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Episode U-621: Time Travelers

As the countdown begins with 3 episodes after tonights episode of Sliders until the season finale. Logline: After the Sliders learn of time travel as a reality on a world, they must locate the inventor, and try to stop her from inventing the device, before the entire multiverse is destroyed. Directed By: Kari Wuhrer Guest Stars: Reba McEntire as Nikita Huygens, and Scott Jaeck as older Mallory Synopsis: Inside the portal, the group travel out of control, when suddenly, an explosion occurs, then a few more near the sliders happen. The vortex barely opens, as its shape is small as ever, (similar to the one Remmy slid through back on the seer world) tossing Remmy and Maggie out, then the portal closes. Remmy is shocked that Mallory or Wade didn't exit the portal, then Maggie thinks something happened again, like before, with losing Quinn and Colin. A vortex opens behinds them, another Remmy and Maggie slide out of it, with both groups looking at each other, then a portal opens in front of the 4, and they soon all enter it. The portal closes, then it reopens again, this time, tossing out Remmy, Maggie, Wade and Mallory and they all wonder what happened. Wade is relieved they made it, and figured something in the wormhole was screwing up. Mallory gives the timer to Remmy, reading 20 minutes, so with Mallory being hungry, the group head to a hotdog stand not far from their location. When arriving, the vendor accidently squirts mustard onto Mallory's leather jacket, the man gets nervous, then he takes a device out, pushes a few buttons, he phases in and out for a few seconds, and returns, with the mustard disappearing off of the jacket, and the sliders shocked of what just happened. The guy asks how he could help the group, and Mallory speaks for the others, when he orders them hotdogs and drinks. They head to a bench in a nearby park, with people around, and kids playing baseball. Mallory asks the others what might of just happened with the hotdog vendor, and Remmy suggests they must of landed on a world where people can fix their mistakes by time travel. Wade suggests anything was possible, and also considers this, clumsy world, if people screw up all the time. A kid hits the baseball, past the group, and it smashes a car window, with the driver inside, yelling for the damage. Then suddenly, the ball disappears from the car, and the window isn't smashed, but when the kid hits the ball again, it lands in the lake nearby. Maggie wonders why they aren't affected by this happening, but figures that the time travel can occur for the people here. As the timer got down to a minute, the group decide to head up a hill, out of sight, so no one would see them slide out. Remmy opens the gateway, Maggie is first in, followed by Wade, then himself, and finally Mallory. Again, inside the vortex, explosions occur, the wormhole constantely can't remain stable, then it opens galactisized in a desert, and the group exit, then the portal closes, which gives off enough wind, that knocked the group 30 feet. Remmy helps Maggie up, asking if she was okay, Maggie states she was in pain. Wade and Mallory feel the same, now wondering if their travels inside the wormhole would continue to occur dangerously. Maggie figures the timer may be screwing up again, as it did last year. Remmy reads the timer, with the vortex to open in 22 seconds. Mallory hopes he can get to an alternate world, without dying. Remmy soon after opens the portals, which looks normal, the group quickly enter, and the slide is normal, the vortex opens, on the same hill as before, the group quickly are shocked to see everything in the same place, figuring this was a different world than before. Remmy tells the group, they have 29 hours and 13 minutes to stay on this world. The group head to the Chandler, only its no where to be seen. Mallory see's anothe hotel, down from the sight that suppose to have the Chandler, which had the Royal Chancellor Hotel, so the group go there instead. As Maggie and Wade head to the desk to check in, the clerk drops a box of pens, spilling them out onto the floor. Wade tries to help, but he then phases out and quickly returns, with the box in hand, and putting it underneath the desk. The clerk asks what he could do for them, and they obviously needed a room. The group get a key to room 113, and Wade finds it interesting that the room number is the same number for the world they were held prisoner on, while being tortured by the kromaggs for the first time. Before entering the room, another person screws up, and again, phases out, and has fix their problem. Wade tells the group, this scene looked all to familiar, the hotdog vendor, the kid at the park, and then she saw the hotel clerk do the same thing, and obviously realizes, they've returned to the same earth. Mallory guesses that maybe what was happening in the vortex, was screwing up, due to this world and time. Maggie finds it hard to believe that time travel could exist, but again, this was a parallel world she was in, and knew anything was possible. With relaxing in the room, Wade decides to go for a walk by herself. With walking the streets, she started to see every few people phasing in and out. She stops a man on the sidewalk, asking why people were phasing in and out, the man didn't understand why she was asking that, but then asks Wade if she was from New York or Illinois, since those states had laws passed that time travel wasn't allowed there. Wade states