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Episode U-610: Change of Scenary

Logline: The group land in a California where New York has taken its place, and with a dose of a double who wants his way to get home, its up to the sliders to solve the case.Guest Stars: Kate Bosworth as Jenny Litenger, Matthew Porretta as Detective Slaken, and special appearance by Chad Todhunter as Jules Konig Synopsis: The portal opens on a roof top, dropping the group out on the cement ground. Remmy helps Allison up as the portal closes. Nick finds the weather a bit cold, and would rather get to the hotel ASAP. The group take the stairwell down to the bottom, exiting the entrance, with a door that falls to the ground, after Cory closes it. A man, not far from them is watching Allison walk by, he finishes his cigarette, and tosses it to the ground, then turns and follows the group. Nick figures that this California is like New York, since the Golden Gate Bridge was black, and as they had entered the park, there was a sign that said Brooklyn Bridge Park. Cory states that he lost his wallet on his world in New York, due to an old lady who scammed him. The group arrive to the Grand Hotel, which Remmy remembers from his world, then the man crosses the street, heading out of sight. Remmy decides to take a nap as Nick and Cory want to check out the hotel, and Allison plans on working with her laptop. Down in the bar, Nick sits at the counter, on a stool, asking for a beer, but the bartender asked for identification, and when Nick showed him his ID, the bartender told him that he needs to be 35 or older to get a beer, or any alcoholic beverage. Nick exits, and finds Cory look at rings in the jewelry store. Back in the room, Remmy goes into a deep sleep, he sees Jules yelling at him, saying it was Remmy's fault he was killed by the psycho, and Jules hopes that Remmy likes being alive, to handle the pain its causing from his death. Then Jules pulls out a pitchfork and stabs himself with it. Remmy awakes in a sweat, yelling out "No!"; Allison reacts to Remmy, moving by his side, asking what was wrong, and Remmy told her it was a nightmare of reality, about Jules dying. Allison told him the pain probably will never end, and it was terrible for what happened to Jules. Nick bumps into a young woman and knocks her stuff to the ground. Nick apologizes, telling her, he wasn't watching where he was going. The woman tells Nick, she didn't mind, but she couldn't finish talking, since she was staring at him in attraction, and the same was happening to Nick. Cory finally broke the ice, when he saw what was happening. Cory told Nick they need to get back to the room, and Nick agreed. The woman stopped the men from leaving, when she asks Nick if he would like to get a drink later; Nick first asked how she would get alcohol, and the woman told him, she had her connections. Nick agreed to the meet, so the woman told him her room number, and to show up around 8 o'clock, Nick agreed to that too, and they went their separate ways. The same man from earlier saw the woman walking past, he starts to reach for something in his coat, then is about to follows her into an elevator, but a few others are inside, so the man walks past the elevator, disappearing again. Cory and Nick enter the room, to find Remmy and Allison at the small table, playing cards. Nick asks to join in, so they let him into the game. Cory flops himself onto the bed, putting his head back on the pillows. Allison tells him that he gets the floor, since it was her turn for the bed. Cory tells her that she had the bed on the previous world, so she would need a pillow for the floor. Cory then throws a pillow at her and Allison just tosses to the floor. In the following morning, the group head to the lobby, and find a group of police officers standing around a scene. Nick heads over to see a bloody sheet with a body under it. A police officer tells him to back off, then Nick asks what had happened, and the officer replied that someone came in and killed a woman in her room, and dragged the body to this location. Nick returns to tell the others, which are nearby, of the grim news, which disturbs Allison, thinking out loud that she could be next. Remmy gets mad at her, for saying what she just said, and storms off, yelling out about not caring if anyone else dies, since it always happens to people he cares about. Cory asks what his problem is, and Allison tells him that he can't handle what happened to Jules, and can't think what might happen to any 3 of them. Nick reminds them of his loss of his friends the professor and Wade, then the 3 drop the subject, when the woman shows up again. Nick tells her he forgot to thank her for a nice night; Nick introduces the others to her, who reveals herself to be Jenny Litenger. Jenny asks Nick if he would like to take a walk, and maybe get some lunch, so Nick told his friends good-bye, as he takes off with Jenny. Allison and Cory return to the room, and start making out, when above them in the window, a shadow