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Episode U-622: Three Minds Are A Crowd

Logline: With Logan St. Clair returning to the sliders, she takes on an old evil as an ally, and uses Mallory for an experiment that will change them both forever.Guest Stars: Jerry O'Connell as Quinn Mallory, Zoe McLellan as Logan St. Clair, and Jeffery Dean Morgan as Sid Synopsis: An orangish-red vortex opens up, tossing out a figure, then it closes. A woman gets up, looking over a device, its revealed to be Logan St. Clair; she tells herself she has 33 hours here, and just enough time to do damage to a city, but then Logan smiles about it, and starts walking on, exiting the wooded area. With entering San Francisco by taxi, Logan exits out at the Dominion Hotel, where she gets a room. Logan bumps into a man that is occupying the room next door, and is all to familiar with Logan; the man smooth talks Logan into getting a drink, and she soon calls the man Sid, reminding him of how great he is, in bed. A few blocks from the hotel, in a carpet store, another vortex opens, tossing the sliders out, knocking over stacked rugs and freaking people out. The sliders quickly exit the store, trying to find a place hide, from angry customers yelling at them. Wade tells the others that one of these days, they won't be so lucky with freaking people out. Mallory finds it odd that they aren't in Los Angeles, but Remmy and Wade are all to familiar with the territory, so he and Wade tell Maggie and Mallory of a great place to stay, which is the Dominion Hotel. After being setup with a room, they head to the bar, and shortly after entering, the group is shocked to see a wedding party take place, so they exit the bar, and head to their room. Wade finds it odd that weddings usually don't happen in a place like this, but hopes it ends soon, since she needed something to ale her sadness of missing her boyfriend she had on the previous world. Maggie states that the man, named Chris, got what he deserved, for going to prison, and them nearly being forced as witnesses to another murder to a court trial they should of gotten involved with in the first place. Wade feels they should of taken Chris with them, sine he really was a kind person. Mallory reminds her that Chris threw him up against the wall in the hotel room, and almost about to slit his throat. Wade agrees it was wrong to do it, but she feels he was protecting her. Remmy figures this other Wade was talking, since he knew his Wade wasn't into killer type guys. Later that night, Mallory heads to the ice machine with a bucket, then is bumped into by Logan, where both look at each other. Mallory starts to race back to the room, but Logan stops him with a gun, telling him to move. Mallory enters Logan's room, with plenty of equipment to do a large experiment. Mallory jokinly asks if she stole it from the nearest Slider K-Mart. Logan tells Mallory to relax, with putting the gun away, and let her explain, before returning to his room. Mallory finds this conversation worthless, but willing to stay, so his head wouldn't be blown off; Mallory sits on the edge of a bed. Sid enters, lighting a cigarette, asking Logan if this was the man she wanted for her experiment. Mallory gets up, knowing Logan planned this meeting on purpose, and knew she was still evil as before. Logan tells Mallory quickly, about wanting to help him unmeld himself from Quinn and locate Colin. Mallory looks to her, wondering if she was speaking the truth, then Sid tells Mallory, Logan was telling the truth, since she did an experiment that blended two people together, and able to take them apart. Mallory wants proof of this experiment, so Logan shows him a folder of what she did, and tells him she successfully unmelded the 2 people within 24 hours. Mallory hands the folder back, asking about him and Quinn being melded for nearly 2 years. Logan states that with knowing of this information the last encounter they had, she worked hard to figure things out, and knows a new experiment will work with saving 3 lives. Mallory asks if it doesn't work, what would happen. Logan states she is willing to stay with the group until her calculations were right. Mallory decides to go with the plan, but would need to speak to the others. Logan tells Mallory not to, since she knows the others wouldn't believe she could actually do this. Mallory asks when to meet, and Logan tells him she would be ready by tomorrow morning around 10 a.m., so Mallory agrees to show up, then heads for the door to exit. With Logan and Sid in the room, Sid looks to Logan, asking him if he will be able to get her home. Logan figures that Quinn must be in that body somewhere, and its likely with her mind in control of the other 2, it will be likely to figure an equation to slide home with Quinns help. Mallory returns to the room, with Maggie asking him what took him so long and where was the ice. Mallory tells her that he forgot it, with meeting a woman, and they chatted in the bar. Wade comments to Remmy and Maggie, wondering why men never think with their brian, but their enraged sex driven hormones instead. By the