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Episode U-613: A Love Slide

Logline: After landing on a world, Mallory hits his head on a wooden post, leading for him to have a future with Maggie, who doesn't know him, due to her life in the upperclass society.Directed By: David Peckinpah Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, Delta Burke as Mrs. Beckett, Leonardo Dicaprio as Dale Sanders, and David Lascher as Kyle Charleston Synopsis: The vortex opens, tossing the 6 sliders out, and then it closes. As the group gets up, Cory realizes that its very quiet around the area, then Mallory suggests that maybe they've landed in an empty world. Allison tells the group that they slide in 5 days, so they would have to do something until then. Remmy states that Mrs. Mallory was smart to stay on Earth Prime, than sliding into danger. The group travels into a small town, and not very populated. Mallory starts to walk ahead of the group, when suddenly, out of no where, an out of control carriage is heading right straight at him. Remmy looks to see the carriage coming, but its too late. When the carriage is about to hit Mallory, someone shoves Mallory out of the way, knocking his head on a wooden post, then falling to the ground. When the carriage was finally stopped, the other sliders race to Mallory. He's unconscious, Maggie yells for a doctor, while the others try to see if he is injured badly. Mallory soon awakens, by the sound of a man's voice, his eyes open, to reveal he's on the top of a bunk bed. The man tells him to get up, since it was breakfast time, so Mallory gets up, and realizes the others weren't around. The man throws Mallory some clothes, telling him to hurry up, so Mallory does just that, even though the clothes were old fashioned. The man, now known as Kyle, along with Mallory, soon arrive in a dining area, he sees several other people wearing raggedy clothing, he doesn't get where he was, but he didn't mind some food. The 2 guys sat for breakfast at an empty table, Mallory starts to ask where he was at; Kyle found it funny, since they've been here for 2 days, so Kyle repeats that they are on the cruise ship Olympus, heading from California to Australia, then they planned to join a band with their fellow friends in Sydney. Mallory jokingly states that he must of hit his head, or got really drunk the night before, then Kyle told him he did get drunk, and got into a fight. Up on the boat deck, Mallory is sitting on a bench, watching the water flow with the ship, he looks around to be surprised of what was going on since it felt realistic of where he was at, and hoped that the other sliders would appear soon. A fellow 3rd classmen takes a seat by Mallory, he looks to him, offering him a cigarette, but Mallory declines, telling the guy it was bad for his health, so the man lights up, blowing smoke into Mallory's face, so Mallory decided to take off, walking around the ship. He soon sees Maggie up above on another level of the ship, wearing fancy clothes, and a gold diamond heart shaped necklace. He plans to head up to where she was at, but an officer stopped him near the gate, telling Mallory that he couldn't come up here, since he was a 3rd class passenger. Mallory tells the officer that he knows a woman up there, but he was again denied access to the level on the ship. That night, as Mallory sits on the same bench, watching the stars, he hears a woman crying as she runs by, he gets up, to see her run to the edge of the ship, he gets up, and heads towards her, Maggie turns around, surprised of him, she tells him to stay away. Mallory asks her if she knew him, but Maggie calls him crazy, since she never saw him before in her life. Mallory asks her what was wrong, but Maggie told him to leave, so he does, and as he walks out of sight, Maggie starts to climb the railing, Mallory quickly approaches her, and she turns around, shocked, so she slips. Mallory grabs her arm, telling her to get herself back up, then Maggie slips more, along with screaming to Mallory, to not let go. Mallory uses his strength, pulling Maggie back to the deck floor, where he lands on top of her. After getting back up, Maggie thanks him, then she states to never tell a soul of what she did, and Mallory promised; Maggie walks off, returning to her level on the ship. By the next afternoon, Maggie shows up in a yellow dress, a white shawl around her, along with wearing tan gloves that were arm's length. She locates Mallory walking the deck area. Maggie asks if he wouldn't mind walking around the deck with her, so they do. Mallory asks why she showed up, and Maggie want to talk. Maggie tells Mallory that she wanted to thank him again, and to stop her from killing herself. Maggie states she is getting married, when they arrive in Australia, but feels that everything is moving to fast, and can't stand it, knowing she could be making a mistake. Mallory asks her why she needed to marry in the first place, since it would be stupid if it was about money. Maggie tells him that her mother matched the 2 up, and they were to marry, when she turned 22, so there could be a large fortune, for being able to survive. Mallory tells her that she wouldn't need wealth to survive. Maggie agrees, but feels everything would go wrong, if she refused the marriage. Mallory asks her, why