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Episode U-714: Beneath The Surface

Logline: When the sliders land on a deserted California, they soon are met by people who live underground and they join them, learning that the United States is a wasteland and no one can survive for a long period of time, due to the radiation from the bombs dropped on U.S. soil.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Eddie Jones as Senator Adam Casen, Michael Landes as Brad, Maggie Lawson as Vicky Larson, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The portal opens above a dirt hill, and the sliders drop out into the dirt, with each sliding down the to the bottom of the hill. After the group stands up, they notice it was very quiet and wonder where civilization was. Mallory states they slide out in 88 hours, 14 minutes. They start walking and realize nobody could be seen. They see no cars, buildings or even roads. Colin comments about the fact that some worlds are slower than others, and this may be at the beginning of time, before everything came into place. Something small appears, coming toward the sliders and its revealed as a piece of newspaper and it flies into Maggie's face, who soon takes it off her face, and it shows Hitler saluting a missile and the headline reads "Death To America, May We Soon Overcome Their Evilness." Maggie shows the piece of paper to the others, wth them being shocked as she was. Wade suggests that it may have been possible for Germany to have attacked America, instead of Japan, during World War II. Quinn figures that it may be possible for some airborne virus, and they could be inhaling it. Mallory questions the idea of people still being alive; Maggie believes that no one survived, but they would have to, in a harmful environment, without food or shelter. With the sliders continuing to walk, they suddenly disappear, when walking through a passageway, unseen by the natural eye. The sliders find themselves in a small room, surrounding them from every corner, with metal. Quinn wonders what had happened, and hopes aliens didn't abduct them. A window appears in front of the group, with a woman in a decontaminated suit, speaking into a microphone. She tells the sliders they have been put in quarentine, until they can be cleaned, from the radiation, that still lurks their country. Hours later, the sliders now wearing clothing resembling hospital scrubs are in a holding cell, and the timer confiscated. A large man enters outside of the cell, telling the group that he wanted to speak to them privately; the sliders look at each other, surprised of this man wanting to let them free, but agree and follow the man down a hallway. Quinn walks beside the man, asking who he was and what had happened to America. The man states that all his questions would be answered after arriving in the conference room. The sliders take seats at a long table, while the man takes a seat at the head of the table. The man introduces himself as Senator Adam Casen, and he was the head honcho of the underground area, and wanted to know who they were. The senator pulls out the timer, showing it the group; Quinn speaks for the group, stating it was a timer, and they weren't from around there. Quinn continues, explaining they come from parallel worlds and just happened t land in a desert, and would like to know what happened to San Francisco, Los Angeles or the rest of California. The senator states that it was a long story, but basically, the entire United States was no longer able to support life, due to radiation from the atom bombs, dropped on them years ago. Wade states that she figured as much, and wonders how the government let it happen. The senator tells Wade that the entire American force was fighting Japan, and Germany suddenly attacked their country, killing millions. The senator continues explaining, that after the crisis in 1929, the government created underground housing for most of the populist. Mallory asks the senator what happened in 1929, and the senator explains of the Cuban Missile Crisis; Quinn laughs a bit, stating on his world, the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't happen until the 1960s. The senator gets to the point of his meeting with them. He explains that lately, radiation has been leaking through some parts of the underground units, and they need help to solve the problem. Colin is confused, asking how they could help; the senator explains that there was a team of scientists around, who have been working on sliding for decades, and need help with finding a way off, to a better world. Quinn states that he and his brother would help in anyway, but the others had no such knowledge to help in sliding. The senator states that they could be useful to search worlds to find a better home. Wade looks to Quinn, commenting that she hopes no one dies again, like the professor's double did. Quinn and Colin quickly begin work with the scientists to develop powerful chips in several timers going to be used. Wade, Maggie and Mallory meet up with a few