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Episode U-615: A Friend Unable To Stick Around

Logline: After meeting up with an old friend, Remmy hopes of a way to unstick Colin and anchor him in a universe, but Colin may want his life to be with a world of strangers.Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, Charlie O'Connell, Traci Bingham as Alayia, Johnny Depp as MarKobe, and William L. Petersen as the Chief Synopsis: The portal opens,each slider enters quickly, with Remmy being last. Soon after, the portal opens, tossing the group into a jungle. They soon realize they've landed near a waterfall. The portal closes, and Nick suggests tha they hope no natives are around to capture them. Remmy helps Maggie up after she landed in mud; Maggie states the group departs this world in 54 hours, so they should find a place to camp out; Mallory complains of a headache. Suddenly, out of the bushes, several natives come out with spears, pointing them at the group. Nick states he hope he isn't sacrificed if they need someone. The sliders are forced into walking down a path of bushes, they are led into a village a few minutes later, then the chief exits his hut, and speaks to the sliders in english, stating they are going to be put in their prison for the time being and would be delt with later on. As the sliders are led into the prison, a man exits another hut, its revealed to be Colin, who is wearing native wear, and an imprint of an odd symbol on his forehead. Colin stops the men from taking the sliders into the prison hut, Remmy turns around, shocked of who it is, and calls for Colin to help them. The chief of the tribe asks Colin if he knows the group, and Colin states that they are like family to him, so they should have time to catch up, on things that have happened. The sliders are let go, and they return to Colin's hut with him. Maggie asks Colin how he got to land here, and why he isn't still unstuck. Colin states that his body must of somehow aligned with this world, and that he thinks this could be his new home. Allison tells the others that even though she is limited with sliding knowledge, she figures that Colin must be aligned with more than just one earth, and that he could easily of become stable here. Remmy asks if there was a way to get him to kromagg prime, since that was his birth world, but Colin states that he doesn't want to take the risk leaving this world, since he may go unstuck again. Maggie makes the introduction of Mallory to Colin, stating that Quinn got melded with him, and they were still trying to find a way to unmeld the 2, so Quinn could be brought to them. Mallory again complains of his head feeling like its about to explode, then suddenly, he falls, grabbing his head. Maggie and Colin go to and when Mallory stands back up, he asks what they were looking at. Mallory then states that it was Quinn talking not Mallory, then Maggie hugs him with a tight grip. Colin states that he knew of what happened, and knew that bringing Quinn to this world, he would try to take back control of the 2 minds. Maggie states that she remembered a world they visited where California had turned into the Amazon, and they got captured by natives called Spider people, and Quinn was the only one free, so he got some other natives, who were the good guys to free them, before they were sacrificed and fed to a killer beast. Colin continues that he had something to do with it, since he had powers to bring the group here, and he wanted to possibly know if Quinn was around to possibly know of how to find a way to slide to the home world, without going unstuck. Remmy states that Kromagg Prime is a useless place, since the virus couldn't save his world anyway. They learned it from an officer during a war with kromaggs in purgatory, meaning there would be no way to save his earth, but then they met a seer, and that world had a virus too, but his daughter forced them into staying, but he(Remmy) left without the virus working and Diana, who became the group's scientist, turned into a killer, leaving her as another problem. A woman walks in, surprised to see others, Colin halts her exit, by stating they were friends, so the woman comes back in, and Colin introduces the group to Alayia, who became close to him when her male mate died of a battle between tribes. Quinn congratulates his brother on helping a tribe, and would have to get to work on finding a way off world for him. Colin looks to him oddly, then stating he forgot to tell the sliders he was staying, sicne he's dying of a tumor. Remmy asks Colin how long he had, and Colin states he's guessing, but figures he has a few months. Nick then asks why he did all of this to bring them here, when he is refusing to leave. Colin states that he has been trying to bing them here for a long time, and just feels now that he wants to say his good-byes and go on with life. Allison states that he could always try to find help in a hospital, Colin quickly refuses, stating that all hospitals would do is just restate the obvious, and he knows there is no cure. The Chief enters, stating it was lunch time, and to all come to the courtyard for the meal. Alayia goes ahead to the meal; Colin tells the group that they can either support his decision, or leave, then Colin exits his hut, leaving the others inside to look at each other in shock. That night, there is a bon fire going, with most of the tribes people dancing around it. Colin and Alayia are seen in the dancing group, with the sliders staring from a distance. Quinn, who still holds his control over Mallory's mind, states he feels his brother is giving up to quickly, reminding him of the professor, but Colin shouldn't give up, and try to find a way home. Cory suggests that he's been here to long, and feels this world is his, with the people that can relate to him, if thats possible. Quinn then suggests of putting a tracking device into the timer his double built and try to head off world, and return with a cure to his ailing body. The group continues chatting over ways to get Colin to leave with them. Later that night, when things started to calm down, and the party was ending, Colin gives the sliders another hut to sleep in, since he and Alayia had things to enjoy as a couple. Maggie makes a comment about the fact that this tribe probably