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Before we continue, a brief caveat from the author:None of you probably noticed this, nor read my stories, but if you can tell, in my Sliders S6, I had added an actor named Shawn Weatherly, since I had thought I found a twin brother to Michael Weatherly, but I was mistakened and screwed up, so in case anyone read my stories, I meant to say the actor of Michael Weatherly to play Cory Hatfield and later in the season turned out to be a Kromagg plant, which Colin was going to be, so I changed it a bit for a new character to be a plant in the group and later on to kill the sliders, but he ended up dying in the 2 parter The Final Conflict during the sixth season which ended the Kromagg situation. I'd go back to the relevant stories and fix the problem if I knew what the hell he just said.
Episode U-618: Adding On New Obstacles To Death With

Logline: After finding a lost friend, Remmy soon realizes Wade Welles isn't the person he use to know. The group then travel to a castle, where they are sentenced to death by hanging. Guest Stars: Alicia Witt as Wade Welles, Jude Law as Duke Jackson, George Buza as Roth, Amanda Peet as Philisha, and David Hemblen as King Edward XXX (30th) Synopsis: The portal opens in a castle tower, the 3 exit, knocking over a table and a basket of vegetables. The portal closes, as the 3 get up. Remmy tells Maggie and Mallory, they slide in 4 hours, and probably better leave this room, before anyone notices. The 3 exit to the walkway between the two towers, and begins to head down some stairs in the middle of the walkway, with opening a door from the floor. They find it quiet and they see no one around, wondering where everyone was at. They find a main entrance to the castle, and exit, to find the streets empty. Mallory suggests everyone must of left or died from a disease. A figure hides behind a housing unit, the sliders begin to walk in that direction. A few seconds after they pass it, the figure comes out and attacks Maggie, knocking her to the ground. The 2 struggle; when the figure who can be seen as a woman sees Remmy's face. She stops fighting with Maggie, gets up and hugs Remmy. Remmy gets her off of him, and asks if he knew her. The woman doesn't get why he doesn't know her; she reveals her name as Wade Welles. Remmy is shocked, along with the others. Wade states it is in fact her, but she has been melded with a maternal twin. Maggie asks her than how she managed to do it, if she was in an electrical box hooked up, and couldn't do anything to save herself. Wade explains that she managed to open a few more portals, and somehow with giving off to much energy during a slide for another group, it caused her double to meld with her, and she ended up here, but the problem was, both minds were trying to fight for control, and they both balanced out as half and half for one mind, giving knowledge of each Wade to this one body. Mallory comments that she's welcome to join the club, since he is melded with an alternate Quinn. Remmy asks her why she had just attacked Maggie, if she knew who they were. Wade states she's been having problems once and a while and her double may have figured they were enemies. Then Mallory states, "speaking of enemies, where is everyone?" Wade states she showed up here a few months ago, with everyone gone. She guesses they died or left. Remmy suggests they leave this place, and travel to see the rest of this world. As they begin to start walking, they enter into town square, and they see 3 people (now in skeleton form) were hung. Maggie feels bad for them, but figures they got what they deserved. The 4 open the main doors to the outside world, and they exit into the forest area. They travel the dirt roads, with seeing nothing but wildlife; Maggie figures this could be another empty world, but suddenly, a man on a horse appears up the road. He soon arrives to meet the sliders. The man is shocked of seeing people out this way, and would like to know why they were here. Wade states they were travelers and their horses ran off, since her friend (pointing at Mallory) forgot to them up to trees. The man states he was inspecting the area to possibly build here for his new fortress. Maggie finds it interesting, and tells the man they need to get moving, if they want to make it to a town before dark. The man states its at least a days walk to get to the town, and offers to take them to his campsite on one condition, which was to take him with them. Wade asks why he wanted to tag along with them, then the man states he lied, he was a thief, with stealing of a king's box of jewels, a horse and his clothing. He wanted to make sure he was meeting friends, instead of foes. Mallory agrees to bring him along with them for the time being, since he feels all rebels need a group to hang with. The 5 take off, heading over the hill, and heading to a part of the forest where a small wagon is parked. Remmy, and the man known as Duke Jackson start a fire, while the rest find food in the wagon to eat. With cooking a few too many fish for an early lunch, the group soon get stuffed, and about to toss the food back up. Remmy, Mallory and Maggie take a walk without the other 2. Remmy states it would be obvious to bring the Wade double along, since she is a fellow slider, then try to find her real home. Mallory states that Wade could be the real one Remmy once knew, and actually got melded with her double, since its always possible for odd things to happen. Maggie sort of agrees with Mallory, but feels Wade died back on the kromagg world they visited. Remmy doesn't care at this point, and feels if she is Wade, then let her come, since it would be nice to have a Wade back with the sliding group. Maggie then brings up what they were going to do with Duke, since they slide in an hour, and he may want to come with them. Mallory figures he might just freak out and runaway, but if he comes along, it wouldn't be a problem, since he would be brought back here to this