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Episode U-606: Influenced By Dimensional Travel

Logline: When returning to the Slidecage, Remmy meets an old friend, but find that more kromaggs have arrived recently, to make trouble, leaving one friend of Maggie's dead.Guest Stars: Chad Todhunter as Jules Konig, Marla Sokoloff as Virginia Lee, Drake Hogestyn as Chris Konig, Rebecca De Morney as Debra Konig, and David Lascher as Todd. Synopsis: After returning to the slidecage, Remmy is surprised since he thought the slidecage was no longer closed. Allison felt nervous being in a dark place. Nick and Cory didn't mind it, but would rather plan on sliding out soon which was 5 hours. Remmy explains about his first encounter here, and had one day hoped to return to see how a friend was doing. Cory wanders off, to see blood on a wall, he calls the others over, and are surprised of this. Nick touches it, but its somewhat dry. Remmy feels that his friend Jules is dead, or even Thomas, a friend of Maggies. They continue their search, but find no one or anything. Suddenly, Cory hears a moaning sound coming from another corridor. The 4 back track to see a door open, and find someone in pain. Remmy immediately yells to the figure about what happened, and he hides himself. Nick nears the person, then it comes at him, but Cory grabs a hold of the person, stopping him from attacking. Remmy realizes that it's Jules, a boy he hoped to return for, then tries calm him down, telling him its ok. Jules sees Remmy, grabbing a hold of him, tears coming down Jules's face, glad to see a friend. After returning to Jules's room in the walls, he offers everyone some food from a dispenser, then tells what had happened. Its revealed that kromaggs arrived here a few days ago, and decided it would be fun to make him and Thomas prey. Jules says he got away, but Thomas was killed shortly after the kromaggs found his hiding place. Remmy tells everyone that Thomas will be missed, especially by Maggie. Allison feels for what has happened, and hopes she can help to destroy the kromaggs soon. With a few hours remaining, the group sits, waiting to slide, as Remmy fills in on what happened to Quinn, Colin and Maggie. Jules is automatically added to join the group, and plans to remain with them for quite awhile, until he decides to leave. On the next earth, the group land on the Silver Gate Bridge. No one is around to see them, since its near sunset, and they plan on heading to the hotel for sleep. Cory asks Jules how it felt sliding to another world, and he thought it would be a fun adventure. As they continue to walk down the sidewalk, a man and woman exit a house, they stare at the sliders, then look towards Jules. They run right up to him, hugging him tight. The woman is relieved to see him, and the father wipes his tears from his eyes. Remmy breaks up the meeting, to say if they knew Jules, and the woman spoke, that Jules was their son. Nick adds that he had a bit of amnesia, and had hoped to find his family, due to picking him up on the roadside, walking. The parents introduce themselves as Chris and Debra Konig, then invite the group inside to chat. Allison starts off asking where did Jules's double go. Chris explains that the gulf war just ended a few months ago, with Jules joining the military, and heading overseas. The last known word, was that Jules's plane was struck down, exploding before hitting the water. Jules pretends to remember, and he says that his seat ejected earlier, but didn't know if anyone was around to help. Then after that, its blank for remembering his past, of how he returned to California. At the end of the conversation, Chris and Debra, once again thank the sliders, for finding their son. Cory asks for the group to say good-bye to Jules outside, and so the 5 exit the house. Remmy tells Jules that its his decision to either remain here, or keep sliding. Jules tells the group that he will tell his fake parents the truth, if he decides to leave. Allison tells Jules that they slide in 4 days, and to meet in the Silver Gate Bridge park. In the room, at the Chandler, the group is watching television and see that life on this world is totally different, with Nick responding to Baywatch, about real lifeguards that save lives, or a rich kid with a show called Rich Kid Of Bel-Air. Allison glances at the pages in the bible, found in the desk near the bed. She sees that most of it is covered in drawing, and has about 20 pages, with Allison commenting that this world may have the people with a few religious beliefs to believe in. Cory starts to flip through the channels, when during a news brief, Jules's double face appears. Remmy turns the volume up, with the reporter explaining that Jules Konig has been found, and on his way home from Japan where part of the war was fought. The group look towards each other, thinking the same thing, if Jules has been found a fraud, or even arrested for pretending to be someone else, he could be sent to prison for life. The following morning, leads Jules into more problems. He had taken his mom's jeep to the hotel, without permission, to see the sliders about what was on the news last night. Remmy feels that if Chris and Debra realize there son is alive, Jules could be arrested, but Jules had told them that they went to bed early the previous night, and wouldn't know anything. Allison tells Jules to return, and fit in, hoping to stay normal. Nick