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Episode U-716: Reality

Logline: On a world where no one cares for people's problems, the sliders soon realize how much the world cares when one of them dies from a mysterious stranger.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Brad Pitt as Dave Renhall and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The vortex opens in a park, dropping the sliders out. They get up and the portal closes. Quinn states that they slide in 67 hours, so they wouldn't be around for long. Maggie tells the group that they should get to a hotel, or at least stop at a fast food place, due to her being forced to fast, since the last world's population didn't allow eating for a month, which happened to start February 1st and lasted until the next day, but they were lucky to slide out before then. The other sliders agree and they soon head to Burger King across the street.
After ordering their meals, they quickly dig in, scarfing everything down. When Colin heads to the bathroom, a man is already inside, and as Colin uses a stall, the man states that he is surprised of how fast he and his friends ate their food. When Colin exits the stall and begins washing his hands, Colin tells the man that they had missed breakfast and even dinner the previous night. The man introduces himself as Dave Renhall; Colin introduces himself to Dave and then Dave asks if it was okay to invite them all to a club later in the eveningi, since he was new to the area. Colin states that he would have to ask his friends, but he wouldn't mind going. When Colin returns to his friends, he and Dave continue standing, and Colin asks the others if they were interested in going to a club with his new friend. Quinn talks for the others who are still stuffing food down their mouths and agrees, since it would improve their social skills by doing new things. Dave asks Colin where they were staying at; Colin states that they would be staying at the Chancellor Hotel and he would have to ask the front desk for their room number. Dave tells Colin it was nice to meet him and would see him and the others later. Dave exits Burger King, while Colin takes a seat across from Quinn, who is slowing down his eating. Quinn is surprised of Colin meeting someone in the bathroom and quickly makes friends with the locals. Colin reminds Quinn that he was the one telling him to meet people, since he wasn't so sociable; Quinn tells Colin that he would become sociable as soon as they got home and get the feel for living in one world, intead of a few hundred. As the sliders start to exit Burger King, a man walks up to Colin and punches him, stating to leave his man alone and he would get to stay alive. Mallory gets a hold of the man and asks what was going on; the man states that Dave is his lover and he knows that Dave was hitting on Colin to make him jealous. Maggie tells the man that they met him as friends and they were going to a club to have a little fun. Mallory lets the man go and the man puts his middle finger in Colin's face, stating to leave Dave alone, or he would see a bullet with his name on it. The man quickly gets into a car and it takes off. Wade is shocked to realize that Dave was gay or bisexual, but it was funny that Colin made friends with him. Quinn states that it wasn't like Colin was that way; the others laugh, leaving Colin a few feet back and he doesn't even smile at what Quinn just said. That night, the sliders and Dave arrive at a nightclub called GayBo, and the sliders were wondering what kind of club it was. Dave apologizes to the sliders, revealing that he was bisexual and was really hitting on Colin. Quinn states that it may be a good idea for them to return to the hotel, since he really wasn't interested in seeing meen kissing men or women kissing women. Maggie tells Quinn to just not look if that happens, since she went out to buy a new dress for the club. Quinn agrees, with Wade pulling him toward the front door. They all enter to find people dancing and kissing, but Quinn is pulled to the dance floor by Wade and she tells him to just look at her. Dave and Colin head to the bar to get drinks, along with Maggie and Mallory. After a few minutes the 4 were on the dance floor with Colin and Dave dancing and Mallory and Maggie doing the hustle with other people. Quinn notices his brother and tells Wade that he feels uneasy and wonders if this new type of society could make his brother a homo. Wade tells Quinn that as soon as they slide out, Colin should get back to his normal self. Later in the evening, as more poeple began to enter, a fight started on the dance floor between two guys fighting over another guy. The sliders with many other people get away from the fight. The taller man with a mustache kicks the short, fat Latino in the leg and he falls to the floor. The taller man grabs a pool stick and jabs it into the eye of hte short man, making it bleed. People start leaving quickly and the sliders are surprised that no one was helping. Wade starts to head for the man, but a bouncer gets in her way, stating to leave the situation alone and it would be dealt with. By the following afternoon, the rain pours heavily on the city, with the sliders still in their room. Colin, Quinn and Maggie are playing poker, while Wade watches television and Mallory is resting. A knock at the door is heard and Wade answers the door, opening it to reveal Dave, who then asks for Colin. Colin tells Quinn and Maggie he would be back and soon and joins Dave in the hallway. Dave tells Colin that he was wondering if he was interested in going to a movie in a couple hours; Colin agrees to the movie, but states that he would rather if they just went, since he was getting tired of his friends all the time. Dave states that if he was ready, they could go get some lunch before the show. Colin says he would get his wallet and they could go. Colin returns to the room, telling the sliders of his plans and he would be