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Episode U-608: A What If Situation

Logline: After landing on an alternate version of Earth Prime, where Remmy's double used the Voraton KR-17 device to defeat the 'maggs. Rembrandt finds that his double has gone looking for a cure and hides out far from the world, which is also crumbing.Guest Stars: Chad Todhunter as Jules Konig, Raven Symone' as Tisha Brown, Tembi Locke as Diana Davis-Brown, and Robert Picardo as Doctor. Synopsis: Before the slide, the group is ending a tour at the San Francisco Zoo. They head off near the bathrooms, since Nick has to go from drinking 4 bottles of ice tea. Jules is interested in the snakes, since they have unique color, plus he wouldn't mind getting one for his pet. Remmy disagrees, saying that it was someones fault for creating such a bad animal, then Jules reminds him that snakes are reptiles. Allison found it surprising that 60 pandas existed here and it costs the U.S. nothing to pay for their needs. Remmy suggests that maybe this world's China is paying back from World War 2, or maybe the government is covering something up about it. Cory pulls the timer out of his pocket which reads 3 minutes, 23 seconds, he tells the others they should hide out behind this building, then a guy in a zebra suit comes up to them with a dumb french accent asking for money for charity. He touches Allison's butt, so she turns around and kicks him in his private area, asking how it felt for a woman to touch him, the man falls to the ground in pain. Nick exit the bathroom, and quickly joins the others by jumping over a fence. They get far away, enough hidden, so Cory opens the vortex, Nick is first in, followed by Allison, then Remmy, Jules and Cory finally enter. The portal reopens on a small patch of grass with sand surrounding the area, they are tossed out, but Jules knocks Remmy down, apologizing. Remmy states that one of these days it will be reverse ad he can see how it feels to be knocked over by a person. Allison picks he laptop case up and stares around, she comments that it looks like the old west, then Cory tells the group they have 35 hours in change. Nick suggests going up over the hill in front of them, so they do and when they reach the top, they see a main highway, they decide they better take it and maybe someone will pick them up along the way. After an hour, finally a truck with chickens in pens in the back, stops and the driver asks the sliders if they need a ride, so Remmy and Nick get inside while the others must sit in some hay and chicken feathers fly in their faces as the truck takes off. Remmy starts a conversation asking why is everything so dead around here. The man just states that someone tried to help this earth from a terrible attack, and it became a desicrating world to live in, especially the ecology. Nick asks if the attack had anything to do with the kromaggs, and the man just nodded. The rest of the ride remained quiet, until the truck arrives at a small town. Remmy thanks the man and they all get out of the truck, before it takes off. Remmy tells the others that this town reminds him of a world where it had a fog that made people act odd. Cory is about to tell the group that a motel is behind them, when a young girl arrives, she heads to Remmy, saying that shes glad to see her father back, then Remmy tells the girl he isn't her father. Suddenly a woman appear, its Diana Davis's double, she tells the girl, named Tisha to get away from him. Diana's double slaps Remmy, asking him why he returned. Remmy apologizes, telling her, he doesn't know what shes talking about, then Jules collapses to the ground. Allison runs to him, saying he has a pulse, she asks Diana if they can go to her home and get him some help. Diana first disagrees, but then finally helps pick up Jules, and bring him into to her home, laying him on her bed. Tisha gets some wash clothes and a bowl of water that her mother asked for her to get. Nick puts a cloth on Jules forehead, realizing it was burning up. Diana's double tells the group to leave, and would be right out to straighten things up. Tisha tells Remmy that he resembles her father, but Remmy says that he never had kids, but would love to have some, one day. Diana exits the room, she asks Tisha to go to the store, then gives her a list of groceries to get, and gives some money, then Tisha exits the house. Diana asks Remmy why he returned, but Remmy couldn't take it, he says its hard to explain, but hes from a parallel world. Diana's eyes widen, she nows understands that Remmy is a double, and apologizes for hitting him earlier. Nick tells her that he knows about the kromaggs being here once. Diana tells the group to sit, since she had a long story to tell. Diana tells the sliders, that after her first kromagg encounter, down in the bunker, her Remmy took the Voraton device, knowing it was the only way to stop the kromaggs for good. Remmy knew how to call up his world's coordinates, since