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Episode U-617: The Final Conflict Part 2

Logline: With returning home, the sliders have a few obstacles to free their home, along with meeting a new ally that can help them with sliding.Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, Linda Henning, Arthur Eng as Dr. Garrett Ming, Lisa Rinna as Karen Burke/resistance member, and Una Damon as Mary Synopsis: After sliding into the Chandler Hotel, the sliders are met by a few resistance members that Nick knew, along with Mrs. Mallory, glad to see them back. Remmy states they have a way to free this world now, since they found the Mallory's on kromagg prime. Allison states that Cory turned out to be evil, and Maggie and Mallory are missing. One of the resistance members, who is a woman is glad to see Nick back, she runs and hugs him, like was gone for years. Nick introduces Karen to the others, and so they get to work. Allison starts to figure the equation out for the weapon with the help of a voraton device, Remmy picked up from a world that used it. Remmy begins building a detonator device, as Nick, Karen and a few others headed to prepare for a fight with the kromaggs. On the other side of San Francisco, another portal opens, tossing Cory out, he rams into a brick wall, then he picks himself up with his gun in hand, and he begins to run to find the sliders. Mrs. Mallory sits near Remmy, asking if he was going to go in search of Mallory, after the kromaggs are gone. Remmy stops working, and tells her that he wouldn't let Quinn or Mallory out there to die a worthless death. Mrs. Mallory tells him she may consider joining him for the search, since when the world is empty of kromaggs, this place wouldn't be worth staying around in. Remmy agrees, but feels this world can rebuild, just like if a human vs. human war had just ended. In another building, not far from the hotel, Nick and others were securing the building, when they ran into a human male, who was trying to hide from everyone. Karen holds him down as Nick asks who he was and what he was doing here. The man states he was trying to hide from kromaggs. He continues that he is a scientist, and has spent the last couple years, trying to find a way to kill off the kromaggs, or trying to slide off world. Nick tells the man that his friend has a virus back at the Chandler Hotel, and the kromaggs would soon disappear. The man asks to get up, and figures he could help. Nick gives Karen a look to let him up; the man thanks her for getting her foot off his back, and was ready to return to the hotel. Another resistance member asks what if the man was a kromagg in disguise. The man assures them he was human, by showing Nick his drivers license to him. Nick finds the picture stupid and laughs, the man states it wasn't his fault it turned out like that. Nick agrees to let him return, but then asks to roll his shirt up, and would be stabbed with a knife to show his blood. The man finds it rediculos, but agrees to prove he was human. Karen does the honors and the man yells out in pain, as blood streams out of his body, and to the floor. Nick then finally believes he is human, and they take off. Cory soon meets up with a few kromaggs in a humvee, telling him of his mission, and the kromaggs agree to give him a life, telling him they're on the way to check out a hide out for the resistance. Cory's face begins to mutate into an ape looking shape, as the kromaggs already do, and he states his human form is now coming to an end, since he was transforming into warrior mode. A kromagg sitting beside him, gives Cory another weapon, which can be more useful. Back at the hotel, Nick returns with the guy named Dr. Garrett Ming, he introduces the sliders to him, along with stating what he does. Allison asks Dr. Ming if he may assist her with the final sequence in the virus weapon. Remmy asks Nick if he knew for sure this doctor was a human, and Nick state he did his best to find out. In a back stock room, Dr. Ming carefully studies the whole weapon equation, and soon sees a default. He tells Allison that this weapon was to kill all the human dna, then Allison agrees, since she thought something was out of place with the voraton device elements not matching up with what information she got in the prison, but now she knew. Allison finds it a shock, then figures her meeting with the Mallory's was planned, and the kromaggs were disguised as them. Allison returns to tell the others, about the problem, but tells them she and Dr. Ming can get to work, which should be fixed in a few hours. The hours past, and finally the weapon was ready to detonate and kill the kromaggs once and for all. Allison and Dr. Ming had to risk by going outside and placing it near a kromagg facility, but they had cover with some resistance members. As they begin their trek back to the hotel to wait for the countdown of 25 minutes, they are intercepted by a few kromagg soldiers, and soon followed by Cory showing up in the humvee; Both races begin fighting. Cory fires a few shots and was able to make it near Allison and Dr. Ming's location; he gets help and ambushes the 2, by forcing them into a truck, and speeding away as Nick and Karen fire their weapons at the vehicle. At a command post for the kromaggs, Allison and Dr. Ming are taken into a general's office. Cory arrives to watch them, so they wouldn't try to escape and