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Episode U-616: The Final Conflict Part 1

Logline: The Sliders land on Kromagg Prime for one last fight with the kromaggs; and then are off to get the kromaggs off Earth Prime.Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, John Walcutt, Marnie McPhail, Una Damon, Julie Caitlin Brown as kromagg leader Kesh, Catherine Zeta-Jones as Resistance leader Donna Hagen, and Jeremy Piven as Chuck Newell (resistance member) Synopsis: The sliders are exiting a restuarant, and Remmy comments that he hasn't had prime rib like that in quite awhile, then Maggie tells him, he might regret it later. They go behind a trash dumpster, and Cory opens the portal. Allison is first in, followed by Mallory, then Maggie, Cory, Remmy and finally Nick. The vortex opens outside a white picketed fence, the sliders exit, and then the portal closes quickly. The group is shocked that the sky looks really cloudy and dusty, then Remmy states they've landed in front of the Mallory's family house. They enter, to find it abandoned, things thrown everywhere and a few windows were broken. Cory figures theres nothing to worry about and to keep going, since they slide in 23 hours. Allison is surprised of him for not wanting to explore before moving on. Remmy and Maggie head downstairs to see equipment knocked over and damaged. As they rummage through papers, Maggie finds a picture with the Mallory parents and 2 babies, so she shows it to Remmy and suggests they've landed on the kromagg homeworld. Remmy agrees, but he wouldn't know how thy got here, since the slidecage was in the way. Maggie looks through a few files and then sees equations, which looked something important about the virus on the kromaggs. Remmy is shown and feels that maybe Allison should be given the file, just in case this virus could help their world. The group finally leave, and as they start heading down the street, they see a few damaged buildings and cars upside down, then they hear a noise above and its revealed as a kromagg manta ship, so the group heads for cover. They continue walking down a few back streets until they see kromaggs standing around a building. Mallory suggests they go back the other way, and head to the house for hiding. Cory thinks of a way to get pass the kromaggs, but would have to find weapons, so he and Nick take off, to head back to a hunting store a few blocks back. A few minutes later, Remmy, Allison, Maggie and Mallory have guns to their heads, Cory yells at them to get up. Remmy asked what was going on, and Cory tells himm that he was actually a kromagg spy the whole time, and it was time to kill the group. Mallory asks where Nick was at, and Cory stated he was being taken care of. Up in window of a high building, Nick is seen by a shadow figure, through a rifle, then as Nick is riding in an army jeep, with a kromagg holding a gun to his neck, the figure fires a few bullets at the kromagg driving, then a few more figures appear, shooting the kromaggs dead, and Nick runs for his life. Nick heads down an alley, and is met by a man, he stops Nick from running by, and he is knocked out by a tranqualizer dart. At a kromagg post far from the city, the sliders are split up, Remmy and Allison are put in a shielded cell with 2 others, and Maggie and Mallory are taken to another area. A kromagg commanding officer arrives, its revealed to be Kesh, who the sliders met when locating Wade. Kesh tells the sliders (Remmy and Allison) she has been planning this day for awhile, and her warrior has done well. Allison asks why Cory didn't attack them earlier after he was added to the group. Kesh states that he is a clone warrior and with a micro implant that remained dormant until he came to the homeworld, he would easily pass as human, and now that he was here, he would kill thousands of humans, along with turning into a kromagg, since his host and a femagg dna were mixed to create the clone. Allison asks if the host was still here that had his skin samples taken from him or was he killed. Kesh states that the Cory Hatfield human was in the prison still alive, since he could be used several timres to create more warriors. Kesh tells the sliders they will have until sunset then sentenced to death for the use of transdimensional travel tech. As Kesh leaves, a person in the cell tells the sliders she was lying, since she will always use humans to create warriors from skin samples. The figure appears in the light they have, and its revealed to be Michael Mallory, giving Remmy a shock. The other figure appears, who reveals herself as Liz Mallory. Michael tells Remmy he looks like he just saw a ghost. Remmy begins stating that he had been trying to slide here for quite awhile, with Quinn Mallory and somehow landed here. Both of the Mallory's perk their ears up, and Remmy continues that his world was over-run by the kromaggs and when Quinn got a microdot from his mother, they tried sliding here, along with finding Colin. Liz asks Remmy if they were here, but Remmy informally regrets to state of what happened along the way here. Allison pulls out a file she was given back at the house, and she asks Michael Mallory if this was the formula used with creating the virus for this world. Michael looks at it, and agrees, but knows its useless. Allison states that she had gotten a formula a few slides back, and would like to compare notes, seeing if he had made a mistake, besides the ecology problem. Allison pulls out her palm pilot, locates her notepad, and the 2 sit to look over both the file and information stored in the palm pilot. Nick awakes, laying on a bean bag, he finds a woman at a table, looking over something. The man from earlier see's Nick awake, and tells the woman of that. The woman comes over, and states he was lucky they found him. The woman introduces herself as Donna Hagen, the man introduces himself as Chuck Newell. They were part of a resistance group that wanted to send the kromaggs off world. Nick gets up, and states his friends were captured, and wondering if there was a way to save them. Chuck states that it would be a big job, but could be done. Donna heads back to the table, and Nick sees blue prints of the compounds. Nick asks if they could try an underground attack. Donna states it wouldn't be the first time, but they would have to position themselves on a certain cell. Chuck states he can hack into the computer system of the compounds and locate his friends, then deal with it. Nick agrees, but figures its going to be trouble, since there were about 75 compounds