following morning, the sliders had headed back to their room, after just having breakfast, and the group deciding what to do, since they slide out later that night. Mallory tells the others he wanted to go out by himself, to think about a few things, but willing to meet the group back here later for dinner. Before Mallory starts to leave, Maggie stops him, she hugs him, then gives him a kiss, telling him to not take so long. Mallory tells Maggie not to worry, and he may bring her a surprise. Mallory soon leaves, and heads for Logan's hotel room, where he is met by Sid, who opened the door, half dressed, and Logan near the bathroom, buttoning up her shirt. Logan welcomes Mallory in, offering him coffee, but he declines, wanting to get things moving. Logan activates a few machines, and tells Mallory to get in a stasis field generator, where Logan traps him in, telling him, it was part of the experiment. Sid starts to exit, telling Logan he was going out to steal merchandise, and would be back later. Sid quickly loads his gun, and leaves the room. Logan activates a laser machine, pointed at Mallory, and it soon shoots into him, causing him less comfort. Logan watches over how the procedure was doing, and can see that her equation was right, and Quinn was separating from Mallory, but she had other plans. Logan makes an entrance, to enter the field, and when entering, she blended herself with the 2 Quinns, which caused a few machines to over load and the field around the generator to vanish. The figure that comes out, was still of Mallory, but Logan could feel her strength taking on the dominant mind. Logan's control, led Mallory to a chalkboard in the room, telling herself she can finally get home with figuring out how to build a machine that could scan her for her home coordinates, then she could easily unmeld herself, punch in the coordinates into her timer, and off she could go. After a few hours of working hard, and figuring out equations, Logan was able to get the device active, which was the size of a calculator. Logan shines a red light on Mallory's chest, where numbers light on an a panel located on top of the device. Logan jots down the coordinates, but then 2 more sets of numbers appear; Logan figures these could be the coordinates for Quinn and his double, Mallory, but was willing to jot them down as well, giving the sliders a chance too. Sid arrives back at the hotel around 5 p.m., with a bag of stolen merchandise, to find Logan and they talked in the bar. Sid tells Logan, he can't wait for her to be back to her normal self, and away from the sliders. Sid asks if she was actually going to keep her promise, to split all 3 of them and locate the other one lost. Logan tells Sid that she does have an equation that would help them locate their unstuck friend. But for the Mallory doubles, it may be hard than expected, since there was 3 bodies melded together this time. Sid tells Logan that the green beer she had looked nasty. Logan tells him it was actually green water, for some reason, probably due to the chemical waste placed in the water from the local nuclear power plant. As the sliders returned from their day of fun, a little while after Sid showed up, Sid quickly takes off, so not to be seen after Logan points them out when entering the hotel; the sliders meet up with Mallory's body, under Logan's control, telling him, they would be ready for dinner in an hour. Logan who speaks for Mallory, tells the 3, he would be up to the room shortly, after finishing the glass of water. With Wade, Maggie, and Remmy exiting the bar, Sid reappears, telling Logan he will be waiting in her room, and states he slides out in 3 hours. Mallory reappears back with the sliders, when Maggie comes up to him, and Logan feels like punching her, but resists, lets Maggie put her arms around Mallory, and asking him how his day was. Logan speaks up for Mallory, telling her, he really had time to think about things, and glad to get away from the group. Maggie retracts her arms, as logan joins up with Wade and Remmy, to speak to the group. Logan speaks up, telling of who it really was in control of the body and mind, along with Logan spilling everything of what was going on. Remmy is shocked to have learned that Logan had technology to do such an experiment, and upset that she used her friend for the experiment. Logan explains she needed the help to find home, and did exactly that, but the only problem, was she got 3 sets of coordinates, and was hoping she could get home, and give the sliders coordinates to Mallory's and Quinn's worlds, along with giving them an equation to find their unstuck friend. Remmy asks Logan, if she was still going to unmeld herself before leaving, and possibly unmelde Quinn from Mallory and Wade from her double. Logan states it was possible to do so, but the only problem is that only one of the sliders may be able to get unmelded, since a few of the machines in the room, fried while doing it the first time, but there was a chance that 5 people could survive this ordeal. Wade looks to Mallory, telling Logan that she is willing to pass on this chance, and find