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Episode U-718: The Old And The New

Logline: The Sliders return to a world they don't want to stay on; Claire LeBeau plans to destroy the sliders, leading Diana to bring them there and fight her off. Meanwhile, the Sliders find a way to return Diana, Joel, and Ryan to the way they were.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Tembie Locke as Diana Davis, Nicholas Lea as Ryan, Jennifer Hetricks as Claire LeBeau, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Synopsis: In a wooded area, the sliders are running from 3 raptors who are chasing them. Maggie, who holds the timer look at it, telling the others they slide out in 15 seconds. Wade tells Quinn that the next time they run into his double, to make sure he wasn't crazy. Quinn apologizes, but states that he was always interested in prehistoric creatures such as dinosaurs. Mallory tells Quinn that he is surprised his double was able to recreate several dinosaurs, includings raptors. Maggie stops, with Wade running into her and the two fall to the ground. Quinn helps the two up and Maggie opens the portal, with the sliders entering and the 3 raptors following.
The vortex opens in the middle of the street, tossing the sliders out and they quickly take off, with the 3 raptors exiting the gateway and looking around at their surroundings. The 3 split off and going after pedestrians, killing them and taking them for food. The sliders are quickly met by Diana, holding a gun and stating she needed their help. Quinn tells Diana that they were followed from another world by raptors and they should try to deal with them first. Diana states that they should hide, since she didn't care who died or lived on this earth. Diana and the sliders take off and head to an abandoned warehouse, where they soon meet Ryan. Diana tells the sliders that they were brought back to kill off Claire and end everything she screwed up in the world. Wade tells Diana and Ryan that raptors are in the area and they should deal with them first, then take down Claire. Ryan states it would be a good idea for both the raptors and Claire to be locked up together and everything would be finished off. Another man from before enters, walks in carrying a few rifles and placing them on a table near Ryan. Maggie looks to the man, wondering how he was still alive, since she saw him get killed by the wrestlers. The man states that they were all hallucinating under Claire's plan to put fear into them. Diana takes control of the conversation, stating the sliders they should load up the weapons and join her fight to destroy the evil consumed by this earth. The sliders look at each other, but they agree with the plan and head to the table to take a rifle and load it. A few minutes later, the sliders, along with their 3 friends are in a van, heading to Claire's house, but are stopped by a couple of raptors heading for the house and attacking a few guards. Claire exits her house, firing her gun at one of the raptors, but they overpower her and tear into her, eating her for a meal. As the van comes to a complete stop, Diana states that their job was too easy and they could just now concentrate on taking out the raptors. Ryan turns the van around and speeds away as the raptors notice them and then follow in pursuit. One of the raptors gets on top of the van and starts clawing his way inside. Quinn uses his rifle to fire at the raptor, making holes in the roof. Ryan speeds up with the raptor falling to the pavement and gets up with little injury. The other 2 raptors join the one who tried killing the group and they all look around for prey. They all take off into a corn field, rushing to find more food. The group returns to the warehouse, with Diana telling the sliders she no longer needed their help and they could leave. Quinn states that they leave in 21 hours and until they leave, they should try to deal with the raptors, since they basically brought dangerous animals from one world to another. Diana again tells the sliders that she doesn't care who died on this world, since she wasn't part of it and she would be moving on soon anyway. Wade asks Diana if she meant going off world and Diana shakes her head, stating she had stolen a timer from Claire, and she would use it to travel between worlds. Quinn tells Diana that she is always welcome to come with them, since they still could sent Mallory and her home. Diana shrugs her shoulders and states she was a bit tired and needed a nap. As Diana disappears up a flight of stairs, Ryan heads to the sliders, stating he wouldn't mind coming, but he really would want Diana to go. Maggie states they would just have to kidnap her and push her through the vortex. Joel gets near the group, stating he would also like to go home, but realizes it could take years; Quinn states that he could do his best to find his world. Later in the afternoon, the sliders, along with Ryan, Joel and Diana plan a way to destroy the raptors, but first must find a way to get all 3 of them together. Diana figures tha with her sniper skills, she should be able to take them out in one blow, but then suggests that they use a bomb which would destroy them, but they would need a place to have the raptors enter so they would be assured their deaths. Quinn states that they shoud go ahead and use the warehouse they were in, since everyone would be leaving it anyway. Diana states that she has a contact at a local naval airbase which should be able to supply them with enough dynamite to kill off the dinosaurs. Joel tells Diana he would get the truck ready adn they could take off. Diana suggests to the sliders that they try to round up the raptors so they wouldn't be hard to locate when their plan was to take affect. Wade states that they would need a horse trailer and a few tranqualizers if they wanted to succeed; Diana tells Wade that they shouldn't ask for things, just go after it themselves, and people would listen to them. Mallory states that he would need the keys to the van and they could take off to get equipment. As the sliders travel around in the van, Wade tells the others that she can tell how Diana had changed, since even though she never met her in person, but from what Remmy, Mallory and Maggie had told her, she was an all around nice person. Maggie states that Claire had brainwashed her into being someone she wasn't, so