world. As time quickly passes, the sliders soon had to leave. Remmy had told Wade the idea that she was coming with them, since they could help her find her home, which gave Wade the idea that no one believed her. The 4 went out of Duke's sight sine he was busy with chopping wood. Mallory opens the portal, Maggie is first in, followed by Wade, then Remmy, and Mallory leaps in. Duke arrives to see Mallory jump in, and is shocked of what he saw, he doesn't get why the others left him, so he quickly runs and jumps into the wormhole as it begins to close. The vortex opens in front of King Edward The 30th, sitting in his throne, the group get tossed out and the sliders are shocked when Duke came with them. The king orders his guards to capture the trespassers, but the sliders fight back, and able to leave the room. They make it to a stairwell, but Duke runs in another direction, and as they begin running down the stairs, guards show up running into them. They turn around and try running back upstairs, but get caught, and are taken to a prison. They are tossed in a room with hay all over, and then a guard takes the timer, after the king asks for it, which Mallory had hid in his jacket. Maggie states that Duke was a traitor, and he now is free in the territory, without planning to helping them. Wade asks Mallory how long they had here, but Mallory didn't get a chance to look at the timer, so it might be too late to leave, and stuck here forever, sicne its going to be obvious that the king will want to destroy the timer. In the market place, Duke finds people all around, and he begins to realize this is the same castle he visited a few months ago, and the one the travelers came out of. He continues running, as he sees guards heading in his direction. Duke runs behind a home owned by a father and daughter who sold vegetables, and the father pulls a pistol out and puts it in Duke's face. Duke explains he's being hunted by the guards, and needs hiding. The daughter enters, and feels they should help, so she tells Duke to hide under a bed. The guards pass by, and Duke then gets out under from it; he thanks them, then the daughter asks why they were looking for him. Duke tells him he was traveling with a group of other travelers, and they ended up in the castle throne room by mistake. But his friends have been captured, and he feels he needs to help them, or they could be hung. In the king's room, a guard enters with the timer, he hands it to him, and he tells the guard to leave. The king holds the timer, looks at it, then places it on a desk, reading 18 hours, 22 minutes and counting down from 15 seconds. Back in the market place, the father called Roth, and the daughter called Philisha, help Duke by telling them that at the end of every week, which was today, they have to take food to the castle for the king to pick and choose from, and it would be a perfect time to pass through the castle to find his friends. Duke agrees, feeling its his only chance to help his new friends. As Mallory lays back in the hay, Wade comes over and sits by him. She asks if it was possible to feel Quinn in him, but Mallory states he doesn't really have his sense within, to know if he is around. Wade states that her and this double are somehow balanced out, even though its possible to have only one dominant, they've decided to share one body with 2 minds. Remmy joins them, he neals down by Wade, asking her if there was a way to tell, he had his friend Wade with him. Wade states all she would have is the memories of past slides, but knew that he loved her in some way that was different than the usual love between 2 people. The door to the cell opens, a guard enters, telling the group that the king wants them in his presense. The 4 get up from the floor, and exit the cell, and heading up a flight of stairs, and are led to a room at the end of the cooridore. The 4 are taken in, then the king tells the guards to wait outside. The king states he is interested in their resistance to not live under king rule. Maggie comments that she lives by her own standards, rather than others. The king grabs Mallory's arm, pulling him ahead of the group. He offers him a job as a guard, or he can join his friends as they are hung. Mallory looks back at the others, and takes the offer, ready and willing to serve his leader, leading Mallory to bow in front of the king. The king calls the guards in, telling them to suit Mallory up, along with training him, and to prepare the 3 for a hanging tomorrow at noon. Remmy yells to the king, stating it isn't fair he can't be able to let travelers leave this place, without punishing them, for something stupid. The king yells to the guards to get them out of the room, and the 3 sliders are forced out. As the gates to the castle open, many civilians have food in hand, as they deliver to the king. Roth, Philisha and Duke stand near the end. Everyone is led in, and each given a turn to enter the dining room, and place food in front of the king. In the hallway, Philisha tells Duke to head down the stairs, since that is where the prison cells were located. Duke looks for the guards, but they were occupied with the food. Back in the prison cell, Maggie finds it upsetting that they have to die, without getting help to escape, figuring Duke is probably in the castle, stealing from the king. Duke enters another cooridore, and as he passes a few doors, he sees one slightly open; he sees 2 women in there, taking off necklaces, and putting them in a silver box. Duke stops, he watches them, and as the women head to the door, he finds a crack, large enough to fit in, and hides. When the women leave, along with locking the door, he comes out, and pulls out his pick pocket equipment, and works his way into the room. He closes the door, and begins searching; he found plenty to put in his pocket, he even manages to steal a gold pocket watch. Duke returns to see that the line was still slowly moving, but he manages to get back in line with Roth and Philisha. Philisha