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Episode U-709: Prophecies

Logline: When the sliders land in a small village, they soon are met by the villagers, celebrating their arrival. After the sliders learn the facts that the villagers were told by Nostradomus, that the sliders would show up, to save them from an apocolypes.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Roy Schneider as Nazarette, Shiri Appleby as Isabella, Nelson Vasquez as Will and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: With being on a world where the amish clothing style was popular, and the STOP signs are blue colored. The sliders, who were in amish garb, while walking on a busy sidewalk, realize it was time to slide on to the next alternate earth. Wade opens the gateway, in front of a bunch of strangers, shocking and frightening them as they all lept into the void and it closing seconds after. The portal reopens near a dirt pathway in a wooded area, and they notice a small village nearby. Wade tells the others they slide in 56 hours, but the group is quickly surrounded, by people dressed in 12th century fashion; a man approaches Quinn, welcoming him to the small town of Los Osos. The sliders enter town square, to find people covering the area, and them still surrounded. A man stands upon a large brick, telling everyone to quiet down; he looks to the sliders, welcoming them to their village, and glad that they arrived when their time was crucial. Quinn soon asks the man what their purpose here was, and the man is suprised he didn't know. The man tells the sliders that their Nostradamus prophecy book tells of a group of leaders who save them from an apocolypes, since the Soviets could attack any day now. The sliders are taken to a hut for them and given water, food and a change of clothing. When alone, Maggie suggests they've landed in a screwed up world, where the 12th century is occuring, the cold war exists and people are very serious of prophecies to take place. Quinn feels that they will do what they can for the time being, but he wouldn't make an impact, since they slide out in about 3 days. Wade finds the clothing a bit rediculous, since they basically were wearing white robes and the hats look like they were from the pilgrim era.
Later that night, the sliders are taken to a feast, which they are treated like gods, and people get them food, drink of whatever they needed. The entertainment included fire jugglers, comediens, and even poets. Mallory feels uncomfortable with women giving in to his every need, and even offers to cover his own needs, yet the women refuse, stating they were prophets that arrived to help them stay alive. Wade takes a good looking man into her quarters and they start kissing, while laying on a bed. Quinn and Maggie are sitting close together and enjoying the fire jugglers; Maggie looks to Quinn, asking when he would tells the villagers they weren't gods; Quinn agrees to the idea of telling the villagers the truth, but feels they would be leaving before an apocolypes occured. The ground suddenly starts shaking, and the sky soon fills with lightning bolts, along with rain showers, soaking everyone in the village. The sliders are quickly escorted into their quarters, where Wade must end her romance, and have the man leave. The sliders look at each other, considering the apocolypes was closer than they thought. By the following morning, the sliders exit their hut, to find a few trees down, and a large pond in town square, with people using buckets to clear the pond out. Quinn is met by a woman, introducing herself as Isabella, and stating that she would take the sliders to another hut, so they could translate Nostradamus' tellings. A man soon approaches the group, and gets close to Maggie, grabbing her arm, so she would remain behind. Maggie looks the man, asking what he wanted; the man asks if they could talk privately, so the other sliders go on with Maggie. Maggie and the man start walking around the village; the man introduces himself as Will, and Maggie asks what she could do for him. Will states that he could tell she wasn't a prophet seer, and knew she wasn't going to help the village from the apocolypes. Maggie asks Will how he knew that, and Will states that he can tell people who can be saviors and those who aren't. Maggie apologizes for her and her companions for not telling the truth, and they just had thought that the village would be fine, but with Nostradamus predicting an apocolypes, it may be harder for them to leave. Will tells Maggie that her friends should reveal the truth, since the villagers wouldn't kill them, and allow them all to remain in their village until they left. Maggie tells Will that their secret should be revealed, since the village should know the truth, which was, they were from parallel worlds, and just happened to land on the middle of the village for no reason. Will stops Maggie from walking, kisses her; Will backs off, apologizes and takes off, returning to his hut. Maggie tries to stop Will, but doesn't feel it was an important matter, so Maggie heads to join her friends. Inside the hut, Quinn was secretly trying to learn of Nostradamus' predictions, but wasn't makine heads or tails what the man is saying. Maggie arrives to tell them they can give up on their lies, since she just revealed their secret to someone; Wade agrees, telling Quinn they couldn't save the world and the people would hate them if they weren't saved. Mallory considers the idea to just keep things going, and try to learn of the predictions Nostradamus made, so the people may learn the truth, and prepare for the worst, if an scenario occured. Colin and Wade agree to look into the books of the prophecies, and try to figure them out; Quinn agrees, but feels if they can't do anything before the slide, to just reveal they aren't who they're suppose to be. Wade and Colin grab 3 books each, while Quinn looks over a larger book, and Mallory and Maggie exit the hut. Isabella stops Mallory and Maggie outside of the hut, stating that she overheard their conversation, asking if it was true about them being fakes; Mallory apologizes for them leading on the villagers, into believing they were gods, but their friends were still considering to translate Nostradamus' predictions into reading material. Isabella gets angry, storming off, and exiting the area. By mid-afternoon, Wade and Colin had worked on some of the prophecies to come true, but most of them were confusing. Quinn arrives stating he revealed 15 of the 400 Nostradamus wrote; Wade and Colin state that they each got about 30 unraveled. The 3 hear yelling in the village; Maggie enters, telling the 3 to come with them, since they were needed. Isabella is in front of the other villagers, stating they are no longer welcome to stay, and shall pay for lying. Wade