Claire could get rid of them quicker. Mallory states that he plans to leave this earth with Diana, even if it meant joining her and leaving his friend behind. A raptor runs out in front of the van, with Mallory hitting it and it falls to the ground. The van stops, with the sliders exiting, and noticing the raptor was injured, but knew the raptor wasn't injured from the hit of the van, but a few gun shot wounds. A woman arrives near the group, holding a gun, and telling them that she had to do something or she could have died. Quinn tells the woman that they were thankful someone has helped out; the woman tells the sliders that she would be on the look out for the other 2, since she doesn't want people to die for no reason. Wade suggests they load up the raptor in the back of the van, so it could be bait for the other raptors to find it. Mallory, Quinn and Ryan pick it up, placing it in the back and the group again taking off to find the equipment to get the other 2 raptors. At the naval airbase, Diana speaks with an officer at the front gate and she is allowed entrance, and they soon arrive at a warehouse, which a door opens and Joel drives right in. The 2 exit, meeting up with a general; Diana tells the general of their problem and that she would need some dynamite to take out the eveil that was in the area. The general leads the 2 to a room, where boxes of it were kept. Joel and Diana get a large quantity, but as they are about to take off, the general is attacked by one of the raptors, and Diana tries to help, by firing her gun at it. The raptor takes off, exiting through a window; Diana heads to the general, to realize it was too late and the general was dead. Joel finds a humvee driving by and stops the 2 officers in the humvee, explaining of the what happened; the officer in the passenger seat calls for back up on the radio and the 2 officers plan to search for the raptor by speeding away. With returning to the warehouse hours later, the sliders had managed to capture only one of the raptors, leaving two still unattended for. Diana tells the sliders that they would have to find the two if they wanted their plan to work. Quinn agrees, but states it could get harder, since if it's likely for a raptor to attack a naval airbase, it could attack anywhere at anytime. Wade then brings up the issue involving them locating the device that would return Diana, Ryan and Joel's memories to them, since she figures that Claire would have such equipment back at her home. Diana states that she knows of such technology, but isn't sure if they have enough time to deal with both situations, since they could either save them, or save the world, like they wanted to do in the first place. Ryan figures that with still enough daylight left, they should split up to locate the other two raptors and then plan to work on the equipment at Claire's to fix them during the early hours of the morning. Joel states that they should get going if they planned that and he suggests they split up, with each taking a weapon in case they attacked. Diana tells the sliders to take the van, while she, Ryan and Joel take the truck to search. Mallory suggests that they search until midnight and if they have no luck, they should just get to Claire's house. Diana mumbles something, then grabs a rifle and tells the sliders good luck; Diana then exits the warehouse, heading for the truck. After both groups searches come up empty, they all headed to Claire's house to find the equipment that should restore the three to their old selves. Diana decides to sit on the roof, looking over the neighborhood to see if the raptors would appear. Mallory joins her, by taking a seat by her. Diana tells Mallory that she is surprised that the raptors haven't appeared, but she knows that with her sniper skills, she should be able to them both out. Mallory states that Quinn was working the best he could, and before they knew it, all three of them should get their memories back and they could get home. Diana states that she really doesn't want to return to a scared, nervous, or even an unsociable lifestyle; Mallory states that was what he loved about her, and he really wants his Diana to return so she could come home with him. Diana states that she may just pass on the idea, and consider just staying on this world she was on, since she really enjoyed living around people who were nice. Down in the basement, Quinn is finishing up his work, as Wade, Maggie, Joel and Ryan join him. Ryan asks Quinn what they would have to go through in order to get their memories back; Quinn states that they each would have a helmet type device to be placed on their head, and it should knock their lives back into them. Wade asks Joel where Diana was at, and he tells her that she was on the roof, watching for the other raptors. Maggie suggests that someone go get Diana, along with Mallory, who had told her that he was going to join Diana on the roof. Ryan states he would be back in a flash, and Ryan quickly heads up the stairs to get Diana and Mallory. Up on the roof, Mallory and Diana sit in silence, until one of the raptors show up and falls from a tree near the house, knocking Diana down to the ground. The raptor bites and scratches her all over her body; Mallory grabs the rifle near his foot and fires at the raptor, knocking it down into the grass, but it escapes into the darkness. Ryan exits the house, finding Diana, and he looks up to see Mallory still on the roof; Mallory states that they need to get her to a hospital before she died. Mallory finds the ladder he came up on and quickly gets down, seeing if Diana had a pulse which she still did. An ambulance arrives minutes later, and Mallory decides to ride with Diana to the hospital. Joel tells the sliders that they should probably go after the raptor, before it killed anyone else, and possibly get a chance to find the second one on the loose. Wade states she would get the rifles; Quinn tells Maggie that she should stay at the house, in case it came after them and he wouldn't want to lose both her and his nephew. The 4 take off in the truck, searching the city for the raptors. The group heads out into the country side in the middle of night. As Ryan shines his flashlight around, he notices a raptor running from them. Ryan points Joel in the direction of the raptor and Joel speeds up, trying to catch up to it. With coming to a