military recruits, they would travel with separately. Wade is teamed up with a male military officer, and Wade feels a connection could occur. Maggie and Mallory are teamed up with 2 women officers, and they soon start their search, for a new world. In a forest, a red vortex opens, tossing out Wade and the male officer, named Brad. Brad tells Wade that they slide out in 23 minutes, giving them little time to search the area. They head up a hill and when looking out into the area, it was just one field after another. Wade figures that they should come upon civilization some time, but it would be a nic world to stay if it worked out. On another world, another red vortex opens in a park, tossing 4 people out. Maggie and Mallory stand up, while the women officers do the same. Mallory looks at the timing device, telling that they slide out in 27 minutes, so they better go search. Just when they start walking around the city, they notice it was normal, but they soon notice KKK members riding around in cars, and figured that the KKK ruled America, giving the officers a not so good idea to move their people there. Back in the lab, Quinn and Colin work separately with scientists to finish up a couple more timers, to slide the population off world. The woman Quinn is working with is named Vicky Larson, and she tells Quinn that he doesn't know how much this means to her and how good it will be going to a new world to start over, with breathing in real air, rather than the usual processed oxygen down below where they were at. Quinn tells Vicky that he is willing to help a society in disaster, and hopes that they can be on a new world without war. Vicky tells Quinn that she hopes that when this is over, she can enjoy her life and possibly start a family, since she wasn't getting any younger. A couple of hours later, two vortexes open, dropping out the 6 people who went to search for a new world. Senator Casen asks if either found a new environment to live in; Wade and Brad state they didn't, but would keep looking. One of the women officers reveals that they found a world that really would work for them, since an entire city exists without anyone there. The senator is confused, but states it would work. He looks to Brad and the 2 female officer, stating to prepare the others for the slide to the new parallel world, the following morning. The 3 disappear, with the senator following them out of the room. Maggie, Mallory and Wade find the brothers, stating they found a new world, and everyone should be there the next day. Quinn tells Vicky that she would get her wish; she hugs Quinn, stating she had to tell her husband of the good news. Colin soon joins the others, questioning as to whether they would join the people or remain underground until the slide. Quinn tells Colin that they would have to stay, unless they would want to lose the ability to slide home. During the evening, Wade and Brad had gone to dinner, while the others remained in their quarters. Brad tells Wade that he will miss her once they leave, but would like her to come with him and remain with him on his new world. Wade is shocked of Brad's request, and tells him she would need to think about it, and talk to her friends. Brad tells Wade to take her time, but would need her answer before the slide. In the room, the other sliders sit around having drinks, while chatting. Quinn states that he is relieved everything worked out, and glad to have helped another societ. Maggie states that she feels bad for all the people who can no longer live in their world, or even interact with the rest of the world. Colin figures that the rest of the world wouldn't miss the United States citizens, since no one helped them out during the war. Mallory still doesn't get why the American government didn't create weapons to use against Germany, but figures different worlds, different turn of events. By the next morning, people were packing and ready to move on. Wade had caught up with Brad, who was in his quarters, and she tells him of her response to his request. Brad looks to Wade, telling her, that before she makes her decision, he feels that he was unfair to her, by asking something that she couldn't do, and give up sliding. Wade stops Brad from talking, stating that she would love the idea to remain with him, but she had a situation to deal with first and would gladly return to remain with him when she completed the work. Brad hugs Wade, then they kiss; Brad breaks away from Wade, stating he would like the idea very much. Wade tells Brad that she had to get back to the others, since Senator Casen wanted to talk to them. Brad tells her he would see her on the next world; Wade smiles, telling Brad to count on it. In the conference room, Wade soon joins her fellow sliders, with Senator Casen waiting for her to show. The senator tells the sliders how helpful they've been, and that they were no longer needed to assist them. Quinn asks the senator about the rest of the country, and if anyone else was sliding off world. The senator states that there is a limited number