Allison looks at Cory in an odd way, since he looked different. A kromagg general comes up to them, stating it was too late for them to do anything to save their world. Allison tells him he was wrong, and a detonator was going off in a few minutes. Cory states it would be impossible, since the equation they were given was a fake, and it's now going to destroy humans, instead of kromaggs. Dr. Ming turns to Cory, stating they found the error, and fixed it within a few hours. The kromagg gets a mad look on his face, he tells his soldiers to kill any humans they can find, including the prisoners. Cory is told to take Allison and Dr. Ming to a cell, and have them shot dead in it. The 2 struggle with the guards as they exit the room. A few seconds later, a large red vortex opens, bringing a damaged manta ship out, it passes the building the general is in, then 2 more ships exit, firing upon it. The general looks out the window, and see the damaged manta ship crash land into a building, which held prisoners. The other manta ships fire upon it, then a few explosions occur from the outside. Inside, Mary is unconscious, Maggie heads to her, and tries to wake her, since she tells her the ship could explode at any second. Mallory enters from another part of the ship, he tells Maggie they need to leave now. Maggie and Mallory carry Mary out, then suddenly, as they exit the ship, it explodes, pushing the 3 into the air, and tossing them into a pile of rubble. Several kromaggs soon appear nearby, Mallory quickly gets up, he helps Maggie up and they carry Mary into a building nearby to hide. In a prison, Allison and Dr. Ming are tossed in, Cory aims his guns at the 2. He tells Allison he really did love her, but it wouldn't work, since he was now a kromagg warrior. As he is about to fire, he begins to light up with fire, burning his body and begins to yell out in pain, the fire expands and with a large bright light that surrounds him, he explodes, then turns into dust, which dissolves on the floor. Allison uncovers her face, as does Dr. Ming to see they were still alive and glad the weapon worked. Allison heads to the cell door, she bends down to get the keys, which were hot and burned, giving Allison a burning sensation, so she takes her jacket off, and uses it to get the keys. She manages to open the cell door, Dr. Ming tells her they should open the rest of the cells to free the prisoners. Dr. Ming heads on, as Allison looks down of Cory's clone's remains; she puts her hand to her lips and blows a kiss to him as she tears up a bit, whispering "I loved you too", then finds the timer burned, figuring she had to fix it, if anyone was sliding off world. Nick, Karen, Remmy, Mrs. Mallory and the rest of the resistance exit the hotel. Remmy gets excited, he hugs Nick, glad that the weapon worked. Shortly after, they see the 2 other manta ships crash, exploding with a loud bang, which made the ground shake. Mallory and Maggie exit the building with Mary, who is now awake, and Maggie carries her with her arm around her. They locate Remmy and the others to see no sign of the kromagg race. The streets soon are crowded with citizens who are enjoying their freedom and celebrating. Allison and Dr. Ming finds the group, Remmy hugs Allison, thanking her for helping him save their world. A week had past, Earth Prime's people had begun to rebuild their life, with some gone, it was hard to handle. Mrs. Mallory returned to her house to find it destroyed, but soon began to rebuild. She tells Maggie that her and Michael had built this house together, and after all these years, it was finally gone. Remmy, Nick and Allison were able to find their family. Remmy was so glad to see his mother again, but he was told his brother was missing, which didn't sit well with Remmy, knowing his brother was either dead, or out there on another world in a kromagg conquered earth. Nick had found his sister and parents, which made Nick happy. Allison was able to locate her grandmother and brother in one of the las prisons to be located. Remmy, Allison, Nick, Mallory, Maggie and Mary chatted about what was going to happen, and what they were doing. Mallory states he plans to keep sliding, and find his way home. Maggie decides to go with him, since its not fun to be out there sliding by oneself. Remmy decides to go along, he figures its doubtful, but figures he could get his Quinn back, or possibly find his brother, and bring the formula of the kromagg virus to other controlled earths to free the prisoners. Mary decides she would like to help Mrs. Mallory rebuild her house, since her evilness was gone, and she wanted to start over in a new place. Allison decides to stay on Earth Prime, and now considers to get into a science field, and enjoy her time with a new friend, Garrett Ming. Plus she fixed the timer, which Dr. Ming helped with putting in a tracking device, so Remmy could get back here. Nick decides to also stay, since he had enough fun sliding to find a way to destroy the kromaggs, plus he can now get romantically involved with Karen, spend time with his family, and help rebuilding Mrs. Mallory's house. Note: Claire Forlani, Shawn Weatherly, David Chokachi are no longer cast members, but Kari Wuhrer and Robert Floyd return as cast members for the rest of the season. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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