she had almost killed herself if she likes her life. Maggie states she had been drinking, not thinking properly, trying to find a way to make her own way of life, even though her mother didn't think the same way. Maggie asks Mallory if he would like a boat tour the following morning, since her mother and fiancee was going on one with her. Mallory agrees, thinking it would be nice to meet the others in her life. Maggie tells him that she will meet him by the gate around 9 a.m., and to be there prompt and ready. That night, Mallory is resting in his room, when Kyle enters drunk as ever, with a woman. Mallory awakens to hear them kissing each other, and moving around on the bottom bunk bed. He started to wonder if he's gone insane, since he can't get the fact out that he must be on another world, or the others had somehow been left behind, when the ship left; but still found it odd, of when they purchased tickets. Mallory hopes this dream or odd reality ends, so he can get back to sliding. By the next morning, Mallory had joined Maggie, along with her mother and fiancee. Mrs. Beckett asked how Mallory met her daughter, and Mallory stated that she lost her balance, when she nearly fell over the railing on the back of the ship, so he grabbed a hold of her, and brought her back onto the ship. Maggie intervenes, stating that she had wanted to see if the propellers were hanging off the back of the ship, or underneath. The 4 arrive at the bridge, the captain had invited them in, telling of the hard work, that people put in, to make a ship this size work. Dale Sanders asks if this has been the very first large cruise boat that was created, and the captain told him it was, but in the future, more would be created. Dale looks to Mallory, telling him that building ships is a good idea, and maybe he should consider being a worker for shipbuilders. Mallory smirks at him, then the 4 are lead out, by the lifeboats. An officer arrives to the captain, giving him a note, which states that mines were in the coming territory, and should have to be careful, since the Russians dislike America and Australia. The 4 are taken all over the ship, and when they arrived to the engine room, Dale comments to Mallory that he would fit in perfectly, working down here. Maggie tells Dale to stop being rude to Mallory, just because of his appearance. Finally as the tour guide left the group near the dining hall, Mallory tells Maggie that he should get going, and return with his other slave friends. Maggie kisses him goodbye on the cheek, then joins her mother and fiancee, as they head inside for tea. That night, Maggie reappears on the bench Mallory was laying on again, she states that she finished dinner early, and would it if they could go and chat. Mallory asks her if she wouldn't mind going to a party, down below, and Maggie agrees to it. Smoke and loud noise filled the room, as people smoked, drank and a band was playing. The 2 danced around on a platform, then they took a break, drinking some beer. Kyle shows up, telling Maggie that she is beautiful, and wouldn't mind it, if he woke up with her. Mallory tells him that shes from first class, and she would have to leave soon to get back. The band begins playing again, and everyone joins a conga line, so Maggie and Mallory join in. A man servant to Dale Sanders, arrives below, seeing the 2 together, so he takes out a note pad, and writes something down, then exits, heading back upstairs. By the next morning, Maggie and Dale are enjoying breakfast out on the patio to their room, the maid pours orange juice into Maggie's glass, then exits. Dale asks Maggie whey she didn't show up to his room the night before, and Maggie tells him that she was tired, then Dale states that his man servant saw her down below, hanging with the poor people. Dale finally gets up, throwing the table to the ground, he yells at her, and commanding her to never see Mallory again, or the engagement was off. Dale exits the patio, as the maid returns to clean up the mess; Maggie then gets up, heading into her room to dress for churh services. As Maggie is buttoning her jacket, her mother enters, telling her of what she heard from Dale, about her activities below decks. Maggie tells her that she was just having a little fun, then Mrs. Beckett interrupts, telling Maggie that she is foolish, since Dale Sanders is a good match, which will keep her afloat, and having a good life. Mrs. Beckett slaps Maggie telling her, she will always be rich, and should be proud of it. As the church goers sing, Mallory arrives at the doors, 2 guards stop him from entering, telling him he can't enter. The man servant from the night previous, comes out to Mallory, telling him he shouldn't be here, then Mallory asks to speak with Maggie for a few minutes. The man servant tells the guards to return Mallory to his decks below, then giving them each a 100 dollar bill. Later in the day, at the pool, Maggie is sitting on a long chair, while Dale is beside her. Dale tells her that he's going to get drinks and would be back. Mallory jumps the railing, finding a seat next to Maggie, in Dale's chair. Maggie is surprised to see him, then Mallory tells her that he plans on leaving the ship that night, and would like her to come with him, heading to a nearby island. Maggie tells Mallory that it isn't up