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Episode U-605: Sliding Out Of Town

Logline: After Rembrandt meets an old nemisas, Logan St. Clair, on a world with 2 suns, they talk things over, and the group allows her to come with them, but after sliding to the next world, she goes back to her old games.Guest Stars: Zoe McClellan as Logan St. Clair, Jerry O'Connell as Quinn Mallory, voice over of Linda Henning. Synopsis: Nick walks out of the hotel, with his shirt on his shoulder, he pours a bottle of water over him, to cool him down, but women are watching gazing at him for fun. Allison meets him, after shes returning from the pool, and she comments that he must have a fan club now. Nick just responds that he keeps his body in great shape. They're relieved they slide soon, out of this world that has 2 suns, making the temperture double. Remmy exits the air conditioned room, heading for the bar, he holds the timer, reading 24 hours, he sticks it in his back pocket of his shorts. As he sits down, he gets a pain from his butt, he feels stupid, for not taking the timer out, sticking it down on the counter before sitting down. He asks for a nice cold beer, and the barkeeper fills a glass, giving it to him. He takes a long drink, before he puts his glass down. Cory enters with a girl, then waves to Remmy as the 2 sit at a table. He notices by the entry way, a sign saying "No Sex Unless The Temperture Is Below 100 Degrees" he laughs, then as Remmy takes another sip, a woman sits down a few stools away from him, asking for a drink, Remmy tries to remember where he had heard that voice before, he looks over to see Logan. Remmy catches her eye, she is surprised to see him. She scoots over next to him, picking up the timer, fiddling with it, then asks where Quinn. Remmy tells him he isn't sliding anymore. Logan gets a big smile on her face, but Remmy tells her that Quinn was melded with a double and is lost in another universe. Logan explains that after Quinn basically pushed her through the vortex, she landed here, timer fried on entry, and unable to create a new one. Remmy sarcastically feels for her, but tells her there is no chance in hell, that she will be coming, then yanks the timer out of her hands. Logan agrees of what she did, but no harm was done to the group, and has changed her ways. After taking a sip of her beer, she tells Remmy that if he could get her to another world, she could get help, fixing her timer, and never be seen again. Remmy thinks about it, but refuses, telling once your a lier, you'll always be one. Logan doesn't mind, so she moves to her original seat, finishing her drink, and leaving the bar. That night, in the room, Remmy tells the others about Logan's encounter, and explains that she became evil after his other friends tried to get help, in finding home. Cory asks if she had said about changing her ways, and Remmy said she did, then Cory feels that maybe, she was telling the truth. Allison continues, that if Logan was willing to never cause problems when her timer is fixed, then they should try to help, in anyway, then slide to the next world, but Remmy tells her that more trouble could occur with other people, and he wouldn't want that on his head. A knock at the door is heard, and Nick answers it. Logan appears, wearing a bathing suit, and having wet hair. Remmy goes to the door, asking what she wanted. Logan tells him that she isn't here to beg, but wanted Remmy to tell Quinn that she forgave him, for doing this, to make her more aware of her surroundings, and changing of the attitude. Nick tells Logan to hold on, as he closes the door. He grabs Remmy, pulling him back near the others, telling him that it wouldn't take much to send her on the way forever. Remmy finally backs down, agreeing that Logan could come, and it would be the right thing to do. Nick opens the door, telling Logan the good news, she smiles, then hugs Remmy quickly. Cory tells her that they slide out in the morning and to be ready to slide out. On the next world, the blue vortex opens, tossing the 5 out, then it closes. Logan pulls out her timer, which was in a paper bag, planning on going to get parts to fix it. Allison tells her to meet them at the Chandler, for a drink, then get to work on helping with fixing the timer. That night, Logan finally appears, she explains that it took forever to find a electronic store, with such a big city to wander. The others don't mind, but Remmy is starting to think she was lying to them, and did nothing, leading her to become part of the group for good. Allison and Logan take a room together, while the guys take another. As Cory and Nick are playing poker, Remmy sits on his bed, then starts asking what if Logan wanted to join the group. Nick starts talking, that she would be a good help, especially trying to figure out the weapon, to return to Earth Prime, and having a science background, could help when the timer went awry. Cory adds that if she really has turned her ways, she may be the best help, also to find Mallory, Maggie and Diana, or even have other ways of dualing it out with the 'maggs. Around 3 a.m., Logan awakes, she gets out of bed, looking to the clock, she then looks to Allison still sleeping. She grabs a black mask from her bag, sticking it over her head, then climbing out the window, so in case the guys were out of their rooms. She arrives at casa de Mallory, she sees back steps, heading to the basement, and after breaking the glass, she enters. She turns on her flashlight, looking through all that this Quinn of this world had to offer. Logan sees a diary video tape, dating back to September of last year, 1999, so she sticks it in, turning the volume down, low, playing the video, she sees Quinn's double stating that