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Episode U-624: An Ending Without A Conclusion

Logline: With returning to the Seer world, the sliders are put on trial for the Seer's death, and Claire LeBeau plans a very public execution.Guest Stars: Jerry O'Connell as Quinn Mallory, Tembi Locke as Diana Davis, Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory, John Rhys-Davies as Professor Max Arturo, Jennifer Hetricks as Claire LeBeau, David Chokachi as Nick Driskill, Claire Forlani as Allison Kendall, Linda Henning as Mrs. Mallory, Una Damon as Mary, Nicholas Lea as Ryan, and Jason Gaffney as Conrad Bennish Synopsis: With the opening of the vortex inside Claire LeBeau's house, the sliders are forced on their knees, in front of Claire and Diana. Claire tells the sliders they now can be tried for the death of her father. Quinn states that no one did anything to kill the Seer, since he had a heart attack. Claire states that with the sliders originally sliding here, it led her father to over excite himself, with them trying to leave, and it led to his death. Claire continues that they will remain in prison cells, until the trial, which would be that night. The body guards force the sliders up, and taken outside to be put in a Seer Company Loading truck, and taken back to the prison cells in the clock store, that Remmy originally found the others when getting back here months before. Mallory, Maggie and Colin were put in a separate cell, in another room, while Wade, Quinn and Remmy were put in a cell, along with someone in there, sleeping. After slamming the cell door, the guards leave, with Quinn yellling at them, about Claire wouldn't get away with this and he would kill her, when he gets free. The figure soon awakens, and when the 3 see who it is, they are shocked. Professor Arturo steps up to Quinn, telling him its been awhile to see each other, but he was the real one. Quinn is surprised to see his Arturo alive, and so the 2 have a happy reunion. Remmy introduces Arturo to Wade's double and explains about Wade sharing a mind with the double; Arturo feels that its nice that Wade was with them in a way, even if it had to be a double. Wade states that since she and their friend share one mind, their Wade can hear all they say, but its hard for her to be emotional or act upon feelings. Quinn asks Arturo how he got here, and he tells the 3 to sit, since it would be a long story. Arturo reminds the group of landing on a world they thought was home, about 4 years ago, and later found out the Golden Gate Bridge was blue, so they had to deal with a double of him, and he was the one that slid with them. Remmy is surprised of this, since he felt they had the right Arturo with them, and he acted the same until he was killed by a maniac named Rickman. Arturo continues that he spent 2 years on that world, with trying to recreate a timer to slide, until Quinn's double showed back up with the doubles of Remmy, Wade and a man named Ryan. Arturo had talked with the group, about letting them give him the timer to slide on, to find the others and home. Alternate Quinn was nice enough, but not before a press conference to happen, then after a month, Arturo states he was able to leave, but had the take Ryan with him. The 2 traveled until landing here 2 months before the sliders group showed up, and he, along with Ryan were put in the same prison cell, until Claire forced the 2 to give her sliding tech, but with not helping, she shoved Ryan off a building, or so he was told, and then he got put in a prison cell on Alcatraz until 3 weeks ago, when he returned here, and now it was the present time. Quinn tells Arturo of what had happened after leaving azure gate world, and all the additions to the group. Arturo states he did meet Diana Davis, who was aggressive and evil toward him. A few hours later, Claire shows up with a judge's robe on and a gavel in hand, along with Diana in a deputy uniform, bring Maggie, Colin and Mallory into the cell area with the others. Quinn asks Claire what was happening, and Claire states she was giving the sliders a fair trial, since it would be rude not to. Claire pounds the gavel on the cell bars, telling the group that court was now in session. Diana opens the cell, pushing the other 3 in with the 4 already inside. Claire tells the group of what they did, and how mean it was that they wanted to leave this earth a year ago, and how crazy they were for not living in a peaceful world, where everyone loved the sliding group. Claire calls Diana by her, stating Diana was a witness. Diana states the group were evil, and they did everything they could to get home, even with killing kromaggs, who were just trying to survive in worlds, since they were tossed out of their homeworld. Maggie yells at Diana, that the kromaggs hated humans, and wanted them dead. Claire stops Maggie from yelling, telling her, she was out of line. Claire agagin hits the gavel against the cell bars, stating she would now say her sentence for the group. Claire