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Episode U-609: One Sickness Hurts Another

After a long hiatus, Sliders S6 was about to never return to USA, but with fans writing in to the network, Sliders got saved and will be airing Saturday today and next week, then moves back to Fridays with all new eps. for at least awhile.Recap of this season: After sliding off of The Seer World, Remmy returned to find his world still conquered by the 'maggs, and stuck in another prison cell for 3 more months. He was later saved by Trevor Blue, and one of the resistances members, Nick Driskill. When they returned to the hotel for the timer, they met up with a woman named Allison Kendall, and she was smart enough to fix the timer. The 3 of the them joined up together, and then they added another traveler that almost found what they were looking for, but it didn't happen, so the 4 became a team, trying to find old friends and destroy the 'magg race. A few slides down the road, the group met 3 sliders that were out to get Diana Davis, for killing their friend, Remmy agreed that when he found Diana, he would bring her to them, for revenge. They then met up with Logan St. Clair, she needed a way off the world she was in, after Quinn pushed her through the vortex. They took her, but she turned into the old Logan, stealing the sliders timer, and the double, Quinn Mallory, let them use his timer to slide off. The group then met Jules Konig, Remmy's old friend from the slidecage, they joined up together, and made the group create a 5 person team. Now, heres a new episode. Logline: When Nick is committed to a psychiatric clinic, the others help with his escape, only to bring along a crazed patient, who ends up killing one of the sliders. Guest Stars: Chad Todhunter as Jules Konig, Lochlyn Munro as Todd Harrison Synopsis: Before the slide, the sliders took in a little fun at a disco club, with the 70's still alive. Nick and Jules wore platform shoes and outragious suits, while Allison dressed in a tight skimpy outfit, wearing a head band, while Remmy and Cory wore 70's fashion. A quarter past 8 p.m., Remmy rounded the group up and headed outside near an alley way. Remmy liked the idea that a disco club that stayed open 24/7. Nick told the others he was offered some pot and to go joy riding, but passed when everyone in the pot smoking group went unconscious in the bathroom. Remmy opens the vortex, Nick was first in, followed by Allison, Jules, Remmy and Cory. On the next world, inside a clothing store, the group is tossed out. Cory sees the sign on the door that the store is still closed, so they should be able to borrow clothes before the store opened. As they exit the back door, they exit out into an alley, then they head to the main street, Nick decides to have a little fun and do some dance moves. People stopped and stared, Cory stops Nick, telling him hes making a fool out of himself and embarrassing the rest of the group. In a van, not far from the group, a mysterious woman talks into a walkie talkie, stating she has another patient ready to check in. Suddenly, the van pulls up near the group, the side door opens, and 2 large men exit, they grab a hold of Nick, who begins struggling, one of the men, injects something into Nick's arm, then they throw him into the van. Remmy tries to stop from from leaving, but then the woman points a gun at them, telling them to back off or they too would be sent to a mental hospital. The van takes off, Cory sees the license plate reading PSYCHO1, he figures they need to find Nick before he is druggedup to do anything. The group heads to the Chandler Hotel, and while in the room, Allison is looking through the phone book, for mental hospitals, while Cory is calling the operator, to possibly find Nick's double to fix the problem. The phone begins to ring, but no answer, and the answering machine picks up with the double talking, Cory hangs the phone up. Remmy enters the room, with an odd look on his face. Jules asks whats wrong, and Remmy states he was just down at the bar, and some woman starting humming a song, and 2 men showed up and carried her away, just like what happened to Nick. Jules figures that maybe if you act weird, your taken away to an asylum. Allison thinks of an idea, that if maybe they all acted mental, they all might head there too. Cory states that they inject you with something and your out of it for good. Allison tells the others she can't locate any mental hospitals in the phone book, she then tosses it on the table near the bed. In a light colored room at the hospital, Nick is taken in, wearing a straight jacket, then a doctor injects a suringe into his neck, which puts pain through his body, and then he falls over on a bed. Another man in the room, is freaked out, and hiding behind his blanket, but as the doctors leave, he tosses it to the side, and jumps off his bed, to stare at Nick. He puts his finger on Nick's face, then laughs as he sticks it up his nose. Back at the hotel, Jules, Allison, and Remmy head outside to find a taxi, to borrow, by stealing it. Cory decides to go with an idea, to act odd, in order to find the hospital, while Allison stays hiding to watch as the van pulls up, and follow in the taxi, driving. Cory does a few cart wheels, then runs out in front of a car, which is going slow. The van arrives nearby, and as Cory continues