appears on the wall. It takes out a gun, pointing it at Allison with a laser beam, but then its pointed at the wall, and fires, scaring Cory and Allison out of their minds, and the shadow then disappears. Remmy quickly enters to see what happened, and they see the bullet hole in front of them. Cory looks out the window, to find no one, but then a red corvette speeds away, squealing its tires. The police arrive, and suggest that the killer from last nights murder, might of striked again, or is trying to scare customers away. They believe that the sliders should leave the hotel, since the shooter might return for another chance. Nick and Jenny arrive a little while later, glad to see the others ok. The group form outside the room, as Jenny leaves to her room, a few floors down. Remmy states they slide tomorrow night, so they should listen to the officers and let them take them back to the station and let them sleep in a cell. The others agree, except Nick, who feels that he is really hitting things off with Jenny and might consider staying in her room. Cory tells him to be careful, since the killer might be out to get him too. The group head to the police station, while Nick stays with Jenny. The group is given cots for a cell; Allison sees a man that looks familiar to her, but figures someone she saw from another world. Remmy quickly falls asleep, while Allison and Cory stay up, chatting. Back at the hotel, Nick and Jenny sleep together, and as they are both resting, Jenny suddenly awakes at 3:09 a.m., she looks over at Nick, sound asleep. She then gets up, puts on some clothes, and leaves the room, heading to an alley near the hotel. Jenny sees a mysterious figure, she speaks up, saying she is ready to try again to get a hold of the one she loves, but the figure tells her, that she better not screw up this time, or she's a goner. Jenny leaves, returning to the room, then the figure appears, and its Nick's double. As the sliders are eating breakfast in a break room, they get a call from Nick, stating he had fun last night and would be by to slide out around 8 p.m., Cory tells him to be careful with his plans for today, and says his good-bye, by hanging the phone up. Cory tells Remmy and Allison that he's going for a jog with some officers, and would be back later. Allison and Cory kiss, then Cory takes off, disappearing. Over in an abandoned building, Nick's double enters the room, he sees Nick tied up to a chair, along with Jenny drinking coffee. Jenny states she is about to make her move, to capture the other sliders, then she can have Cory to herself. Nick's double states this would be the only way to slide off to worlds, in search of home. Nick has a surprised look on his face, now realizing Jenny was ordered to take down the sliders, so his double could get the timer for sliding. By mid-afternoon, an officer tells Remmy that he has a phone call, so he answers it, with Nick's double on the phone. He states that a masked man entered the room, kidnapping Jenny, and threatening to slit her throat. After Remmy is told to meet Nick at the hotel, he hangs up; Allison asks what is wrong, and Remmy tells her to get her coat, and he'll explain along the way. The 2 arrive at the hotel by taxi, they meet Nick, and he states he was able to follow the man, so they would have to walk to the location, since they would be noticed if they had a vehicle. Allison tells Nick that Cory was out with officers, and left a note to stay at the station, until they returned. After walking 2 miles, they cross the street, and Remmy comments how poor this part of town looks. The 2 get in front of Nick, when he pulls a gun on them. Allison figures Nick is a double, and that Jenny had something to do with this situation and then asks where the real Nick was at. The double states the situation is more interesting than as it seems. They are lead up 7 flights of stairs, and into a room, where Jenny holds her gun on them as they enter. The 2 head by Nick, and Jenny states that with no one in the way, Cory can be hers. Allison states, Jenny must of been the one that shot at her and Cory in the room, which she came forward to, along with Nick's double stating he killed the woman, which was Jenny's double, who was the one who originally met Nick, and she needed to be iliminated, since there was not enough room for 2 Jenny's. He tells that "2 months ago, myself with a Cory double and Jenny slid here, the timer was fried, and we tried all out possible ways to leave. a couple of weeks later, Cory got shot by a gang, and Jenny was his lover, so with no luck, we waited for a possible chance to find doubles to land here and then take their timer" Back at the station, Cory returns to find the note, and surprised of what might of gone wrong. He asks an officer, and he stated that Remmy and Allison left quickly. Cory decides to find out what was happening, then suddenly, Detective Slaken stopped him, asking if he could help in finding his friends. Cory didn't understand, then told the detective that he saw