he perfected a timing device, and planned to go sliding the next day. She shuts off the television and vcr, then locates the timer, where Quinn left it. She accidently steps on a dog toy, but gets over her surprise quick. Suddenly, the lights come on, Logan turns around to see Quinn, he tells her to put that down, and who was she, but Logan didn't have time to answer, he heads near her, she sees and grabs a wrench, then wacks him over the head, running up the stairs, heading to the front door. A dog gets in the way barking, he jumps on her, knocking her to the floor, losing her hotel room key, but she pushes him off of her, getting out of the house, returning to the hotel. By early morning, Remmy heads to the diner in the hotel, for breakfast, he sees Logan eating alone, so he heads over, sitting across from her. Logan asks why he was here, and Remmy just wanted to talk. Logan pushes her wet hair out of her face, telling him to continue. Remmy tells her that he should apologize for thinking she was the devil, but now that she has shown her true colors, Remmy tells Logan, that if she needs to come along, it would be ok. Logan thanks him, but she says that she finished rebuilding the timer, and ready to slide out soon. Remmy asks to see the timer, but she says it was left in the room. As the hotel clock chimed in at 12 o'clock, noon. Quinn Mallory enters the hotel, he heads to the front desk, asking to locate who lost their key, the man punches up the room number, and it belongs to Logan St. Clair and Allison Kendell. Quinn thanks the man, then heads up the stairs, finding the room. Allison answers it, asking why he is here, he explains that either her or Logan stole his device, and would like it back. Allison doesn't know a thing about it, but says that Logan went shopping and would be back soon. Quinn agrees to wait, after being offered to come in, and giving back the key. A few minutes later, Remmy, Nick and Cory arrive at Allison's room, they knock and also come in. Remmy is shocked to see Quinn's double, but tries to get his grip. Nick and Cory don't get who the man is, so Remmy comes out, explaining to Quinn's double, that they are sliders, and figures that Quinn is about to go sliding for the first time today, but missed that opportunity when someone stole the timer. Quinn is excited to know that other worlds exist. Remmy talks to him about what his group went through, and would hope he carefully studied the wormhole, before sliding out. Quinn agrees, since he knows of his double's situation. Allison shows Quinn the egyptian timer, and he is also excentric to think how many other worlds have learned of sliding, and the different kinds of timers they make. The phone rings, Cory answers it, then giving it to Allison, who is revealed to be Logan on the other line. She is told to come out of the hotel, to the alley, things will be explained. Allison hangs up, surprised of this encounter, telling the others what she said. Quinn starts to react that maybe Logan was the one that stole it, and wants to trade something for it. Allison agrees to go alone, while the others wait in the room. When entering the alley, she calls out to Logan, she appears behind her, holding a gun, saying to Allison, that she is her hostage, and to trade for the egyptian timer, since Quinn's timer didn't work. Allison tried to run, but was stopped in place, with fear of being killed. The hotel room opens, as Logan enters with the gun, to Allison's head, yelling to the others to give up the timer, or Allison gets it. Logan throws Quinn's timer back at him, telling him that its worthless. Quinn doesn't understand it, so without any hope, Cory tosses the egyptian timer to Logan, who catches it, then pushes Allison into the wall, who fall to the ground, hitting her head. Logan runs out of the room, with her bag in hand. Nick asks how much time was left on the timer, and Remmy states, that there is 6 minutes in change left. Quinn tells the group that if he can get the timer working, it might get them off this world. Cory tells him that if he did that, he may never get a chance at sliding. Quinn states that he would hate to have the things happen, if he got a group of people to go sliding with him. The group head out of the hotel, then sees Logan running up the sidewalk. Remmy feels he has a chance to get the timer back, on his own, and would return for the others, after sliding back, so he takes off, as a few cars beep their horns at him for getting in the way. Quinn and the others return to his house, to get working on the timer. Remmy catches up to Logan, but then, she starts firing at him, telling away, Remmy refuses continuing the pursuit. When Logan passes over to another sidewalk, a semi-truck enters Remmy's path, so he must stop, then after the truck passes, Remmy sees the blue vortex close. He hits the wall of a store, then curses under his breath. Hours later, back at the Mallory's house, Quinn does some reconfiguring, and is able to get the timer working, since he realized that he put a wire in backwards. Allison thanks him with a kiss on the cheek, while the guys pat him on the back or shake his hand. Quinn hopes to create another timing device, and actually slide for awhile. When the vortex opens (resembling the one from Season 1), the other 3 sliders enter, Remmy puts his hand on Quinn's shoulder, telling him that when he slides, don't ever open the gateway before time runs out, or you'd be sliding for a long time. Quinn smiles at the idea, then Remmy leaps in. The portal closes, as Quinn watches, then Quinn hears his mom say to him "Don't you have class today?" so he runs up the stairs. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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