doesn't even use protection during the nighttime festivities in a person's hut; the group doesn't laugh at her statement, then they look at her in an odd way, and her replying with "what?" By the next afternoon, the male sliders had joined a group of the tribesmen, along with Colin, to go fishing and hunt for a big feast later that night. As Remmy and Colin are walking near the end of the line, Remmy asks if he is mad about being lost for so long; but Colin feels that it wasn't their fault, since it was Dr. Geiger who did the experiment. Down the stream, the natives and sliders are able to retrieve about 65 fish for their meal. As Colin is collecting water in jugs, a native in the bushes comes out and attacks Colin, they wrestle around on the ground, until they are separated. One of the natives speaks out in shock, and Colin realizes it was MarKobe, Alayia's original mate. MarKobe states that he has been hiding from the enemy, and is ready to retake his life back. The group returns to camp, and everyone is shocked to see MarKobe alive. Alayia sees him, and she goes to him, happy as ever, but then she sees Colin staring at her, hugging him, then he heads back to his hut. Quinn stops Colin from entering his hut, asking what is wrong, and Colin replys that today is the day he was suppose to marry Alayia and give her children. Quinn tells him that it isn't over yet, since Alayia may still want to marry him, since she has got to know him for a while and would probably not changer her mind about the marriage. Later that night, the tribe all joined up for a meeting, Colin, Alayia and MarKobe were standing in front of the people who were sitting on benches, the sliders took seats in the back. The chief states that it was up to Alayia to choose her husband, so without a change in heart, she chose Colin, then MarKobe got upset and pushes Colin, which leads Colin to punch MarKobe and a fight starts, with each hitting each other. The sliders try to stop them, but a few tribesmen stood in their way, knowing it was their fight to finish. The 2 continued fighting for 20 minutes, and then MarKobe pulls a knife on Colin, he marks up Colin's arm, but Colin kicks his foot into his groin area, which leads for MarKobe to fall in pain, then the chief stops the fight, stating that Colin wins, and the wedding is to take place the following night. During preparations for the wedding, the couple was dressing, with Colin wearing deer skin pants and sandles, with his wet hair combed back. The bridge was wearing a white sheep skin that covers her body, and then wearing slippers and a yellow towel on her head. Quinn states that he is proud of his brother for fighting for what he wants, and knows that Colin will survive here as a proud father and husband. Colin fears that he could one day become chief (only able if he finds a cure first) and not know what to do. Or becoming a warrior in a battle, since he hasn't had much experience fighting others, besides the kromaggs. Quinn tells him that they can stay for the "I do's" and then they would have to leave. Maggie and Remmy enter the hut, surprised Colin is planning on going ahead with the wedding. Remmy tells Colin that he will miss him, no longer sliding with them, but would like to know if he would ever consider sliding again. Colin states that his future is here, and even though he has no family, he can try to make a life here with Alayia. Maggie hugs Colin, and tells him that she will always love him like a brother, and would take care of Quinn when and if he comes back. Colin thanks Maggie for being supportive, and tells her to tell the others that he hopes the kromaggs on earth prime are destroyed so they can live their lives. The 2 let go and then Colin tells the 3 he will always remember them. A wedding song started, with drums and flutes, the 2 come walking down between the benches and stop in front of the chief near the gazebo behind him. The chief talks in his language, with both looking at him and each other. The sliders stand in the back, and Quinn starts grabbing his head, as pain occurs, Remmy and Nick take him to a tree nearby, and soon after, Mallory's mind returns, asking what happened and where he was at. Nick states Quinn resurrected himself as the dominant voice, and they had found his brother, and now he was getting married. The 3 return with the others, and Maggie asks if Quinn was still around, and Mallory told her no. Up above in a tree, MarKobe is seen with a bow and arrow, ready to strike Colin in the head. The Chief asks if the bride agrees to the relationship, and she says she does, then as Colin is asked the same question, he starts fading in and out,then disappears (as Geiger did in The Unstuck Man episode) then an arrow lands right where Colin was at. The sliders head to the scene, and Allison figures that he must of become unanchored here. Remmy figures that if he can be tracked when they slide, he can come back here. Cory tells the Chief and Alayia that Colin isn't gone, and they promise to bring him back here. Alayia begins crying, then her mother comforts her as she appears. Maggie pulls the timer out of her pocket, stating they have 4 minutes in change. MarKobe arrives and states to his people that the sliders were evil demons and ready to take control of this tribe, since one of them tried marrying his woman. A few male natives grab spears, and without much time before capture, the sliders take off, heading back into the forest as the tribesmen pursued. The group barely slides out, with a few spears landing by the vortex where they stood. The sliders exit onto a stage, where they soon realize where the Golden Globe Award Show was being held, the people in the audience are shocked, then the sliders take off, running through the back of the studio, out into an alley. Allison states there might be a way to lock the timer onto Colin's trail, so they could slide after him. Maggie figures that Colin is lost again, and it may be awhile before they can locate him again. Mallory suggests they find another Quinn double, who is into sliding, making it possible for him to help the group. The sliders then hear loud voices surrounding the area, so they take off running, to the Chandler Hotel. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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