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Episode U-707: Leaving Behind The Past

Logline: With going back to the past, the sliders save a friend, Michele, and then take off world, but the 5 encounter an earth where the French Revolution is taking place in the United States, and people can be arrested for no reason, which means death by the guillotine.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Rebecca Chambers as Michele, Sabrina Lloyd as Wade Welles, Cleavent Derricks as Rembrandt Brown, John Rhys-Davies as Professor Arturo, Vincent Lindon as Maurice Depol, Virginie Ledyen as Marie Antoinette, Guillaume Canet as Lance Depol, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The portal remains open, as Quinn, Michele and Wade enter, and it quickly closes, leading for the world they left behind, to go down into the ocean after an earthquake is done with it. The vortex opens in darkness, outside a French bakery, tossing the group out, and the vortex closes. Quinn asks Arturo for the readout; Arturo hands the timer to Quinn, and the timer reads 20 hours, 15 minutes, then Quinn restates the time limit to the others. Wade states they must be in a French society this time, since most of the signs around are in French, and might enjoy it more than the last world. Michele asks the group if there was really any chance of getting home; Quinn hesitates to answer, but tells the truth, stating she probably wouldn't be able to go home for a long time. Michele smiles, but then comments that her life was a bitch back home, and wouldn't mind enjoying this type of travel. Rembrandt tells Michele to not get excited, since they've been sliding for a few months, and its still been a disappointment to him; every slide they make, without any chance of getting home. Arturo, Wade and Quinn start walking away from the 2, to soon notice some men in uniforms resembling those of the French Revolution, 15 feet in front of them, and seeing an innocent women dragged from her home, being forced into a carriage. Wade tells the 2, that the woman wouldn't get a chance to survive, since back in those days on their earth, the French soldiers could arrest anyone for any reason, and then the people are taken to the guillotine. The 5 sliders head into an alley to hide, and then figure a way to get out of their situation, and try to find a place to hide until the slide. 2 soldiers soon see the sliders as they walk by the alley, and then yell out to stop, yet the sliders refuse to answer to their commands and run from them. Arturo soon falls down, leading Wade to fall back and help him up, but the 2 are captured, leaving Quinn, Rembrandt and Michele to now find a way to free them. The 3 make it around the another corner of a building, with heading down another alley and are soon met by a few more soldiers, so they turn around and run. A man soon appears a few feet ahead of the sliders outside of the alley, stating to follow him, since he could hide them. The sliders follow the man, entering a building, as the soldiers go by. The man lights a candle, stsating it was a good thing he found them, or they would of been sent to the guillotine. Quinn tells the man that his friends were taken by soldiers and need to get them out. The man states it wouldn't be likely for their survival, but since he was with the resistance, he may be helpful. The man introduces himself as Maurice Depol; the sliders introduce themselves, thanking Maurice for saving them from death. Arturo and Wade are taken to a prison, where they are pushed into a cell, which is dirty and quite dark. Wade and Arturo stay close together, with realizing they weren't the only ones in the cell, so they find a place to sit down, and relax for the time being. Wade states that she hopes Quinn and the others are working on finding a way to break them out of the prison. Arturo tells Wade to not give up faith in the trio that remain free, since its likely they will survive every world they land on. A man near the 2 inside the prison, closens in, looking at them closely, and speaking in his native tongue, asking if they were prisoners of resistance too; Arturo knows some of what the man is saying, and tries his best to respond. Wade asks Arturo what the man had said, and Arturo replies that the man wanted to know if they were prisoners of resistance, but he told him that they were prisoners for no reason. Wade asks the man if he spoke any english, but the man didn't understand her; Arturo looks to her, stating it would be impossible for the prisoner to speak any english, since it was in the early stages of evolving around the world in what looks like a society from the late 1700s, during the French Revolution. Wade tells Arturo that she was wondering if Louis the XVI was still alive, or if he, along with his wife Marie, wre already executed. Arturo tells Wade of the happenings during the French Revolution, which began with a governmental financial crisis but quickly became a