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Episode U-704: Shadowed Past

I apologize for not posting an episode last week, but I've return.Logline: After Quinn loses his memory of his life and who he is, the other sliders must find Quinn to help him and make sure he can trust them again, with making the slide in time. Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Kate Jackson as Cheryl Lambert, Jenna Leigh Green as Lucy Lambert and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: The red vortex opens dropping 20 people out into a mall, with people shocked and amazed. Quinn states they have returned, with turning to a man named Biff, with a look of surprise on his face. Maggie joins up by Quinn, who then turns to a woman near Biff, stating they survived a gunfight during a drug deal gone bad, slid off world, then returned with everyone intact. Biff thanks the sliders, telling his group to follow him back to the hideout. With now 5 sliding out, Colin pulls the timer out, stating they slide in 10 minutes; Mallory states he's been starving since they had to feed a group of drug lords, leaving them penniless. Wade apologizes for holding out and hands Mallory a $20 to find food, while they wait at their exact location for him. Inside the wormhole, the group is bounced around, then the portal opens, with Quinn coming out first, and ramming into a tree, which involves hitting his head, then collapses, falling to the ground unconscious. The portal closes, leaving Quinn alone, without the others, and unknown to this world. The rest of the group exit another portal near the Chancellor Hotel, and realize what has happened; Colin looks at the timer, reading 7 days, 56 minutes and counting down from 19 seconds; Colin figures the extra mass in the vortex with the other people caused the portal to go unstable, leading Quinn to either be dropped off somewhere else on this earth, or he could be on another world. Wade suggests to meet in the hotel, since that's what they always do, in case of getting separated. As Quinn gets his barrings, he stands up to notice he was in a wooded area by a main road, and unsure of what to do, so he takes a walk, hoping to find help. Quinn puts his hood over his head, when realizing it was cold, and buttons his jacket. After a few minutes, he hears a vehicle coming, so he turns around, putting his thumb out, and sees a minivan that passes him, but then it stops a few feet ahead and backs up. The woman driver rolls down passenger window down, asking if he needed a lift into a town; Quinn wasn't sure what to do, so he agrees, with opening the passenger side door, and getting in; the woman introduces herself as Cheryl Lambert, then points to her daughter, sitting in the back seat, who looks younger than Quinn, is introduced as Lucy. Quinn thanks Cheryl for the ride, stating he must of been out in the cold for a long time. Blood starts dripping down from Quinn's forehead, and Cheryl stops the minivan, telling Lucy to get a napkin, who then places it upon Quinn's forehead, to stop the bleeding. At the Chancellor, the sliders get a room, while waiting in it. Colin suggests to split up to find Quinn, since they slide in a week; Wade thinks that its possible, that Quinn was dropped off not far from the area, and figures he is walking here right now. Mallory asks if he did get dropped off, how far out of Los Angeles would he be; Colin states the timer has a 400 mile radius, so he could of landed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or anywhere in between. Cheryl Lambert enters the driveway to her log cabin not far from the highway that would take them to Los Angeles; Lucy assists Quinn into the house, so he could rest for the time being, while her mother unloaded their stuff. Lucy shows Quinn to the couch in the living room, and covers him with a blanket, telling him she would bring him soup and a bandage for his cut forehead. Cheryl tells Lucy they needed to talk about Quinn, so they head outside; Cheryl states they should be careful with this man, since he was a hitchhiker, and could be dangerous; Lucy tells her mother he doesn't seem the type, or he would of already acted. Cheryl states she would try to find out who he was and where he needed to go, and would call the police as a last result. By nightfall, at the hotel, the group is now worried; Maggie suggests calling the police, since this place seems normal enough; the others agree, but Mallory suggests going to check at the front desk to see if he checked into another room. Maggie makes the call, and when someone answers, Maggie asks to speak to teh missing person unit; the officer is confused that they have no unit for that type of situation; Maggie states she has a friend missing, and would like to speak to someone about helping them find him. The officer apologizes that they can't be of any assistance, but offers the homeless shelter numbers of the area; Maggie hangs up in disgust, telling Wade and Colin of having no luck. Colin feels they shouldn't worry, and should get some sleep, since they have another day to start a search of their own. At the cabin, Quinn, Lucy and Cheryl are eating a late dinner, when Cheryl