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Episode U-710: Outpost 82

Logline: After landing on a world abandoned by the kromaggs, Quinn and Colin learn of the fate of their world, along with an unsuspecting secret. Meanwhile, Colin and Maggie find a couple of humaggs as they learn the fate of the earth and try to become friends.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Tom Welling as Kazor, Christine Lakin as Kazana, John Walcutt as Michael Mallory, Marnie McPhail as Elizabeth Mallory, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The red vortex opens in front of a brick wall, and tossing the sliders out. They quickly gets up, and Maggie looks at the timer, stating they slide in 45 hours, then hands the timer to Quinn. Wade looks around their surroundings and realizes it was very quiet. Mallory suggests it was another dinosaur world and they landed in the middle of the feeding ground. Colin notices a sign nearby, and realizes it was in kromagg; Colin tells the others and they realize they may not be alone.
After walking beyond the brick slab, they realize a fort was standing behind it. Quinn tries the door of the fort, and it's unlocked, so he opens it and the group enter. They head up a flight of stairs, to find a command station, badly damaged and destroyed equipment is all over. Wade figures some humans got in and decided to throw a farewell party for the 'maggs. Quinn looks around to see if any of the equipment workes, but he is reluctant to find anything operational. Maggie hears a noise outside, and when looking out a window, she notices 2 humaggs near the entrance; she asks Colin to join her, stating the strangers may be of help to know what happened around here. As the 2 open the door down below, the humaggs look at Maggie and Colin, then they run for their lives; Maggie decides to pursue them and Colin follows close behind. Wade sees what is happening outside, telling Quinn and Mallory that she hopes that Maggie and Colin don't get lost or captured, since they are staying only for a short time. Quinn states it would be better to remain in the base, and he decides to work on some of the equipment so it may become functional. The 2 humaggs make a quick getaway through a patch of bushes; and Maggie soon stops to realize Colin was far behind her, breathing heavily. Maggie helps Colin down to the ground, so he could lay against a tree for a break. Maggie states that she wanted to keep going to see if the humaggs had anymore comrades that may be harmful. Colin agrees, stating he could move soon, and would just return to the fort. Maggie apologizes for asking him to come with her, since she's noticed that Colin started to show more tiredness which may be a symptom to his illness. Colin states it was okay, since he likes adventure every so often, and wants to live his life to the fullest, and then he can go peacefully. Back at the fort, Quinn soon gets a device operational, with it becoming active, turning on to reveal images of his and Colin's parents. The images are speaking, but Quinn can't hear anything, so he tries to modulate the volume frequency, so he could hear what was being said. Wade and Mallory return from an adjacent room, looking for food, but had no luck; Quinn tells the 2 to come close, since he had some interesting device in his possession. Quinn shows the 2 what he found, and was about to turn up the volume. The 3 listen closely, and Michael Mallory continues talking, stating the kromaggs have attacked, but they knew for sure it was over for the entire human population. Elizabeth Mallory states that she hopes this message is found by her sons, hoping that they will find the message before they come to their earth. Quinn finds it odd that his parents would make this message, and hope that he and Colin recieved it. Wade suggests that maybe some messenger was on their way to find them, and when landing here, he was killed by the kromaggs, and the kromaggs saw the message. Mallory wonders what importance it had, since they already knew that Kromagg Prime was destroyed and conquered by the 'maggs. Quinn considers the idea that maybe the message was recently created and that his parents were in the base, trying to find a way to escape. Wade states that it would be likely for humans to escape Kromagg Prime, but she remembers Remmy saying something about meeting the Mallory's, but figured they were kromaggs disguised as the Mallory's, since the device used to kill the kromaggs on Earth Prime was faulty, until a scientist fixed it. Maggie had continued her search, but she is surprised by Colin appearing, coming out of bushes, and stating he didn't wnat her to be alone, since she was vulnerable to attack. Maggie states it was nice of