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Episode U-715: Family Values

Logline: Maggie returns to her homeworld, only to find deceit in her family, including a brother who is going to use her for money.Guest Stars: Carol Potter as Candice Beckett, Luke Perry as Mark Beckett, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The sliders exit the vortex in a basement, which resembles Quinns, but looks different on some way. Quinn tells the others that they slide in 34 hours, so they would need a little spending money to afford a hotel room. Maggie states that she remembers this basement and wonders if this was her Quinn's basement and home. Mallory agrees, figuring for a chance to find Quinn's double's earth. The basement door opens with someone walking down; Maggie gets near the stairs and is shocked to see a male, unknown to the others, but Maggie knows him. The 2 share a hug and after the shock, Maggie introduces her brother, Mark Beckett, to the other sliders. Quinn states that she could be home, but the man could be home a double of her brother; Maggie states that she would know if the man in front of her was a double or the real deal. Mark tells the sliders that his sister, her husband Quinn, which he realizes isn't the same one standing near him, and a Professor Arturo took off from the basement and after moving in, he's been waiting ever since for their return. Maggie asks if Candice was around; Mark states she was,but had moved into an apartment. Maggie tells Mark that they are here for a while and should catch up. Mark tells Maggie and the sliders to come upstairs and he would put out some soft drinks.
The Sliders take seats in the living room; Wade comments to Quinn that it looks differen from his house, even though its the same place. When Maggie joins her friends, she takes a seat by Mallory, who puts an arm around her. Colin looks at Maggie, asking who Candice was, since she mentioned the woman's name downstairs. Maggie explains that after her mother died, her father the general married a woman who was a witch and she hated her. Mark unfortunately was forced to live with their stepmother, after she had moved in with Steven. Quinn tells Maggie that the first Maggie they had with them, she had lost her father and her husband when she joined them. Maggie tells the sliders that she was quite different from the other Maggie, but really misses being with her Quinn and professor. Mark arrives with drinks for the group and Mallory quickly asks about a local gas station that would sell cigarettes, since he was out. Mark tells Mallory that he could take him to a gas station down the road; Mallory agrees and the 2 take off, leaving the others to remain in the house. Mark and Mallory drive in Mark's jeep and Mallory asks how excited he was to have his sister back and Mark seems excited by stating he is glad she was back and he could use her with cheering up. The jeep pulls into a Mobile gas station and parking beside the store; Mallory exits the jeep and enters the store. Mallory asks the clerk if he had any Lighthouse Specials; the clerk looks at Mallory confused, and states he had Marlboro cigarettes, so Mallory with paying for a couple of packs and soon exits the store to return to the jeep. As Mallory heads back to the jeep, he notices Mark talkign to some guy, but when Mark notices Mallory, the guy looks at him and tells Mark that he would talk to him later. When getting in the jeep, Mallory asks Mark who the man was and he states that he was a friend and he wanted to see Maggie again after he was shocked to realize she was back. The 2 return to the house, with Mark returning inside to the others and taking a seat, while Mallory stands outside to have a smoke and looking around at the neighborhood. Mark tells the sliders that he would be willing to put them up in a nice hotel if they wanted, since they wouldn't be around for long; Wade states that she would love it, since she doesn't get to live in the life of luxery very often. Quinn agrees, but asks Maggie about her coming or staying; Maggie states that she would remain at the house and catch up with them before the slide. Mallory soon walks back in, asking what was going on; Colin tells of them getting a nice hotel and to not smoke while they were in the room. Mark exits the room to make the phone call for the hotel; Mallory takes a seat by Maggie and the 2 share a kiss. Maggie tells Mallory that he needed a breath mint; Mallory tells Maggie that it would be a while before he quite smoking, since he has grown a fondness of it. Mark returns to the living room, telling the sliders of them staying at the Chancellor Hotel, if they didn't mind; the sliders look at each other and Mark asks what the problem was. Colin states that the Chancellor is where they usually stay, but they don't mind it. Mark apologizes, but states he is limited on funds, but would get some cash soon enough. Quinn tells the others that they would have to hail a taxi; Mark tells Quinn that he called a taxi and it should be at the house soon. Later that night at the house, Mark opens the front door to the house, with a woman coming in and hugging Mark. Maggie arrives near Mark and Maggie gets a hug, with Maggie stating it was nice