be lost, it was Diana's double's fault that lead to this. Colin tells the three that he is glad to be alive and can't wait to go sliding again without having to worry about crazy scientists to experiment on them. Rembrandt counts down from 5 seconds and soon opens the green colored vortex. Valerie pushes the button with the building going up in flames; Valerie leaps in first as the others slide out and the vortex soon closes. Back in the hotel's bar, a television set is showing the explosion occurring at Fremont Labs; Quinn and Wade quickly notice what was on the TV and they look at each other, with rushing upstairs to get the others. As Quinn and Wade exit the elevator, they are met by the others. Mallory states that they better go to the lab to make sure Diana was okay and still alive. Over at the lab, workers were exiting as ambulances and police arrive to care for the critical. The group searches most groups of people exiting the building, but Diana isn't among them. Mallory starts to tear up, takes a seat in the grass and begins to cry. Wade's double sits by him, stating that she is sure Diana made it, and she was just hard to spot. Quinn, Joel, Wade and Ryan decide to keep searching as Maggie stands by the two in the grass. Diana spots Mallory and slowly heads to him, Wade and Maggie. Diana takes a seat by Mallory and begins to weep as Mallory hugs her and they share a cry. Wade soon stands back up, looking to Maggie and asking her if things were going to work out to get everyone home. Maggie pulls Wade a few feet away, stating that Diana probably lost all of her data on their home coordinates and even though Quinn could get them to Earth Prime, everyone without a home, would have to keep sliding. As hours past, the sliders, along with Ryan, Joel and Diana's double sit around in the room as it rains outside. The television is on with the group watching it the news about the recent attack on Fremont Labs and the reporter states that it's likely of a terrorist group behind the attack. Quinn and Wade walk in, as they join the others and take seats to watch the news. Diana's double, who is sitting on the sofa by the window, looks the others with tears in her eyes; the double states that she is considering the fact that the other group of sliders did this terrorist act and they got away with it. Mallory takes a seat by her, stating that he is just glad that she is alive; the double and Mallory share a hug, with Diana stating that they would just have to keep sliding to find the way home. Quinn stands up from sitting on the bed, gets on his left knee and takes a hold of Wade's hand, as the others watch on. Quinn looks into Wade's eye's, asking Wade if she would be his wife; Wade begins to tear up and she gets on the floor with Quinn and she states she would be honored to be Mrs. Quinn Mallory. The two share a kiss and then hug as the others look on with surprised looks on their faces. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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