Colin to think of her, but feels the humaggs must have disappeared, since she really has checked an entire mile ofl and, with no results. Colin states they should get back to the others, since they probably are worried, and it would be dark soon. Out of the bushes in front of them, comes a net, trapping the 2 sliders, and they realize the humaggs were prepared to attack and capture them. With limited power at the base, Quinn had managed to find rashens, that were found in a room locked by electricity. Mallory and Wade feel trouble is lurking for Maggie and Colin, and hope they aren't dead yet. Wade figures they better hunt for the others, since kromaggs could be nearby. Quinn feels that his parents must have more to say, than to just stay away from their world, and he figures other equipment should be operational by morning. By nightfall, Maggie and Colin were tied to the tree that the male humagg tied them to. Colin tells Maggie that he apologizes for not going back to the base, when they had a chance to get the others. Maggie states that it would be better that 2 of them were captured, instead of five. The female humagg gets close to Maggie, stating their food would be finished soon, but she would have to feed them, since Kazor doesn't trust them. Colin tells her that they weren't enemies and just wanted to know what was going on in the world. The female humagg is stopped by Kazor, who tells her to get back to her duties, since humans manipulate minds. Maggie tells Kazor that he was all wrong, since they were friends and probably have friends looking for them right now. Kazor smacks Maggie in the face, stating he would kill her, if she tried manipulating their minds. Kazor heads to Kazana, who stops him from moving, looking at him, stating they should try to make allies, since the humans don't look evil. Kazor tells Kazana that all humans are corrupt, and they are likely to manipulate them into leading to the end of the Kromagg Dynasty. In the darkness, Wade and Mallory are walking around with flashlights, finding nothing. Mallory considers that Maggie and Colin were captured, and it could take all night to find them, if they were even on the planet. Wade figures it would be a good idea to search in day light, since being in the dark, leads them to vulnerable consequences. As the 2 start back, Mallory stops, thinking he heard something, but with Wade looking around, nothing is found, so Wade suggests to Mallory to get some sleep, since his mind was going. Kazana starts to feed Maggie and Colin, with Kazor inside a large tent. Maggie tells Kazana to try to put some sense into her friend, since he doesn't seem that friendly. Kazana tells the 2 that the only reason he was like that, was to protect them from enemies. Colin tells her that they had no purpose to hurt them, since they haven't run into kromaggs in over a year. Kazana questions Colin, asking why the kromaggs were no longer conquering worlds. Maggie finds it odd as well, but figures the homeworld was their main mission; and with control of that, it wouldn't matter anymore. Colin asks what the base or fort was used for, since it looked like the kromaggs had controlled it. Kazana explains that hte kromaggs had conquered this world, but realized it was empty, so this was a resource world, but the Mallorys had arrived, taking over, and controlling the base, until they left a few months ago. Colin asks if the Mallorys she is mentioning are Michael and Elizabeth Mallory; Kazana states those were the people and asks how they knew them. Colin reveals he is the son of the Mallorys, along with a brother back at the base. Kazana stops feeding the 2, explaining the Mallorys killed their families, and they had to flee so they weren't killed. Colin finds it odd that his parents would do such at act, then asks if she actually saw it; Kazana states she didn't, but Kazor did and he tells the truth. Maggie suggests Kazor may have said those things, to just make her turn against humans. By the following morning, Wade, Mallory and Quinn were already searching for the others, but they knew it wasn't going to be easy. Mallory tells Quinn that Colin and Maggie were obviously captured by the humaggs they saw at the base, and knew it was likely for the 2 to be dead. Wade tells Mallory not to worry, since she knows that Maggie is a fighter, including conversations with evil. Kazor, Kazana, Maggie and Colin had been walking, and Colin needs a break, yet Kazor feels they can cover another mile before they can take a break. Maggie tells Kazor that Colin is ill and that he can't be pushed; Kazor puts his weapon in her face, stating he could do whatever he wanted. Maggie told Colin that she would help him to the rest stop unless he had an idea. Kazana