brings up Quinn's situation; Quinn states he can't remember what he was doing in the area, or why he was alone. Quinn figures he may have amnesia, since he can't even remember his own name or where he lives. Cheryl states she could call the homeless shelters the following morning, to see if they were missing any of their workers; Quinn is confused that she wouldn't call the police; Cheryl states the police doesn't handle these type of situations, since only the people with no home or that have wandered off, only can live and work in homeless shelters. Quinn asks if it was possible for him to sleep on the couch and he would take off in the morning; Cheryl agrees to a night, stating Lucy would get him a pillow from upstairs. By sunrise, Quinn awakens to realize Cheryl was awake and outside, chopping wood; Quinn exits to give her a cup of coffee, stating she looked exhausted and willing to finish for her. Cheryl thanks him, and states she wouldn't let a man go hungry, so he could leave after breakfast. At the hotel, the sliders decide to split up, with Maggie trying to reason with the police, Mallory and Colin to check other hotels, while Wade visited homeless shelters. Colin states that even if they slide out, they can always return to search until Quinn was found. Wade states that it could be impossible, since they would never know their time limit and Quinn could have moved on. During breakfast, Lucy serves her mother and Quinn, while the 2 chat; Cheryl states she called a few homeless shelters, and they weren't looking for a missing man. Quinn states he shouldn't ask of this, but would at least like a ride into the city, then he would get out of their lives for good. Lucy intercepts, stating she would be willing to drive him into the city. Cheryl agrees, tossing her the keys to a truck. Cheryl wishes Quinn would consider staying, since at her lumber yard, she needs help, due to her staff suddenly protesting the fact that people cut down trees. Quinn states he would be willing to stay and help, if she needed it; Cheryl is surprised of the offer, stating he was hired, but would have to start that day. Quinn agrees, asking if what he was wearing was acceptable; Cheryl states his clothing would do for the day, but she would take him shopping after work. By noon, the group, except Wade, had returned with no luck, hoping Wade had some. Near a highway 66, Wade exits a taxi, outside a homeless shelter, asking a few people outside if they saw her friend by showing a picture, but no one could help her. Wade heads inside to the front desk, with a man standing behind it, stating there were no jobs available, or living space. Wade states she wasn't looking for either, but asks if a man she knew entered the area, stating his name was Quinn Mallory and showing the picture to him. The man replies of no such name or man to exist here, but he did recieve a phone call, asking if they were missing a worker. Wade asks if the person who called left the name of the man; the man states the caller described the man as being tall, and rugged looking. Wade considers the possibility of that being Quinn; she asks if the caller left a number, but the man stated the caller didn't, but he heard a rooster in the background noise. Wade thanks the man, exiting the shelter, to head back to the taxi, and return to the hotel. At the lumber yard, Cheryl and Quinn help unload a truck of lumber, to put it in the store. Quinn is surprised that workers are protesting the cutting of trees, since they were working at the lumber yard. Cheryl states people always do that kind of thing for attention. A phone rings inside the warehouse, with Cheryl answering it and soon putting it back down, stating she needed an order filled and needed an extra person along for the ride. Quinn volunteers, asking how far the destination was; Cheryl states it was for a new movie theater in the city, and they would need to get it to the construction site immediately. Wade returns to the hotel, telling the others of what she learned, figuring a caller had Quinn, but she was unsure, since the mystery person didn't give a name, but its worth a shot. Maggie states theres millions of people in the state, figuring it would be hard to pinpoint a location. Wade states that the man had heard a rooster in the background, figuring it was the countryside, and there was an area near the highway. Mallory agrees to go with Wade to check out the houses, while Maggie and Colin continue the search in the city. Wade and Mallory get a taxi, taking off, and passing a lumber truck waiting for the taxi to go by to turn down another street. Mallory quickly looks back at the lumber truck, thinking he just saw Quinn, but figures it wasn't likely. The truck arrive into the construction site, with a construction worker telling Cheryl to pull up by the trailer. With starting to unload, Maggie and Colin are walking by the area, and see a tall, thin man, but figures all good looking men are those type of workers. Colin suggests trying to find Quinn's stepmother's house since he possibly may have been there; Maggie agrees, with seeing bikes near a store, so they grab them, taking off, with the owners coming out