he saw his Quinn do it several times. They returned here to Earth Prime, and shortly after the Voraton device went off, it made plenty of changes, it quickly killed millions of people, for some unsure reason, including Maggie and Mallory, then Diana just agreed to remain here on this world, after Remmy proved his love to her, so they married 9 years ago, and had Tisha. Remmy explains to the double, that he had the same experience, except his friend Maggie, who activated it sending a goodbye gift to the kromaggs, and that was it, then his group met a guy named the Seer, which also on that world had a virus, and it didn't work. Allison asked where Remmy's double was at. Diana explains that a few months ago, he went into an idea that if he slid to worlds, he could find help for this world's ecology problem that was going down hill. Diana found that crazy since she knew that it would take years to build another timer, but Remmy's double wouldn't stop, so she forced him to leave, and the following morning, he was gone, and hasn't been seen since. Jules begins to cry out, so Diana heads back in, his fever is getting worse, Allison asks what might be happening, then Diana explains that when the kromagg virus was sent out, it lead a virus to make people sick, probably due to the ecology, and with no cure, Jules may die from the disease which is unknown, but Diana guesses of something in the air or microscopic dust getting into people's systems. Nick thinks that maybe when they slide out, the sickness might disappear, then Remmy tells him about Sliders Rule 3c, never take sicknesses to parallel worlds to affect an unexpecting population. When a knock at the door is heard, Diana heads to see who is here, and its Tisha, being carried in by Remmy's double who then puts her besides Jules. Another man enters the house, its revealed that Remmy's double cracked the code to sliding himself and found a doctor on a parallel world, so he thought, he may return to town, to help out. Nick asks how the doctor will cure the sickness, the doctor speaks with a southern accent, stating that the atmosphere is dropping nuclear acid on people, or by inhaling it through foods or liquids without anything knowing it. The doctor never finishes answering the question, he puts his bag down, opens it, and pulls a small bottle out, he asks Remmy's double to open Tisha's mouth, and he pours a small amount of green liquid, and says Tisha should be better soon. Allison tells him to treat Jules as well, the doctor does the same, then sticks the bottle back into his bag, then tells the group that hes off to visit the local clinic to set up shop to cure the sick. Remmy's double is shocked to see his double, Remmy says he has learned of what happened, and sorry for the loss of his friends. Remmy's double stated that he had nothing else to choose, so he brought the voraton device here to free his people. The group is about to head out of the room, when Jules stats moving his body and starts puking out the medication, Cory runs out to grab the doctor, who then returns, he asks Allison and Remmy to hold Jules down, he sees that he couldn't handle the dosage, and hes getting worse. Remmy asks if there is anything to do, since he isn't from this earth. The doctor quickly thinks of something. He opens his bag and pulls a suringe with a vial of aspirin, stating that its the best he can do, so the doctor injects aspirin into Jule's arm, he calms down, falling back to sleep, the group is relieved. Hours later, Diana sits down with her Remmy, she feels that maybe things weren't that bad after all between them, and maybe they could work together to find help to fix this earth. The 2 share a kiss as the sliders enter from the other room, happy for them. Remmy tells his double and Diana's double, that he really hadn't thought of his Diana as a wife, but might possibly consider the idea. By the next morning, the doctor had set up shop outside, since there was no such clinic available. The people were standing in line to get an injection of the medication to lose any trace of the virus. The door to the Brown's open, the sliders exit with 3 minutes to slide. Tisha arrives in the room, to awake Jules, he quickly gets up, tired as ever. He asks where the others were, and Tisha stated they were outside, and he would be better, since he was infected by the virus, and cured. Jules asks what the virus was and Tisha doesn't know, so she leaves the room, with a smile in Jule's face. He exits the house as he puts a flannel on, joining the group. Allison tells Jules that she was glad to have him along for the ride. The group had out behind the house near a tractor, Cory opens the vortex as Diana's and Remmy's double, along with Tisha, stand by, watching the group leave this earth, the 3 grab a hold of each other, then head back to join the people as the portal closes. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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