starts asking Kazor about what had happened at the base, and wondering if it was true; Kazor tells Kazana that the humans shouldn't be trusted, and knows they must have been putting lies into her head, so she would go against him. Kazana feels that the truth would help understand why they hate humans, since she has yet to run into one who wants them dead. Kazor tells Kazana to remain silent, since he can't handle all this talk, and watch his prisoners at the same time. Wade, Mallory and Quinn return to the base to figure out a new plan of searching, but all the while, Quinn is working to repair another damaged device, and he soon gets it active, with more images of his parents, and Quinn listens in, with his father revealing that there is in fact another brother included with the equation, explaining that their mother was pregnant at the time they had sent them off world and when the child was born a month later, he was sent off world as well, and needs help being located. Quinn is shocked of the news, telling the 2 who are shocked as Quinn is. Wade finds it odd that his parents didn't say anything until now, since he was told he had Colin for a brother, and that was really it. Quinn feels that maybe his parents had put a different message for Colin and he was given another sequence to find the third brother. Mallory states that it would be quite interesting, if they found the other brother without the help of the microdots. Quinn states they would find the brother, but first they needed to find Colin and Maggie. Near a river, Colin was bending down to fill his container, and cooling himself off. Maggie bends down near him, doing the same thing, and she looks to Colin, stating that the others were probably on their way to find them at the very moment. Colin figures if they could get to know the humaggs, that they may let them go. Maggie looks at the 2 humaggs who were staring right back at her, and she looks to Colin, stating it wouldn't be likely. The 2 stand up, and start walking back to their captors. Colin yells out that he had to use the restroom, and would need to find a tree. Kazor states he couldn't do that, but Colin drops his water container and turns around, walking up a hill. Kazor gives Kazana the gun, and rushes after Colin, who he pushes to the ground, and they start to fight with punching and shoving each other. Maggie tries to stop the fight, but Kazana hold her back, stating not to get involved, knowing how powerful Kazor was. Maggie finds it wasteful to do nothing, but it quickly ends, with Colin being punched in the face, and he heads into the river head first. Maggie rushes to the river to fish Colin out, but Kazor stops her, stating he will be left behind. Maggie tells Kazor that she would be psycho to leave a friend here, and heads to the river, to get Colin out of the water. Kazana heads to Kazor, stating to just let her do it, and let them go. Kazor tells Kazana that she must be crazy, knowing that the humans could get reinforcements here in days, and they would be killed. With Maggie now back on dry land, she can tell Colin is alive, but just unconscious; Maggie yells to Kazor, stating to help carry Colin, since he did this to him. Kazor resists, but does it any how, since he had plans for his prisoners. Maggie picks up Colin by the shoulders, while Kazor picked up his legs and Kazana picked up the supplies, carrying them up the hill, following the others. With darkness covering the area, a fire is going, revealing Maggie is alone with Colin, still unconscious, and she is drinking coffee, while sitting on a log. Colin awakens to find himself on a sleeping bag and quickly gets up, but Maggie tells him to calm down, and to take a seat. Colin does and after tasting the coffee, he comments how good it was to have some coffee in almost 2 weeks. Maggie laughs, remembering the world they visited where coffee wasn't produced in the United States, and no one was allowed to bring it back if traveling over seas. Colin asks for the location of their captors, and Maggie states that Kazor and Kazana were in their tent, doing stuff and still surprised to let them free from being chained to a tree. Colin takes a few more sips, before asking Maggie why she never finished answering his question on the previous world, involving children, and if she was planning for one. Maggie states she would like a family, but not while sliding, since its a dangerous job. Colin looks saddened, then brings up the fact that he will never get a chance to find a wife and make a family for himself on his farm. Maggie tells Colin not to give up, since his illness may be curable one day. Colin feels he may not live long enough to see that day. Maggie takes a hold of Colin's hand, looking