holding prisoners. Maggie and Mallory were sitting with others around the cell. Maggie states their screwed unless a miracle happens, and they escape the prison. Mallory tells her that they always seemed to manage to survive, and this world would take longer for them to slide out. A chinese woman nearby, gets up, and sits by Maggie, she asks if they too were travelers between worlds, and Maggie states that they were, and have been separated from friends. The woman states she was with friends, but got killed, and she has been here ever since. She introduces herself as Mary, the 2 introduce themselves, then go back to being bored, sitting in a prison cell. Donna, Nick and Chuck sit around with others, not knowing where they planned on for their target hit. Nick figures they better hurry in case his friends are disposed of. Chuck is able to locate the prisoners for each compound, and is able to locate Remmy and Allison, along with locating Mallory and Maggie in another cell a few floors down from the others. Donna separates people into groups, giving them orders, Nick and Chuck are to stay with Donna, along with 6 others. The plan is to find any possible way into the prison, and try to free the prisoners they are suppose to get. Each resistance member loads their weapons, and putting on protective gear, like a bullet proof jacket or helmet. As Donna gives Nick a few pieces of armory, he tells her that the last time he did this was back on his earth, then when trying to free a friend who took him sliding. Donna stops loading bullets, telling him that her son was killed by kromaggs, and that is why she fights them. Allison and Michael Mallory continue working, as Remmy stares out the window of the prison. He sees kromaggs everywhere, manta ships in the air, sliding in and out of the earth, prisoners forced into the prison. Liz Mallory joins him, telling him its hell now, and things shouldn't of ended like this. Remmy turns to her, stating if it wasn't for the 'maggs wanting to be conquerers of earths, he could be home right now getting his music career back up to high popularity. Liz tells him it was their fault, the battle started here, and thanks to them, millions of people are dead. Remmy tells her, not to be offended, but he feels it was their fault, since the kromaggs feel their race should only exist, and thats wrong. Michael soon sees a default in his equation for the virus, and Allison figures what he should of corrected, giving this earth a better place for the people. Michael feels stupid, but with war raging on back then, there was barely any time to throughly check each part, since it was the main sequence for the equation and it worked, except for one defect, screwing up the earth's ecology. Allison calls Remmy over to her, and she states that with this equation, it isn't worthless, so if they can ever leave this prison, they could take it back and get the kromaggs out for good. Remmy gets a smile on his face, telling Allison, he's glad she was around to be helpful. A few minutes later, in the other cell, kromagg officers enter, they force Mary out, and she is taken, as Mallory and Maggie try to stop them, but get pushed up against the wall. Mary is taken down to Kesh's office, and let go, she stands by Kesh, giving her news that she has met some new sliders, 2 that would seem familiar to her from earth 223 from an encounter with the group a year ago with trying to save a Wade Welles. Kesh tells Mary that she will order to get those 2 sliders off world, then the group would be less strong against the kromaggs. Suddenly, the alarm goes off, a view screen in the office reveal resistance has arrived. Kesh states that it could be for the sliders, and must get to them quickly, taking them off world. In Remmy's cell, he sees that resistance has showed up, and would be here soon. Michael states that if they don't make it out alive, he would want Remmy to tell his sons that he loved them, and hopes he has a good life somewhere else. Remmy finds it odd, but accepts to tell Quinn what he said. Nick, Donna and Chuck make it to their level, the others break down the door with weapons, then Nick asks if his other friends would be collected after this; Donna assures him they would, unless the kromaggs get in the way. Allison sees Nick, and yells to him, he comes down with Donna, and she breaks the electrified shield around the cell. The 4 escape with the resistance, then are lead to the basement, with a few other resistance members. Allison asks if Mallory and Maggie would be coming, and Nick tells her they should be back at the hideout. Maggie and Mallory are forced out with Mary and a few other prisoners, they are taken to a room not far from the basement, and slid off world. The resistance arrive to late, when they ask about the 2, and someone who remained behind, states they were gone. Kesh holds the timer that the sliders had, Cory enters with a weapon in hand, he asks if can pursuit the group, Kesh states to kill the sliders and go after resistance members, because she needed to eat sometime, and wouldn't wait for a cat and mouse chase to end. A few hours later, Remmy, Allison and Nick prepare to slide out, but would now have to use a machine, that was badly damaged, and built by Michael Mallory to open one last portal, by scanning their earth signatures. Allison finds it interesting that the resistance dug a hole to locate the Mallory house and able to find sliding equipment. Donna states she needed it in case the Mallory's got freed, and she planned on leaving this earth. Nick asks if she would like to come with them, but Donna refuses, since this was her world and the fight wasn't over yet. Remmy is glad that his world can now be freed of the maggots, but Allison states she's sad that Cory didn't end up on their side, and really would of enjoyed having a relationship with him. A red vortex opens, Remmy thanks Michael and Liz Mallory for the help, the 3 enter the portal, then it closes quickly. A few seconds later, Michael and Liz Mallory, Donna and Chuck morph into kromaggs, and Donna states to the others at least the sliders world would be able to be liveable on. Cory arrives to the scene, and asks if the sliders left; the Michael Mallory 'magg tells him they did, and its about time he went after them. Cory's evil double pulls out the sliders timer, enters the coordinates, and opens the gateway after counting to zero, and leaps in, with it closing shortly after. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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