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Episode U-705: The Witch Hunt

I was going to post this last week, so it would be the Halloween episode, but with the holiday only yesterday, I feel I can catch up.Logline: After landing in a wooded area, the sliders decide to camp out by starting a fire, while Wade takes off to find civilization, food and water, but she is soon captured by people that believe she is a witch. Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Tony Goldwyn as witch hunter, Jennifer Grey as Selma, Megan Gallagher as Broomhilda, Joshua Leonard as Alfred Solomon, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The red vortex opens near a pine tree and tossing the sliders out, all landing on each other and the portal closes. Maggie gets off the top, with pushing the others off of each other, and helping Mallory up. Colin hands Quinn the timer, telling the others they slide out in 38 hours. Maggie finds the place peaceful and quiet, and would like to find a hotel, since the last world wasn't too pleasent. Wade states if Maggie didn't lose their water supply, they wouldn't of nearly died out in the San Fernando Valley; Maggie smiles at Wade, then frowns, calling Wade a bitch under her breath. Quinn looks around then notices a path down below them, so they all take off running down the hill, except Mallory, who slips and starts rolling down, then trips Colin who smacks into a tree, and stumbles down to the others seconds later, after getting his barrings and having the wind knocked out of him. The group walk far from where they landed and hoped to find civilization, but with a few hours passing, they gave up, and just decided to start a fire and stay the night. Wade decides to take off and possibly find some water or food while walking over a hill, disappearing out of sight. Mallory lights up a cigarette and taking a seat next to Colin on a log; Mallory apologizes again for making him smack into a tree. Colin states he was clumsy and all this smoking was making him the weakest link of the group. Maggie joins Quinn who is trying to rub 2 sticks together; Maggie stops Quinn, stating she had a better idea, with bunching leaves together and asking Mallory for a lighter, and soon after lighting the leaves, a fire was going, and Quinn thanks Maggie for the help. With Wade finding a stream that leads out to a river, she looks around for anyone, before bending down and taking handfuls of water to drink. Suddenly, out of no where, a man grabs Wade's hair, pulling her to her feet; Wade turns around, to notice a man, and he states that she was under arrest for practicing witchery and for an obvious reason of having red hair. Wade states she has done no such witchery and wishes to be let go. The man puts cuffs on her, and drags her away, as Wade yells to the others for help. Mallory and Colin hear Wade, and soon take off running, with Quinn and Maggie following behind. Quinn, who is slow, finally catches up to the others, to see Wade no where in sight, and soon sees a path by a stream, figuring Wade was thirsty and she was taken by force to some place nearby. Maggie states she would head down through the path, and hopefully get a view of Wade. In a small village, the man forces Wade down a street, with people hissing and staring at her; Wade is taken into a fenced in building, where she is pushed into a room that was empty, and the man tells Wade she would be dealt with soon enough. Maggie sees the village from where she is standing upon a hill; she runs back to the others, stating Wade likely was taken into the village. Quinn suggests they head down and get her out of the area. Colin stops Quinn from moving, stating if they were captured like Wade, they could likely be killed if that was the situation for Wade; Mallory agrees, and feels they should devise a plan, before trying a rescue attempt. The group return to their fire, figuring out a plan; Maggie considers the idea, that she enters town alone, and pretends to be a newcomer, and after the following day, locate Wade, and free her. Mallory rejects the idea, stating he wouldn't want her to risk her life, and considers to just sliding on; Quinn looks to Mallory, stating he couldn't believe what he just said. Mallory states it was Wade's fault in the first place for trying to find water herself, and leaving the area, to be preyed upon by unsuspecting people. Colin considers that they wait until dark, and then head into town to find Wade and quickly escape. Quinn likes the idea, but realizes they still have the problem of finding the location of Wade. Maggie goes back to the plan of heading into town, and would make sure she fit right in, with stealing clothes from a nearby homestead; the guys agree, but decide to head into town the following morning with Maggie. Inside the building, Wade is sitting down on the cement floor of her prison. The doors open, to reveal a man around her age. The man introduces himself as Alfred Solomon and that he came to help her prepare for her court trial. Wade asks if he was a lawyer, and Alfred stated he was and wanted to make sure she wasn't burned at the stake. Alfred then asks Wade if her hair had always been red; Wade states that she always had red hair, and never really changed it. Alfred continues that she also better change her clothing, if she wants to be presentable to the court, including the jury and is willing to have his wife create a suitable outfit fo her by the following day. Wade asks what she was charged with, and Alfred states she is being charged of being a witch and causing pain to a few girls in the village. Wade finds it absurd, stating she never stepped foot into this town, until today, when some man forced her in, and she isn't even a witch of any sort. By the following morning, the townspeople gathered in the court room, as Wade, along with 2 other women that have to sit on a bench. Alfred arrives by a table he would be sitting at, and stands by Wade, asking if she was ready to speak in front of the people; Wade states she's innocent either way, so it