she was visiting from a small town from Illinois, that area was all countryside, so she was new to the city scene. The man introduces himself as Bryan Keck, and wanted to show her what she needed to know. The 2 head to a store a few blocks away, Bryan unlocks the main entrance, and they enter. Bryan states this was his store, but he was closed today due to his Jewish background. Wade is given a device and pamphlet of how to work it, and is told it was a time travel machine, explaining that it allowed people to fix their mistakes. Wade finds it interesting, but has to listen as Bryan chatted about what stupid things he did, then go back, and make sure no one saw or affected by his actions. Wade asks the price, and Bryan offers it to her for $150. Wade pulls all her cash out, and see's that she has enough to spend, so she pays for it, and leaves as Bryan thanks her, exits and locks his store back up, then starts running backwards the opposite way Wade was headed. With returning to the hotel, Wade shows what she had bought, and even tries it out, when she kicks and breaks the glass screen on the television and sparks fly out. Mallory and Remmy whine of what Wade did, since they were watching a baseball game getting good. Wade activates the time device, pushes a few buttons, phases out, and soon after, the television had been restored, and the game showing, as if nothing happened. Remmy tells Wade that was interesting, and liked the idea of having the device to use on special occasions. Mallory takes a look at the device, then wants to borrow it. Mallory exits the room, with the 3 following him, Mallory goes up to a super model, spanks her butt, then kisses her. The model slaps Mallory, then hits him in the groin area, with exiting the area onto the elevator, with the door closing. Maggie heads to Mallory telling him he was a bit dumb, then Mallory does the same as Wade used the device, and he returns seconds before meeting the model, so this time, he grabs the model and kisses her, and she likes it, then she gives Mallory a business card, telling Mallory to call later. The model enters the elevator, and Mallory returns to the others, telling him he still has the touch. With returning to the room, Maggie asks Wade why she bought the time device, and Wade wanted to see what time travel was like. Remmy looks at the device, and considers the possibility that the machine and all the others were causing their slides to go askew. Wade thinks it might be, but if it wasn't, fractured time may be the cause of it, since time travel may have leading effects of fractured time, to screw with the multiverse. Wade then ponders about with Remmy and Maggie seeing themselves split in 2 earlier, which could be part of an effect of fractured time. Maggie suggests that the multiverse may start screwing up, and they could be worse off, with a destroyed timer, or even impossible to slide anymore. Mallory breaks into the conversation, and asks if they could just go back in time and prevent the inventor from creating all of the devices. Wade looks at the pamphlet, and it does state they can travel as far back as 100 years, but no further. Remmy feels that if time travel existed before 1900, they still would have a problem. Wade suggests they locate the inventor now, since there was a phone number and address to the company. Wade calls the number, and asks to speak to Nikita Huygens. The man on the phone states Nikita Huygens died 3 years ago, but was willing to answer her question; Wade rejects the man's offer, but hanging up the phone. With telling of the bad news, Wade finds it odd that no one would go back to prevent her death, but figures the timeline would be changed in a more powerful life event; Wade suggests they go back a few years before Nikita death. The others are unsure, but agree to go along. Remmy works the machine, with setting the date for June 10, 1980, for when the group's machine was created. Mallory pockets the timer, and the 4 grab a hold of the device, and soon phase out and disappear. The group arrive on a roof top, Remmy comments that this would be better than sliding, than to break your ribs all the time. Wade realizes they landed on top of the building, where Nikita Huygens office was at, so they find a roof entrance, and take an elevator down to the 1st floor, asking the man at the main desk, where Nikita was at, so they had to take the elavator to the 12th floor, and soon come upon her office. The secretary asks the sliders if they had an appointment, and Mallory lies, stating they did. The secretary enters the office, to find Nikita Huygens on the phone, who motions the sliders to come in, and for her secretary to exit the room. After getting off the phone, Nikita asks the sliders she was ready for their presentation of new time travel devices. Wade pulls out the time travel device, showing it to her, but explains they weren't here to give a presentation, but to stop production of the device. Nikita finds the sliders outrageous, since her relative Christiaan Huygens, started creating the machines in 1656, after building the Pendulum clock, and coming here to america as a dutch immigrant, and started a banging company, which made him rich. Remmy stops Nikita from finishing her lecture, showing her the timer, and he explains what they do, which made Nikita unsure of Remmy telling the truth. Maggie continues, stating that with creating time travel, has caused them problems, traveling between earths. Nikita states that she can't give up this business, so a group of