to him to change her lifestyle, and is planning on marrying Dale for his money. Mallory calls her a snob, for acting this way, and hopes that she will live in agony for life, knowing she could of had a chance with him. Mallory then takes off, returning down below. Dale shows back up, giving her champagne. Dale tells her that her schedule for the day is planned. Maggie is to head to the gym for exercise, then 4 hours of tennis practice, followed by shuffle board with some other players. Back down below, Mallory is heading to an off limits area. He opens the door, to find a motor boat, so he sees the mechanism that will open the door, leading for him to exit. He returns to his room, with finding Kyle there, reading a book on shark attacks. Mallory tells him that this ship is a death trap, revealing the news that the ship is in mine territory, and it could explode at anytime. Kyle then asks Mallory what his plans were, and Mallory tells him that he found a motor boat and plans on leaving when night approaches, since he could be easily seen now. Kyle agrees to leave, but asks if he could bring a woman, since she is by herself and couldn't see her die. Mallory agrees, telling him to meet him at the bench, where he's been sitting lately, when night approaches, then they'll take off. After her tennis practice, Maggie grabs her bag, then sees a father with his daughter. He tells the daughter that she needs to keep up with practice, so she can join the high leagues of tennis pros. Maggie soon realizes her life has been controlled since childhood, and plans on doing something about it. Maggie then heads into the shower room. After cleaning herself, and cooling down, she changes clothes, into a long blue dress and a white blouse, along with high heels. Maggie heads out the doors to exit, returning to her suite. No one is around in the suite; Maggie heads down below decks, she heads to Mallory's room, but no answer, she continues on, realizing Mallory stated he was leaving, so Maggie quickly headed to the boat location nearby, that they saw on the tour. Maggie sees Mallory, along with 2 others in a motor boat, exiting the ship. Maggie tries to open the door, along with yelling, the door is stuck, she jiggles it, and after five minutes, she finally gets it open, but the others were gone. Maggie enters, to find a row boat left, but then feels the boat speeding up, she figures that they want to get to Australia early. Down in the engineering section, the chief engineer tells his crew to step up the pace, since the captain ordered to speed up to 32 knots. Maggie sees the control panel, to open the hatch, she can't figure it out, but then feels stupid, when she sees a red button, reading "open hatch button", Maggie pushes it, hten gets into the boat. As the hatch opens, Maggie begins paddling out, but the boat is starting to go to fast, not letting Maggie have a chance to exit the ship. Maggie finally gets out, then begins paddling to an island, which was about a mile from her location. She looks below to see several mines lit up, and as she is farther away, the boat suddenly drops the anchor, and then several explosions occur, tossing Maggie's boat up into the air, and flipped over. Near the island, Mallory and the others look to see the explosion, the girl with them, tells Mallory that Maggie chose the wrong path, and she could of had a chance with a better man. Mallory agrees, hoping he can find true happiness with someone else. By the next day, on the island, Mallory is sitting in a bar, made out of bamboo. He's drinking a beer, and chatting with the bartender, then finally a woman enters, its Maggie, wearing her same clothes, but they are wet. Mallory is shocked as ever, so he goes to Maggie, picking her up, and telling her he can't believe she survived. Maggie told him that she realized he was right, and tried to get on the boat with him, and the others, but had to settle for a row boat, which nearly killed her, when it tipped over, but she managed to flip it back and rowing to the island; the 2 begin kissing, and finally Mallory awakens, in a hotel room bed. He exits the room, to see Maggie sitting on the couch, reading a magazine on shark attacks. Maggie looks to Mallory, telling him of how surprised she is, that he's awake. Mallory asks what had happened, and Maggie tells him that he hit his head on a post, then the doctor told htem that he could be out for days. Mallory asks of the others location, and Maggie tells him that the others were in the bar, enjoying warm beer, since on this world, no refrigerators were invented. Mallory tells Maggie that he had something to ask her about, which was if she really loved Quinn. Maggie first asks why he wanted to know, and Mallory just wanted to know. Maggie tells him she did, and knew she couldn't have that feeling again, unless he got unmelded. Mallory tells her that if she ever needs someone to love her, he would be a good choice. Mallory and Maggie share a kiss, then the others enter, surprised that Mallory was awake. Maggie begins to tear up; Remmy asks what was wrong, and Maggie tells him, she was happy, knowing she had the family she needed to survive. Remmy looks at her odd, then pats her shoulder, smiling. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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