thinks its stupid for Jules to play along as a dead son, now alive, returning home, but Cory exclaims that this world may have a different criminal justice lifestyle, and to reveal that if he was someone else, he may be put to death. Jules returns, telling his mom a lie, saying that he went to the beach for the sunrise, since he hasn't done that before. A few hours later, a girl, in her teens, named Virginia Lee, arrive to greet the family, eating breakfast. She heads over to Jules, hugging him, since he was alive. She tells him that she hopes he will return to the world and have fun. Chris tells Jules that he shouldn't get into too much trouble, or he could be arrested for the 5th time. Virginia promises nothing will happen, so she just tells Jules to meet her at the hang-out club around 8 p.m. the following night, Jules agrees. The next night, a place called the Factory, teens are dancing, loud music is playing. Jules and Virginia arrive, she heads over to the counter asking for 2 drinks and combo meals. Jules just watches everyone dancing, and thought it was fun, so he joined in, but his moves weren't that good, as people stared at him, laughing, Virginia turns around, to see the embarrassment, the she heads over, grabbing Jules to stop, then the 2 walk over to a table, waiting for the food. Virginia tells Jules that he still doesn't have good dance moves, and shouldn't show off what he has. After some time, the food arrives, they eat, while they watch the people dance, 50's style. Virginia tells Jules that she has a game planned after dinner, Jules asks what it was, but Virginia didn't say a word. The 2 finally head out of the Factory hang-out, they head into an alley, and they begin making out, Jules enjoys whats happening, and hopes its the game, but isn't. Virginia finally takes Jules to a bank. They are met by 4 others, 2 guys, 2 girls. One of the boys named Todd hands Jules a hook to throw onto the roof, so the group begins to climb. After reaching the roof, one of the girls opens the door with a gun. Virginia, Todd and Jules head down as the others remain above to watch for cops. They enter a room, Virginia blows some sand into the air, to see the red alarm lines in the way, and after she blew some more sand out, all of the red lines appeared. Todd tossed a rope over a metal hook above on the ceiling, and Virginia helps to put on the rest of the gear, which then lifts Todd into the air. Jules controls his movement, and when he reaches a case full of diamonds and gold bars, he fires up a torch, melting the glass. Todd pulls his back pack out, and starts filling it up with the stuff. Suddenly, Jules accidently steps into a red line, letting the alarm go off, Virginia tells Jules hes a reject, so she runs over to Todd, helping him down. Jules remains where he is, staring at the 2, thinking it wasn't right to steal. Virginia tells him to come and help, so Jules runs over to help fill the bag, then officers arrive, arresting the 3 on sight. The 3 on the roof escape capture as they take off in the car down below. The next morning, at the hotel, the sliders get arrested too, since Chris and Debra soon found out that their Jules was alive and had arrived at the house a few hours ago. By mid afternoon, the sliders sat with Jules in a cell. Cory once again reminds the group how stupid it was to play along with this joke to let Jules have a life. Allison tells him to get off it, since he stated it shortly after being arrested and put in a police car. A police officer arrives to say the time for the trail would be in 2 days, for pretending to be someone else, and the sliders were accomplises for the plan. The group is shocked of how long they had to stay until the trial was to get started. Finally on that Friday, they go before a Judge Judy type judge and she tells them they were stupid and she was the boss. Jules's double approaches the stand and he tells the courtroom he was betrayed by his own nation, to let Jules be him, and he would be sentenced to life in prison or the chair. After the jury returned from the room with what they had in mind to do with the sliders, since on this world, people got to choose what happened to the defendents. Judge Marina read the sentence, Jules would be put to death by the chair, the sliders would be forced to live on an island without any help for life. The deputy heads to their table, to take off their handcuffs, then when Remmy gets his hands loose, he pulls the timer out, telling the others to be ready. Remmy opens the portal, and everyone is shocked of the wormhole. Remmy first jumps in, followed by the other sliders, still handcuffed, and then Jules tells his double "syanara dude" then leaps into the portal, which closes shortly after. On the next world, they land in a music store, from above, Jules hits the side of the wall, causing a guitar to fall into his hands. The portal closes, the store manager comes back, looking at the group, yelling at what they just did, just when Jules gets up, the manager is shocked, apologizing for what he said. Jules doesn't mind it, but then a crowd begins to form around the sliders, and they chant Jules's name, they all look to a record with Jules double on it, wearing a metalic uniform and a grey mask covering his left side of his face. As the screen fades, an electric guitar is played. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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