of people in the area, and feels that they would again, live in a world with pollution, crime and anything else their society went through, prior to the attack. Wade comments to the senator that they wouldn't be over crowded this time, since if the world was empty, the entire United States could spread out through the world, making it less stressful on the environment. The senator stands up, stating they were finished with the meeting and that they should return to their quarters, and remain there until they leave. With the sliders exiting the room, Wade looks to Quinn, and telling him how foolish the senator was, thinking that he could survive with a limited amount of people, isnce they would need a future for the world. Quinn tells Wade that the senator knows best for this situation, and they couldn't really intervene with the senator's plans. Mallory soon realizes he had left his jacket in the conference room, and tells the others he would catch up with them. Mallory enters the room, and the senator has opened. Mallory heads back into the hallway, calling out to the other sliders. They all turn around and quickly head back to the conference room; the sliders head in, with the senator and a few military officers, including Brad, sliding off, and the vortex closes. Quinn tells the others that they better find another timer, and track the senator's slide, since he could be double crossing them all. Vicky Larson soon arrives near the sliders, stating that she could only find one timer around, and knows that there wouldn't be enough power to slide 800 people off. Quinn tells Vicky that they should go track the senator down, to learn what he was up to. Wade states that she was coming along, since she wanted to know if Brad was on their side, or the senators. Quinn activates the vortex, with the 3 soon sliding off world. The 3 soon exit out into a park, and Vicky comments to Quinn and Wade that sliding was fun and might try it more often; Quinn tells her to just remember her home coordinates. Wade looks around for anyone, and sees the group disappearing into a bank. The 3 follow in pursuit, and when entering, they notice that everyone was piling cash into bags. The senator soon notices the 3 entering and pulls a gun on them; he states that they should return to the other world, since they had just a little business to take care of. Vicky asks the senator where the rest of the timers were, since they only had one. The senator states that he had the rest of them, since he couldn't deal with people over populating the earth with rejects of all types. Wade asks the senator where Brad was at, and the senator explains that Brad was dealt with, since he didn't want to partake in their mission. Wade rushes outside and looking down an alley beside the bank. She heads to the dumpster, finding Brad unconscious, and bleeding from his stomach. Wade tries to get Brad out of the dumpster, but she wasn't strong enough. Back inside, the senator continues holding the gun on the 2, and states that with them getting involved, he would have to dispose of them too. Quinn tells the senator that he couldn't live on this earth for, and when he died, no one would be around. The senator tells Quinn he was wrong, and that he wasn't going to stay, but to go sliding, since he was told by the sliders of how nice the worlds they visited were, and what fun it is to visit alternate earths. Vicky tells the senator of his selfishness, and that the other people will know of this when getting back. The senator fires the gun, hitting her in her shoulder, and knocking her down. Quinn rushes at the senator, knocking him down, but not before Quinn was shot in the stomach. Vicky gets a hold of the senator's gun, and helps Quinn up. Wade quickly returns, shocked of what had happened in the bank. Vicky hands Wade the gun, and Wade forces the officers to come out from behind the counter, drop their weapons and get on the ground with the senator. The senator tells the officers to shoot the 3, but Wade looks at them, stating she wouldn't hesitate to kill the senator or them. The officers respond to her and them joining the senator on the floor. Wade gets the bag of timers, and states to get back there and have assistance for Brad. Vicky opens the gateway and slides off. An hour later, back on the other world, Wade sits in a chapel, while crying over the loss of her new love. Quinn walks in, with being all fixed up, and takes a seat next to her. Wade looks up, noticing Quinn and telling him of how much it hurts, knowing she could have found her soul mate. Quinn tells her that at least the senator would pay for his crimes, and eventually everyone in the underground would make it to the new world. Quinn tells Wade that if she needed to talk to anyone, they were all there for her. Wade thanks Quinn, and hugs him, stating she couldn't survive sliding without him; Quinn smiles at her, stands up and exits the chapel, leaving Wade to grieve alone. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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