and yelling at them to stop. After a few hours of stopping at homes, they finally reach the last one, before hitting the highway back into the city. Wade and Mallory exit the taxi, again, telling the driver to wait, and they would return shortly. Inside the house, Lucy hears a knock at the door, with coming downstairs, when she notices a wallet on the floor; Lucy picks it up, opens it, revealing Quinn's picture of identification. The knocking increases, with Lucy hanging onto the wallet, and heading to the door. Wade apologizes to Lucy for interrupting whatever she was doing, but asking if she had seen their friend. Mallory holds out a picture, pointing to Quinn; Lucy states she hasn't seen anyone, then asking how long ago he disappeared. Wade states he never joined them at the meeting spot a day ago, and figured he would be in the area. Wade notices the wallet in Lucy's hand, asking if she could see the wallet, but Lucy refuses, stating it belonged to her boyfriend, and he wouldn't like strangers going through his belongings; Wade apologizes for showing up, then tells Lucy to have a nice day. Both turn around and head back to the taxi. Lucy soon stops the 2, stating she did hear about a man down the road, found dead and someone took the man to the hospital; Mallory asks which hospital it was, but Lucy stated it would be in the city; Mallory and Wade feel it could be Quinn. The 2 thank Lucy, with taking off, and the taxi quickly leaving. As Lucy shuts the door, she opens the wallet, to look at Quinn's license, and then pulls it out, stating to herself she would never let him go, and they would live happily ever after. As 3 days had past, the sliders had found the hospitals in the area, which included 400 medical buildings, and the sliders each called some over the coarse of the 3 days. Quinn had gotten to like working at the lumber yard with Cheryl and soon felt an attraction between him and Lucy, as they kissed during a date. During the 5th night on this world, Quinn and Lucy had taken in a movie, while Cheryl was with friends at a bar. Lucy tells Quinn she should of given this to him earlier, but felt it was useless to learn of his identity with tossing the wallet to Quinn; Quinn looks inside it, to find a few $20 dollar bills, a mini calendar, and a credit card which expired a month ago, but could be considered useful. At the hotel, with finishing a call to a doctor's office, Maggie has no luck, which was the same position she had the days before, including the police. The group decide to head the bar, to unstress their situation. When entering the bar, Cheryl is sitting with a few friends around a table, and the sliders sit next to them in a booth. With ordering beers, the group drink, while discussing new ways of finding Quinn; Colin considers the idea of what if Quinn got amnesia, and he wouldn't know who he was, or what to do. Cheryl overhears this and soon turns around, asking if they had lost a friend a few days ago; Wade states they did, and wonders why she would ask that. Cheryl introduces herself to the group, stating she and her daughter met a man walking down the road, and they picked him up, but he didn't know anything or who he was. Maggie pulls out the picture, asking if he looked like their friend, and Cheryl immediately knew who it was. With returning to the house, Cheryl brings the sliders in, to see Lucy and Quinn watching a movie in the living room. Cheryl asks for the 2 to come out into the kitchen, and as Lucy exits, she is surprised and her face turns red. Quinn exits too, but wonders what was going on; Maggie heads to Quinn, asking if he remembered who she was, or the others, but he didn't. Cheryl states she was going to take him to a doctor, but he refused, and she let the idea go. Wade figures Quinn has amnesia and should get him to someone soon. Quinn states he refuses to go with the others, figuring they were scam artists; Lucy stops Quinn from getting angry, pulling out his drivers license and giving it to him. Quinn is shocked to realize he was Quinn Robert Mallory, and soon apologizes to the group, relieved he now had a chance to learn who he really was. Quinn asks to speak to Lucy alone upstairs, so the 2 head upstairs, with the others relieved to have found him. In Lucy's room, Quinn shuts the door, asking Lucy why she didn't show him his identification in the first place. Lucy apologizes, stating she's always been lonely, and figured if he was willing to stay, she could get Quinn to fall in love with her and get married. Quinn figured as much, but accepts her apology, and hugging her, stating her mother will always be there for her, and there are probably a lot of guys that would be interested in her, since she was beautiful, smart, and sexy, which most men like in a woman. Lucy thanks Quinn for the comments, and hopes he can regain his memory. By the following afternoon, the sliders had returned to the hotel, after Quinn was checked out by a doctor, that had told them, it could take from a matter of hours to years, but it would be helpful to bring past memories back into Quinn's life, to help with treating his situation. With the others sitting around a table in the room, they