into his eyes, and stating she may have a way to make part of his life he wanted, realistic; Colin is unsure of Maggie's idea, but she smiles and kisses him on his cheek. By the following morning, with the sun starting to rise, Wade is walking in the area, searching for Maggie and Colin, along with holding a walkie talkie, talking to Quinn and Mallory, who both were in another location. Wade was walking by a large rock hill, and soon hears noises, and with her getting closer to the sound, she notices a male humagg walking to an unknown location. Wade talks into her radio, telling Quinn and Mallory she found a humagg, and will follow him to his base if he had one. Quinn tells Wade good work, and they would catch up soon, freeing their friends and getting them back. Maggie and Colin awaken from Kazor yelling at the top of his lungs to state his entrance into the camp, and the 2 realize they were still tied to a tree. Kazor gets close to them with water, and he tells the 2 to get up, since he was going to reveal their fate to them. Kazana cuts the ropes, letting Colin get up, and him helping Maggie up. Kazor looks to his human prisoners, revealing that he has to create a new world for them here, and that his prisoners would work for him to create the new colony; Maggie quickly rejects the idea, stating it was a form of slavery, and refuses to be a prisoner to a young reject who hates all humans. Kazor smacks Maggie, and Colin tries to defend her, but he is pushed to the ground, being held down by Kazor's force. Quinn and Mallory join up with Wade, who is several feet from the camp. Quinn can see Maggie and Colin near the humagg female, who is handing them food. Mallory asks what the plan was, and Wade states they would compromise, by just going intot he camp, freeing their friends. Quinn hands Wade a gun, stating she would go in first, and they would follow; Wade feels hesitant to go in first, fearing for the humaggs to kill her on sight, but would rather see her friends free, than killed. The 3 sliders enter the area, with Kazor soon aiming his weapon at them, realizing that his prisoners would have company showing up to free them. Quinn states that they didn't come to fight, and wanted their friends back. Kazana starts stating that Maggie and Colin could go, but Kazor shuts her up, stating he would take on more prisoners instead of freeing humans. Wade states they wouldn't harm them, since they landed on this earth accidentally, every time giving them unsure results of the world they land on. Kazor states that was a lie, and then is about to fire his weapon, when the 3 sliders quickly hide behind a pile of rocks. Kazor starts firing his weapon, with the 3 firing back; Maggie, Colin and Kazana head for cover, but Kazana feels this fight should end, so she quickly heads to Kazor, trying to stop him from firing his weapon, but she is hit, and ends up on the ground. Kazor gets angrier, with taking Maggie hostage, and placing his weapon at Maggie's head, stating to back off, or Maggie would die. Colin attacks Kazor, who ends up letting Maggie go, and Mallory fires his weapon at Kazor, killing him. The 3 sliders rush to the 2 near the humaggs, who soon vaporize into nothingness. Maggie hugs, glad to be alive, but she feels that Kazana could of been kept alive, so she would of found a new home, and realized not all humans were evil. Wade apologizes for killing the female humagg, and knows that the 2 humaggs could of had a chance to survive here. Colin asks Quinn how things went at the base, and Quinn states that he had a few surprises back there, to be revealed. With a couple of minutes until the slide, Wade, Maggie and Mallory were waiting outside the entrance to the base for Quinn and Colin to exit. Wade tells Maggie that she is proud of her friends for keeping it cool when things were tough to handle. Maggie tells Wade that it was nice to know she cared, and states she will be relieved when she gets to her new home with Mallory to be safe. Quinn and Colin exit, chatting about the news of another brother, and the fact that they now realize, their mission was not completed, but would now have to find a new home, instead of their homeworld, which wasn't safe to travel to. Wade states that it will be more interesting to find the 3rd Mallory brother, and then they can go find a home to live together. Colin states that they were given an equation to figure out, and it would be a matter of months, before deciphering it, and then they would find their brother. Quinn states that it was time and opens the portal, with the group quickly entering and the vortex closes seconds later. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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