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Episode U-612: What Your Sliding For

Logline: With returning to the Seer World, Remmy is able to locate his friends, but finds that 3 people are living, and one of them is missing by the hands of Claire LeBeau.Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Robert Floyd, Tembi Locke, Linda Henning, and Jennifer Hetrick as Claire LeBeau Synopsis: In the Golden Gate Park, the sliders are walking near a hidden area, Allison has the timer in hand, she tells Remmy that with the data she has reconstructed from the timer, the formula she used to locate his friends should work, after calling up the coordinates. Behind a large oak tree, Allison punches a few buttons, and then opens the portal; Cory is first in, followed by Remmy, then Nick, and finally Allison leaps in with her laptop. They are seen in the portal, flying out of control, then it can be seen that the portal is opening on the other side, in a dark room. The group comes out, knocking over equipment; the portal closes. The group gets up, Allison states that they slide in 30 hours. Remmy realizes they are in the storage room he was last in, before sliding out of this world the first time. Cory tells Remmy, that if the others were taken to a kromagg prison, they should try to locate it, and leave quickly. The group head out of the storage building, they figure that they should just go and find Claire LeBeau, and deal with this problem. As they walk past a store with televisions in the front window, the famous Christmas movie "Its A Wonderful Life" is being shown, and when they pass the bridge, they see that its all been covered with lights, which the brightness wouldn't appear until nighttime. The 4 arrive to the estate of the Seer, Remmy figures that he would obviously be noticed, and he was, as Claire arrives to the door, she is shocked to see him around. Remmy tells her he slid off, and the next slide, never killed him. Claire tells Remmy that there is no way to find out the location of his friends, since her father died, and she blames the group (even though she was the person that forced them there). Nick gets in her face, telling her that she shouldn't play around with people's lives. Allison continues that if the others were released, she wouldn't have to worry about them ever again. Claire tells the group that if, unless they refuse to leave the grounds, she would call for the dogs; Clair shuts the door, slamming it in their faces. They take off, and head to the Chandler, with Remmy knowing that fans wouldn't be there to yell for his appearance. Remmy feels that he has no way to locate the others, and may have to consider them gone. Allison begins to tell the guys that she has been keeping a secret from them, and she knew that this wasn't the time or place to talk about it, since it has nothing to do with finding the others. Cory looks to her oddly, asking what kind of secret she was hiding. Allison tells the others that she is an FBI agent, and she was given the assignment to follow any leads of the sliders, and try to find the location of the other sliders, Quinn Mallory, Wade Welles, and professor Maximilian Arturo, and when Remmy showed up, she had a start. Remmy stands up from the chair he was sitting in. He tells Allison that now he understands why she has kept the laptop, to take down any information, so when they return home, she can file it to her boss. Allison states that with the kromaggs conquering earth prime, there is no purpose for this assignment, but she felt that with sliding, there might of been a chance to find a way to defeat the kromaggs. Remmy states that Quinn Mallory has been melded with a double, Wade Welles died as a machine, and Arturo died from a crazy colonel. Remmy then states he doesn't understand why at this point she waited to spill the secret. Allison tells Remmy, Nick and Cory, that its been building up inside, and feels that she needs to have a trustworthy group to work with, so it would be nice to tell everything of what was going on. Cory and Nick are shocked. Cory tells her that it would of been nice to know of this secret long before they got together. Allison tells them that she promises to destroy the laptop and any evidence of sliding. Nick reminds her that she still has information about a kromagg weapon, that would help back home. Remmy tells Allison that she can keep it, just for that purpose. Allison apologizes, then she tells the guys she'll be in the bar. After she leaves, Remmy walks to the window, staring out into the street. Cory tells him that he shouldn't worry about Allison, and that her secret is the least of their problems. Remmy turns around, to agree, but feels he's been lied ot for so many months, but would be able to get over it. Nick then speaks up, telling Remmy of an idea, to watch Claire's moves, see where she goes, then possibly lead to the other sliders location. Cory agrees, but figures that she would have people already watching them. Remmy tells them that there is a chance to find the others, but would have to use common sense. That night, in the city, Claire heads to an old, run out building, which was a clock store. She opens the door, and after closing it, she pushes a few buttons on a lit up key pad, for a stairway to appear a few inches from her feet. She walks down the stairs, then heads right, heading to another large door, she punches in a code, and the door opens, she continues on, to a cell, a few feet from the wall in the room. 3 people are seen, Maggie, Mallory and Mrs. Mallory. Claire tells them that their friend Rembrandt Brown returned with some new friends, and he can't seem to find the trio. Mallory tells her that she should give up trying to hide them, since they know Remmy isn't a give up kind of person. Maggie tells Claire that its getting boring, and hasn't been tortured since 2 months ago. Claire tells her that if she wants, she can shoot her to death, so Maggie curses under her breath, calling her something; Claire tells them to enjoy the night, and her people would be by to drop off stale bread for breakfast. Mrs. Mallory stops Claire from leaving, telling her that she doesn't understand what happened to her. Claire tells Mrs. Mallory tha they had killed her father, so its payback time, to rot in hell for life. Claire exits the door, as the lights dim. The following morning, as the sliders are eating breakfast, Allison follows Remmy into the bedroom. He tells her that he feels betrayed, knowing she was spying on him for most of the sliding these past few months. He tells her that she may be left behind when they return to earth prime, soon. Allison again apologizes, but Remmy doesn't want to hear about it, and he returns to the main room, which then Allison follows, closing the door. A few hours later, at Claire's house, she is drinking tea in the living room, a knock at the door is heard, so her maid answers it, bringing the