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Episode U-611: Where The Past Comes Alive

Logline: What if the sliders never went sliding? How would their lives of turned out, even though the kromaggs could of arrived to capture their world.Guest Stars: Linda Henning as Mrs. Mallory, Frances Fisher as Mrs. Randall, Ed Begley Jr. as Assistant Director Thorp, Joel Stoffer as General Kopla, Francoise Robertson as Alisha, Don MacKay as Arty Field, Nicholas Lea as Ryan, and Rebecca Chambers as Michelle. Synopsis: The date is September 27, 1994. At a stop light, Remmy is sitting in his cadillac, he turns on the radio, and the announcer is stating about the pregame show for the Giants game, and a roster move they made with a player called Shortstop Vic Smith, who was having problems with games and 3 errors the night before, and so he was sent to the Pacific Coast Leagues to get his confidence back. Remmy feels that Vic Smith is not important and the people want to know who was singing the anthem. The light turns green, and Remmy takes off, going past a gas station. Down in the Mallory basement, a few minutes later, 3 people enter the vortex, which then heads through the wall, heading outside, and it leads straight into the path of Remmy's car, he quickly steps on the brake, he is shocked to see something so odd, the portal then closes. A woman at the house nearby, exits her home, she runs up to Remmy's car, asking what that was, and if he was ok. Remmy laughs, then faints, falling over into the passenger seat. Mrs. Randall stops the car from moving forward, then returns to her house, to call for help. Shortly after Remmy is awakened by the police, he gets up from the seat of his car, still shocked of what happened. A police officer asked what happened, and Remmy states that he saw a blue whirlpool in front of him, he stepped on his breaks, and then it vanished. Remmy looks to his watch, and shocked of how much time has passed. He had the gig to sing the national anthem at a Giants game, he asks if he could leave, and the officer he talked to, said he would have to stay, since FBI agents needed to talk to him. That night, Remmy is taken to the FBI headquarters, Agent Allison Kendall asks him questions, she soon recieved a report, which shocked her. Remmy didn't understand; Agent Kendall told Remmy that he was allowed to go, but would need to leave his name and phone number with her secretary. That night, Arty called Remmy, he yelled at him for not showing, and Remmy told him the story, but Arty didn't believe him. Arty then told him to meet him the next morning for a meeting, and possibly for another gig. The following morning, Remmy arrived at Arty's office in the studio, he sat, listening to facts that if he he screwed up again, he would be out of an agent, and Remmy told him, that hopefully, it wouldn't happen again. As Remmy is leaving the office, he ran into Alisha, who was getting some water. Alisha stops Remmy to chat about not showing up the night previous, and Remmy told her the story, which she found odd, then she offered to cook dinner for him that night at her place, and Remmy agreed. Over in Los Angeles, at the Bay Area Apartments, Allison Kendall is exiting her apartment, when a young attractive man, passes her, stopping at the door, a few feet from her door. The man looks to Allison, and she asks him if he was the new neighbor moving in, and the man stated he was. The man introduces himself as Nick Driskill, then Allison introduces herself to him. She then takes off, putting on her coat, and heading to the elevator; Nick stares at her as she waits for the doors to open, then he enters his apartment. That night, after dinner, Remmy is helping Alisha with the dishes, which she finds kindly of him. Remmy likes the idea that he has fallen for the best woman in the world, and would hope to never leave this relationship. Alisha stops drying a cup, and kisses Remmy, thanking him for being in her life, and if it wasn't for his music career, they wouldn't of met. Remmy starts chatting about the fact that they've been dating for almost a year, and would like it if they moved in together. Alisha is surprised, so she tells Remmy that she would give it some thought, and get back to him on that, since it would be a big step for the both of them. A little while later, Remmy decides to head back home, since he had to wait for a call from Arty about a gig, so Alisha kissed him good night, and Remmy left, hoping Alisha would really plan on moving in with him. Over in Allison's apartment, she is drinking a beer, when she heard a knock at the door, she opens it to find Nick. He asks if she wouldn't mind some company, since he was new to the building, and would like to know her, so Allison let him in, offering him a beer, which he took. The 2 sat on the couch, watching television, Allison spoke up to ask what he did for a living, and Nick told her that he was an accountant and paper deliverer on the weekends. Allison found it interesting, then she told him she was with the FBI, which shocked Nick, and he asked if she was going to arrest him for anything, and Allison told him, unless he did a criminal act. Allison starts stating that she almost was about to move to D.C., until this accident lead people to disappear. Nick doesn't get what she is saying, so he just nods, but Allison states what happened, 3 people disappeared and possibly landed on a parallel world. As soon as this situation came up, she was told not to head to Washington, since they need her for this assignment, since someone that nearly was taken with the 3 wasn't, and they needed her for the investigate this person, so she stayed. Allison tells him that if this didn't happen, they never would of met, since she was suppose to have left the night before. Nick tells her that its nice that shes around, and would like to get to know her. The 2 look into each others eyes, then kiss, and they lead to the bedroom to make passionate love to each other. On Earth 225, inside a kromagg military base, a kromagg general, named Kopla, enters a laboratory and is met by a few medical kromagg doctors. He is told they have chosen a speciman for their new plan on cloning. A young man in his twenties is forced into a room, and injected with hormones for an aggressive appeal