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Episode U-702: Job Seekers

Logline: After a slide lands the group on an earth where health care doesn't exist, hospitals are high priced and Colin, now dealing with his illness, has the group finding jobs to get by and save Colin's life.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Paul Johanasson as Mr. Servaas Daggett, Julie McCullough as Laurel, Paul McCrane as Dr. Elton Creek, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: With the opening of the red vortex near a court house, the sliders exit, with seeing people (wearing 70s fashion) in a protest and paying no attention to the sliders. The group watch from afar, wondering what was going on; Quinn figures its probably some protest against a law people can't stand. Wade looks to Colin who looks pale, she asks him if he was okay or sick, but Colin collapses, with the group rushing to get help; Maggie and Mallory rush to the protest group, asking for help and needing a hospital, but a woman looks to them like their crazy and stating hospitals wouldn't help anymore, and if they were sick, to just deal with it and move on. Mallory asks why hospitals wouldn't help, leading the woman to state Health Care doesn't exist, along with hospitals costing thousands of dollars for a check up and thats why their there, to protest against President Kennedy's plans. The 2 return by the others, stating of the news; Quinn figures it wouldn't be that much to pay, and besides, they could probably slide out and not pay the bill. Wade states it may be unlikely to do that, since they slide in 2 weeks, but they've managed before with making a plan work out. Quinn picks his brother up, and the group rush to a hospital neaby. Quinn heads to the front desk, asking for medical help, but the secretary at the front desk asks what the problem was, and Quinn states his brother collapsed, and he also had an illness, which he doesn't know anything about. The secretary states he would need to fill out forms and pay up front; Quinn asks for the price and the secretary calculates it, totaling $2400 for Colin to be checked out. Quinn finds it ridiculous, so he heads to the others near a wall, telling them to follow him to the hotel, since it was likely they weren't going to get help. At the Chancellor Hotel, Colin is laying on a bed, and a wash cloth upon his forehead. Maggie and Wade soon enter, with Quinn exiting the bathroom; Wade states this place is definately behind in technology, figuring this year would be like 1971, since they were watching the news that included the 26th Amendment being added to the constitution, which establishes the legal federal voting age of 18, Norman Lear is producing the first episode of All In The Family, a television sitcom that tackles previously taboo topics, and Lin Biao attempted to oust Mao Zedong from power in China, but fails since he reportedly died in a plane crash while fleeing the country. Quinn feels Colin might not make it for 2 weeks, especially with no medical treatment. Mallory enters with a paper, he looks through to find the help wanted ads, stating this would be the best place to start, to make enough money for Colin; Maggie asks to see another page, leading for her to find work too. Wade figures she would just stay here and care for Colin, feeling Quinn should find work too; Quinn first rejects the idea, but feels sitting here, wouldn't make Colin healthier. Mallory points out a maid job for this hotel, and Wade could take that on. Wade considers it, but feels being paid at the end of a week, wouldn't be worth it, but Mallory states that she would be paid every other day. Wade agrees to the job, exiting their room, to see if the position was still available. Maggie finds a clerical position for a construction company, while Mallory finds a bartender ad at a bar nearby; Quinn overlooks the paper to find a few jobs, but finds one appealing, with it asking for a person to test drive all sorts of vehicles, so he calls the number, asking if the position was available, and it was; Quinn asks for the work, and he is asked to show up that day to get toured around and start work the following morning; Quinn accepts, with hanging the phone up, and exiting the room, after telling the others he found work. Maggie and Mallory do the same, with calling for jobs; Maggie is offered the job, but was told she had to dress up for work, so Maggie agrees and takes off, heading downtown to the mall and using her new credit card on clothes. With Wade returning to the room, she finds Mallory watching the television, and Colin is laying beside him; Mallory comments that there is nothing but news programs on, figuring entertainment isn't a big deal here. Wade checks the wash cloth on Colin's forehead, and gets it wet again in cold water. Wade states the position was available so she would start working later that night, and has to head down to get a maids uniform from her boss. Mallory states he has to show up at the bar for the manager to ask a few more questions, and he hopes to get the job. When a news report starts appearing about the protest they saw earlier, the reporter explains of their actions, and of what President Kennedy decided when becoming the country's leader 3 years earlier. The president's actions lead him to delete the health care system, due to him believing, people faked illnesses, injuries, or people pretended they were the elderly, so they would have to pay a lot more if they wanted to be treated for injuries or illnesses. The reporter ends her coverage, talking now of Henry Ford III, and his retiring from the car business, since he was the only car maker to exist, until GMC was created a few months ago to compete in business, and now GMC vehicles will only