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Episode U-717: A Past Event That Changes The Future

Logline: After mourning the loss of Colin, the sliders find themselves on a world where men and women are coupled up at birth, and after Wade begins working, she falls for a guy who may be closer to the group than she thinks. Meanwhile, Maggie reveals a secret to the group which may split up her and Mallory for good.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Zen Gesner as Caleb Galvenston, and Anna Marie Goddard as Gwen Synopsis: Outside of San Francisco, in a small country town inside a cemetery, Quinn stares at his brother's grave, with tears in his eyes. Wade joins Quinn, who also bends down and places her arm around Quinn. Wade tells Quinn that they slide out in a few minutes and should get going. Quinn tells Wade as they both stand back up, that he feels so stupid for not watching out for his brother, and never realized something like this could happen. Wade states that they should have been more careful when meeting Dave and Colin's involvment with him. Quinn states that the world's people didn't give a damn for anything and hates the fact that someone killed his brother and they will never know who, since even the police refused to help out. The 2 start heading for the gate, when Maggie and Mallory soon join the two, with Mallory holding the timer. He tells Quinn and Wade that they slide in 10 seconds, and hopes that the next earth would cheer them them up. The red vortex opens, and the sliders quickly enter, with the portal closing seconds after. The vortex opens in a mail room, tossing the sliders out. They get up with no one noticing them, and they head for an elevator. As soon as they exit the building, they notice that they exited one of the World Trade Center buildings, and the group is surprised that the Trade Towers were in San Francisco, near the Green Gate Bridge. Mallory tells the others that they slide out in 470 hours, 37 minutes and counting down from 12 seconds. Quinn suggests that they get to the hotel and someone should find a job. Wade starts over looking ads and notices a position available at a Soda Fountain, and Wade figures with doing some work back in high school at a place similar to that, she could try for it. Wade tells the other three that she was going for an interview and should be back in a couple of hours. Maggie stops Wade from heading to the door, by telling the three that she needed time to talk about a situation she was in. Wade states that when she got back, she would have her full attention toward Maggie. Wade exits the room, with Mallory asking Quinn if he would like to go down to the bar for a drink; Quinn doesn't feel up to it and feels like sleeping. Maggie tells Mallory that she would join him, so Quinn could have some time alone. When reaching the Soda Fountain, Wade enters the building and is suprised of a long line of people waiting to be served. Wade heads to the front of the line, with a man telling her to get back in line, since she wasn't allowed to cut. Wade states that she was here about the ad in the paper about a position. The man at the counter over hears this and tells her that she could start immediately and would like some help. Wade quickly gets behind the counter, puts on an apron and starts a cash register, telling people that she was ready to take orders. The line gets cut in half as the other half goes to Wade and before the two knew it, the people had dwindled down to a few customers, and business was slowing down. The man thanks Wade for hopping in to take on the job and is surprised of how well she used a cash register. Wade states that she did a little work back in high school, and really enjoyed it. The man introduces himself as Caleb Galvenston, and Wade introduces herself to Caleb. Wade asks why he didn't have any other workers working, and Caleb states that he only has 4 other workers and they come later on in the day, so its really busy during the noon hour. Wade states that she is willing to work for a while, since she would be in the area for quite some time. Caleb agrees to let Wade stay and asks if she wouldn't mind staying until closing so he could get her used to the place. Wade agrees and asks to use a phone so she could call her friends to say she would be a while. Caleb points his office out to her and Wade heads back to make a phone call. In the bar at the Dominion, Maggie and Mallory sit around, as Mallory drinks beer and Maggie drinks water while they chat. Maggie tells Mallory that she feels bad about Colin dying and them never learning who killed him. Mallory feels that they shouldn't have let Colin get involved with Dave and Colin might still be alive. The two are soon joined by Quinn, who both are surprised of him being there; Quinn states that he was getting bored, so she heads to the bar to get a beer. Quinn joins the two, telling them that Wade had called and she would be late, since she started working. Maggie is surprised, figuring that an interview process usually came first. Quinn adds that Wade jumped in to help the manager, since it was busy. Mallory looks to Maggie, asking if she could reveal her secret to them and Wade could find out later. Maggie feels that all three of her friends should be there, since it could affect them all. Quinn guzzles down his beer and decides to get another. Qiunn returns to his seat, telling Mallory that he was so hoping that the secret would affect him the most, since he just loves