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Episode U-701: A Conflicting War

Logline: When landing on an earth where the Irish control the country, and India wants parts of it, the sliders must survive while meeting a group of doubles with different standards.Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, and Alicia Witt Guest Stars: Jason Gaffney as Bennish, John Rhys-Davies as Arturo, Tembi Locke as Diana Davis, Akshaye Khanna as Shameed, Colm Meaney as Leo, Kari Matchett as Sarah, Gabriel Byrne as Charley, and Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory Synopsis: Inside a building, where outside, a sign that reads "Duke's Dog Service", is hung on the building. Colin is laying on a couch, stating he's been traveling for a few months and can't seem to find home. A voice asks Colin if he feels that going home is his true fate, but Colin states that home is where everyone wants to go; Colin feels this therapy session of getting home was no where. Colin gets up, to reveal he was talking to a German Shepard sitting in a chair, wearing glasses; the psychiatrist dog tells Colin he can pay at the desk. Outside, the others are waiting for Colin to exit which he does seconds later, then they start walking behind an abandoned building. Wade asks Colin how it went, talking to the psychiatrist and Colin states it really didn't help, but he was now broke. Maggie is still surprised of the fact that on this earth, animals can talk, since even the clerk at the hotel was a zebra, who had poor manners. Quinn states Remmy would of loved this place, but itwas now time to move on; Quinn opens the red gateway, with the group entering one by one. On the following earth, the sliders exit out into a park, but soon see a missle land a few feet away, the whole group quickly get up, only to be knocked off their feet and thrown into the air 10 feet. The group look up into the skies to notice air combat, and soon realize the city was under attack. With running around the area, they figure it might be a good idea to possibly find the Chandler Hotel, but seconds after spotting the building, an airliner crash lands into it, leading the group to find cover else where. Mallory spots a subway station, so the group head down the stairs, to find several people standing around. Colin walks up to a man, asking if the subway would be showing any second, but the man states in an Irish accent that it doesn't work ever since India destroyed it, while it was in sight, and stating people hide here for the obvious reason. The group find a spot that isn't crowded and sit on the edge of the track, with their legs dangling down. Quinn, who is seated in the middle, pulls out the timer, stating they slide in 32 hours. After a few hours, the skies seem quiet, and the people, along with the sliders in the subway station, exit, to find destruction everywhere, and buildings down to nothing. A billboard selling whiskey, which "Kill The Irish" is spray painted on it, falls nearby, hitting a car and putting a dent in it. Wade figures it would be smart to just stay down in the subway station, until the slide. Quinn feels the group should find someplace else, so they start walking, when 2 men suddenly appear exiting a building, with machine guns, the sliders run, but Wade is taken hostage when a man appears out of no where by the sliders; Colin stays to help free Wade, but he too is attacked and knocked unconscious. Quinn, Maggie and Mallory watch from an alley way, along with a woman hiding behind a dumpster. Quinn states they'll have to figure out how to save them, without being captured, so they take off, with the woman joining them, and stating she can get them to safety. The woman, also with a Irish accent, gets the 3 into a shelter, telling them to wait in a line, to be helped. They enter a line of people, and shortly afterward, a woman gives them all clipboards with a form to fill out. Maggie overlooks the questions, and finds them outlandish, then telling the others this would be a problem filling out, with pointing out they need to include their blood type, social status, and when was the last time you lived in a house/apartment. The sliders did their best to fit into this earth, by giving a few lying details on the forms. A Chinese woman comes up to the group, stating they would be taken to their room, down below to the 3rd floor, and when the elevator doors open, the woman gave them a key to the room, and tells them to get off. In an abandoned building, the men with guns, along with the sliders handcuffed and Colin now conscious, are put in a cage with 3 others, 2 men and a woman. Wade tells Colin they were now prisoners of the Indians, showing him the flag of India, but Colin wonders why they didn't have paint on their faces or mohawks; Wade states that people from India were also called Indians. A woman with an Irish accent shows up at the cage, opening it, and putting yellow ribbons on their arms, and telling Wade and Colin they won't have to wait long, before their going to be transported to Hawaia; Wade is confused, but the woman points to a large map on the wall, stating it was the tiny island off the California coast line. Wade states the island was Hawaii; the woman reassures her it was Hawaia, then exiting out of sight. One of the men behind the 2, comes up to them, asking what their names were; Wade and Colin make introductions, and the man introduces himself as Leo O'Neil; he points out the