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Episode U-708: Repeaters

I apologize for not posting an episode last week, due to the holiday, but this week I will post the episode and won't make any more episodes late again.Logline: After an explosion in the wormhole, the sliders repeat the same day over a few times, leaving Wade, who is on life support after nearly being killed from the vortex, along with Mallory adn Maggie to die in a hospital explosion and Colin and Quinn are killed by unknown assailants when moving around to find parts for a damaged timer. Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd and Alicia Witt Guest Star: Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: With the sliders walking down a sidewalk in a small town, they soon enter an alley, with Quinn opening the vortex, and the group enters quickly; a man with a bomb soon appears and throws it into the vortex, with the vortex closing and two cops approach the man to arrest him and toss him in the back of the police car. The explosion occurs inside, but the vortex soon opens, with tossing all but Wade out, and then the vortex becomes misshapen and Wade is tossed out, to fall to the ground and the portal soon closes. Quinn rushes to Wade, to feel for a pulse and realize it was faint. Colin soon notices aircraft's in the air, and he soon sees a missile exit one, destroying a building; the sliders all realize this world was dealing with a war, so they rush to a hospital which isn't that far and Wade is immediately taken on a gurney by a doctor to be checked out, while the others wait in chairs. After 20 minutes passing, a nurse comes toward the sliders, aksing them to follow her; Mallory soon realizes the nurse is an old girlfriend double from his world, that he dated during his youthful days of hot wiring cars and the pleasure of sex. The nurse brings the sliders into a room with Wade hooked up to machines; the nurse states their friend is stable, but she isn't going to get any better. Quinn asks is she would die, and the nurse says nothing with exiting the room. Maggie can't figure out what's going on, but wonders if the ride in the vortex had anything to with Wade's condition. Colin asks if anyone else felt a pushing sensation like an explosion occured; the others nod and Quinn thinks someone must have thrown an explosive in the wormhole and with Wade last to enter, she must have been the one affected. Mallory asks how long they had until the slide, but as Quinn pulls the timer out, he notices it fried and states they need to get it fixed or they wouldn't be going anywhere. Colin suggests Quinn and he go find parts while Mallory and Maggie stayed with Wade. As Quinn and Colin exit the hospital, they get a taxi, and they head to an electronics store, while watching for planes to drop bombs on them, but all seemed quiet in the air. Colin looks to Quinn, asking if he noticed the symbol on the door of this taxi cab; Quinn doesn't know and Colin states there are swastika symbols that the nazis used in World War Two. The taxi soon arrives at the store, dropping them off and leaving the area. When entering the electronic store, a store clerk comes up to them, asking if they needed assistance, and Quinn says they were just browsing. Down an aisle, Quinn looks to Colin and whispers that he is surprised that America took on the nazi religion and figures this United States was like an alternate Germany, since they saw bombs being dropped in the area; Colin figures they should get the timer fixed immediately and exit this earth. When finding the parts they needed, they put the shopping basket on the checkout counter, the woman cashier asks if that was all they needed; Quinn states that was all they needed. The woman starts scanning the items and placing them in a bag. The cashier states the total was $54.12; Colin gives her his credit card and she looks at it oddly, but slides it through a slot on the cash register and the card worked, then the woman returned the card to Colin. The two, each grab a bag and exit the store. At the hospital, Mallory and Maggie are sitting in chairs, looking out the window and both realizing why they were in danger of being killed; they hear a plane nearby and suddenly, 4 bombs were dropped on the hospital and explodes, killing all inside. A few blocks from the electronic store, Quinn and Colin are stopped by 2 armed men in dark clothing and they fire, killing them on the spot and the men soon disappear. With the sliders walking down a sidewalk of the small town they've been visiting, they soon enter an alley, with Quinn opening the vortex, and the group quickly enters; a man with a bomb soon appears and throws it into the vortex, with the vortex closing and 2 cops appear, arresting the man and toss him in the back seat of the police car. The explosion occurs, but the vortex opens, tossing all but Wade out, and then the vortex becomes misshapen and Wade is tossed out, to fall to the ground not far from the others, and the portal closes. Quinn rushes to Wade, to feel for a pulse and realize it was faint. Colin soon notices aircraft's in the air, and he soon sees a missile exit one of them, destroying a building; the sliders realize this earth was dealing with a war, so they rush to the hospital which isn't that far and Wade is immediately taken on a gurney by a doctor to be checked out, while the others wait. Several minutes pass, the group is led down to a room, with Wade hooked up to machines, and the nurse states Wade is stable, but wouldn't be any better and soon exits. Maggie can't figure out what's going on, but wonders if the ride in the vortex had anything to do with Wade's condition. Colin rubs his head, feeling a strange sensation but forgets it and asks if anyone else felt a pushing sensation like an explosion occur; the others nod, and Quinn thinks someone must have thrown an explosive into the wormhole and with Wade last to enter, she must have been the one to be affected. Mallory asks how long they had