person inside towards Claire; its revealed to be Allison. Claire is surprised to see her, and figures she's trying to locate the others. Allison states that with recent news she told Rembrandt Brown, which she restates to Claire; he finds her a disgrace to the group. Claire gets interested, and Allison continues that she might have a way to get Remmy to leave this world for good. Claire tells her, shes listening, and Allison gives her an idea that if she had photos of the others dead, it would lead Remmy to leave. Claire then asks Allison, that wants something, and Allison agrees, stating to give her money, for not to reveal that she has prisoners for her own wealthy ways. Claire considers it, offering $50,000 and Allison agrees to the deal, so Claire offers Allison tea, and she takes a cup, waiting for it to be filled by the maid. Back at the hotel, by mid-afternoon, Allison arrives with a folder and a brief case, the others ask what she had in her possession, and she asks where Remmy was at. Cory tells her that Remmy was taking a nap, and would wake soon. Allison sits by Nick, she tells the others she was given photos of the other sliders dead. Nick and Cory take a look at them, shocked of what they see. Allisont told them that she went over to give Claire another chance of showing the group where they were hid, so she gives her these photos, and told her to leave. Allison then went for lunch at a diner, and saw the photos, which made her sad, realizing that Remmy would freak out. At the clock store, Maggie is playing with a game of cards by herself, which has their faces on the cards, with the word sliders on the back of each card. Mallory, who is standing by the cell bars, can't believe that Remmy hasn't arrived yet, then Maggie told him that Claire could of convinced him they were dead, and to leave. Mrs. Mallory told the 2 that if they did find them, he wouldn't liked the news of what happened to Diana. With 6 p.m. near, Remmy had awaken and seen the pictures, which get him ticked off, he can't believe the pictures, and needs proof. Allison tells him that Claire wouldn't lie about these pictures, if it wasn't true. Remmy picks up the pictures, and throws them to the floor, he knocks over a lamp, and he heads to the bedroom, tearing up. Cory and Nick head to him, telling him its over, and there can't be anything done. Remmy turns around to them, telling the 2 it can't be true, but would have to wait for another chance to get revenge for what Claire had done. His next plan would be to try to retake back his earth. Allison looks to the others, looking as if she plans to say something, she picks up the timer from the couch, reading 20 minutes, she tells the others they slide soon, so they should head to a quieter place to leave. Nick asks the others to head to the bar with him, so Remmy can have some time to himeself. In the Los Angeles Bridge Park, they find it very covered with trees and tall shrubs, the group head by the lake front, Nick is given the timer, and Allison gives him the laptop for him to carry to the next world. A tan van pulls up near the park, Claire opens the back door, as she exits with binoculars; 2 of her henchmen stand by her, watching the group about to leave. Nick opens the portal, Cory is first in, followed by Remmy, then Allison tells Nick to go, and Allison finally enters with her brief case full of money. The portal closes shortly after. Claire tells the men that it was time to send their prisoners out of the country for good. They return to the van, and as it pulls away, a man in a trenchcoat with a hat and glasses, exits out into the open from behind a shrub nearby, he takes off his glasses, who reveals himself to be Remmy. As the van arrives at the clock shop, Claire exits with a gun, the 2 men follow, also carrying guns. Shortly after, Remmy arrives in a taxi, he pays the driver, and exits the taxi. As the vehicle pulls away, he notices the van, then he looks across the street, to see plastic candy canes in a barrel, outside a grocery store, which were about 5 ft tall, and only 50 cents for each. As the metal door opens, Claire enters, the sliders approach the cell bars. Claire states that Rembrandt Brown has left this world for good, and now they would be taken to a place where it snows a lot. Mallory comments that he hopes its not Anartica, since he's heard that it gets cold at night. Claire snickers at the joke, but tells him they will be sold as slaves to some smugglers that need a little help and in the need for extra money. One of the men unlocks the cell door, suddenly, Remmy arrives, hitting the back of the other guy in the head, with a plastic candy cane. Mallory and Maggie push the cell door open, they attack the other man, then Mrs. Mallory exits, telling Claire she was hers to fight. The 2 women struggle, then Maggie is able to grab the guy's gun, whom Mallory was fighting, and orders the women to stop. Remmy takes the man's gun and tells him to hold it. Mrs. Mallory hands Claire's gun to Mallory. Remmy asks where Diana was at, and Maggie sadly states that Claire did off with her, since she refused to create a timer, which could of lead to chaos, and they saw it all on a monitor in the cell. Remmy forces Claire to hand him her cell phone, so he can calls the cops, and Maggie states that she can now rot in hell. A little while later, the cops arrive, hauling the 3 people away. Claire stops to tell the sliders, they haven't gotten away with anything, and plans on getting revenge somehow, then Claire is forced into the back of the police car with handcuffs on. Remmy hugs Maggie and then Mallory. As the police cars drive away, the other sliders return; Remmy's double thanks him for the fun job to have, and finds it interesting to have traveled to an alternate world. Remmy's double shakes Remmy's hand, then tells the group he needs to tell the media of this. Allison asked Remmy if he completed his mission, and Remmy stated he lost someone close to him, with Remmy continuing of breaking the bad news. Nick and Cory introduces themselves to the others. Allison states that she can call up the cooridinates to earth prime, when they slide in 8 hours. The group then begins to start walking, back to the hotel. The following morning, at the police station, Claire is sitting in an interrogation room, the door opens, the officer enters, with someone hiding their face. The officer states they have 5 minutes to chat. The person sits down, taking her hat off, revealing herself as Diana. Claire tells her that she has a timer ready to go, back at the house, and Diana agreed to slide after the sliders, making them return for punishment for what they did to the Seer. Diana then comments, she now hates the sliders for giving her hell in the first place; which was forcing her to go sliding for no main purpose. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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