to see her stepmother Candice and not surprised of her to show up for dinner. The 3 sit at the dining room table, while eating a Thanksgiving dinner feast. Candice tells Maggie that it was nice of her to return home from a long journey and is sorry about the breakup between her and her second husband, but heard that she was dating someone else. Maggie states that she had met a man named Mallory and they've been a couple for the past several months; Candice looks at Maggie, asking how she could date a guy with a female name. Maggie states that his name is Quinn, but its hard to call 2 people by the same name and its easy to use his last name; Candice states that she could be calling him by hisi middle name instead. Mark takes Maggie's and Candice's glasses out to the kitchen for a refill on champagne, except Mark drops a pill in Maggie's glass and quickly returns to the table. Candice asks Maggie if was considering staying or keep going with her friends, since she was really home. Maggie states that she has time and will decide before the next slide. After Maggie takes a few sips, she suddenly feels hot and wonders if she just hot or the room was; Mark and Candice look at Maggie and she quickly collapses to the floor. Mark tells Candice that it was to easy to knock Maggie unconscious and they could continue on with their plan. The 2 get up from the table and carry Maggie into the living room, with placing her on the couch. The following morning, Maggie awakens to find herself tied to a chair and in the basement. The door to the basement opens and Maggie sees Candice coming down. Maggie asks her what was going on, since she had no idea her family was hiding a secret agenda. Candice places a tray of food on a table, then looks at Maggie, explaining that they were going to us her to lure her friends back to the house and then steal their sliding technology to become rich. Maggie is surprised to find her brother, the one who even hated Candice, to be a part of the plan. Candice tells Maggie that a lot has happened since she left and that Mark had begun to trust her. Maggie states that their plan wouldn't work, since she didn't have the timer and knows that her friends wouldn't give in to their demands. Candice states that the plan will work, with them believing it will be helpful in some other way. Mark arrives downstairs, holding a cordless phone, and telling Maggie that it was about time to call her friends; Maggie refuses, but then Candice pulls a gun on her, she agrees, with asking Mark to dial the number. At the hotel, just as the group returns to the room from breakfast, the phone rings and Wade answers it. Maggie states that they needed to come back to the house, since they were thinking of doing something fun for the day. Wade states that they would be right over, after Mallory finished in the bathroom. The phone is hung up and Wade explains to Quinn and Colin of their plans and they agree. Back at the house, Mark tells Maggie that her Quinn had left enough equipment to create a sliding machine and even an extra trimer, but it was damaged and he was unsure how to fix it. Maggie states that he doesn't need to kill anyone for finding a way between doorways; Mark tells Maggie that he knows of her and the other sliders being good and not doing anything to increase their popularity among worlds, or go to the length of becoming filthy rich. Candice tells Maggie that if she goes along with the plan, she can be untied; Maggie agrees, stating she would comply with them, but she made it clear that her friends knew the truth, or at least part of it. Mark tells Maggie that all he wants is to find a way to other worlds and find new inventions to bring back home and sell them for profit. Maggie is untied and stands up; she states that this other Quinn may not go for the idea, but she didn't see anything wrong with their plan. Maggie then asks why she was tied up, if the plan was so easy; Mark tells Maggie that he didn't know if he could trust her or not, or even her friends. The sliders arrive at the house and are soon met by Maggie, who leads them into the living room and she tells them to take a seat, since she had lied over the phone. Mark and Candice enter, and Mark tells Quinn that he would like to do a little for him, involving a timer that was left in the basement. Quinn looks at Maggie, and then back at Mark, asking what he wanted it for; Mark tells Maggie to explain their situation to Quinn, as well as the others. Maggie states that Mark and Candice wanted to travel between worlds, so they could bring stuff back that isn't invented on their world and sell it on the market, making them wealthy. Quinn tells the 2 that he wuld help, but he hopes that was all that he was needed for, unless there was something else. Mark tells Quinn that was pretty much it, and he may need a little favor after the timer is finished. Quinn and Colin get working on the timer down in the basement, while Mark, Candice and the other sliders were upstairs, talking of plans. Mark tells the 3 remaining sliders that he needed their assistance to get the items they want to sell, and they just needed them until they had to slide off. Candice tells Mallory that he and Colin would travel with her, while