until the slide; Colin mumbles the timer was fried and as Quinn pulls the timer out, he notices it fried and looks to Colin wondering how he would of known. Colin states he feels like they just went through this situation, but its probably nothing and figures it was fried and they need to get it fixed or they wouldn't be going anywhere; Quinn suggests he and Colin go find parts, while Maggie and Mallory stayed with Wade. With exiting the taxi to the electronic store, Quinn and Colin enter with a clerk appearing and Colin states they were browsing and didn't need help. Quinn looks to Colin like he's acting odd and with heading down an aisle, Quinn asks if he was okay, and Colin states he just has a feeling of deja vu', but it would probably pass. Back at the hospital, Mallory is looking at Wade, when Maggie arrives with drinks, giving Mallory his. Maggie asks if Wade was doing any better, but Mallory states Wade probably won't make it, and they may have to move on without her. Maggie suggests they relax in chairs, while staring down at the city by the window. Mallory wonders if this place would be destroyed before they left and Maggie figures it would pass, since the military is probably already dealing with saving their country. Quinn and Colin are walking down the sidewalk, when two armed men in dark clothing enter their path and killing them on the spot. The men take off, vanishing from the area. The sliders enter an alley, when Colin stops the others, feeling something bad is going to happen and maybe they shouldn't slide, but Quinn opens the vortex anyway and the others quickly enter, leaving Colin puzzled of what was going to happen but still leaps in. The same man with a bomb appears and throws it in the vortex, with the vortex closing and two cops approach the man to arrest him, tossing him in the back of the police car. The explosion occurs inside the tunnel, but the vortex opens, with tossing all but Colin out, and then the vortex becomes misshapen and Colin is tossed out, to fall the ground, with the portal closing. Quinn rushes to Colin, to feel for a pulse and realize Colin was dead. Mallory soon notices aircraft's in the air, and he soon sees a missile exit one of the aircraft's, destroying a building. The sliders realize it wasn't safe to remain in their location, so they head to a hospital nearby, to possibly revive Colin. With receiving the bad news, Quinn sits with his dead brother for a few minutes and soon begins weeping. Wade enters shortly after to state the doctor needed him to leave, so Quinn exits with Wade, joins up with Maggie and Mallory, and they take a taxi to a hotel in the area. After finding the timer fried, Quinn states they need to get it fixed so they can slide out; Mallory suggests going to the electronic store with Quinn and the 2 leave. When arriving in the store, the same clerk offers to help the 2, but Mallory states they were looking and the clerk disappears. Quinn enters down an aisle, asking Mallory why he didn't notice the swastika symbol on the taxi or around town; Mallory states he really doesn't care for it and thinks this is really a bad world to live on. After completing their shopping, Quinn and Mallory walk down the sidewalk, with Mallory lighting up a cigarette, smoking to calm himself down. The two armed men dressed in black stop Quinn and Mallory, aim their weapons at the them; Quinn pushes Mallory out of the way, and Quinn is shot several times, leading for the men to rush off. Mallory heads back to Quinn, asking how he knew those men were going to show; Quinn reveals he had a feeling and thinks he already went through this 3 times before. Quinn closes his eyes as he falls back into Mallory's arms. Mallory returns to the hotel with the timer and parts to fix it, telling of the news to Wade and Maggie, stating it was weird that Quinn said he had a feeling he was shot before in the same situation, wondering if he was telling the truth and something happened for them to repeat the day over again. Maggie soon starts having a feeling also, stating that the wormhole might have something to do with it,since there was an explosion during their ride. Mallory states that if they didn't get the timer repaired, they would be stuck here, leading the 3 to be scared and afraid they wouldn't make it here, unless the day is repeated for them to make a change. Wade considers the possibility, Quinn was out of his mind and knows there is no possible way for them to have a day repeated for them, unless the wormhole can do such a thing. Maggie wonders about the explosion, if that had anything to do with it, remembering that they did piss off a mailman for knocking him over and he swore that he would get revenge with his gypsy abilities. Suddenly, a bomb is dropped on the hotel, leading for the sliders to die again, ending up back near the alley. Quinn pulls out the timer, and soon looks to the others with them looking back at Quinn, having the same feeling; Colin suggests they wait a few more seconds before sliding out, to see what the explosion was. The vortex opens, with the sliders standing by it and waiting; Quinn states the portal will close in less than a minute and they shouldn't wait too long. Out of nowhere, the same man appears, about to throw the bomb into the vortex, when Colin shoves the man to the ground, and has Mallory throw the bomb in the vortex, which detonates and cause the wormhole to expand and increases in power, pulling the sliders in with it closing and the officers to watch it, while taking the man under arrest. The vortex reopens in the same spot, with everyone alive. Colin feels odd that they repeated their time over, and almost feels like he died; the others feel the same way; Quinn looks at the timer and states they slide in 9 minutes, but the group moves on, with running to find shelter from the explosions and planes attacking the city for the time until the slide. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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