wouldn't matter if the people believed her or not. Quinn, Maggie, Mallory and Colin enter the courtroom, and Wade quickly notices her friends, wearing the same style of clothing the village people wore, along with sitting in the back row of seats, near the exit. Quinn looks to Wade, mouthing an apology, and Wade mouths back that everything would be okay. The trial begins, with everyone being forced to stand up while the judge entered, and then taking a seat. The pounding of the gavel, stated court was now in session, leadin the people to sit back down. The lawyer sitting at the other table, stands up, to tell the judge, they can continue talking to the witches, since they finally have the 3rd witch doing harm to the girls in the village. The judge has Wade come up to take a seat in the witness stand, and letting the lawyer proceed. The lawyer asks Wade where she was 2 weeks previous, and Wade states she was traveling around the world with friends. A woman in the courtroom stands up, yelling that Wade was a lier, and knows she would do anything to prove her innocences. The lawyer asks Wade if she hurt anyone or would want to kill him. Wade states no, but if people knew her brother, even they would want to kill him. The lawyer nods, and then asks how long she's been a witch; Wade states she never was one, but she knew a friend named Sabrina, back home, that was into witch craft stuff, but she hasn't seen her in almost 5 years, since she's been traveling. Alfred stands, objecting that this was getting them no where, and the judge asks the lawyer to get to the point. The lawyer asks Wade if she could read a witch's alphabet, by pulling out a piece of paper with such an alphabet; Wade states she couldn't, but would obviously not understand it, since she wasn't a witch. Alfred stands again, proving his client wasn't a witch,a nd feels this court case was nonsense; the judge tells Alfred to sit down and be quiet, as the other lawyer finished. Selma, the lead witch, stands, along with the other one, and they both yell out that they were witches, and can't stand sitting in the court room. The people are shocked of this revelation, and the other lawyer tells the guards to take the witches away; Selma brings her hands above her head, and a bolt of lightning comes out creating a doorway and she, along with the other one enter it, and Wade soon follows with guards nearly reaching her. The sliders stand, shocked of what happened, and about to exit, when the same man from earlier, enters, stating it was time for the witch hunter to find the witches and burn them at the stake. Others agree, and people exit the courtroom to join the lead man. Alfred is near the last of the people, and Quinn stops him, stating he was glad that Wade had someone to believe in her; Alfred asks if they were friends with Wade, and Quinn states if it was kept between them, he would tell him they were friends. Alfred states Quinn's secret was safe, but he had a revelation to tell them; Alfred knows where the witches are, and would like to take them there at night, to get their friend back. With returning to Alfred's home, the sliders relax in his living room, while he gets the refreshments he offered the group. Colin speaks up, asking how he got involved with real witches, and as Alfred enters the room, he hands them the drinks, and answers the question. Alfred feels witches could prove vital to citizens of this entire world in their survival, but the people here dislike devilish type people. He had made the discovery when hiking through the woods and noticed the 2 witches outside and maracusly they had turned an elderly woman into a youthful child. Alfred states he was interested in what they did, and he soon became friends with Selma and Broomhilda. Mallory asked how the one woman created a doorway for them to escape; Alfred states Selma has a power to send her back to her home or any place else she wants to go, but due to low power in her body, she wasn't able to create a doorway, until at the trial. Maggie asks if there was any way to get through to the people that the witches are good. Alfred states that telling the people here would mean death to all who are connected to the witches, and no one would probably change their minds to like witches. With the sun setting, the sliders and Alfred are hiking through the woods, and Alfred states it would be a long hike to the house, since the witches have to be protected from the witch hunter. Quinn soon starts telling Alfred about where they really come from, and Alfred found it fascinating, and he comments that sliding to parallel worlds was a type of witch craft. Quinn explains he didn't mean to end up lost with his friends, he just made a mistake that they all had to pay for. With reaching the house, and the sun still in sight, the sliders are told to remain behind some bushes, while he heads to the house, just in case something bad happens. With the group waiting, Alfred enters the house, to find Selma, Broomhilda and Wade sitting at a table talking; A black cat hops on the table with Selma petting it. Alfred looks to Wade, telling her he brought her friends, and are waiting outside. Wade thanks Alfred, telling him he chose a good wife in Selma; they hug and she thanks the witches for escape and cup of witches tea. Selma states not to mention it, since they were like sister witches with so much in common; Wade is confused by the statement, but then exits the house, with Alfred sitting down. Wade walks down a flight of stairs, and the others exit the bushes, glad to see Wade. Quinn hugs Wade, asking if she was okay; Wade states the real witches here are nice, and wishes the people here, would allow the witches culture into their lives. Mallory states that people like Alfred are starting out, and maybe one day, more like him will take on the witches faith. The group start walking back into the woods, when they see the witch hunter and a mob on their way to the house; Wade states she needs to go back and help the witches before they were killed. Maggie finds it stupid to