states that the group is to be killed by firing squad on television the following eveninga after the series finale of The Sliders, but would be nice to buy them new clothes, specifically striped prison uniforms. Claire says the trial was over, and would see them later. Diana follows Claire, as she exits, slamming the door, and the sliders realizing nothing could be done, and they would die the following day. By midnight, at the prison for the sliders, the guards dropped off clothes with Diana, then exit the abandoned store. A figure is watching the guards and Diana get into a minivan, with it pulling away. The group are all laying on the floor, with pillows given to them, and lay there, thinking it was over. Arturo starts talking to Quinn, telling him it will be nice to at least not die alone, since this entire group went through a lot, and still wouldn't gain a victory over Claire. A few seconds later, they hear a noise, and its the door opening, with the figure entering, he turns on the lights, to reveal it was Ryan. The group get up, Arturo tells Ryan he is glad to see him alive, then tells him he will have to find a way to get them out, since the only key to exist for this lock, was in the hands of Diana. Ryan informs the group not to worry, since he stole a few tools, to break them out. Ryan starts picking the lock, and within a minute, he gets the door open. Quinn thanks Ryan, and tells the group they need to retrieve their timer and get out of the territory quickly. Arturo states it going to be hard to enter Claire's house, since people are aware of them. Mallory figures a plan, and explains it to the group, to kidnap Diana, since she would have a timer, and there may be a chance to reverse her brainwashing. With the overnight hours moving slowly, the group remained in hiding, while walking the streets, not to be noticed by pedestrians or drivers, especially the police. At Claire's house, Diana is getting into bed, with Claire entering, with a tray of tea. She pours Diana a cup, as she gets in bed. Claire tells Diana that she did a good with capturing the sliders, and there would be many more things to come for the future of Slideology, by making Diana the leader of the new religion and forcing people to join it would be exciting to easily collect more money. After a few minutes, Claire covers Diana with the blanket, and Diana closes her eyes, and Claire placing head phones over Diana's ears, and playing a tape. After exiting the room, and shutting off the light, Mallory is seen in a window, near Diana's bed, he manages to break in, with the helping of Ryan's tools. The group enters, and turning on a lamp, and Maggie notices Diana is listening to something, so she takes the head phones off, to hear "The sliders are evil and dangerous to be around, destroy them before its too late" with Claire's voice repeatedly. Quinn places duct tape over Diana's mouth as she awakens, but the group manage to keep Diana from struggling, with exiting out the window, and Remmy and Wade looking for her timer, which was located in a drawer, then turned off the lamp, quickly exiting the house, to join the others. Claire, who is sitting on a chair by the fire place and reading a magazine, she looks up, to believe she heard something, so she quickly rushes to Diana's room, to open it and find her missing, with the window open. Claire yells out "Sliders!" then rushes to the front door, to push a button, that would activate the alarm and shutting the main gate quickly. The sliders realize their problem of escaping may end sooner than they think, but easily make it out, with Claire watching and getting pissed off, with pushing a small statue of her father on the floor. With setting up residence in an abandoned clock tower, and Diana tied to a chair, the group needed to decide what to do. Arturo figures they should just go, and leave Diana on this world, since its likely her brainwashing was permenant and she wouldn't remember being a scientist. Quinn states there was another problem, since Diana's timer couldn't imprint parallel earth coordinates, no one would be getting home. Wade finds it suicide to return to Claire's to get their timer back, but if they went in with a full force, it could easily work; Mallory reminds her they were fresh out of weapons and people. Maggie and Ryan remain watching Diana, and Maggie decides to take the tape off Diana's mouth, to talk to her. Diana tells Maggie, she and the others were wasting time, and that Claire would have it her way soon. Maggie doesn't understand why she had to be evil, and wanted to know if Diana had past memories of their journey. Diana states she remembers most of her memories of sliding, but knows enough to believe the sliders are evil. Maggie states Claire must of been using the tape recording of her voice to tell Diana of who was really good and bad, but figured a psychologist must of brainwashed her to the full extent. Diana states that Dr. John Brenner was the best psychologist to assist in treating