reveals that they learned about 75 prophecies that could make sense to the village and probably helpful, but Isabella and the others don't care. Will arrives to stop the crowd, yelling out that the sliders weren't devilish people and should be accepted into their village, even if they weren't prophet seers. The mayor arrives to the gathering, looking at the sliders, then to Quinn, asking if what his people say was true; Quinn states it was true, and he apologizes for the group for not stating it clearly earlier. The mayor states that they would be fairly punished for their lying crime; Will defends the sliders, stating the villagers made the story up, with Nostradamus followers coming to save them. The mayor tells Will that he can either join the strangers or join his fellow villagers in punishing the group for their crime. Will looks to the group, then walks back over near Isabella, staring at the ground with shame. The sliders are imprisoned in a wagon prison cell, while men place large metal poles near the ocean, so the group could have a fate of either electrocution or drowned. Wade looks out at the ocean, asking the others if the sky looked like a storm would be coming; Colin looks up, stating it wasn't cloudy and they probably would survive their first night tied to the poles. Quinn soon realizes the timer was back in their hut, and figures the villagers would destroy it. Maggie comments about the fact that Will seemed like a friend when she met him, but he must have his religion to survive upon, and didn't want to be sacrificed like them. Mallory tells Maggie that when they get people from worlds involved with their situations, they basically are destroying a lifestyle that millions of people live by, until they arrive. Quinn does think that they did some good in the past few years in helping worlds with problems, but none were this problematic. By nightfall, the sliders were all seven feet off the ground, with rope tying them to the metal poles. They notice a bonfire going on, back at the village, but they realized the people were celebrating their destruction; out of no where, thunder is heard, and rain quickly appears, starting to soak the sliders; Mallory comments that if he ever gets off world, he plans to never go near another pool, lake or ocean for a long time. By the following morning, the rain had subsided, but the sliders were soaken wet and cold. Will soon arrives, telling of his plan all along, which was to go back to his people's side then save them, by taking them to a cave nearby. Will hands Quinn the timer, stating he nearly saw it destroyed, but managed to save it for them. The group takes off for a cave, and it starts snowing. They enter a dark entrance, but Will soon lights up a candle he had, and leading the sliders down some stairs, which heads into a large room, with a few bunk beds, and a long table with a bowl of fruit upon it. Will tells them they can stay until they need to leave; Quinn thanks Will, telling him he was risking his life, but it meant a lot to them. Will states he would return, after telling the villagers the devils were killed in the storm the previous night. Maggie stops him, kissing on him on the cheek, thanking him as well, and there was a part of her that knew he was coming to their rescue. With the sliders alone, they decide to search around the cave, to see if anymore interesting things existed. Wade and Mallory head down a tunnel in the cave, but have a candle with them; afer a few minutes, they stop for a break, and as Mallory is leaning on a wall of rock, it moves, separating into 2 pieces, leading Mallory to fall down, and they see a stairwell going down to some new location. They head down and soon see a man sitting in front of a control panel, punching in buttons and looking over his computer screen. Wade asks the man who he was and what he was doing here; the man is shocked to see others, and tells them to leave, since they weren't allowed being in there. Will returns to the group, only to find two of them missing; Will asks where they had gone, and figures they should find them, since the cave has many places that could get them killed. The 4 take off down the same way Mallory and Wade went and soon see them exiting into some light; Wade reveals that some man was down in a hidden location, working at a control panel and he didn't like the idea they were there. Will tells the 2 to take them there, since he is confused by this news. When approaching the man, Will realizes who it was, calling him Nazarette the leader, and shocked that he was alive. Nazarette feels it was time to reveal the truth, since he was found out. Nazarette explains that when they had taken a ship to reach the California coastline, the crew was put into suspended animation, and they awoke in their village; Will then asks if they were really in Los Osos, or in some governmental base, being experiemented on. Nazarette explains that they never reached California and actually landed at an island 25 miles from the coastline, which was part of a government plan, and he was an undercover officer to put a group of people on an island, believing they were at home, and were forced to live in harsh conditions. Will soon figures out the control panel was for certain weather conditions, and figures that the villagers were forced to handle earthquakes, hurricanes or even blizzards. Nazarette states the governments plan was to see if it actually could work, so it case of warfare, people could survive in any environment. Will asks about Nostradamus and all the prophecies; Nazarette reveals that he was given the books of lies made up, so the villagers could believe something, when arriving in a new world which they thought would bring prosper and a start over to some who had losses on the main land during the diptheria crisis. Quinn brings up the fact that they had to leave and would leave the island's problems in Will's and Nazarette's hands, figuring if it was up to them to figure if it was wrong or right to tell the villagers the truth and what needs to be done. The group starts to exit the hideout, and Maggie heads to Will, telling him he now had a chance to fix the village and the villagers, into believing the truth, about Nostradamus' prophecies and why they had such harsh weather conditions. Maggie gives Will a kiss and then tells him so long. Quinn opens the portal, and the sliders quickly exit this earth, and soon landing in a corn field. The group quickly exit the field and see a bunch of apple trees, and as Colin heads to a tree to pick an apple, arrows appear, ending up in the tree near the group; they look over to notice 3 Confederate soldiers, and the sliders decide to take off, running for their lives. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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