try to ask Quinn to remember his past. Colin brings up about when he first met him and tried to convince him he was from another world, or the time they visited an earth with clones and he was looked at as a clone replacement. Quinn tells Colin he can't remember either one; Mallory asks Quinn to remember when he was split from him, during a visit with Logan in her room, or when he met his double in a wheelchair who committed suicide; Quinn again states the obvious, knowing this would take a long time to get his life back, but would need time alone. Quinn decides to go for a walk, as Wade asks if he would like company, but Quinn refuses, wanting to be alone. Wade sits back in her seat, looking to the others, stating she felt they pushed him into remembering a past he doesn't have a clue about. Colin feels it could get harder for him to understand the concept of sliding, and their mission; Wade soon is annoyed, asking what their original mission was, since they're not getting any where. Colin looks back at Wade, stating now that they were back on track, they were to find home, and then get her unmelded from her double, then send Mallory and Maggie to his world. Maggie states they will survive this situation, like always, and hopefully, Quinn will soon remember, and if it doesn't happen, Quinn can start a new life on his homeworld, if anything was left of it, since the kromaggs visited it not to long ago and decided to have fun killing humans. When Quinn returns to the hotel 2 hours later, he heads to the bar, with getting a drink, and soon noticing Wade siting by the window, drinking tea, so he decides to join her, with her agreeing to it. Wade apologizes to Quinn for the others acting stupid for forcing him to remember his past, even though it could help. Quinn feels his past may never come back to him, and is willing to start over, if he had someone there for him. Wade and Quinn look into each others eyes, and closen in to kiss, but Wade backs off, feeling it would be a good idea to go swimming before dinner; Quinn is surprised of her quick response and tells her to stay, since he wanted here there with him. Wade agitates, but decides to stay, and Quinn takes action, with kissing her and he backs off, when he sees a couple of past memories, and closes his eyes and rubbing his temples. Wade asks Quinn if he was okay, and Quinn tells her he just remembered something that happened, when he saw a friend killed in front of him by a military officer; Wade is shocked and states it happened a few years ago, when they thought they lost professor Arturo, and they barely made the slide, since the world had come to the end. Quinn suggests they now try asking him past situations; Wade figures it may work, so the 2 head back to the room, to find the others missing and a note left, reading they headed to the movies. Wade finds it strange that the others left without, but doesn't care. The 2 sit on the sofa, and Wade asks Quinn about remembering a world where it had very few natural resources and they met his female double; Quinn thinks about it, but cna't seem to see the world they visited. Wade asks to remember the world where she was the lottery and he was shot in the back, plus they had brought another guy named Ryan with them. Quinn again can't imagine the situation, so he decides to give up and take a nap but as Quinn gets up to go into a room, Wade stops him by the door, and kisses him; the 2 start making out and make it to the bed to undress. At a nearby theater, Maggie, Mallory and Colin enter theater 12 which is showing a German comedy film about a group of people that travel around the world; Mallory is holding a box of snacks, while Maggie and Colin fight about where to sit. Mallory soon sits down and the 2 take seats on both sides of him. The theater soon fills up and the doors close, with a group of 2 men and 3 women pulling out weapons and stating they were protesting movies and the thought of people buying food to eat during the shows; Maggie looks to the others, stating this would be a long night. As the sun was shining in Los Angeles, Maggie, Mallory and Colin arrive back at the room, to find no one in the main room of their suite. Colin opens a bedroom door to find Quinn and Wade sleeping together in a bed and Quinn awakens, saying good morning to Colin and is shocked to see its morning since they fell asleep together after chatting. After a few hours, the sliders exit the hotel, with heading to a donut shop to get breakfast before sliding out. Quinn still can't believe Maggie, Colin and Mallory headed to the movies, only to be taken hostage by protesters and lget go at 6 a.m.; Colin tells Quinn to laugh it up, since this world will be one he will not forget. When exiting the donut shop, they head to a park across the street and Mallory opens the portal. Suddenly, Quinn closes his eyes and rubs his temples and soon opens his eyes to state the memories are rushing back into his mind and glad to be back. With Quinn now himself, the others are more relieved and slide out of the world, with Quinn leaping in last. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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