her depression, and knows Dr. Brenner did nothing to cause her hate toward the group. Maggie states she didn't have depression when they were sliding together. Diana reminds Maggie that she had to keep a strong hold with the group, if they were to make things right, and didn't have time to show weakness. Ryan joins the other sliders with the timer, and the group has now decided to just go sliding, to find home and possibly locate a new timer along the way. Ryan figures it was a bad idea, since Claire might of brainwashed many people and they could be chased after. Colin suggests using Diana as a pawn to get the timer back, and thinks of destroying Diana's timer, so Claire wouldn't be able to follow, since Claire, likely doesn't have sliding technology or more than one timer. Arturo considers it an option, but feels they should just go, while they have the chance, since if they got a new timer, Claire and her forces couldn't go after them, with no trace to track them with another timer. Ryan unzips his jacket, pulling out a gun, telling the group it was too late, and then taking the timer out of Quinn's hand, nad takes the device used to track home coordinates. Ryan calls Claire on his cell phone, telling of their location. The sliders decide to quickly exit the tower, with Ryan stating it would be too easy to be caught. Ryan unties Diana, returning her timer to her, and going after the group. Within seconds, the group is surrounded by police forces, and Claire soon arrives to greet the sliders, telling them Ryan was part of the whole plan of escaping. Ryan and Diana show up, with joining up with Claire, and returning to her cadillac to exit the scene, and the sliders being escorted to a prison truck, where they were handcuffed, and taken to a nearby prison. By the following afternoon, Claire had prepared for the execution with checking out the stage, the group would be killed on, while Diana and Ryan were resting and listening to commands from Claire on tape. At the prison, the sliders had changed into their striped uniforms, sitting in a closed off room with a 1 inch window for air. Maggie is upset for not realizing Ryan was likely to be under control of Claire, but Quinn tells her to not over react, knowing they all thought he was a friend, with getting them out of there. Mallory feels they should of just left, with a better on another earth. Arturo tells the group, that he hopes someday, someone will destroy Claire and everything will be found out about her devilish deeds. In an alley nearby, a red vortex opens, tossing out 3 figures, who are revealed as Bennish, Allison and Nick. Bennish states he can detect the sliders were on world, so they should spread out and locate them. The 3 go in different directions with Nick stating to meet back at the Chandler Hotel in an hour, and the others agree to it. Diana and Ryan are given orders from Claire bac at her house, stating if anyone tried to free the sliders, to shoot them on sight, since the sliders were going to get what they deserve. Diana questions Claire, asking if the sliders actually killed her father, and Claire looks at Diana in a concerned way, wondering if the sliders told her something, of what was the real situation, which was Claire's reputation. Claire reminds Diana that the sliders did kill her father, by wanting to leave this world, for their own reasons. Diana states she was with the group, since she can remember clearly now, but not all the details of what was going on. Claire tells Diana to forget it, and to get ready to show up at her post to watch for people getting out of hand. Claire exits the room, leaving Diana and Ryan alone, but Diana asks Ryan if he knew why he was doing this job for Claire, and Ryan states, he was going to get revenge for the sliders that imperiled his life throughout the multiverse. Ryan reminds Diana to not forget losing Dr. Geiger when the sliders forced him to commit suicide, but then Diana ask who Dr. Geiger was. As the sun began setting, news vans showed up, with many citizens lining up to see the action. Nick, Allison and Bennish are nearby, considering to make a quick action, to save the sliders. Allison knows Claire wouldn't give up so easily and would kill all that oppose her. Nick stops the 2, telling them they should take a visit to the gun shop across the street. When approaching the door, it was locked and a sign stating the store was closed, so Nick decides to enter the back way, by smashing a window, leading for the 3 to enter, and quickly grab enough weapons to keep people back, including a cannon. The sliders are taken out of the room, and led to a van, where they piled in. Quinn and Wade sit together, and soon hold each other's hand, then Quinn tells Wade, that if she could hear him, he wanted her to know he loved her, and will always love her for eternity. When arriving through the gates, the van heads near the platform, and the sliders each are taken out, and their arms tied in back of them to a post, which were 10 feet