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Episode U-711: Reunion

Logline: Quinn and Colin locate their aunt, when visiting an earth where Christmas doesn't exist and a hand full of refugees from different worlds living there. Rembrandt's brother is found by the group, and they plan to return to Earth Prime. The brothers may have an option of staying, or keep sliding, and it may be more difficult to decide than they think.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Catherine Hicks as Georgia Manchester, Obba Babatunde', Danica McKellar as Teri Elther, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: Quinn, Wade and Mallory exit a mall, wearing elf outfits, including the pointy ears. Maggie and Colin join up with them after exiting a taxi. Quinn tells Maggie they should go out of sight for the slide, and the group heads to the parking lot where no one is around. Colin asks the 3 how things went with their jobs; Wade states that they got fired after trying to explain to a kid that Christmas was more than just getting cars, and his mother yelled at them for hurting her son's feelings. Maggie states she enjoyed this earth for what time they had, and it was fun to play in snow for a time. Maggie opens the vortex, and the group quickly enter. Through the red vortex, the sliders are tossed around, like marbles in a jar, but the trip was soon over as the group exits out into a palm tree lot, where they knock over several trees. A man comes up to them, yelling at the group for screwing up his tree order and demands they fix them. Quinn and Colin help with putting the palm trees back in place, while the others disappear. Quinn and Colin soon join the 3 near a curb, about to get a taxi; unfortunately, a bus shows up, so they decide to ride that instead. The 5 decide to ride around until they plan to get off, which would be near a hotel. As the bus stops again, a woman boards, who looks similar to Quinn's stepmother, but the group doesn't notice her when she sits next to Colin. Wade tells Quinn that when they show up at the hotel, to use another name instead of Mallory, since on the previous world, they weren't allowed in 5 hotels, due to signs outside of the hotels, stating that no Scottish or Irish folk could stay. The woman looks over to Quinn, with an interested look on her face; she speaks up, aksing Quinn if he possibly was related to Michael and Elizabeth Mallory. Quinn and Colin look at the woman, confused of this woman's question; Quinn answers that he is related to people iwth those names, but they wouldn't be in the area. The woman reveals that her sister was Elizabeth Mallory, and she was not of this earth, since her earth was taken over by kromaggs, and she knows about her 3 nephews sent off world. After exiting the bus, the woman finally reveals herself as Georgia Manchester, and her, along with 79 others arrived on this earth, to live normal lives. Quinn states that he and Colin recently found out about another brother, and of the fact that they had no home to claim. Georgia tells the 2 that hse took one last look at her world and left, leaving it behind and starting a future for her right here, knowing her earth would be unstable to stop the kromaggs from staying away. Colin asks Georgia if she knows the location of their brother, but she states she hasn't seen him in 21 years. Colin states that he and Quinn were working on the equation left behind in the message recieved by their parents, and wonders if she could look at it, to make a faster attempt to find the other. Georgia states that they should talk inside her apartment, so the group follows her into a nearby building, where they head to the 24th floor. The group relaxes in Georgia's living room as she gets refreshments. Maggie is surprised to find another family member so soon, and wonders how many others there were to find. Quinn states that he may have found a home for he and Colin, but wasn't sure if he wanted to stay without his Wade. Wade tells Quinn that when she is unmelded from her, they could return his Wade here, so they could be together. Georgia brings in a tray, giving everyone soft drinks and then takes a seat beside Mallory. Quinn starts asking questions about his parents, wanting to learn as much as possible; Georgia states that she has a family photo album if he wanted to see it. Quinn agrees, and Colin soon speaks up, stating he would like to see it as well. As Georgia finds the photo album, Wade tells the brothers that it might be better if they took off, so they could spend time with their aunt. Colin states they would meet them at the Chancellor later; the 3 agree, and soon exit the apartment. A young woman enters the apartment seconds later. Georgia welcomes the woman home, asking how work for her was today; the woman states that it sucked and wants to find a new job. Quinn and Colin get near Georgia, who introduces the brothers to to the woman, named Teri Elther and explains to her who they were. Teri shakes the brothers hands, stating it was nice to finally meet people from the same earth. Teri walks into the bathroom, with the 