movement of reform and violent changes, and he figures both the king and his wife were already executed. Arturo brings up the storming of Bastille which was a symbol of hatred oppression and many changes occured throughout Europe. Wade remembers something about the Reign Of Terror and that thousands of people were killed. Arturo states that the Reign Of Terror ended with Rosbiertion's death, but that didn't occur until 1795. The sliders and Maurice head down a flight of stairs, leading into a larger room; Maurice turns on a lamp, with the room filling with some light, showing several weapons, and even a large map of the United French Territory in the corner, on the wall. Maurice welcomes the group to his resistance cell, and states that his other patriotic friends would appear soon. Quinn states that they only have a certain amount of time to rescue their friends, until they leave. Maurice tells the 3, that it would take at least a week to learn of their location, then find someone to go undercover to infiltrate the prison to free most of the prisoners. Rembrandt states it would have to be quicker than a week, and wonders if that could happen. Maurice heads to his desk, pulling out a map of the territory, including the prisons, and states he would need a large army to cover the area near the prison, or needs a way to get in, without being noticed. Quinn looks at the map closely, telling Maurice that he may know a way to find the others. Rembrandt and Michele join Quinn and Maurice at the desk, Michele asks Maurice if he had any automatic rifles she could have, so in case of forcing their way in; Michele is given an early version of the rifle, and begins loading it, which she starts to have trouble with, until Maurice helps her. Back in the prison, Arturo is sleeping, with Wade awake, and staring out the prison cell window, to look at the dark filled town, and a full moon. A woman comes near her, and sits adjacent to her, speaking in english, that their beautiful town was going to hell, and realized she would never see it again. Wade states she isn't used to battlefields, and usually tries to stay out of them. The woman asks where Wade was from, questioning her accent; Wade lies, stating she was from all over the place, since her family moved a lot. The woman introduces herself as Marie Antoinette, and she tells of her struggle the past fe months, since she lost her husband, Louis XVI, who went on trial with people saying he betrayed his country. Marie finds that the people of France were on the ones who betrayed the country, for placing them in prison. Marie also worries about her children who were at another prison, considering the fact that they too are being tortured like her. Wade apologizes for what she is going through, and Marie tells her not to worry, since she suspects the resistance would raid the prison soon, freeing them all. Wade asks if it was possible to free themselves in anyway, since she, along with her friends were to leave the following day. Marie tells Wade that the only way out of the prison, was death. By mid morning, Quinn was still working on pinpointing locations to enter the prison, while Rembrandt, Michele and a few other resistance were loading weapons. Maurice arrives, giving out coffee, and then heads to Quinn, asking of his progress. Quinn states that he is slowly working to make the right moves in retrieving his friends, and make sure no one is killed in the process. Maurice states he contacted his cousin, who also is in top resistance status, and would be showing up soon, and he would be helpful in getting prisoners out. Quinn agrees to the idea, figuring the man would be better than him, since he isn't part of an underground movement. In the prison, Arturo and Wade are eating breakfast, which contained a piece of bread and milk; Wade continues talking to Marie, and she realizes that Marie would need to be rescued too, since she would rather have her saved on this planet, than be executed, like back home on her earth. Guards soon approach the prison cell, and calls for the women to head to them; Arturo looks to Wade, who is confused of what was happening, yet Wade refused to move, but a guard forces her up, and Arturo tries to stop the guard from taking Wade, but he is hit over the head, knocking him to the floor, unconscious. The women are taken to the shower room and forced to wash themselves, since they would be transported to antoher location for men to use them in their own way. By noon, Maurice's cousin, Lance Depol had shown up, helping with the rescue attempt. Lance and Quinn figure things out nad make a plan of rescue within a few hours and then the sliders would be transported out of the area. Michele and Rembrandt had taken Quinn to a private room to talk, wondering if the resistance was going to help them, or plan to kill themselves for a cause; Michele feels they should consider leaving the 2 behind, and keep going out of the area and slide on. Quinn tells