surprises. Maggie tells Quinn to knock off his sarcastic tone, since it wasn't funny. Mallory then decides to go out for a smoke and leaves the two in the bar. Later in the evening, Wade finally is able to hang up her apron and head for the hotel. Caleb agrees to take her to the hotel and Wade is a bit shocked to see a corvette in the parking lot, belonging to Caleb. Caleb tells Wade as they head to the car that he is also a lawyer and just works at the Soda Fountain during his spare time. The two take off and Caleb heads for the Dominion Hotel; Wade thanks Caleb for getting the job and thinks it would be a good idea to take him out for dinner to thank him. Caleb laughs a bit and tells Wade that she was funny and it would never happen. Wade gets confused, asking Caleb why they wouldn't make a match, and Caleb reveals that single people can't date engaged people. Wade still gets confused, by stating she wasn't interested in him romantically, she wanted to show gratitude for him being nice and giving her the job. Caleb tells Wade that she should get a comedy act going; Caleb looks at Wade and asks her if she was understanding what he was saying. Wade tells him she wasn't and Caleb asks where she was from; Wade states that she was from Canada and just visiting. Caleb figures that Canada is a corrupt country, but explains that in America, men and women are placed together at a young age, so when they start dating, that is who they spend time with, and no one else. Wade asks Caleb about having friends and Caleb states he had friends, but he really is just explaining the relationship issue; Wade tells Caleb that she didn't know, but wonders why people were coupled up when they know that they could find a love from someone else. Caleb states that even though he may not sleep around, he really has fallen in love with Gwen and he knows that he couldn't live without her. When reaching the hotel, Caleb stops the car and looks at Wade, she looks back at him and quickly kisses him, then she backs off, with exiting the car. Caleb stops Wade, asking if that was the way they said good-bye in Canada; Wade states that it was and she would see him later. Wade enters the hotel and up to the room, with the others sitting around. Wade tosses her jacket in a chair and looks to Maggie, asking what she had to talk about. Maggie tells Wade she should sit, since it would be a big secret. The three stare at Maggie who starts pacing and unsure of what to say, but she then stops pacing and looks at her friends, stating she was pregnant; Mallory is shocked and tells Maggie that her secret was a good one and it would be exciting to have a baby. Maggie tells Mallory that was only half of the secret, since Colin was the father of the baby. Mallory gets off the bed, yelling at Maggie for such betrayal. Maggie states that she felt sorry for Colin, since he was going to die soon anyway and she wanted to keep him going in a sense. Mallory states that he couldn't deal with it then and would take off to let his anger out. As Mallory shuts the door, Quinn gets in Maggie's face, stating that he was right about him being affected the most, since now he had a nephew on the way and Colin wasn't around. Quinn then exits the room, leaving Maggie and Wade left together. Wade is a bit shocked, but tells Maggie that it was better to come out in the present, than to tell everyone after the baby was born. Maggie states that she had nothing to apologize for, since she knew she did something right. Wade agrees to the idea, but was really shocked when Colin told them he was gay. By the following morning, Wade and Caleb arrived at his house, and he tells Wade to come in, since he would be awhile finding her a uniform. When entering, Wade is shocked to see how wealthy Caleb was and starts looking around as Caleb heads upstairs. A woman appears near Wade, asking who she was and what Caleb was doing with her. Wade explains that she works at the Soda Fountain with Caleb and she needed a uniform for the job. The woman apologizes for being rude and introduces herself as Gwen; Wade asks Gwen if she had a last name and she states that after marrying Caleb she would. Gwen heads upstairs where Caleb was at and Wade notices how Caleb had grown up and wondered how rich he really was. Wade picks up a graduation picture and after feeling something in the back, she noticed something taped to it, which resembled a microdot like Quinn and Colin recieved about their real life and the one they got about the third brother. Wade peels off the object and places it in her coat pocket, with returning the picture to where it originally stood. Gwen returns downstairs and tells Wade to have a nice day since she was taking off to go shopping. Caleb comes down and kisses his love good-bye and then heads to Wade, handing her a black shirt which said Soda Fountain on it and a pair of tan pants. Wade thanks Caleb and states that she forgot something at the hotel and wondered if she could go back and she would just take a bus to her job. Caleb agrees, but states not to be slow, since it would be busy soon enough. When being dropped off at the hotel, Wade heads for the room, to find Quinn watching television. Quinn asks Wade why she wasn't at work and she states she discovered something he should see. Wade pulls out the microdot, handing it to Quinn. Quinn's eyes widen and surprised to see something he already knew about. Quinn asks Wade where she had found it at and she states that Caleb had it, and she is starting to