3 going back to the couch to sit and look through the pictures. At the front desk of the Chancellor Hotel, Mallory gets a room, while Maggie and Wade wait in the bar, and when a black males walks past, Wade looks to him, getting a strange look on her face. Maggie looks at Wade, asking if she had known the man; Wade states the man looks like Rembrandt's brother, Cezanne, but it was obviously a double, unless he was one of the few who came to this earth. Maggie tells Wade to take a chance and find out. Wade heads toward the man and taps him on the shoulder, the man turns around; Wade asks the man if there was some place they could go to his room. The 2 exit the bar, as Mallory walks, passing Wade and joining Maggie for a beer. When arriving in the room, the man tells Wade to take a seat, and he would get drinks; Wade stops the man, stating she had another reason to speak to him, wondering if he had come from another world. The man looks to Wade, surprised, but then reveals that he did come from another dimension, if that was what she meant. Wade reveals that she is traveling with a few others through parallel worlds, and she had a friend back on her double's earth named Rembrandt Brown, who lost his brother. The man introduces himself as Cezanne Brown, and he states that he lost his earth, due to a race known as the kromaggs. Wade states she couldn't believe it, but she found her friend's brother, and tells Cezanne that he can return home in 2 days; Cezanne tells Wade he will appreciate it, and asks if they met a Georgia Manchester yet. Wade states that her friends who were related to the woman were with her at the moment and asked if there was a problem; Cezanne states there wasn't a problem, and just wanted to know if they met her, and plans to meet up with her before leaving, thanking her for keeping him alive. With the sun starting to lower, the Mallory brothers and their aunt are finishing up the look over of the 4th photo album. Georgia states that it would have been nice for the brothers to have known their parents, but figures they were likely dead. Colin asks about the equation he mentioned earlier, asking if she could help locate their brother whose missing; Georgia states she could try, since she did some work on sending them off world. Teri exits her room, asking what dinner plans were; Georgia asks the brothers to go out to celebrate this reunion. The 3 agree with the aunt, and soon take off to a fancy restaurant. After dinner, the 4 are walking around the city; Quinn comments that he is surprised Christmas lights, nor decorations are covering the city. Georgia states that this society feels Christmas isn't worth celebrating, with having so many car accidents and deaths. Teri interrupts the two talking, asking Quinn if he was interested in going to a night club down the street; Quinn agrees, telling Georgia and Colin they would return to the apartment later. As the two are left alone, Georgia tells Colin that she was going to say something at dinner, but wanted to wait to reveal that she would like to have memory transfer into the brother's minds, so they could have memories of their parents. Colin thinks it is an intriguing idea, stating he he didn't know someone could transfer memories from one person to another. Georgia states that she will call her psychiatrist tomorrow, and they should be in by noon. At the club, Quinn and Teri get on the dance floor, dancing away, as many others do the same. The music is by Elton John; Quinn finds it odd, but doesn't care, having fun with a woman he met only hours earlier. When going to get drinks from the bar, Quinn asks for 2 beers, but the bartender states they only sell wine or water; Quinn states that he would take glasses of the best wine, so he is given the drinks, and must pay $50 for each drink, due to the price of the bottle. By 1:22 p.m. the following day, Georgia and Colin return to the apartment, and see that Quinn and Teri were sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and talking of their lives. Colin tells Quinn that he missed the best time of his life, revealing all the memories he was given from Aunt Georgia. Quinn apologizes, stating that he got drunk, and wasn't ready for a morning outting. Georgia tells Quinn that if he wanted to, she could call back her psychiatrist and make another appointment the following day. Quinn agrees, stating he would like to see his parents again, even if they were past memories. Teri gets up off the couch, stating it was near time to go to work downstairs, and can't wait to get a rich husband and leave this hell hole. Colin gets a can of Diet Tea, sitting next to Quinn, and Quinn states that Maggie had called and they found Rembrandt's brother. Quinn also reveals that they would be making a stop back on Earth Prime to drop off the brother, and he hopes to spend time with their friends. Georgia asks if Mr. Brown had mentioned her, when speaking to their friends. Quinn states he did and wants to thank her for saving his life and giving him a chance to live here. Georgia states that she wanted to save lives, instead of destroy them