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Episode U-706: A Slide Of Life Or Death

Logline: With being diverted back to the Seer earth by Diana, the sliders learn of Claire's plans to kill them, and of an army she has created out of 6 fierce warriors.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Tembi Locke as Diana Davis, Nicholas Lea as Ryan, Jennifer Hetrick as Claire LeBeau, John Haymes Newton as Deputy Joel Douglas, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory; WWF stars: Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chyna, Matt Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Chaz, Chris Jericho Synopsis: While running through a park at night, the sliders are bein chased by men in dark clothing, and firing weapons at them; Quinn finds a tree, hides behind it, and opens the vortex. The group quickly enters, and the men get confused, when they saw the group behind the tree, but they weren't there. The red vortex reopens in a clock tower, and the sliders are tossed out onto the floor, except Mallory, who is thrown into a wall and he then falls to the floor. Maggie gets up, with helping Colin and Wade up. Quinn stands and helps Mallory to his feet; Maggie states they slide in 18 hours, 16 minutes and 33 seconds. Wade smacks Quinn in the arm, telling him to never get involved with a mob bosses daughter; Quinn states it wasn't his fault, since Delanca fell in love with him. Colin comments this clock tower looks familiar, and Diana appears, stating it was. After shock had gone by, Diana reveals to the sliders she was the one that diverted their vortex here, since she needed to tell them Claire's plan to destroy them. Mallory asks Diana if Claire was ever going to give up on killing them, and he really has forgotten why she wanted them dead. Diana states Claire is selfish, and believes they had killed the Seer. Maggie wonders why Diana was telling them this information, since she was suppose to be evil; Diana states she apologizes for wanting them dead, but after nearly 3 months planning attacks on the sliders, she feels Claire is foolish and she really doesn't care to hurt anyone, including so called friends. Wade asks Diana if she had been returned to her old self as a scientist; Diana states memories prior to sliding aren't clear, but she has the skills to be a sniper, and kill people when ordered, and really is considering to just kill Claire, so she wouldn't have to hear her whine about everything the sliders did to her. Quinn questions what happened to the device they used previously before being forced here; Diana walks into an adjacent room, heading to a desk, and opening a drawer, pulling out a device, which is soon revealed as the PDL. Diana hands it to Quinn, stating their device to locate parallel earth cooridinates was destroyed, in case they ever showed up to get it. Mallory asks if their homeworld cooridinates were still on the PDL; Diana tells Mallory they were, but it was just his world now, since she wouldn't be able to find a place for home there, or at a laboratory. Quinn asks Diana what Claire's plans were anyway, since they seem resistable to guns; Diana states that Claire located several warriors from a certain world, and that they could destroy people instantely when breaking their necks of their victims. Wade finds it scary, but figures that without Claire konwing they were here, it wouldn't matter. Ryan soon walks up the stairs to where everyone was at, and nearly attacks Mallory, but Diana intervened, stating he should no longer hate these people, sicne they never did anything to him in the first place. Ryan slowly calms down, stating Diana was right, and he really had no reason to hurt the sliders, since Claire was the only one who hated them. Diana offered the sliders drinks, and has them sit down in another room that looked like a kitchen. Maggie asks Ryan what had happened to him, since he was also brainwashed, and no longer his old self when he started sliding. Ryan tells Maggie that he no longer led a life of goodness, but really just feels upset all the time, and more aggressive. Wade asks Diana and Ryan to just come iwth them when the time came for the slide; Diana states she can't, since Claire had implanted a locator bug on her, and if she slid off world, Claire would easily track them down. Ryan states he feels sliding wasn't his life, and figures staying here, and just live his life, even though it will suck, and will include psycho Claire. Before the group knew it, they heard loud noises, and Diana rushes to the stairs, to realize the warriors had arrived, and Claire must be spying on her through a camera; Quinn asks what they should do, and Diana offers them another way out of the clock tower, through a fraight elevator. When exiting down below, the sliders can hear the damage teh warriors were doing; Diana states to follow her to another location, which should be safe. As they run, 2 more warriors appear, and Wade quickly states they look like they were off the WWF program, pointing out Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chyna, but the 2 warriors were more fierce than their fake duplicates back on Earth Prime. Chyna and Maggie go at it, with karate kicking each other,and Maggie even tries a head lock, but she is already in one. Mallory and Colin try to attack Stone Cold Steve, but he had knocked them to the ground in seconds, and was then on top of them, jumping on their backs, which was hurting. Wade finds a pipe in an alley nearby, and she tries to hit Chyna with it, but she throws a punch, knocking Wade off her feet, and landing on the hard pavement. 