Michele he wouldn't leave his friends on this earth to die, even if it meant risking his own life. Arturo had awoken, and tried to learn of where Wade had gone. The frenchman from before tells Arturo that the women were going to be raped by men in another location, and it would be too late to save his friend. Wade and Marie stay close together and when they dress into stylish robes, the women are lined up, and taken in groups to the wagons for transport. Back in the hideout, the resistance was loading weapons, and prepared to attack; Quinn, Maurice and Lance were telling the others where to set up and explain their signal system of when to attack. Michele tells Remmy that she felt this operation wasn't going to work, and the death toll by the resistance would wipe them all out, with no resistance left to do anything. Remmy tells Michele that she shouldn't look down upon a situation, since it was likely they would all make it out alive. The resistance started to exit the hideout and took off to spread out around the prison. Quinn, Michele and Remmy remain close to Lance and Maurice as they close in on the gate to enter the prison. Quinn and Michele had to act as prisoners with Lance and Maurice taking them to the guards by the gate, stating the 2 were resistance members, and should be locked away; out of no where, the resistance shows up, attacking the guards, and soon letting themselves into the prison with little resistance from the prison officials. Quinn, Remmy and Lance take off to find Arturo and Wade, while Maurice, Michele and a few resistance free other prisoners and kill the prison officials. In the cell, Arturo can hear shooting through the hallways above and below him, so the other men in the cell with Arturo are hoping for an escape to freedom. After a few more seconds, the 3 arrive on Arturo's floor, yelling out to the professor, and Arturo yells out his location, getting himself, along with the other prisoners, free. Quinn asks Arturo where Wade was at, but Arturo couldn't answer, unsure of Wade's location. Lance tells the sliders, Wade may have been shipped off with other women to a castle nearby, for men to abuse them in anyway. Quinn figures they should go find her, before she is killed. Maurice, Lance, and a few other resistance members take the sliders to the location of Wade, with fighting their way in and making confusion so the soldiers would need to fight, leaving the women alone. The man with Wade had taken her to a room, and started to rape her, when another soldier bursts in, telling him they had to fight. The man gets upset, with getting off Wade, telling her to wait and he quickly dresses to fight with his comrades. Maurice and Quinn head up a flight of stairs, leading to rooms, and they start checking them for Wade; Michele, Lance and Remmy do the same down in a basement full of rooms. Remmy finds Wade, after opening a room to find her tied to the bed, so he quickly unties her, and Wade tells him she is glad to see him. With exiting the room, Wade tells the 3 she needs to find Marie, a friend she met in the prison. Michele tells Wade that they may not have time,a nd it would be risky. Lance opens another room, finding Marie, and he fires at the man on top of her, killing him, with Marie being rescued. With getting back together, Maurice tells Quinn to take him and his friends out of the area, by going through an underground tunnel that will take them to safety. The sliders start to head down the stairs, but Quinn notices Michele standing by Lance; Quinn heads to her, asking if she was staying on this world. Michele states that she realized that without being home, she knew her life wouldn't be normal anymore, and knew sliding continuously wouldn't be the answer to survival. Quinn tells Michele good luck, and kisses her good-bye on the lips. As Quinn heads back by the stairs, where Arturo still remains, Arturo heads to Michele, telling her to watch out for a man named Napoleon Bonaparte, since he may anger her. 5 Years Later..... The present sliders, Quinn, Maggie, Colin, Mallory and Wade's double, along with Michele's double are running from 2 marines in a humvee down a street, and the group soon enters an alley; Quinn looks at the timer, stating 14 seconds were left until the slide. Michele's double states she really appreciates them taking her along; Wade tells the double that she looks like someone she and Quinn knew a long time ago, and would be happy to help out. The 2 marines get out of the humvee, pulling guns on the group, stating to put their hands up slowly and no one would be injured. The 6 put their hands up, and Quinn states they would love to stay to be taken to prison, but they had a vortex to catch; Quinn opens the portal and the group slides out. As the red vortex closes, the marines are shocked of what they just saw, and are unsure of where the sliders went. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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