exist, instead of Ford vehicles. Mallory finds it stupid that Ford just didn't remain in business, along with Chrysler or even Japanese companies to impact this American society. Maggie soon returns to the hotel and dropping her bags off, to check on Colin, who is awake and drinking water, while watching the news with Wade. Maggie asks Colin how he was doing, and he states he is better, since he can't believe he fainted after sliding here. Maggie looks confused, asking if it has anything to do with his illness; Colin feels his illness will catch up to him when the time was right, but this world wasn't his end, and he just overheated. Mallory finds the bar he's looking for a job with, and he locates the manager, asking of the duties that go along with the position; the manager asks him to make drinks, to see how well he does. Mallory gets behind the counter, making the drinks the manager stated, and he passed the test with flying colors and offered the job, which started that night at 8p.m. if Mallory was available. Mallory tells the manager he could start, but asking if he needed references; the manager insisted he hasn't seen a man make drinks like that since 1985. Mallory gets a smile on his face, thanking the manager, with exiting the bar, and catching a taxi back to the hotel. Quinn shows up at the car dealer, to be given a tour of the vehicles he would get to use, and a manuel of how each one works. Cal Gase explains he doesn't hesistate people who screw around, or tardy all the time; Quinn states he's always been on time and a good worker. The man asks for references, but Quinn tells him that he has no references of his work in the car testing. Cal agrees for a short term position, and if Quinn does well, he can stay on for the quite awhile. The following morning, Maggie is in a taxi, entering a construction site, and soon heading to a trailer to see a group of men near the door. Mr. Daggett who is attractive looking, eyes Maggie, leaving the group, stating his new secretary must be here; Maggie smiles with wanting to get to work. Mr. Daggett asks her to follow him inside the trailer, so she does. Maggie is introduced to a few people that are looking over the blue prints to the building they would be constructing. Maggie takes a seat at a desk, where Mr. Daggett stands by her and asks a few questions of her background in clerical work; Maggie states she was a receptionist at a law firm back home, until she decided to go traveling. Maggie is given a folder with a list of things to do; Mr. Daggett states his name was Servaas, and she wouldn't need to call him Mr. Daggett anymore; He tells her to not be nervous, since she was around friends. Mr. Daggett tells her, he would be back in an hour to check up on her work, and expects something to be accomplished. At the hotel, Quinn is putting his jacket on, when noticing it was starting to rain; he looks back to his brother, asking if he would be fine today, even though Colin looked pale and sickly; Colin assures Quinn he wouldn't need assistance and to have fun at his job, which he wishes he could be there too, instead of being sick in bed. Wade is cleaning out a bathroom, and replacing the wet, dirty towels with clean ones, when noticing a bill fold wrapped in a towel. Wade picks it up, with opening it up, and counts $100,000. She figures it would be smart to return it to the front desk, but feels desperate to take it, so she places it in her pocket, and continues cleaning the room. Wade finishes the room up, and exiting to move on to the next, when a man stops her, asking if he saw his bill fold in the room. Wade states she just cleaned it and found nothing; the man gets upset, mumbling words to himself, and taking off with entering an elevator. Quinn starts with a jeep cherokee and must drive down an old runway until it hits a brick wall; Quinn must wear a helmet and a jumpsuit, so he wouldn't get injured. Mr. Gase tells Quinn to not worry if he heads to the hospital today, since it was his first time; Quinn sighs, and hopes he doesn't get killed when hitting the brick wall, and can't believe he actually was stupid enough to take on the job. Quinn must cover a 2 mile strech of road, so he takes off speeding up to 50 mph, then 60, 70 and finally he rams into the wall, with an airbag deploying and saving him from going through the windsheild; Quinn found a rush out of it, and even enjoyed it, but felt he would quit after that day for other work. On the radio, the song "Just My Imagination" by the temptations is playing, as Maggie finishes typing a notice to all employees, then heads to the copier to make copies when Mr. Daggett enters, asking how things were going and commenting that his faithful Xerox copier works after he bought it a year ago; Maggie states she's doing well, and hope to keep the job. Mr. Daggett tells Maggie she can, if she does something for him; Maggie stops him from continuing, stating she doesn't sleep with strangers; Mr. Dagget apologizes for his statement, asking if she would like to celebrate joining the team, by going out for drinks later; Maggie tells him she would consider it, and so he exits the trailer. That night at The Hangout (the bar), Mallory is making drinks for customers, while a woman sings on a stage for the customers to sit and watch her; Mallory has a woman come up to him, asking if he was available, but Mallory turns her down, stating he already had a girlfriend; the woman lowers her face, then looks back at him, telling him it was groovy and would try later, but would take a beer with a lemon twist. After giving the woman the drink, Maggie, with a few other people, figuring they were from the construction site; Maggie heads to the bar, telling Mallory she needed a pitcher of beer and mugs, for all her