woman and man, who then come forward, stating they were Sarah O'Reilly, and Bill Matteson. Wade asks what was going on here, but the 3 were confused, so Colin lies, stating they've been living in Japan, without contact. Leo looks to him strangely, asking how they returned to the Irish Republic without getting news bulletins. Wade states they were out at sea, and just showed back up to California with this surprise. Leo, now realizing they were illegal immigrants, coming to this country, from Australia; Wade agrees, apologizing for their lies, but wanted to know more. Leo continues talking that India has been at war with them for 54 years, since they've disliked them ever since the Republic took on a religion they didn't like, which happened to be Muslim, and when realizing weaknesses throughout the military, they invaded within a matter of weeks. Shortly after, the Republic had gotten involved with a conflicting international war. Colin is surprised that a country disliking another would attack just because of the religion they take on; Leo states its happened before, back in 1933 when Germany attacked France for taking on the Roman-Greek Catholic Church religion and speaking lies to people around the world that the sun would disappear in a few years, leading to the end of everyone. Wade doesn't really care, just afraid for her life, so she asks when the Irish Republic had taken control of the continent, leading to Leo to tell them, Ireland has controlled this continent since the late 1700s, and their founding fathers won their independence in 1776 with writing up the Independent Nation Document, and it was safe to live here, until 1946. Back in the shelter, the sliders enter their room, with little lighting, and bunk beds, with dust all over. Mallory comments about where the maid was at, then Maggie figures they'd die before seeing outside again. Quinn hears a loud voice next door, figuring their neighbors wouldn't let them sleep that night. Mallory listens, to consider the voice of Max Arturo; Quinn and Maggie hear the voice themselves, deciding to head over to make contact. When knocking on the door, a woman answers it, revealing herself as Diana Davis; which makes the 3 nervous. She asks if they could help them, and Quinn states he heard a familiar voice, forcing their entery, the 3 sliders notice Arturo in a chair by a desk, Colin (who wears a mohawk) and Bennish (with short read hair) sitting on the bunk beds. Quinn apologizes, but wants to know if they were travelers from different earths. Diana shuts the door, and Bennish asks how they knew about it. Maggie pulls the timer out of Quinn's back pocket, showing it to him, with Bennish commenting how groovy it looked, then Mallory states it was built by Bennish's double. Arturo tells the 3 they were, and surprised to see another group. Quinn asks how long they had been here, and Colin jumps off the top bunk, talking in a new yorker type accent, they slide in 7 hours, after a 10 day stay here. Mallory asks if they've been in here the entire 10 days, and Diana's double states they did, since its their job to do so. Mallory asks her to explain; Diana states she had joined the group's second year, after their friend Wade Welles died of a bullet wound when getting involved with the locals in a lottery, so they created a prime directive to no longer involve themselves with the locals, as in this situation, to just stay out of the war. Quinn finds it odd, believing each earth may have flaws that can be fixed, and they should involve themselves. Bennish's double tells Quinn, he would be crazy to help people, when life on a particular earth turneed out different than their own version, so what would it matter. By nightfall, Wade, Colin, Leo, Sarah, and Charley were ready to be loaded on a large ship at the marina. Wade asks what was going to be done with them in Hawaia, and Leo tells her they will become slaves and work in the fields. A man walks by them, and Wade yells out to him, that she needed to speak to the leader. The man stops, goes to the cage, stating it was impossible to see Shameed at any time. Wade tells the man to tell his leader, she is willing to do whatever it takes to free herself; the man gets interested and disappears. Colin looks at Wade confused, then Wade tells him it was her plan to escape. Shortly after, Wade is taken out of her cage and taken aboard the ship, where she enters a room, to find Shameed sitting in a chair with a candle lit by him on a table. Wade is offered to take a seat, and she does. Shameed tells Wade he is willing to make her an offer which would be to kill the leader of the North American continent who happens to be in Hawaia at this time and then she could go; Wade asks for her friends freedom also, and the man agrees. At the shelter, Maggie, Quinn and Mallory have returned to their room, with them sitting around, figuring what to do. Quinn is still upset, about the other group doing nothing to help worlds when in need. Maggie tells Quinn that every group is different and shouldn't base them by their standards, since in some ways, she would like to live their lifestyle, since almost every other slide, they risk certain death. Quinn comments that he is more shocked that doubles of Bennish and Arturo created sliding, instead of his double. Mallory tells the 2 they need to get back on the subject at hand and thinks that if they could locate Colin and Wade, and maybe even try to locate a contact