scientists could go a wild journey through a hole in the universe. Nikita had enough of the sliders stories, and forces them out of her office. The sliders exit, wondering what to do next. Mallory soon takes a peak into an off limits room, labeled time travel blue prints, the 4 enter, to find a large room, the size of a library, with loads of blue prints. Remmy figures if they could steal the copies, by burning them, then Nikita Huygens would have no choice but to stop production. After a couple of hours, the sliders managed to bag about 400 wadded out blue prints, then took them to a dumpster nearby. Before they could start a fire, they hear an alarm go off, a few police officers looking in their direction. Mallory lights a match, and tosses it in the dumpster, as the 2 officers pull their guns, and start firing. With no way out of the alley, so with hiding behind the dumpster, the 4 manage to take off, returning to the present year. Soon with standing up, the group is met by an older looking man pointing a gun at them. The man introduces himself as Quinn Mallory, or most often known as Mallory, which give the group a shock. Older Mallory continues, stating that with stopping the creation of the time travel here, it caused an alternate version of the group, which was affected. He states that when he and his companions stopped Nikita, from making the devices, they continued sliding, the only problem was, that they kept sliding for 24 more years, but not together. Remmy finds it unimaginable that his story could of happen, then considers that maybe they returned to the world where he was a god, and it traveled through time, and the inventor of the time machine was the cause of this earth to do that. Maggie agrees, but wouldn't think the world could go backwards in time. The older Mallory continues, that he and his companions considered that a possibility, but his Wade Welles talked of another theory which made no sense to him, and they excepted that. Wade then asks why they kept sliding for 24 years, since it would of been obvious they would of made progress on some world to save themselves. The older Mallory states he and the others changed this world without time travel, and it led for their wormhole to time travel to parallel dimensions in different time periods and at any location, not knowing what world they landed on, and without knowing if anyone was home. Mallory comments that traveling like that would be fun, since the past is a lot better than the future. Remmy asks the older Mallory to continue with the happenings of his group. He states that they continued traveling until landing in the Korean War on a particular earth that occurred from 1976-92, since often when sliding to a world, they would live through a few decades that occurred for that place in a matter of hours. But during the war, his Wade and Maggie were taken prisoners by French patrol, and later executed. He and his Remmy continues sliding, and during their 18th year, his Remmy found a world close enough for home, and decided to live in that world. And for the remaining time, continued sliding, hoping one day, he would return here, to try and possibly stop his younger self and his group. Maggie feels that even though its likely it could happen to them its obvious the older Mallory was with a different sliding group, and doubtful the same situation would happen to them. The older Mallory states that if the group wants to risk living like that, than to just relax until the slide. The sliders look at each other, and soon agree, with Wade suggesting they return a few minutes before they or their younger selves show up, to stop them. The older Mallory tells the group his timer is counting down from an hour, and he would like to get things done, before sliding for eternity. The time travel device is activated, and the 5 soon phase out, returning to the same place as before, on the roof top. Maggie states their younger selves should be showing in 10 minutes, so they would have to wait before sending them back. After the time was up, they finally saw the younger group appear, the older Mallory pulls his weapon on the younger sliders. Remmy steps in front of them, to tell them what to do. The 3rd Mallory states its impossible for this to occur and knows they cna't keep sliding with nearly being killed in the wormhole. Both groups look to the older Mallory, who then explains that it was just a rough wave to ride here, and soon would be over, since a time distortion caused all of it. The younger sliders agree to go back to their future, and soon after, the older Mallory disappears. Wade wonders what happened to Mallory's older double, and comes to a conclusion they changed the timeline. An earthquake starts, shaking the building the group was on; The time travel device is dropped and destroyed, then soon disappears. A few seconds later, a portal, all white, quickly opens, it sucks the group into it, as the building collapses. The white portal reopens in their hotel room, tossing the group out, and soon closes. Maggie is glad to be alive, then comments, wondering if the older Mallory was sliding, or if the timeline did actually change, making this the future for them. Mallory doesn't really care, as he gets back on a bed, turns on the baseball game, and tells the others he's going to sleep and relax until the slide, the following day; the others agree and decide to join Mallory, in watching the game. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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