his stunt, Allison starts the taxi, and then pulls out from the alley, to follow the van. The same 2 large men exit the van, they attack Cory, as he struggles, but the men manage to get him inside the van, and it takes off. Allison steps on the peddle, but remains a distance so the van couldn't realize they were being followed, as Remmy and Jules hide in the back seat. After leaving the city, the van pulls in by a guarded fence, so Allison decides to stop the taxi, and thinks of something to do to get in. Jules states that they should just ram the gate down, but could get taken in and considered patients, so that would be a bad idea. Cory is taken from the van , and taken to an exam room, where they inject him with more chemicals. In Nick's room, he finally awakes with the stranger staring at him, he freaks out, but doesn't realizes where he was taken. He gets up from his bed, and looks to the man, he asks what happened, and the man starts acting like a man high in cocaine, and states they were taken captive by natives, and there is no way out. Nick looks to the door, and sees Cory being taken to the room across the hall, who is unconscious. The 3 outside, had parked the car, a mile from the entrance, and takes the sewer tunnel into the compound, which has a strong odor that nearly causes them to pass out, since they couldn'ttake it and there was dead bodies to pass by. The sewer tunnel which reopened above, near the unloading zone, where a semi is parked. They manage to get inside, but quickly have to change clothes which are in the laundry shute, which they also have to climb up into. Jules is leading the others up to the door, when it opens and a basket of sheets fly down, so the group falls back down, and land into a pile of bloody surgeon gloves. Nick finally gets the man to talk more, and he states that hes Todd, and that he was admitted 4 years ago for jay walking in the park, which Nick finds odd, then Nick tells his story, and finds it weird that people must live boring lives, and Todd stated the people do. Remmy, Allison and Jules finally get doctors uniforms on and split up, taking each floor at a time to locate the others, and they have 15 floors to visit. Todd heads near the door, and tells Nick that his friend is really out of it, from the chemical check-up. Nick asks what that was, and Todd told him that its when the docs here want you to be a zombie, and do mostly anything they say to do. Nick finds this society is screwed up, and glad he never plans on staying here forever. Todd looks to Nick oddly, asking him what he meant by that. Nick told Todd that its crazy, but hes a traveler between worlds, and Todd agreed to that, but didn't find it that crazy. On the 4th floor, the group exit the elevator, but soon are met by security, and they state they weren't doctors, since the security hasn't seen them before, and figured they came in from the sewers or some other means, but would just be committed soon. Jules suddenly kicks a guard in the face, and Remmy joins in, fighting with the other, they manage to fight it out, but the men were stronger than them. Allison finds a cart nearby, and sees suringes on top, so she takes them, stabbing the guys with them, and they fell to the ground. Remmy thanks her for taking care of the 2. Jules figures that the cart might have a sheet of where everyone is, and luckily they found it on the bottom level of the cart. Jules looks and finds the 2 new admitted patients were on floor 8. A nurse exits, she tells them to back away, or she was calling security, then Allison states this was her turn, and she hits the nurse, knocking her to the ground too. The 3 take off, heading to the 8th floor. Shortly after arriving to the rooms, Nick is glad to see them, but Cory is some out of it, but awake, so Allison and Jules help him up, while Remmy unlocks Nick's room. Nick hugs Remmy, and tells him that its about time. Todd pops out from the corner, and Nick tells the group his name, and that he is also a person committed here, so the group agrees to let Todd come with them. The alarm goes off, and the group take off, heading back out the same way they came in, but as the cover to the sewer closes a few guards show up, surprised the group has vanished, so they continue the search somewhere else. They exit back into the woods, and return to the taxi, but as they start up, and pull back on the road, they see the van from earlier, so they take off, and the van starts to follow, but then stops. Remmy doesn't get it, bu then on the radio, a person comes on saying that taxi #0035 is missing and has escaped criminals inside. Jules states they better ditch the taxi, and head for the woods, until the slide. They find a corn field a few miles ahead, so they stop the taxi, and all exit, running into the field. It takes a while to get out of it, since it was wide enough to fit 20 houses but they did find a broken, abandoned house with a barn nearby. Remmy tells the others they should hide out in the barn, in case the police arrive, but they still could be found out. Todd tells the group, he lived on a farm as a kid and knows how to use the equipment to fight off evil. Nick suggests they go inside the house to check for anything to eat or drink. Cory finds it stupid, but agrees that maybe the house hasn't been abandoned that long. Todd and Nick head towards the