nearby to give them guns. Quinn asks how they would do that, with this shelter likely being their survival and they could be shot when exiting outside, but agrees to go, so the 3 take off, returning outside, with little light to see streets. Mallory returns inside, to find a stranger, asking about where he could find guns. but the stranger didn't know a thing; Mallory then asks what happened to prisoners by the enemy and the stranger states they were taken to Hawaia to become slaves. Mallory is confused, asking where was Hawaia, so the stranger heads to a brochure racket, taking a brochure of Hawaia and giving it to Mallory. He joins the 2 still outside, with stating Wade and Colin are probably gone to a place called Hawaia, giving Quinn the brochure, and him looking over it. Quinn figures it would have to be this world's Hawaii; Quinn decides they should visit the local boat shop and steal one to take off. By the following day, Quinn, Maggie and Mallory were in a pontoon boat, speeding to the island, but are still far away. Wade and the others are let out of the cage, being led to a room on the ship. Shameed meets them, and stating that as soon as Wade kills Leader O'Fally, she will return and they can go free. Wade is given a gun and she quickly loads it with a bullet that wouldn't miss the target. Colin stops Wade, asking if she would really kill the man, Wade smiles at Colin, and exits the room, with 2 armed men, followed by Shameed. On the boat, Quinn is driving, then pointing out that they were near the island. Maggie is glad this boat has survived all this way, even after stealing it, and the engine nearly dying out. Mallory states this would be better if they had weapons with them; Quinn tells him if they can get in and out without no trouble, they should survive this place. Maggie pulls the timer out of her jacket, showing it to Quinn, with it reading 2 hours 25 minutes. Outside a resort, the group show up to the doors, only to be stopped by secret service agents, and asking for identification; Shameed has no time, so the armed men fire at the 3 agents, killing them instantely. Wade enters the resort with the armed men, and Shameed heads to the front desk, asking to see O'Fally, but the receptionist is reluctant to help, so Wade heads to her, pointing a gun at her face, asking again, politely, so the woman states the leader was in room 40 on the 3rd floor. People are scared and down on the floor as the group head to the elevator and soon entering on to it; the receptionist pushes a red button under the desk, sounding an alarm. The group get off the floor, to realize they were caught up to, so Shameed tells them to hurry up, so the armed men break down the door and killing the guards, as Wade fires a shot, with taking O'Fally from a blow to the head. Shameed takes Wade and kisses her, telling her, she would be a great asset to his team, but Wade stares at him, says nothing, drops the gun, exiting the room. The pontoon is docked in shady spot, with barely anyone to sight them, leading for the 3 sliders to go in search of their friends. When exiting the wooded area, to see several large vessels, they are unsure of what to do, then suddenly, Mallory notices Wade with men, and he points her out, so they take off and jog to meet her, along with Quinn yelling out her name. With approaching the group, the armed men point their guns at the 3, but Wade stops them from firing, stating they were friends. Shameed walks up to Quinn, telling of Wade's adventure and her help to take over the Irish Republic. Colin and the others arrive, walking down a platform to meet up. Colin and Quinn hug, with Shameed stepping aside with Wade, asking of her answer to stay and fight; Wade tells him no, then starts to tear up, turns around, walking away to join the other sliders. Leo, Sarah and Charley are upset that Wade saved their lives, and can't understand why she killed their leader, since he was their only hope for peace. Wade states she really had no other option, but Sarah states that she could of died for their country, even though she didn't belong there in the first place; Wade yells back at the 3, stating it was either Shameed or her. Colin watches Wade walk away, with him catching up to her, and stopping her by a tree. Wade states those other prisoners should of been given a chance to live, without a war to deal with, and she took that away from them, too easily. Unfortunately, for some reason, she had an impulse to really enjoy killing O'Fally, since this other Wade inside her, has that fear of death, and could easily snap, if she was near death, doing anything she could to survive, even doing wrong, to keep her survival going. Colin states it was likely Shameed would of killed them if they didn't do his work, but Wade can't stand this lecture, with feeling guilt, and returning by Quinn, telling him, she was ready to go. Mallory, Maggie and Wade take off for the boat, leaving Quinn and Colin with the 3 other survivors. Leo asks to return home, but would prefer not to ride with Wade in a boat; Quinn tells them he only has the one boat; Charley states every type of boat has a life raft on the boat, or it would be illegal to be in the waters; Quinn agrees to their terms, making Wade get in the raft, tied with rope to the side of the boat, which is extended 20 feet away, then the pontoon takes off. Executive Producers: Jerry O'Connell Bill Dial
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