risk their lives for people they barely know, and it was obvious of no victory, since the people of the village wouldn't think it would be nice to be neighborly to the witches. Wade states she doesn't want the others to go, and wants to do this on her own; she states to have them meet her near the river adn to have a fire started, so it would be easy to locate them. Wade turns around to head back, but Quinn looks to the others, handing Colin the timer, and states he can't leave Wade alone in this type of situation. Quinn states that if they don't make it in time, to slide on without them. Colin questions Quinn's actions, but Mallory stops him from objecting, since Quinn always does these type of things. With returning to the house minutes later, Wade and Quinn get behind the bushes, to see Alfred exit the house, telling the townspeople that they need to listen to him, by opening their minds to the idea that witches are good, and can be used for good purposes. The witch hunter yanks Alfred down the stairs, and looks to the 2 men holding hanging material to get started. Wade looks to Quinn, stating she just couldn't watch a friend die, and heads out into the sight of people, who are shocked to see her. The witch hunter pulls a gun out of his jacket, pointing it at Wade; Wade states it wouldn't work on her, since she had powers. The witch hunter pulls the trigger, but Wade suddenly vanishes, to reappear on the stairs of the house, then levitating off the ground. The witch hunter tells Wade that if she didn't stop playing games, her friend would be killed instantely; Wade soon returns, standing on the porch. The witch hunter asks Wade to tell the other witches to come out, so they can be taken to be burned at the stake. A man soon finds Quinn, pulling him out of the bushes, showing him to the witch hunter, and he states to add him to the list to be killed. Quinn objects, that he was only trying to help a friend, and to save others who aren't devilish. The hunter yells at Quinn, that anyone who is a witch, needs to die, before they hurt anyone else; Quinn states those girls who are pretending to have problems, should be the ones on trial and possibly hung. With Selma and Broomhilda joining Wade on the porch, men force them down into a cage on a wagon, along with Quinn and Alfred to head to their ends. In the village square around midnight, a bon fire is going, while the 3 witches are tied to a log and Alfred and Quinn put on a stage with rope around their necks, in case the witches escape, and they could easily be killed. Wade apologizes to Quinn for getting him killed, and she should of gone alone with saving the witches and Alfred. Quinn doesn't blame Wade, telling her he is proud of her wanting to help people that can't be accepted by others, and it would be glad to die while fighting for something than a senseless death. Back in the woods, Colin, Maggie and Mallory sit, with the timer counting down from 22 minutes; Colin feels something must of gone wrong, or they would of showed up a few hours ago. Maggie suggests they could always slide out, and return, but then states they wouldn't be friends if they didn't care about crazy people. The 3 decide to head to the witches house, but with finding no one there, they assume the village people took them to be killed, so they headed into the village, and soon notice a fire going on, with people dancing and music is playing. When approaching closer, the 3 see Wade and the other witches about to be burned to a crisp, and Quinn about to have neck trouble. Mallory looks at the timer, with only 9 minutes to go, they they couldn't wait that long; Maggie runs into the area, yelling out that she was here to party, and starts dancing, while touching herself all over her body, and soon begins undressing. The men get interested while the women are surprised of this new situation but still watch. Colin and Mallory arrive on the stage to set Alfred and Quinn free; Mallory hands Quinn the timer, stating it would be smart to head by the entrance of the village, while they save the witches. Maggie is in her underwear, and is getting hesitant, while the witches were saved, but she decides to bare it all, with taking off her bra, and a few men faint. The witch hunter notices Colin and Mallory, yelling out that it was a distraction to save the witches. Maggie quickly puts her bra back on, but then heads to one of the men, holds him with a knife, stating the man would be killed, if her friends weren't let go. The witches are saved and the 5 soon get close to Maggie, who then grabs her clothes and takes off running, with the villagers soon following, and firing weapons. Wade comments to Maggie that she should consider becoming an exotic dancer; Maggie looks to Wade, stating she should stay here to become a witch. When returning to the fire, Maggie quickly gets dressed, but soon the villagers surround the group; Quinn states theres 20 seconds left. Wade looks to Selma, Broomhilda and Alfred, stating they will be sliding out, and if they wanted to come, they were welcome. Alfred looks to Selma, stating they probably will have a better chance on a parallel world; Broomhilda states she will risk it, and so Selma and Alfred agree with the red vortex opening above them. The sliders and company start leaving, with Wade being last, and looking to the witch hunter, stating he will regret running people like the witches out of the village, since the witches had the power to turn people young again; the witch hunter looks uneasy, but then Wade leaps in, and the vortex closes seconds later. The vortex opens on a rooftop, dropping the group out. Colin soon notices a building next to them and seeing figures flying out; Wade looks at the sign on the building, Witches Flying School. Alfred states this place might have the possibilities they need; Selma and Broomhilda look at each other, smiling, and Broomhilda states she thinks they found a new world that will except them. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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