Maggie and Wade traveled with Mark. After a couple of hours, the entire group is down in the basement; Quinn explains that with enough equipment, he could create a second wormhole, but it would open at hte same location, so the group shouldn't move to far from the location. Mark tells Candice that her group could deal with that, since he, his sister and friend might return with several items. Quinn states that he would remain behind in the basement, so he could monitor the slides. Mark tells everyone he is setting the timer to return in 25 minutes, and he then opens the vortex with the timer in hand. He, along with Maggie and Wade enter into it. Seconds after it closes, another vortex opens, Candice tells the guys to enter first and she would follow; after the 2 enter, she looks at Quinn and then leaps in, with the portal closing afterward. A green vortex opens in a park, dropping out Mark, Maggie and Wade and the portal closes. Mark helps Maggie up and they notice that the world seemed normal and Mark is surprised to notice a mall nearby; the 3 enter the mall and soon start their search for new inventions. Another green vortex opens above a dumpster and tosses the 3 out and landing in the dumpster. Colin helps Candice up and when Mallory stands up, Candice knocks a banana peel out of his hair. The 3 exit the dumpster and exit the alley, to find several shops in the area. Candice tells the guys to check out a grocery store, while she headed to the newspaper office. When Candice enters the newspaper office, she notices no one around and starts to snoop for any cash in the desk near another door. She finds a cash box in a drawer, full og $100 dollar bills and she quickly stuffs them into her coat pocket, and placing the box back in place, closing the drawer and returning to her spot when entering. An elderly man enters, surprised of someone being inside, and asks Candice how she was and wondered if he could assist her. Candice asks if it was possible to buy a newspaper, or if it was free. The man tells Candice to hold on and he would return shortly with a newspaper. The man enters the other room and returns seconds later, tossing the paper at Candice, who catches it. Candice asks the man how much it would be and the man states that it was free. Candice thanks the man and she quickly exits the office. Candice quickly heads to join the guys and they soon exit as she is about to enter. Mallory states that he found an item called Milky Pop, which was a drink that included milk and soda pop. Candice states that she had money, and gives Mallory a $10 so he could buy a 12 pack of it. Candice tells Mallory that they would wait for him outside. The elderly man exits his office and yells about his money missing; he notices Candice and heads to her, yelling out about her stealing his cash. Candice is shocked of this charge and tells the man she wouldn't steal a thing and hasn't done it in her entire life. The man quickly checks Candice's jacket for the money, as well as her pockets, but nothing is found. The man apologizes to Candice and tells her to have a nice day. Colin is surprised that the man would suspect her for theft; Candice states that she was in there when he had entered and he figured the obvious. Mallory soon exits the store and hands Candice the change back. Colin states that even though they had enough time left over, they should just go and wait in the alley for the slide; Mallory and Candice agree returning to the area they slid in at. At the mall entrance outside, Wade and Maggie are standing around, when Mark quickly exits, telling them to run, since they slide out in a few minutes. The 3 start running with security officers soon exiting the mall and noticing the sliders. The officers then follow in pursuit, hoping to catch them. The sliders make it into an area where no one can see them and stop for a break. Wade tells Mark that next time, to figure out their time limit and to make sure enough time was allowed for the slide. Mark apologizes, stating that they shouldn't slide out in public, since it could get them arrested. Maggie asks Mark to see what he bought and notices alarm tags were still on all the items of clothing he got; she asks Mark about it, but he states that he figured in this dimension, people don't remove such things, since even the alarm went off, but he was let go. Wade is handed the timer and she soon opens the portal, but after Wade and Maggie enter, one security officer catchs up and notices Mark, who then fires his gun, hitting him in the shoulder. Both vortexes reopen in the basement and after Mark exits, the others notice of his wound and Maggie decides to care for it. Mark states that some gang members must have shot him, since he noticed a group of kids nearby with guns. Quinn asks both groups how the slides went and they pretty much agreed that they were successful and able to buy things to invent on the world they were on now. Quinn tells the others that he figures the wormhole stability may collapse if used too much, so it may be better, so he could run tests, that only one group go the next time. Candice states that Mark, Wade and Maggie should go, since Mark was the head of the project. The 2 return back downstairs minutes