wonder if he was the third brother. Quinn asks Wade that when Caleb had time to stop by the hotel, he would need to speak to him and hopefully he would be willing to understand who he really was. Wade states that Caleb would bring her back to the hotel, so she would ask him then. Maggie finds Mallory outside of the hotel, smoking a cigarette and she asks if they could talk; Mallory doesn't feel like it, but agrees to listen. Maggie asks if they could for a walk, since she didn't want other people nearby to hear of their situation. The 2 start walking down the sidewalk, and Maggie starts speaking about her pregnancy. Maggie feels that she is foolish for not telling everyone immediatley, but felt that Colin wasn't going to be around for long, she wnated to fulfill his wish with having a family and with them having sex and creating a child, since it might have been a new beginning for Colin. Mallory asks Maggie if she was going to leave him for Colin after the baby was born; Maggie states that she wasn't sure, but knew she would hurt him, since she was considering on leaving him for Colin. Mallory tells Maggie that with her telling them about the pregnancy, that they would be over, since he didn't want to raise a child that wasn't his. Maggie stops walking, along with Mallory and she tells him that she didn't mean to hurt him and hoped with recent loss they could still work things out. Mallory takes a few more puffs from his cigarette and tosses it to the ground, telling Maggie that it was over between them and he would just move on with his life. Mallory starts walking back to the hotel, while Maggie finds a bench, sits down and begins to cry. Later in the evening, as the doors close at the Soda Fountain, Wade and Caleb head to his car, about to get in, when Caleb stops Wade and they share a kiss. The two break away from each other, but then go at it, making out on top of the car's hood. Wade soon stops, stating that they couldn't do such a thing, since if a world where people must remain faithful to one person, she wouldn't want to disturb his life with Gwen. Caleb agrees with Wade, but he states that he really enjoys being with her and isn't sure about his feelins. Wade asks Caleb if he would like to come back to her hotel room to chat; Caleb agrees and the two get into the car, with taking off seconds later. When the two arrive at the room, Quinn can be seen still sitting in the same position Wade found him in earlier and she tells him that Caleb had arrived and they could talk. Caleb questions Wade as to why he really was brough up to the room. Wade explains that she had found a piece of equipment that may help him learn who he really was. Quinn stands up and talks with Caleb, explaining of a microdot he and his brother were each given early on, and since Caleb had one, Quinn needed to learn if in fact Caleb was the missing third brother. Caleb laughs it off, figuring he has always lived his life truthful and he never was adopted. Quinn asks Caleb to lie on the bed and hte microdot would explain it all. Caleb takes his shoes off and gets in the bed, with Quinn placing the microdot on his forehead and he along with Wade watched on. Wade wonders if Caleb could handle it all, since he was never aware of sliding between worlds; Quinn states that if Caleb wash is brother, he would learn who he was and things would work out. After Caleb is finished listening to the message, he gets off the bed, tosses the microdot at Quinn, and stating it was a crazy ride and he was leaving. Wade tries to stop him, but Caleb doesn't stop. Wade looks back at Quinn, stating that she would see him at work the following day and they should be able to talk then. Quinn realizes that they may have found the third brother, but wishes Colin would be around to share the experience of having a family together again. Wade tells Quinn that no matter what, they would make it, and even though Colin was gone, he never will be forgotten. By the following afternoon, Wade is working hard to get orders taken and dealt with for the customers. Caleb soon arrives, heading to his office, but stops to tell Wade that they needed to talk. Wade asks Caleb to help out, but he declines, feeling things are different between them and he needed to talk things out, instead of dealing with impatient customers. After Wade manages to get some free time, as another worker shows up, Wade heads to Caleb's office, telling him she was ready to talk. Caleb asks Wade what she did to him, since he is starting to believe what he saw after placing the microdot on his forehead. Wade explains who she really was, and that recently, they had found out about Quinn and Colin Mallory having another brother, making 3 Mallory brothers to exist, and they've been looking for some time. Wade figures it was a miracle to land on this earth and meet Caleb. Caleb tells Wade that he couldn't deal with the thought of him being from a parallel world and doesn't know what to do. Wade figures that he should get to know Quinn, before they take off and probably never return. Caleb suggests that they come to dinner later at his house, and they could talk then; Wade states it would be easier if he went to see Quinn and they talked privately. Caleb considers it, but realizes he had work; Wade states that she could handle the Soda Fountain and the customers, no matter how selfish or annoying they were. Caleb asks Wade the room number and she tells him the number of 68; Caleb tells Wade he should be back within a few hours. When