back later on. Quinn stops Colin, asking to talk later; Colin agrees to a talk, and they could do it later on when he got back. Colin and Dave head to an elevator and when getting in, Dave pushes a button for the lobby and suddenly, he kisses Colin and breaks away. Dave apologizes, stating he had an impulse, but wouldn't do it again, unless Colin agreed to it. Colin states that he enjoyed it and wouldn't care if Dave did it again. Dave smiles and they share another kiss. The elevator doors open and this guy notices them doing it; the man yells at the 2, calling them fags and to get out of the hotel, before he shot them to death. Dave and Colin exit with the man tripping Colin; Colin stands back up telling the man that he shouldn't have done such a thing and he could go to jail. The man laughs, stating the cops wouldn't do a thing, so he and a few friends get into the elevator, disappearing as the doors close. When exiting out of the hotel, Colin notices a woman trying to change a tire and is nearly hit a couple of times by cars. Colin tells Dave to wait for him, since he would go help the elderly lady; Dave grabs Colin's arm, asking why he would do that. Colin is confused that people in this dimension didn't help the elderly. Colin starts to head to the woman, but its too late as she is run over by a UPS truck. Colin yells fo someone to get help, but no one listens to him. Dave grabs Colin's arm and drags him to a taxi near them. When getting in, Colin notices a garbage truck pulling in front of the taxi and 2 men exit the truck and tosses the elderly lady in the back, with taking off seconds later. Dave tells the driver to take them downtown and to step on it. Colin asks Dave why no one helps the elderly, and Dave states that no noe cares so what would it matter. Colin then asks about if anyone cared about anything; Dave states that no one cares if people die, run over, or even stalked. Colin soon asks Dave if he was really interested in him and Dave states that he liked him a lot, but it wouldn't be serious. Dave starts rubbing Colin's leg, who doesn't mind it and looks out the taxi's window at all the people and stores on the left side of the street. As the sun begins to set, Colin arrives back at the hotel to find his brother and friends at the bar, and drinking away the night. Colin states that he wasn't going to be staying the night at the hotel, since he and Dave were going to a party at some house a few miles away and would return the following day for the slider that occurs later in the evening. Quinn asks Colin if they could talk privately in the room; Colin agrees to the talk and the 2 head up to the room. After Colin opens the door and walks in, Quinn follows and closes the door. Colin asks Quinn what was going on and Quinn asks Colin if he was gay. Colin states that he wasn't and figures he never would be if he died in a few months. Quinn states that he didn't like the idea of him and Dave dancing together the night before. Colin states that he made a new friend and Dave shouldn't be looked down upon based on his sexuality. Quinn states that he doesn't care if people aren't straight, but he tells Colin that he wouldn't want him to turn out that way, since he couldn't take it. Colin tells Quinn to forget about it and to just him alone, since he can live any way he wants to. Colin heads for the door and Quinn pushes him against the wall. The 2 start fighting, with punching each other and knocking each other around the room. When Quinn punches Colin the jaw, Colin falls the floor and then gets up. Quinn apologizes to Colin, but Colin refuses to except the apology. Colin then tells Quinn he may not return for the slide, and if he didn't, then to go on without him. Quinn asks what he would tells the others; Colin looks to Quinn, telling him to tell the others his brother was a homo freak. Colin opens the door of the room and quickly exits, heading for an elevator. Colin exits the hotel, to find Dave flirting with another man and Colin soon joins the two. Dave is surprised to see Colin and tells the other guy he would contact him later on. Colin asks Dave who the man was and Dave tells Colin that the man was a friend. Dave asks Colin what had happened to his face, and he tells Dave that he got into an argument with his brother. Dave hugs Colin, stating that his brother must be a dupe, and then Dave kisses Colin. A police officer notices the 2 kissing and he heads to them, breaking them up, and stating that gay boys should be in closets to do such things. Colin states that America was a free country and he could do what he wanted. The officer yells back at his buddy officer and he soon joins the 3. The officer tells his partner about what went on between Colin and Dave and teh 2 start beating on Colin, with Dave remaining back and watching. When the two officers are finished, they exit the area, returning to their car and taking off. Colin stands up, looking at Dave, asking why he didn't do anything to stop the officers. Dave states that he wasn't the one to mouth off to the officer and he tells Colin to get watch what he says next time. Dave tells Colin to get into the car, since they had miles to go for the party. After a couple of hours at the party, Colin is drinking a beer, while he looks around for Dave. Colin finds Dave with a few guys around him and he is telling jokes. Colin walks up to Dave, asking where he had been at, since ever since they got there, they were separated. Dave tells Colin to back off, since he was entertaining friends and they could talk later. Colin dumps the rest of the beer on Dave's head with the other guys shocked of what Colin did. Colin then walks away, and heads upstairs. When reaching the top of the stairs, a guy bumps into Colin, who then apologizes and Colin takes action with kissing the guy. The guy backs off and tells Colin if he was interested, they could go to a room for a little action. Colin agrees and tells the guy to lead the way. The 2 are