asks Duke if he found his friends, but Duke states he didn't have time, since he saw guards nearby the prison. Finally it was Roth's turn to bring food to the king, he tastes it, and dislikes it, throwing the pie on the floor, so he tells his guards to toss the 3 out for insulting the king. As they are led out, he sees a chest being taken the same way he took to find his friends and his treasures, so he considers to return to get the chest and find the sliders. Outside the prison cell, in the lawn down from the window the sliders had, to look out, they see Mallory sword fighting with another guard. Remmy feels that Mallory would never turn on them, and Maggie agrees, stating he had to do it, to survive. Wade still feels that Duke wouldn't give up on trying to free them, but Maggie states he was the one to separate from them, for his own reasons. Back in the market place, Roth, Philisha and Duke return to the house, Roth finds the king stupid, and will always be in control. Philisha tells her father that at least they have plenty of food to eat, and have a home to live in, plus they have each other. Duke tells the 2 he needs to find a way back in, since his friends could be hung any day now. Roth tells him he was on his own, until Duke pulls out a few pieces of jewelry. Philisha is shocked to learn what Duke really did, and Roth is interested in some of the jewelry. Duke tells him, he can have it all, except the gold watch, if they can help him into the castle. The 2 quickly agree, telling him of a secret passage under water, but would have to go during the middle of the night. As the sky was dark and cloudy, Roth took Duke to the stream with a lamp, telling him that the stream went into the castle and out the other side. He gives him a map to find a door, which will lead to an underground tunnel, then it would lead into the basement. Duke dives into the stream, and begins swimming. As a few hours past, the guards were setting up the hanging platform for the sliders to stand on before it collapsed beneath their feet. Remmy and Wade watch out the window as it happens. Wade comments to Remmy, the scene looked really familiar, since on the last world, they saw people hung. Remmy figures that probably was a different situation. Duke was roaming around the castle near the bottom, he found a few pistols to use to fight off guards. He knew he had to succeed this time, or he would never be able to forgive himself. Duke managed to arrive to the same room again, he is able to pick the lock and found the chest in the corner. He broke the lock, and found plenty more treasures, including the timer, reading only 3 hours in change. He puts the timer in his pocket, grabs 4 bags of gold, and he quickly puts the chest back in place, but unable to exit the room, when he hears the king's voice and quickly hides under a table, covered by a sheet. The king enters with guards, he tells them to carry pistols, just in case the prisoners try to escape. Edward then tells them to prepare the group to be hung, by taking them to the platform. The guards exit, and a few seconds later, Duke sees the king exiting as well. Duke quickly returns to the market place and asks Roth and Philisha to help him, since his friends were being hung soon. He gives each of them a pistol, since they were needed to get the 3 down when the platform collapses. In the prison, the guards enter, the 3 sliders are forced out by 3 guards, and taken for a meal. Mallory has been locked in a room, so he would have to prove himself to the king of being a loyal guard to protect the king. Mallory then figures he could try to jump out the window, but soon realized there were metal bars in the way. Remmy, Wade and Maggie have loops of rope around their necks which were tight enough to cut off circulation to the neck. The king arrives in front of the towns people, below the platform, he tells them of what the sliders did by invading his privacy and nearly causing him a heart attack, so they must pay. Back in the room, Mallory tries to find a way to exit the room. He looks in the closet, and finds an old knight suit with an ax. Mallory takes it and begins chopping for the door to open. Back in town square, the king gives the order to collapse the platform, and the 3 begin hanging, with trying to survive. Duke looks to Roth and Philisha, as they all enter to see what's happen, wearing robes, and hoods covering their faces. Duke tells the 2 to fire at the rope, to get the sliders down. They do so and the sliders are quickly dropped to the dirt ground. Duke heads with the 2 up to be with the sliders, and pointing their pistols at the guards. Back inside the castle, Mallory is able to get the door open, but he struggles with the guard outside the room. They exchange punches, then Mallory returns to the room, and grabs the knight head armor, throwing it and hitting the guard in the face, who then collapses to the floor. Mallory grabs the guard's gun, and rushes to arrive to see what is happening in town square, hoping it wasn't too late. Mallory rushes and takes King Edward hostage, with holding a knife to his neck. As the group join up with Mallory, they begin to walk backwards, and manage to find a place, where no one could attack them. Duke hands Remmy the timer, reading 10 seconds. Maggie thanks Duke for showing up and saving her life, then Roth and Philisha are asked by Duke, if they wanted to come back with him to his world, and to start over with a new life. Remmy opens the portal, people are shocked and amazed. Maggie is first in, Wade follows, Remmy enters, Duke shoves Roth and Philisha in, then he leaps in, and finally Mallory, who pushes the king to the ground, telling him he is a lousy leader to his people, leading that one day the people would revolt against him. Mallory quickly leaps into the portal, with it closing quickly after. Note: Alicia Witt joins the cast as the new Wade Welles. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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