3 more warriors show up, Matt Hardy, Rob Van Dam and Chaz who were also attacking the sliders and throwing them around. Chaz even picks up Mallory and threw him into a brick wall, while Rob Van Dam kicks Colin and Quinn in their crotches, forcing them in severe pain and down on the ground. Diana and Ryan then soon intervene, with Ryan firing his gun at the warriors who all suddenly vanish into thin air. Maggie asks what those warriors were created from, and Diana states they were clones that can be destroyed by a certain type of weapon. Mallory walks up, in pain from his back hurting, stating Quinn and Colin will need wheelchairs; Maggie and Wade agree to help the 2 to their hideout. Down an alley, Diana heads to a door which is down a flight of stairs, and the group soon follows and enters a small dark room, but Ryan turns on a lamp, to reveal room with a few chairs and tells the group to relax for awhile, with him and Diana heading to a store to buy some food. The 2 quickly exit, leaving the sliders alone; Wade finds it odd that those look alike wrestlers must have been on steroids, and wonders if Claire has cloned millions of them to attack them on any earth. Colin finds it odd that Diana, or even Ryan didn't try helping them immediately, since if they were on their side, and they would of known what to do and stopped the warriors. Quinn feels they should exit the area, since the 2 could be lying to them about going to a store, but actually going to get Claire so she could kill them. Wade asks Quinn if he were okay, and Quinn states he would manage, Colin states the same. Maggie sees the gun left behind, so she takes it and hides it in her jacket. Out in the main street, the sliders are heading to find a better hiding place, when out of the darkness, came Chris Jericho, and he soon doubles until there is 5 of him. Quinn tells the others to run, and he would try to fight them off; Maggie tosses Quinn the gun, and as one of the Chris' starts heading towards him, Quinn fires the gun, but nothing happens, and the warrior picks Quinn up in the air by his neck, and he starts having problems breathing. The other sliders show up and try to getting Quinn back to the ground, but then 4 more of the warriors do the same to the others; Maggie is kicking the Chris Jericho that picked her up, but it wasn' working, then the 5 warriors throw the group against a brick wall. A car comes screeching up, with a young male exiting it, and heading toward the 5 warriors; he fires a weapon and they disappear.The man then rushes to the slidiers, stating they should come with him to get to safety. Diana and Ryan appear, stating there was no need for help, and the sliders should of known better not to exit the area without them. The man looks to Diana, apologizing, and would return to his home. With returning to the hideout, Ryan yells at the group for leaving, and stating it was stupid for not trusting them; Wade gets in Ryan's face, stating the last time he was with them, he nearly got them killed. Diana tells the group if they wanted to leave, go ahead, but she wouldn't recommend it. Colin states this would probably never end, with Claire wanting them dead, but he is confused why Diana and Ryan are helping them. Diana tells the group she may be working for the devil, but she does still have a heart; Ryan states he was in the same position, but feels, trying to stop Claire themselves would be better to do, than let her kill their comrades. By the following morning, Quinn exits a room, to find Diana cooking breakfast, and telling Quinn to sit, since the food was almost finished. Quinn asks where Ryan was at, and Diana states he decided to take off earlier, since h needed to do things. As Diana puts eggs on a plate, Quinn states that she should really consider coming with them, even though it would be risky, but she could become the new Maggie Beckett, since she was homeless too, in a sense. Diana smiles, but states she wants to destroy Claire's million dollar business, before she is ready to move on. Quinn then asks if she was planning on joining them when her work was finished; Diana hands the plate to Quinn, turning around, offering coffee, which Quinn wanted. The rest of the sliders soon follow with