getting it on, with the guy on top of Colin tries to get him have an orgasm. Colin tells the guy that he really is enjoying it, since it was his first time, but wonders why a man must stick his pickle up another guy's butt. The man tells Colin that was the only possible way to have sex. The guy starts bouncing up and down on Colin with him yelling out of how good it was. By midnight, Dave finds Colin in a room sleeping and he walks in, noticing another guy was with him. Dave starts rubbing Colin's shoulder and Colin awakens, to see Dave. Dave tells Colin that if he waited, he could of lost his virginity to him, instead of a stranger. Colin gets out of bed and tells Dave he would get dressed and they could go to his house, since he had an argument with his brother and needed a place to sleep. Dave states he would wait for him downstairs, and they could take off. Back at the hotel, Wade walks into the main room to find Quinn still awake, and looking upset. Wade asks Quinn what was the matter, since he wasn't the same after he returned to the bar from the room. Quinn states that he and Colin had an argument and he feels bad about what was said. Wade asks Quinn if she could help in anyway and Quinn tells her he could handle it, since every family goes through a few problems once in a while. At Dave's house, the 2 are in bed making out and Dave feels it was time to go beyond kissing and have sex. Colin refuses the idea, but after Dave touches his crotch, Colin agrees and Dave gets on top of Colin, bouncing up and down on Colin's butt. By the following afternoon, Quinn takes a walk into the Golden Gate Bridge Park and notices Colin and Dave throwing a frisbee around. Quinn gets a hot-dog and drink and heads to Colin; the frisbee passes by Colin and hits Quinn in the head, who then drops his hot-dog in the grass and gets angry. Colin heads to Quinn, apologizing and asking if he was okay. Quinn pushes Colin away and tells him he was fine; Quinn asks Colin how things were going and wanted to ask if they could chat. Colin tells Quinn he would be right with him and so he gets the frisbee and heads to Dave, stating he needed to talk to his brother and that he could go get something to drink. Dave and Colin share a kiss, with Quinn noticing and looking away. Colin joins Quinn on a park bench, asking what was up; Quinn tells Colin that he over reacted the night before and hopes for forgiveness. Colin pats Quinn on the shoulder, and tells him it was okay. Colin tells Quinn that he had some news to share and he feels the others should know also. Colin continues on, stating he was coming out of the closet and was gay. Quinn gets an upset look on his face, but tells Colin that he would except him anyway he lived, but asks Colin if he was going to go sliding with them later; Colin tells Quinn that he would, since he realized that Dave wasn't the guy for him, but he would find one someday. Dave soon joins the 2, giving Colin a bottle of water and tells Quinn he was a lucky guy to have such a kind heartedb rother to be connected with. Quinn states that he was and hopes he would be by his brother for the rest of the years together. Colin tells Quinn that he would be by the hotel in a few hours and they could go have dinner and then leave. Quinn tells the 2 to have a nice day and takes off, heading toward a bus stop. Dave tells Colin that since he was leaving in the evening that they should say goodbye in bed. Colin agrees with the 2 taking off and holding hands. A few seconds later, Dave's ex lover pops out behind some bushes, and gets in Colin's face, telling him to leave, since Dave was still interested in him. Dave tells the man, called Fjorb to get lost since he was with Colin and they enjoy having sex a lot. Fjorb tells Colin that he better watch his back, since he may kill him soon. The 2 continue walking hand in hand, exiting the park and getting into Dave's car. Later in the evening, the sliders had headed to dinner, along with Dave, who couldn't leave Colin until he had gone. Colin reveals to Maggie, Wade and Mallory of his new lifestyle and Maggie is a bit shocked at first, but doesn't say anything. Wade tells him that it would be new for her to slide with a gay man, but she doesn't mind it. Mallory tells Colin to just not hit on him and things between them should go fine. After the group get their meals in the restaurant, they don't eat the food, due to the fact that the salads were 10 months old, and their pork chops had tumors in them. The sliders and Dave then decide to pay their bill and head to the bar for one last drink and then exit the hotel. 20 minutes later, the group exit, with Quinn, Maggie, Mallory and Wade heading into an alley beside the hotel. Colin and Dave say their good byes to each other. As they beging making out, some guy walks up to the 2 and shove them against the wall. The 2 break apart to realize it was the gang leader from before, along with his gang nearby. Dave tells the man to back off, since they would no longer kiss in public; the man tells the 2 that they better, or he would kill them. The man and his gang start walking away and get into a van, which pulls away. Colin and Dave share one last kiss and they hug. Dave tells Colin to have a nice life and maybe one day to get back together. Colin likes the idea, but feels that he may not be coming back, due to his job. Colin walks Dave to his car, stating it would be bad to see him off for good. Colin shuts the car door, Dave starts up and takes off, waving at Colin out the window. Colin soon joins his friends in the alley, which isn't well lit to see. Quinn opens the portal, with the group starting to slide through. With Colin being last, he is about to leap in, when he notices someone pulling their vehicle up and they fire a shot which hits Colin in the head, and Colin drops to the ground, with the portal closing seconds after. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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