arriving at the hotel, Caleb knocks on the room's door, with Maggie answering it, confused as to who the man was; Caleb asks Maggie of Quinn being around and Maggie states that he was down at the bar. As Caleb is about to leave, Maggie asks Caleb how he knew Quinn, and Caleb states that he may have just found his brother. Caleb finds the bar and locates Quinn at a table, finishing up a beer. Caleb looks to Quinn, stating the next one was on him. Caleb gets 2 drinks and takes a seat across from Quinn, stating he is willing to listen to him about parallel worlds and who he really is. Quinn states that about 3 years ago, he found out he was from a parallel world and he, along with his brother Colin, who was now deceased, were trying to find home; and when they realized their world was no longer able to live on, they planned to return to another world which he considered home, until they found out there was another brother to be found and since he had a microdot, Quinn figures that Caleb had to be the other brother, since they look a little bit alike. Caleb asks of his parents, and if they were still alive; Quinn states he isn't sure, but feels they were gone, since a race known as the kromaggs had probably killed them. Caleb states that he is surprised his step parents never mentioned such information and figured they would never tell, but he is a bit surprised that the microdot was placed on the back of the picture frame, which was so easy to notice. Quinn feels that his parents might have wanted to tell him, but probably hoped for him to find the truth himself. Quinn states that the best thing to do would get to know each other and to just separate when they had to leave. Caleb states that he isn't sure what he wants to do, since he would be curious to know about parallel worlds, but isn't sure about leaving Gwen, since he is marrying her in a few months. Quinn states that the world's coordinates were in the timer and he could always return to visit; Caleb asks Quinn if he would like to take a trip around town and get to know each other. Quinn agrees tot he idea and states he was ready to go. Later in the evening, Caleb had invited the sliders out to his boat for a cookout, except Mallory who decided to bail, since he had other plans and really wasn't interested in being around Maggie. As Wade helps Caleb out with the cooking, Quinn and Maggie relax, sitting down and looking out into the ocean. Quinn tells Maggie that he should apologize for how he acted before and realized his attitude toward the news should have been taken differently. Maggie tells Quinn that he had all the right he needed, since she and Colin should have told the group what they did, and she feels now, Mallory will never be able to forgive her. Quinn states that even though Colin was gone, a part of him would still remain alive; Maggie thanks Quinn for accepting the baby and knows that she will be the best mother a child ever had. Wade and Caleb stand over the grill, with Wade asking Caleb how things went between him and Quinn during the day. Caleb feels they bonded really well and knows that it was nice to know the truth for once. Wade states that she can feel for Quinn, since he recently lost a brother and just found another one; Caleb tells Wade that he talked it out with Quinn and he would be planning on staying for the time being and may consider going off world, since he's felt an attraction for her and doesn't know how to express his feelings. The two get close and share a kiss, but Wade breaks away, stating it may be a good idea to figure things out before they took off, so Gwen wouldn't be hurt and she could start a relationship with a great man. After dinner and the group having wine, except Maggie who drank tea, the sliders decided to call it a night and plan to return to the hotel. Quinn tells Caleb it was nice getting to know him, and hopes they can continue getting to know each other until it was time for the slide. Caleb tells Quinn that he still isn't sure about leaving, but would tell him if he planned to. Wade asks Caleb if he wouldn't mind some company and stay the night on the boat; Caleb agrees to it and Wade tells Maggie and Quinn that she would see them later in the day. The two sliders disappear as they walk far from the boat, leaving Wade and Caleb on it. Caleb looks at Wade and telling her that she had pretty eyes, and still can't get over being attracted to her; Wade gets close to Caleb, they share a kiss and they decide something should be done about the attraction, by sleeping together. By the following morning, Wade awakens to find Caleb gone, then he exits the bathroom, telling Wade it was going to be a wonderful day and it should turn out well. As Wade begins to dress, Gwen surprisingly appears, shocked to see the two together. Caleb tells Gwen that he didn't mean to hurt her, but he didn't realize how nice it was to be with Wade. Wade grabs her clothes and heads for the bathroom, and she hears of all the yelling that is occuring between Caleb and Gwen. Gwen tells Caleb that she was supposed to be the only one for her, and she would have to report him to the police; Caleb tells Gwen that she was over reacting to what happened, and calling the police will make things worse. Wade exits the bathroom, telling Caleb it was a mistake and she shouldn't have pushed him into sleeping with her. Gwen gets in Wade's way, telling her to stay away from Caleb, and she was fired from her job at the Soda Fountain. Wade looks at Caleb, who tells