him before, around the hotel. Det. Slaken told him to sit, since it was a long story. Slaken stated hes been tracking 3 travelers since their arrival 2 months ago. "They caused trouble in San Diego with killing a few, but for unsure reasons. Then one of them vanished, and Allison, or a woman similar to your friend, joined the remaining 2 left, and starting a romance with the male. But we also knew she was a criminal as well. So when I saw the 4 of you exit that building, I figured I should stay on your trail. I also realized one of the group members, Jenny Litenger had another twin in this area, and she was the same one found dead in the hotel lobby. So if we find these people, they can be captured and put on trial for the deaths of innocent victims." Cory then asks "so what ever happened to the woman resembling my friend?" "we're unsure of her too, we believe that those 2 did away with her, but we won't find out, until we catch them." Cory agrees to the team up, but realizes that it would be hard to locate the others. Det. Slaken reveals that Allison's jacket had homing device connected to it, so it should lead them to the location. Cory asks why Allison had a device on her jacket, and Det. Slaken stated she may have been the real one, so she could be caught doing a crime. Allison and Remmy are tied up along side Nick. Jenny had taken the timer, reading 7 hours, 12 minutes, 33 seconds, then she sticks it in her pocket. She heads out of the room, and locates Nick's double by a window, loading his gun, he looks to her, and states he needs it just in case. Jenny asks if Cory would be coming with them, and Nick tells her "of coarse, he may be a different Cory, but he's still the same guy on the outside. We might have to drug him at first, but he'll join with us sooner or later as a team member." Jenny reminds Nick of this mornings call to the station, she asks what his original intent was about getting the timer, he replies "I planned to leave you here, take the other Nick's place" Jenny lightly hits Nick's arm, cursing a name under her breath. Outside, across the street, in an alley, Cory and Det. Slaken sees the red corvette that Cory saw one day earlier when he was shot at. Det. Slaken tells Cory to stay at that position, and he would head over, but Cory demanded that his friends were in trouble, and wouldn't stay, knowing they could die. The 2 make it to the entrance, Det. Slaken hands Cory a gun, telling him to use it wisely. Cory states that he will enter first, and he should remain outside. Det. Slaken doesn't agree with this plan, but Cory feels that he would rather do this, then get another person killed. Back up the stairs, the 3 sit in the room, Nick's double soon hears footsteps, he heads to see Cory coming up, so he returns to state the obvious. Cory carefully heads to their location, and enters the room, holding gun on them. Jenny tells Cory that he doesn't need the gun, since they were all friends. Nick's double tells Cory that they were fellow sliders, and they lost their Cory, to a gang, so he is given the option to leave with the 2 and slide out, or die with his friends. Cory states he has no choice, but to get reinforcements here, but as Cory turns to run down the stairs, Nick's double tells him to hold it and to drop the gun. Nick's double heads near him, and Cory turns around, he grabs a hold of Cory, and ramming right into the window behind them, with glass breaking. They both struggle, while hitting each other; Jenny approaches them and realizes someone was outside, so she grabs her gun, and heads outside, to shoot Det. Slaken, who was looking over the car. Remmy secretly is able to untie himself, but then grabs Cory's gun and a crowbar, he hits Nick's double over the head, knocking him to the floor. Remmy looks out the window, to see Jenny about to fire her gun, so Remmy fires, hitting Jenny in the back, knocking her to the ground. Cory thanks Remmy for the help, and Remmy accepts the thankful notice. Remmy then tells Cory at least he was able to save one friend. Cory reminds him that he will never be at fault for the death of Jules, since Todd was crazy in the first place. Remmy heads outside, and sees Det. Slaken there, he thanks Remmy, and continues calling for back-up. As the detective turns around, Remmy finds the timer on a struggling Jenny in pain, and quickly hides it in his jacket pocket. Cory unties the others, with Allison giving Cory a tight hug. Remmy returns upstairs, with Nick thanking him for the help; A few minutes later, police and the medics show. Jenny is taken away in a strecher, as Nick's double is loaded into the back of a police vehicle. Det. Slaken thanks the sliders for all the help in catching killers, and would be honored if he could give the sliders medals. Remmy declines offer, since this wasn't no regular crime. Det. Slaken offers the group a ride back to the station, but they take off, disappearing out of sight. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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