new friends. Mallory asks who the man she was talking to, and she states it was Servaas Daggett, her boss, then she asks if he was jealous of her; Mallory states he wasn't and gives her a tray with the pitcher and mugs, with her returning to the others at the table. Mallory watches Maggie and Mr. Daggett talk closely to each other and laughing; Mallory can't stand it, and slams a cup on the counter; Mallory heads to the woman he spoke to earlier, telling her he would be off at eleven. The woman smiles, stating he will have a good time at the party, and to also mention her name is Laurel. Quinn and Wade enter the bar, heading to the counter, asking to speak to Mallory in a quieter place; Mallory asks his boss for a break and they head into a backroom. Wade states she found 100,000 dollars this morning, leading for everyone to quit their jobs; Mallory thinks its great, but would like to keep working until the slide. Quinn states they would be taking Colin to a doctor the next day. Mallory states Maggie is in the bar, pointing her out, so the 2 tell Mallory they would see him later, taking off and speaking to Maggie, telling her of the good news. After work, Mallory meets Laurel by a stop light, on a motorcycle wiating for him; they take off, heading to an abandoned cereal factory, with several people inside, smoking pot and drinking beer. There were people who were dancing in odd ways, but Mallory thought this place was interesting, leading Laurel to take him to introduce him to her friends Sko and Lev, who were smoking pot. Laurel takes a few hits off a cigarette, then offers it to Mallory, who declines, but the 3 put pressure on him to try it, so Mallory gives in, smoking the cigarette, and starts enjoying it. By the following morning, Quinn, Wade and Colin are at a doctor's office down the street from the hotel. With paying $1350 for Colin's checkup, he immediately got in to be tested for certain problems he may be having. Dr. Elton Creek exited Colin's room, with him returning minutes later, to talk to him of his cancer, which Colin already knew about. Dr. Creek states that his faintness earlier the day before, might have had something to do with his cancer, sicne he might of gotten tired. Colin agrees, stating he doesn't really understand his illness, and that tiredness may be a symptom. Dr. Creek goes on to consider there may be treatments he hasn't looked into yet, and would like to see if his cancer can be cured, so Colin could be healthy again. Colin states he doesn't want to be hooked up in a hospital to equipment for the remaining time he has, or is forced into clinics every other day, and would like to live free in the world. Dr. Creek looks angry, but accepts Colin's decision, with returning his clothes to him, and staets to have a nice day. Before the noon hour, Wade had gotten dressed for her shift, when meeting up with her boss, who asks her to step into his office and states to have a seat. Wade gets nervous and confused of this meeting; the man turns on a television, showing a camera with revealing Wade's hands, and stealing the bill fold, then the scene shifts to the hallway, when the man asks if she had seen a bill fold in the room she just cleaned, and Wade lied. Wade explains she lied, but had a better cause for the use of the money, which was to save a friends life. The man tells Wade she was fired and that she and her friends couldn't stay at the hotel no longer, and she was to hand the remaining money over to him, then states to leave her uniform in her room to be picked up; Wade gets up, slams the door on her way out. With returning to the room, she reveals to Quinn and Colin that they had to leave. Quinn finds it odd Mallory never showed up, but figures he got lucky with a lady. Colin suggests going to another hotel, but Wade suggests they go to a homeless shelter which is free of charge; the 3 agree, taking off from the Chancellor Hotel, to tell Maggie of their new situation. At the construction site, Mr. Daggett enters the trailer to find Maggie at the copier, with her noticing he was in the trailer. Maggie asks what he needed, leading Mr. Daggett to closen in by Maggie, stating he has feelings for her; Maggie turns around, to state she wasn't interested. Mr. Daggett grabs her arms, stating they would need to sleep together if its worth it for her to continue working at the site. Maggie shoves him back, then kicking him in his crotch, with him falling to the floor in pain. Maggie grabs a metal box by the copier, opens it, and takes $200 out of it, stating this was her pay, and she was calling it quits. Mr. Daggett yells out she was already fired, as Maggie exits the trailer. Maggie finds Quinn, Colin and Wade exiting a taxi, and telling them to get back in, since she just quit her job; the 3 look surprised, but get back in the taxi, and it takes off seconds later. With reentering the city, they pass several buildings, and Colin soon notices Mallory walking down the sidewalk, so they exit the taxi, and Wade pays him. The 4 catch up to Mallory, who soon enters an alley and he takes a seat by a dumpster, and they notice him smoking pot; Maggie asks what his problem wa for not showing up at the hotel; Mallory states he got involved with new friends, and has decided to start smoking pot, since he enjoyed it. The group look at him with upset expressions, but don't care. Quinn states they were kicked out of the Chancellor hotel, and would be at the homeless shelter down on Chaney street; Mallory agrees to meet the others there later, and just takes hits off his pot, with saying nothing more. The sliders all change direction to exit the alley, and heading to the shelter. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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