sitting at the table, and eating breakfast as Diana cooked. Ryan eventually shows up, asking Diana if the group was ready to leave the area; Mallory asks Ryan what he was going to do with them, and he states that it wasn't safe for them to stay around, due to increase of warriors in the area. Ryan states that he has a supply truck prepared downstairs, and it was gassed up, for them to take off and hit the road, leaving Los Angeles for good. Around noon, the sliders load up, as Quinn thanks the 2 and hopes for the best, but would return one day to pick them up; Mallory hugs Diana, stating he would tell her family of the news and will try to persuade her to return home one day. Diana tells Mallory he was a good friend adn glad she slide with him for a time. Ryan tells the 2 to quickly get in, and seconds later, 2 warriors show up at the top of the stairs, leading down to the sliders location. Quinn asks if they would be hurt, but Diana states the warriors weren't after them. Quinn starts the truck up, speeding off into a not so pleasant city. As a few hours past, the sliders were out in the country side, driving through a small town. With turning down a side road, the truck starts smoking; Quinn states the truck was done for, but they didn't have to worry, since they slide in 6 minutes. Mallory and Colin decide to check the engine, and soon realize it was overheated. The rest of the sliders exit the truck, and starts walking down the road, when suddenly, all 6 warriors appear, ready to fight. Mallory states he didn't want to deal with them again, but they had to fight, unless they wanted to die. The warriors rush to the sliders and the group defends themselves, with each slider taking on a warrior, except Colin who had to deal with 2 of them. Wade is punching Chyna in the stomach, but she isn't being hurt, so she picks Wade up, and throws her toward the truck, which she lands on the window, breaking it. Quinn is flipped around and throw into a ditch, along with Maggie who lands on him. A red corvette arrives, with another young male, watching the action. He exits his car, pulling out a gun, firing the weapon at Chris Jericho, but he isn't injured; he heads over to the man, picks him up, and throws him at a tree, which he smacks into. Matt Hardy and Stone Cold Steve Austin pick up the truck, throwing it up into the air, and it lands a few feet away, smashing up. Colin is kicked in the stomach, but he manages to kick Rob Van Dam in the face, but he isn't injured. The man helps Quinn up, along with Wade, stating they should run for it, into the woods. Colin and Mallory quickly join the 4 and take off running, as the warriors follow in pursuit. With running into a wooded area, the sliders make it out into a trailer park a minute later, and hide behind a trailer home. The man looks to the others, stating they looked familiar to him; Maggie states the same and realizes he was the deputy kidnapped by Diana; the man introduces himself as Joel Douglas, stating Claire wanted him to become an assassin for her, but he declined and barely made it out of the area with his life, and for the past few months have been running from her, trying to return to his earth. The warriors get closer, Quinn looks at the timer, counting down from 35 seconds, he figures if they could stay hidden, they could slide out; Joel states he would like to come with them if he could, and Wade states he could, since he was an ally. Chris Jericho locates them, yelling for the others that he found them, and he starts after them; Quinn opens the vortex, quickly leaping in. Joel tells the others to go, since he would fend for himself. Maggie is about to go in last, when she turns around, and Joel's neck is snapped, falling to the ground dead; Maggie sees the warrior coming toward her, so she quickly leaps in. At Claire's house, later that night, Diana, Ryan and Joel show up; Diana tells Claire of her plan working and the sliders now scared for their lives. Joel mentions that using mind manipulation was a good idea, since he didn't think humans could use it, and shocked of the sliders believing the WWF warriors created more of themselves. Claire states she plans to have several more WWF warriors come here, and before the sliders return, she'll have an army to destroy the sliders. Ryan comments to Joel that doing a death scene, must of been fun; Joel states he never really tried it, but it was fun getting his neck snapped, and he believes the sliders think he was dead. Joel mentions to Claire that he managed to put a bug on one of the female sliders, so they could easily track them. Diana states that the sliders may not even realize the tripling of warriors were all in their heads since mind manipulation is always a nice plan; Claire states she got the idea from the Kromaggs and thought she should give it a try. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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