another way to split herself from her Wade double. Remmy agrees to the terms, thanking Logan for changing her attitude about getting revenge on Quinn. The group start to return to Logan's room with Remmy stopping Wade from leaving theirs, telling her he felt bad about this, and hopes Logan is wrong about to split both of them apart. Wade tells Remmy that she is glad that she has become close with the group, only after joining them 3 months prior, and willing to wait another few months to be one individual with one mind again. With entering the room, Sid is laying on a bed smoking pot, with a surprise to see the sliders and the same for Remmy and Wade to see an evil they met years back. Logan tells Sid she plans to separate her and the Quinns apart from each other, telling him they soon can slide out. Sid gets close to Wade, offering her pot, but Wade looks to him, asking him if he knew pot was bad for his health; Sid backs off, finding her answer offensive, then sitting back on the same bed he was laying on seconds earlier, and taking on more hits to get high. Logan activates the stasis field generator, and tells Maggie to flip a switch, when she was told. Wade and Remmy hold each others hand, as they watch on, hoping they get Quinn back. Logan enters the field, telling Maggie to flip the switch, with a red light coming on; the stasis field is flooded with gaseous fog, then a few sparks fly from a control panel. Sid pulls Maggie back, as the 4 get near the room's door, and they duck down, ready to cover from an explosion. The systems overload, and the stasis field is fluctuating. More sparks fly, and an explosion occurs, causing everything to go black in the room, and most of the hotel's electric wiring was fried, to scare people in their rooms, with the power out. After it was all over, Remmy picks himself up with sought on his face, but he wipes it off, and helps Wade up, along with Maggie in the same position, all covered in black sought. Sid turns on a flashlight, that he stole, to see Logan, and she is struggling to get up, due to a bed mattress on her. Remmy sees another figure in the dark, he heads over, and its Mallory, who hugs Remmy, glad to be back, but his head really hurt. Maggie and Wade quickly look around for Quinn, and luckily, he is under a console, unconscious. Maggie and Wade, along with Sid and Remmy, pick it up, with Remmy dragging him to an open space near a a wall. Sid shines the flashlight on him, and Remmy feels for a pulse, which was there. Remmy tries to wake Quinn, who groggily opens his eyes. Maggie bends down, shaking Quinn's face, who eventually widens his eyes. Remmy hugs Quinn, telling him, it was about time he showed back up; Quinn smiles, hugging Remmy and Maggie together. After a few minutes, the group head out of Logan's room with the scanning device to get the coordinates, and return to the sliders room, with more room to move around. Quinn finally meets Wade's double, and likes the idea that Wade was with him in a sense. Logan states that her device can get the group home, and gave the group information that led her to meld herself, giving Wade and her double a chance to be split, and getting each of them home. Logan also gives Quinn a sheet of her work, that could help with locating, which Logan later found out, his lost brother, Colin. Sid reminds Logan of unable to figure out which set of coordinates was hers, but Logan figures all she would have to do, was use the device again. Logan scans herself, and figures out the first set of coordinates was hers, so she pulls out her timer, reading 23 minutes, to punch in the coordinates. Logan shuts off the machine, and hands it to Quinn. Sid and Logan, finally decide to head out of the room before her slide and say goodbye to Sid. Remmy follows the 2 out of the room into the hallway, telling Logan, thanking her for doing this, and hope she can change her way of helping out her world, which has less resources. Logan tells Remmy it was the least she could do, after being shot by their friend Diana Davis, and Logan hopes the sliders can get after her, to be stopped. Later that night, with the group now having Quinn return, can now get things moving forward with life, and end this journey. Remmy opens the portal, the group quickly enter the vortex, to be deposited on the next earth. Back on Logan's earth, she is in a board meeting with several executives in her company, along with Sid sitting on the side smoking, and blowing smoke into the people's faces for fun. Logan talks about returning to her main goal to gain power in controlling parallel dimensions, of their natural resources. Logan thinks the sliders were foolish to let her go, but knows she may run into Quinn Mallory again, but she would be ready for him, to even kill him if necessary. Logan continues, stating that she wants this world the way it was meant to be, to give people all the things they want, to have a perfect life, and that no one will stop her, or this company in the process to get what will be theirs. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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