house, while the others head into the barn. Allison takes a seat on a bail of hay, takes her laptop out and starts writing a bio on Jules with his picture on the side. Remmy takes the timer out, stating they slide at 10:10 p.m. tonight. Jules can't wait to leave, and hopefully relax on a beach resort, and Cory tells him good luck with getting his wish, since it never happens. Nick is looking through cubboards to only find baking powder and crackers from 1982 which haven't been opened yet. Cory says hes joining the others as Todd comes from the basement. He tells Nick nothing can be found. Then he starts telling Nick that his friends are odd, and maybe its a good idea to leave and find the real ones. Nick suggests that his friends being doubles would be out of the question. The 2 return to the barn, to tell the others of whats in the house. Allison closes her laptop, as Todd comes near her. He asks what the computer was for, and she tells him that its a journal, to keep track of the worlds they visit. Suddenly, they hear a car pull up, and its the van, the group see a door that leads down below, so they take the stairs down, to hide. The people search around the area, looking in the house, and the barn, and they're almost caught when Cory steps on a board that squeaks, but the person above them, sees a rat come out nearby, so he forgets checking the noise out. The person exits the barn and the group hear them leave, which makes them relieved, so they head back up and plan to leave soon to hide somewhere else. As the sun is setting, the group had decided return into the field and plan on hiding somewhere near the woods. Todd once again tells Nick to reconsider leaving these people to find a life here, since they can't be trusted. Nick tells Todd that he knows for a fact these are his friends, and plans on leaving with them. Todd walks off, a little upset, heading behind the house, where he finds an ax laying in dirt, rusting away. Todd picks it up, looks at it, then turns around heading towards the barn, Remmy is met by Todd, who stops in his tracks, with the ax, behind his back. He tells Todd that they are heading into the field, after Jules sets up a trap to slow down the officers, when they fall through boards. Todd agrees to help with the process to finish quickly, in case the officers arrive unexpected. Remmy takes off to find the others, as Todd enters the barn, where he finds Jules tossing hay into a few piles. Todd doesn't say anything, and just as he is about to whack Jules over the head with the ax, Jules turns around and luckily backs off. Jules asks him what he is doing, and Todd tells him that he needs to be eliminated, so Nick can survive this world without trouble from the law. Jules tells Todd that he is Nick's friend, and wold like to leave this world, so no one would be harmed again. Todd starts swining the ax around and Jules tells him to stop, or someone could get injured. Todd gets aggressive and drops the ax, then runs towards Jules as they both are knocked down into a horse stall, where not realizing this, Jules has a pitch fork shoved into his back. Todd gets off him, and apologizes for it. Jules is in pain, and screams out in agony, but the others can't hear him when Todd covers his mouth up, then Jules closes his eyes and his head falls down on the handle of the pitch fork. Allison doesn't get why Jules or Todd hasn't arrived yet, then Todd shows up running towards them. Cory asks where Jules was at, and Todd tells him hes been taken care of. Nick asks Todd if he did anything to Jules and todd told him he was gone for good. Remmy starts to tear up, then says "no, it can't be true" and runs back to the barn. The others follow and see the frightening sight. Allison begins to cry, so Cory holds her. Remmy turns to Todd, telling him how stupid he is and has no plans to slide with a killer. The 4 take off into the field as Todd sits down in the grass, sinc Todd feels bad for what happened. The darkness covers everywhere, as the sliders near the end of the field. Suddenly, a helicoptor arrives with lights on, circling the field, and a voice is heard telling the sliders to stop. Back at the house, 4 police cars show up, then men exit it, and find Todd sitting in the grass. One officer heads near him, and asks where the others were at, but Todd said nothing, got up and the officer backed off. Todd attacked the officer, and steals his gun, then ran into the field, trying to catch up to the sliders. 6 officers follow him, trying to catch up and snag Todd. Remmy pulls the timer out, reading 2 minutes 50 seconds. Nick can't believe what has happened, and would love to kill Todd, for Jules's death. The helocoptor finally gets close enough to the group, to drop 2 men, dressed in black, who run into Todd, but they can't catch him, since he was hard to handle. The group head near a tree outside the field, Nick tells him its best to slide now, so with noe time left, Remmy opens the portal. The group begin to enter, and just before Remmy, who is last, to leap in, sees Todd with a gun, then tells Remmy he has nothing to regret about killing Jules, and shoots himself in the head, killing him instantely. Remmy sees the men coming, so he quickly slides out as the portal begins closing. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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