like the kromaggs wanted to do. Colin asks Georgia about where the others she saved had gone, wondering if they were in the San Francisco area, or moved out of the country. Georgia answers that most of the people were around, but they basically were scattered all over the world, carrying on their new lives. Georgia continues, stating she often gets phone calls from some, just wanting to talk, while a few hate her for not getting them home. Quinn states that it could be possible to get them together and slide them off world, making a few trips back and forth, until everyone was home. Georgia speaks up, stating that there was a reason she wanted to talk to them, about possibly staying on this earth, since they should be together as a family. The brothers look at each other, then back at Georgia who apologizes for bringing up the idea. Quinn states it was a good idea, but explains the problem with not having the other brother, and of his love, who is melded with a double, and Quinn wants her to be unmelded and living with him before settling down. Colin tells Georgia that when they find the other brother, he would consider coming back for a time being, explaining of his illness and that he may not have long to live. Georgia states that she would like it if they could return, since she doesn't have any family left. Later in the afternoon, Maggie, Mallory, Wade and Cezanne arrive at the apartment, finding the apartment decorated with Christmas decorations, even a Christmas tree with ornaments hanging upon it. When the 4 look outside, the entire city is bare, making it look like Christmas doesn't exist. Colin and Maggie talk of what he went through earlier in the morning and what interesting memories Georgia had of his parents, while Quinn, Wade and Georgia head to a nearby store to get stuff for a Christmas Eve dinner, and Mallory and Cezanne play cards. Cezanne continuously beats Mallory at every game with Mallory getting annoyed and a bit pissed off. The three soon return and start preparing for their feast. Mallory agrees to stuff the turkey, and Quinn replaces Mallory to play cards, but also Maggie and Colin join the two, planning to play poker. After dinner, the group turn on music and dance in the living room, while Maggie and Mallory get drunk and head into Teri's room, whom quickly gets upset, but doesn't care, when Quinn tells her to just enjoy the dance. Wade starts dancing with Colin, and teaching him different moves, while Georgia and Cezanne dance. Cezanne tells Georgia that he is thankful for getting hime here and he is also thankful for meeting the slidesr, so he could now go home; Georgia tells Cezanne that she realized that many people would die by the kromaggs, and knew that with sliding off world, would keep some alive. A few hours later, by midnight, Wade, Cezanne, Colin and Teri decide to return to the hotel, since Maggie and Mallory were sleeping in Teri's room. Quinn plans to sleep on the couch and plans to have him, Mallory and Maggie meet them for the slide the following day. Georgia tells Quinn to not forget about their appointment with her psychiatrist at 10 a.m. With only Quinn and Georgia left, the two start talking about how much fun the rest of the world is missing, by not celebrating Christmas. Georgia soon tears up, apologizes to Quinn and she starts to get up, but he offers her his hankerchief, asking what was wrong. Georgia tells Quinn that she was actually going to get married on Christmas twenty-some years ago, but her fiance was killed by the kromaggs, and she feels that she may never find a husband for herself. Quinn tells his aunt not to worry and that she should be glad to have her health and that one day, she would find the right man. The two hold each other, while Quinn calms Georgia down. With the sun shining on the city of Los Angeles, Quinn and Georgia exit the psychiatrist office, and Quinn thanks his aunt, stating he never really remembered his parents. Georgia tells Quinn that his parents loved all their sons and she knew that if the kromaggs never attacked, they would be on their earth, enjoying the holiday, but she is relieved that they found each other. As the two are walking to the bus stop, Quinn tells his aunt that he promises to return when he when he finds his love, and would like to start over in a new world. Georgia tells Quinn he doesn't know how much that means to her and really hopes for the best in finding the other brother, since she couldn't be useful. A half hour later, the four arrive at the Chancellor Hotel, finding the rest of the group there, except Teri, who went back to the apartment, ready for the slide. They enter an alley, and Maggie opens the vortex. As the others slide out, Quinn, Colin, and Cezanne thank Georgia for everything and the brothers hope to see her soon. As Cezanne leaps into the portal, Georgia kisses her nephews on their cheeks, and the brothers soon disappear through the void, with it closing seconds later. Georgia turns around, exiting the alley. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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