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Episode U-614: Enemies Who Used To Be Friends

Logline: With Diana returning, she joins up with Logan, in order to get rid of the sliders, but the sliders want to try to learn why Diana, is acting the way she is.Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, Tembi Locke, Zoe McClellan, and John Haymes Newton as Deputy Joel Douglas Synopsis: Down an alley, the sliders are held at gun point by Logan St. Clair, when suddenly, a green vortex opens, tossing a woman out, knocking Logan to the ground. Its revealed to be Diana, then as she gets up, she tells the sliders it wasn't that hard to track them. The group is shocked, wondering if this was their Diana, alive, but weren't sure. Logan gets up, then Diana tells her to back off, or she would die with the sliders. Logan tells her that she has the same mission, which is to get the sliders for what they did to them. Remmy tells Logan that she screwed with Quinn, hoping he could fix her problem, and when he refused, she was ready to kill him. Logan states that with getting revenge for being forced to slide aimlessly is a perfect way to get back at Quinn in a way. Diana intervenes, stating Claire was the one that opened her eyes to what the sliders wanted to do, with leaving that world, and possibly dying for nothing. Remmy tells Diana they had no choice, and that the seer's vision was incorrect in the first place. Up near the top of the building, someone throws a bag of trash out a window, which knocks Logan's gun out of her hand, giving the sliders a chance to run off. Logan goes for her gun which fell into the garbage bin, then Diana grabs her arm, telling her she knows where the group was going and not to worry about rushing after them. Logan yells at Diana, for letting the sliders get away, then tells her she only has 4 minutes until her time is up. Diana offers a plan to lock onto her photon trail, then possibly join up as partners, which could lead for them to be more powerful. Logan considers it, and then tells Diana, that if she shows up on the next world shes on, they can talk about teaming up. Logan then tells Diana to find her in an abandoned Chandler Hotel. At a diner, the sliders sit, resting from their running. The group gets a table, and after they give their orders to the waitress, Maggie is shocked to believe Diana is still alive, and Claire screwed with her mind. Remmy suggests that Claire brainwashed Diana, to get her to come after them, and force them to return, so Claire wouldn't go broke. Mallory asks if its possible to reverse the brainwashing, but Allison suggests that Claire could of wiped her entire memory, only giving her memories that could lead her to be a ravage type of person. Nick states that he doesn't understand why people are staring at them, then Cory suggests since they aren't wearing uniforms with badge numbers, could be the problem. Diana finally shows up, she pulls a gun on the group, stating she didn't realize they were hungry, and telling them she can't believe how stupid they are for not hiding in a better place than a diner. Remmy asks how she located them, and Diana states that Mallory was implanted with a tracking device, so it would be easy. Diana forces the group to leave the diner, heading outside, along with her telling them not to try anything, sicne she is strong enough to take them all on. Suddenly, 5 police cars arrive, with officers exiting them, and holding the group at a stand point, forcing them to get to the ground, they all do, except Diana, who still is standing, pointing her gun at an officer. Diana states that seh will kill someone, if she isn't let free. Remmy quickly trips Diana, knocking her down, and her gun falls nearby. The officers quickly get to the group, taking them all under arrest. After arriving at the station, the sliders are put in one cell, while Diana is put in one by herself, since the sliders told them Diana was holding them hostage. The sliders and Diana's timers are taken, and the officers are unsure what they are, and unsure of what to do with the devices. Deputy Joel Douglas explains to the group that with not wearing uniforms with identification tags, it leads for a violation in the law, which all comes to, having them remain in jail for 90 days, then released into society, with the proper tag number and uniform color. Remmy states they can't stay in jail that long, since they have to leave in a few hours. Another officer forces Diana out, with her giving her fingerprints and retina scan for the computer records. The sliders do the same, but when the officer gets finished, they see matches for everyone, meaning there are already identification codes in the computer system. Deputy Douglas asks the sliders who they really were, and Mallory makes up a story that their computer must be screwing up. The next question delt with what the devices were. Allison states that its top secret, and they were on a secret mission for certain studies. The devices are known as checking for pollution in cities, around the nation, and when the numbers count to zero, it means the area is easily able to infect a population with a sickness, unless its delt with, and the problem is fixed. Diana agrees, stating she had realized the group were double agents, who stole the equipment for their own use, and she would need to return to San Diego for her research team to end the pollution disease in this territory. The other officer, whose in the room, along with the deputy, agrees to let her out, only to first call the department in