her she was fired but could stop by later to get her last paycheck. Gwen pulls out he checkbook, writing out a $1,000 check to Wade and stating that was good enough, and she neer wanted to see Wade again. Wade takes the check and exits the boat and disappearing out of Caleb's sight. Gwen tells Caleb that she will dismiss it this once, but she will call the cops if it happened again. Caleb heads to Gwen, putting his arms around her, telling how much he loved her and knew that drinking too much alcohol could lead to something like that, so that is why people aren't allowed single life. Gwen forgives Caleb, stating she had breakfast waiting for him up on top, and they should go eat it. Later in the evening, as Caleb locks up the Soda Fountain, Wade appears, getting near his car, and soon stopping him in his tracks. Caleb tells Wade that she shouldn't be in the area, since Gwen could be watching and she would get them both arrested. Wade tells Caleb that hse came to find the truth, wondering if they could hook up and he could go sliding with them; Caleb declines the offer, stating he had his own life on this world and didn't need to go sliding for adventure. Seconds after, a police car appears, with its lights on, and Gwen exits the passenger side door, telling both Wade and Caleb, they would be arrested for being together. Both of the officers exit the car, telling Caleb and Wade to remain still and to put their hands on the car for inspection. The two are then handcuffed and placed in the back of the police car. Gwen is handed Caleb's keys and Gwen tells Caleb that she was glad his parents weren't still alive, or they would be embarrased to have him for a son. The police car takes off, heading back to the police station and Gwen taking off in the other direction for home. By the following morning, Wade awakens in a cell, noticing Caleb was already awake and just lying up against the wall on the floor, and staring at the ceiling. Wade tells Caleb how upset she is for getting him in trouble and didn't realize how the world's society would be affected if someone did something with a relationship between two people. Caleb tells Wade that she should of realized when Gwen told her to stay away, she should have listened to her. Caleb tells Wade that it wasn't her fault, since she was from a parallel world and didn't know the customs to this world. Wade asks Caleb about if he was going to stay or join them on the next slide; Caleb tells Wade that he isn't sure, but he really feels like forgetting the sliders showed up in his life and go on like nothing happened. An officer arrives with the other sliders, telling Wade and Caleb they could go, but the trial would be the following week. Caleb tells Wade he would take care of the problem and make sure they would be let off with a warning; Wade thanks Caleb and tells him they should say their good-byes now and leave before things got worse. The 6 exit the police station, with Caleb hailing for a taxi; he looks to the sliders, stating it was nice to know them, and hopes they just stay in their hotel room until they slide out. Quinn tells Caleb that they should at least talk; The taxi arrives and Caleb gets in, telling the driver to take off. 2 days later, the sliders are sitting at a lake front restaurant up above on the patio, waiting for breakfast. Quinn is talking to the others about heading home after the slide was over, but Mallory brings up the thought that they could go home, but he would need to use the timer to find his earth alone, since he didn't need anyone with him. Maggie tells Mallory that he could always stay on Earth Prime and just get home later; Mallory tells Maggie that he really didn't want to be around people that reminded him of how he started sliding. Caleb walks up to the patio, and heads for the sliders' table; Caleb takes a seat beside Quinn, telling the group that it should turn out to be a good day. Quinn looks to Caleb, asking him why he showed up; Caleb states that had a few things to say and feels he acted like an ass, when he just left them at the police station and nothing was said. Caleb continues, telling Wade that the lawsuit was dropped, so they wouldn't need to head to court the following week, since he patched things up with Gwen and she dropped the lawsuit. Wade tells Caleb it was a good thing, since she didn't want to go to prison for life, or be on the run from the law for a couple of weeks. Caleb looks to Quinn, apologizing that he didn't get in contact with him, to say that even though he knew who he was now, he still was going to remain on this earth for the rest of his life, but wouldn't mind it if they all came for a visit, for future reunions. Quinn tells Caleb that if he would want, they could get together and talk about Colin, since the 3 of them would have been great brothers; Caleb agrees to the idea, since he wished he could have met Colin before his death. Maggie tells Caleb to stay for breakfast, but Caleb declines, stating he had to get to work, since it would be a long day at the office; Caleb stands up from his chair, tells the sliders he would see them later and walks away. Wade tells Quinn that its been an eventful week and wonders how the remaining 2 weeks on this world would turn out; Mallory tells Wade that if she finds another guy, just make sure he wasn't married. The sliders laugh over it, and are then served their breakfast. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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