towards humans. The man falls to the floor, puking white puss out of the sides of his mouth and nose. On a monitor, Cory Hatfield's profile is shown, in order for the kromaggs to create an exact duplicate of Cory with skin samples. In 1997, 3 years later, Agent Allison Kendall and Assistant Director Thorp arrive at the hospital, they meet 2 doctors, in an office. One of them tells the agents it was a shocking experience to see a red whirlpool open in an er, and have 2 people disappear. Agent Kendall shows the doctor a picture of the 3 sliders that disappeared, asking if he could recognize any of them, and he was able to point out Quinn Mallory, except the woman was uncertain. A.D. Thorp asked if a woman named Mrs. Mallory was here with the travelers, after they showed them a picture of her; the other doctor told them she was. They thanked the doctors for their time, and took off. They soon arrive at the Mallory house, where Mrs. Mallory was just about to walk up her steps to her house. Agent Kendall stops her, asking if they could talk; Mrs. Mallory lets the 2 in and they took a seat in the living room, where Mrs. Mallory offers the 2 drinks, but they decline. A.D. Thorp asks what happened, and Mrs. Mallory told them that she heard a knock at the door, and it was her son, with a young woman; they hugged each other, with Quinn glad to be back home, then the woman started having breathing problems, so they rushed her to the hospital. Quinn then told her he loved her and would be back with a weird device that lit up, he called it sliding, then they were gone. In Los Angeles, Remmy is exiting his house, he sees his wife pull up with their 5 children. Alisha quickly goes to Remmy, giving him a hug and congrats him, that he has his 18th album out in stores. Remmy reminds her of how good it is to be married to each other; then a daughter gets out of the car, and tells Remmy that she missed him since they were gone for a week. Remmy picks up the girl, calling her Daggie, he kisses her cheek, then puts the girl back down. The other kids come over near their parents, and Remmy tells them all he's glad to have everyone in his life. Remmy heads to his car for heading to work, he tells Alisha that he'll be home for dinner this time. Back at the apartment building, Nick is in bed with another woman, doing things under the sheets; the women asks him if his wife knows they are sleeping with each other; Nick tells the woman that Allison is clueless, but will get a shock, when she's given divorce papers. They hear a door open, and Nick freaks out, he tells the woman to get in the closet, as he tries to get Allison out of the apartment. But suddenly, its too late, Allison sees the 2, near the closet, Nick tries to tell her it was an accident, so Allison tells Nick that she will be leaving, and when she gets back in an hour, both of them should be gone. Allison slams the door, then the woman slaps Nick, since her husband could now find out about this. Allison gets in her car, with tears streaming down her face; she takes off, then as shes driving down a main street, she quickly speeds up and is going 85 mph, she then runs a red light, ramming into a gas truck, which was turning left, and suddenly, there is an explosion. Over at Remmy's work, he walks into his office, where its being emptied by movers. He heads to Arty's office, where he tells Rembrandt that he's fired, due to having several one night stands with executive board members of this studio. Remmy exits the office, throwing his brief case against the wall, where he also then curses. Arty yells out that his 40,000 paychecks are gone forever, since this studio will never take him on again, until hell freezes over. One year later; On Earth 225, General Kopla is telling his soldiers that they will take everyone of earth 322 world, prisoner, and if they resist, kill them. Cory Hatfield's clone is lined up with others who are armed and ready for action. The general recieves coordinates of a wormhole to enter another world, and he realizes a homing beacon placed in one of the humans, so his soldiers should now prepare to take over this earth, after finishing with Earth 322. Back on Earth Prime, in the park, a vortex opens, tossing a female and male out, its revealed to be Ryan, and Michelle. To 2 head to the Chandler Hotel, they get checked in. Michelle tells Ryan as they walkl, that she hopes Quinn and Maggie would be here soon, since they should of been able to track the wormhole trail. Rembrandt Brown passes them, and stops to look at them, since he's wondering something about what their talking about, but figures its nothing, and continues walking on. Then a few days later, several vortexes open, bringing hundreds of manta ships out into the sky. People down below stare in amazement. Ryan and Michelle realize this and know that Quinn and Maggie are still gone. They try to run for cover, but a laser beam from a manta ship picks a car up, blocking their way into an alley. Nick is nearby and he jumps into a garbage bin, with closing the lid. People run stir crazy as kromaggs land the manta ships and starting to fire upon people, including Nick, which Cory's clone finds him and tells him he was stupid to hide from the dynasty, then the clone hits Nick over the head with his weapon, knocking Nick unconscious. After a few days, several hundred people are now prisoners of the kromagg dynasty. In a re-education center, Remmy is tossed into a cell with a woman, its revealed to be Allison, with several scars on her face, and half her hair missing. Remmy tells Allison, that he knows the aliens are hellish and would destroy this world. Allison, tearing up, agrees, that their earth as they knew it, was gone forever. A man is forced by the 'maggs, who is revealed to be Ryan, is tossed in a cell next to Remmy's and Allison's cell. 2 weeks later, as the prisoners try a rebellion against the kromaggs, 200 prisoners were placed in front of a firing squad, and killed instantely. Remmy, Allison, Nick, Ryan and Michelle(who started the rebellion) were included in the group that day. As for Cory's clone, he returned to his base world and was given his own squad to take over another dimension. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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