San Diego, to make sure its the truth. The man leaves, then Diana looks to the sliders, telling them that Claire LeBeau is waiting for them to return for punishment, she will be glad to see them arrive early. Mallory asks what had happened to her, since she was on their side the first time they went to the Seer's world. Diana states that Claire showed her what they were really doing out traveling the multiverse, which was killing people, and Diana can't believe how blind she was not to see that. Maggie tells her that they have no objective on killing people, but only traveling to get to Remmy's world and save it from the kromaggs. Diana again states that they want to kill kromaggs to save a world, when it has already been saved by comrades. Deputy Douglas starts to open Diana's cell when Cory tells him to stop, since she was lying about what she was really doing around here. The other officer returns, stating that the person he talked to, knew a Diana Davis, who worked there, and to let her out of jail, to return with her work. Diana heads over to the sliders cell, returning their timer to them, stating that she will meet up with them again soon, for a trip back to face Claire once and for all. Allison asks why she is returning the timer, and Diana tells her that she has another plan that must be delt with, in order for Claire's plan to work. Diana exits the room, leaving the sliders with their timer, and them waiting 7 more hours until the slide. Outside, Deputy Douglas and Diana head to a police car, he starts it and they take off for the airport. Diana sits in the passenger seat, staring out into fields nearby, as farmers are planting. A little while down the road, Deputy Douglas apologizes for what they did to her, and Diana stares at him, then starts touching his leg, which then leads for her to grab his gun. Deputy Douglas asked what she was doing, and Diana states that she has been lying to him the whole time, and that he is now invited to join her back on another world for a new mission. Diana pulls out her timer and she opens the portal. The police car halts to a stop, he tells Diana that he doesn't that he doesn't get her and isn't going to do what she says, then Diana offers him options, either go with her, or die. The deputy is about to open the door, when he tries to attack Diana, in order to get his gun back, but it fails, when Diana is about to pull the trigger which is put to his head. Deputy Douglas sits back up, stepping on the pedal, and heads straight into the portal, which then closes shortly after. The portal reopens on a sidewalk, and the car comes out, hitting a fe parking meters, then slams into another vehicle. Diana tells him he did good driving for his first time in a portal, and that they better leave the scene immediately. The 2 exit the car, pedestrians stare at them as they run by. Shortly after the 2 arrive at the Chandler, where Diana was suppose to meet Logan at. They enter through a side entrance, and up some stairs, where Logan is found drinking beer, and sitting in a wooden crate. Diana introduces Deputy Joel Douglas to Logan, who finds him attractive, but Diana states they have a mission to get back to, and doesn't need people in the way. Diana pulls out her gun, and shoots Logan in the stomach 4 times. Deputy Douglas is shocked, Diana comments that she reconsidered a partnership with a loser, Diana forces the deputy back down the stairs, and they do as Logan suffers in pain, collapsed to her knees, calling for help on a cell phone. Joel tells Diana that what she did was wrong, and should reconsider going back for help. Diana stops him from walking, telling him that Logan was getting in the way from destroying the sliders, once and for all, and she would screw up everything. Diana opens the portal again, and the 2 enter. Back at the jail, on the other world, the sliders are sitting on the benches. Remmy stands up not understanding what is going to happen to Diana or them and knows that it isn't good. Allison asks if they ever heard of an Australian psychiatrist Dr. Harry Bailey who used electroshock depatterning on his patients. The others looked confused. Allison continues that it was known that with what he did, it could lead for a person's mind to be reversed back to infancy, basically deleting all memories of any events. Several patients had their minds reprogrammed, thus avoiding future mental disturbances. Or in the case of war, many soldiers with having them be reprogrammed to function as a certain military would want them to, like a teacher being reprogrammed as a sniper to take out a leader of a country. Basically what Allison was getting at, was that Diana might of had the same operation done on her, she might of been given orders to find them and return to the seer world for Claire's use. Diana also might of been given memories of what Claire wanted her to know, thinking her way of capture was needed. Nick asks if there was a way to reverse the process, but Allison wasn't sure of any treatment. Claire might know, but until Diana would return for them, it would have to be found out another way. Mallory comments that what was odd, was that Diana stated she had other business to attend to. The deputy could of gotten stuck with going back with Diana to have the same thing down on him. Remmy figures that Claire is probably planning to do this to several people, and maybe make a military for her own fun, like with controlling earth's for power. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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