apart. Bennish and Allison enter through the pedestrian entrance, with Nick nearby on a hill, ready to fire the cannon. Bennish tells Allison they slide in 25 minutes, just giving them 3 minutes to free the group, and disappear, before anyone can catch them. Claire arrives in a limp, along with Diana and Ryan, one at each of her sides, both holding rifles, then they arrive on a balcony 15 feet from the ground, where Clair meets with someone, then is given a bag of popcorn, and some pop, then refuses to share with the 2, as they sit down, watching below, as the sliders struggle. Mallory and Remmy look up at the 3 , and Diana can see the hurt in their eyes, but she remains strong, looking another way, not caring. Bennish and Allison notice Claire on the balcony, and they create a plan, to make sure Claire or the others couldn't exit the balcony, so they move on, to locate a 2x4 to place through the door handles, and manage to make it back to their area, without anyone noticing. With it now dark, and spotlights on the sliders, the crowd had arrived, and it was time for the execution to proceed. A spotlight shines on the balcony, where Claire steps forward near the edge, to speak to the public, telling them it was time to kill those who murdered her father, then a fictitious replay of the crime is shown on wide screen, where the sliders, Remmy, Maggie and Mallory kick the Seer many times, then Maggie shoots 5 bullets into his head and the scene ends. Claire yells out to the firing squad to hurry up with the executions. 7 men line up in front of each of the sliders, with a main officer giving orders, but chaos starts, when Bennish and Allison start firing at the officers, who return firing, hitting citizens, who can't be seen. Nick lights up the cannon and 5 cannon balls damage the platform, causing the officers to fall to the ground, and the sliders to come down, still tied to the posts. Claire quickly wants to exit, but the door is locked, so Diana adn Ryan quickly knock the door down, and move to kill Bennish and Allison, who are untying the group, who are relieved to be helped. The group of 9 head out a nearby fence, already cut for their exit, to join up with Nick. Diana and Ryan soon follow, firing their weapons, and nearly hitting the group every time, but miss. Claire quickly gets in a car, and takes off squealing the car's wheels to catch up to the group for the chase, with her own gun to fire at them as well. Allison and Nick fire back, but Ryan and Diana move too quickly to be hit. Finally when losing the enemy, they enter an alley, with a dead end, the timer reads 45 seconds, giving hope to the group. Quinn thanks Bennish for showing up when he did, or they would of been goners. Allison states that she figured Claire wouldn't give up so easily, so when Bennish showed up a week after Remmy, Maggie and Mallory left, Bennish decided to catch up to the group, using a tracking device to assist, in case of this situation. With 10 seconds to go, Ryan, Diana and Claire show up, pointing guns at them, and Claire tells them it was all over now. Nick opens the portal, but Diana states if anyone enters, the rest would be dead. Quinn tells the group to go, and they seem to slide out without problems, as Quinn remains behind; Quinn tells Claire that she doesn't have control over them, and that she could now, no longer hold them hostage. Ryan fires his gun, hitting Quinn in the chest, and he falls into the vortex, with it closing after his entrance. Claires yells at Diana for not firing her weapon, Diana states she couldn't concentrate for some reason, and not able to aim her weapon at the group, then Ryan asks if they should follow, but Claire refuses, stating, since the sliders defeated her, she now needed to move into stage 4 of her plan, killing the group without hesitation. The vortex opens in the Mallory's basement, dropping the group out, but when Quinn finally arrives, he is bleeding to death. Maggie and Remmy carry him up the stairs, with him being rushed to the hospital, minutes later. A few hours had past, and the group was at the hospital, with Mary comforting Mrs. Mallory, telling her Quinn was a fighter and he would survive. Maggie and Mallory return with coffee, and taking seats by Remmy and Wade. A doctor enters the waiting room, asking for Mrs. Mallory to come with him. The 2 head into a room, with Quinn unconscious, and hooked up to machines. The doctor states Quinn was lucky that they had a heart sent here for another patient, but he needed more, so he survived being shot, and now he was in recovery, and would be released into his care soon. Mrs. Mallory thanks the doctor, with her returning to the group, giving them the good news. Wade asks if they could see him, and Mrs. Mallory takes the whole group back to see Quinn. Note: Sliders new season will now air on this day in the fall, with USA picking the show back up for a 7th season. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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