later, and Mark asks if they could go again. Quinn explains to Mark what he had just said and states that his group could take off again. Mark holds the timer in the air, activates a wormhole and the 3 enter the portal, which closes seconds later. The green vortex opens tossing the 3 out beside a restaurant known as Pizza Hut. They quickly stand and realize they slide in 25 minutes again. Mark tells Wade and Maggie that they should go search again and quickly find a place to slide out, since he doesn't want what happened to him before occur again. The 3 get a taxi and soon arrive at a local mall. They head into several stores and when arriving at a scientific type store, Mark sticks a few things in a bag and then rushes out of the store, with the 2 women in pursuit, but the entrance closes off, leaving the 2 behind to be arrested. Wade and Maggie are taken to the security office where a man in a suit takes a seat in front of the 2, introducing himself as Mr. Walters and asking why they had to shoplift when they knew that there was a way around paying for things without cash. Wade states that she knew that, but he friend from Europe didn't realize it. Mr. Walters states that their friend could disrupt life in America and he would need to be brought in for questioning. Maggie then asks about what if their friend never returned; Mr. Walters tells the 2 that they would be punished and sentenced to 40 years in prison. Wade gets angry, yelling at Mr. Walters about not knowing of the shoplift and hates the idea that they would need to pay for someone elses damages. Mr. Walters states that was the law and if they refuse, they could get the chair. The man states that they would remain in a cell in their security office for 24 hours, then sent to a court for a trial. Maggie asks if it was possible to have a phone call at least; Mr. Walters agrees, stating that they could borrow his cell phone, but would need it back in an hour. Mr. Walters places his cell phone on the table, and states he would be watching them as he exits. Wade asks Maggie why she needed a phone call, and Maggie reminds Wade that they would need the best lawyer to get out of their situation. Mark easily makes it out of the mall and down to a taxi with him noticing that Wade and Maggie weren't with him, but he didn't care and takes off for a ride. The green vortex reopens in the basement tossing Mark out and Quinn is confused about not having Wae and Maggie with him. Mark states that they were stupid for being slow and now they were captured by the mall security. Quinn tells Mark that they had to go back and save them before they were sent to jail, or even worse, death. Mark states that they should return since it was the loyal thing to do. Candice tells the others that they should arm themselves in any case of attack and the security refusing to give them up. Mallory states that it would be stupid to do it and if they went to talk to whoever, things may turn out okay. Mark states that they can go with nothing, but he needed to load his gun. Minutes later, the group arrives back on the world, this time in a park, beside a Babe Lincoln statue. Quinn, now holding the timer, tells Mark to show them where to go. After arriving at the mall, the group is quickly spotted by a security officer and tells the group to follow him and they return to find Maggie and Wade sitting in an enclosed room. Mr. Walters tells Mark to take a seat inside the room, and the others could go. Candice fires a shot at Mr. Walters, knocking him down; Mark continues to fire, knocking the rest of the security team down. Quinn opens the room holding the 2 and tells them to move, since they needed to exit the area immediately. With returning to the basement, Maggie continues to yell at Mark, stating that he didn't need to hurt anyone and they could have slid out from the store. Mark tells the sliders that he had no choice, since he has no money; Mallory stops Mark from talking, stating that Candice has plenty and tosses a small bag toward him. Candice is surprised of this revelation and asks Mallory how he knew; Colin states that he saw her stuffing the cash on her and he then pretended not to see anything. Maggie tells Mark and Candice that she had made her decision and wasn't going to stay, since she couldn't fit in with her family anymore. Quinn tosses the timer back to Mark who catches it, then tells him to have a nice day and exits the basement, with the others following, except Maggie. Mark tells Maggie that that he didn't mean to get anyone hurt and he really feels that he would become a good man after he became wealthy, if she ever wanted to return. Maggie states she would think about it, but she wouldn't be able to believe that her brother shot people. Mark asks Maggie for a hug, but she doesn't say anything and heads for the stairs, but after walking up a couple of steps, Maggie looks back at the 2, stating that if they were to ever get caught on any earth, they would think twice before they shoplifted or kill anyone, since that wasn't their way of sliding. Maggie then continues up the stairs, disappearing out of her families lives. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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