dead end of a trail, Joel turns the truck off, but leaves the headlights running. Wade and Quinn exit the back of the truck; the 4 split up, heading in different directions. As Wade starts walking and pulls out her flashlight from her pocket, she accidently drops the PDL on the ground, but she doesn't notice it. She turns on her flashlight and starts searching the wooded area. Wade soon realizes the raptor was inches away, after she hears a crunching sound and turns around to notice the PDL in pieces and the raptor staring at Wade right in the face. Joel suddenly joins Wade and just before the raptor attacks, Joel fires his weapon in the raptor's face, with it exploding and pieces of it landing on them. Quinn and Ryan meet up half way down a smaller trail, but they can't find anything. Quinn tells Ryan that he heard a gun shot seconds ago and hopes that no one was injured. Quinn gets in front of Ryan, but he is knocked down, with a raptor cutting into his arm. Ryan kicks the raptor in its face, with it staring at him. Ryan fires his rifle, hitting the raptor, but it jumps over him, and disappears. Ryan heads to Quinn, who tells Ryan that he was okay, and he should go after the raptor. Ryan runs back toward the truck, to notice the raptor was on the hood of the truck and then the raptor spits out an ooze, which lands in Ryan's face, and he falls to the ground. Joel and Wade get near the truck, to notice the raptor was nearing Ryan. Joel and Wade both fire their weapons, knocking the raptor down to the ground. Wade gets closer and continues firing, putting more bullet holes in the raptor which was already dead. Joel stops Wade, stating it was dead and they wouldn't have to worry anymore. Quinn exits the wooded area he was in, and Wade rushes to him, asking how he was and noticed Quinn was bleeding. Quinn states he was okay for the time being, but would need medical assistance. Joel notices the ooze on Ryan's face and he uses his hankerchief to clean off the mess. Ryan gasps for air, as he sits up, wondering what happened. Joel states that they got the raptor which nearly killed him. Wade heads to the truck, noticing the tire by the driver door was slashed and would need to be changed. Joel hands Ryan the hankerchief and returns to the truck, telling Wade he could do it, since he changed many tires before at his job. Wade asks Joel what he used to do and Joel states that he used to work for a discount tire store. Wade then realizes that Joel might not have lived that life due to the brainwashing, but doesn't say anything to Joel about her questionable doubt. By the early morning, the sliders return to the house, with the group all tired. When walking in, Maggie is sleeping in a chair and Quinn awakens her. Maggie awakens, looking at Quinn and shocked to see Quinn's arm in a sling, asking what had happened. Quinn tells Maggie that his arm was cut up quite badly, but they went to the hospital. They had ran into Mallory and he wanted them to tell her that Diana was doing better she would be released in a few hours. Wade states that they would just be able to relax for the most part until the slide. After searching through much information in the basement, the group learn that only Diana, Ryan and Joel were brainwashed, and Quinn is able to locate disks containing all of the memories the each of the 3 had and with loading them in the computer which is connected to the chamber the 3 should be back to themselves before they were brainwashed. Mallory tells Diana she would lose 2 years of her life, since she would only remember being in the kromagg prison they were in, before she was brainwashed. Diana states that she may hate the idea, but is willing to get her life back, and she could just pretend she had amnesia. Quinn turns on a few machines, as well as the computer with the help of Wade. The 3 take seats inside the chamber, and they put helmets on their heads, which is connected to a machine inside the chamber that should replace the new memories they recieved with the old. The chamber door closes, and a white light flashes through a small window at the top of the chamber door. A large explosion type noise is heard, and seconds later, the light disappears and the chamber door opens. By the computer, an image of Claire LeBeau appears, stating they couldn't all survive the reversal; the group look at Claire, shocked to see her. Claire states that if they were seeing the message, she must have died. Claire explains that she had a fail safe mechanism in the system, and that one person would die at a random selection. The sliders head into the chamber to see that no one was awake; Wade lifts the helmet off of Joel who awakens and shocked with asking questions of where he was and what had happened to him. Wade explains that they were abducted for a brainwashing experiment, but they were safe now. Maggie lifts the helmet off of Ryan, as does Mallory to Diana. Ryan is explained the same thing, but as they all look to Diana, Mallory looks to the others, wondering why Diana wasn't awake. Diana soon falls into Mallory's arms and Maggie heads to Mallory, stating that it could be possible that Diana was the one to die. Quinn feels for a pulse and feels one, wondering if Diana was still alive, with the system not screwing up like Claire planned. Mallory picks up Diana and takes her out of the chamber, stating she would have to get help immediately so Diana could be saved. Maggie picks up the timer, stating that they have less than 20 seconds until the slide and they would need to get moving, if they wanted to leave this earth. Mallory states that they could find help on the next earth for her, since he knows that Claire is a bitche and lier. Joel and Ryan are confused of everything occuring at once. Wade tells them both that they were about to go sliding and they should come along if they wanted to go home. Maggie opens the portal, with everyone starting to enter. Ryan and Joel are unsure, but Wade shoves them in and she leaps in last. The portal reopens inside an office, tossing the group out, and the portal quickly closes. Maggie states that they slide in 3 days, but they should get moving to a hospital. As they head for the door, it opens, revealing Diana's double walking in and she is shocked to see them also. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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