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Episode U-603: An Invisible Enemy

I know I had wanted to post this last night, but I didn't get a chance to get online. So heres the next ep.Logline: After taking another traveler, on accident, due to a lifestyle in the society, the group separates, then land on 2 different points on an island, where they meet alternates that had their lives ruined by Dr. Geiger. Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Tiffani-Amber Theissen, and Claire Danes as Rachel Pier. Synopsis: As the sliders are exiting a movie theater, they are commenting on Scream 7. Nick is surprised that Sydney died. Down the street, a young girl thats pregnant exits a medical clinic. As the sliders begin walking down the sidewalk, Remmy thinks that the most stupid part of the movie, was that Sydney wanted an abortion, and wasn't able to get one. Allison agrees that all worlds are different, but would hate to live in a world where women can't abort an unwanted child, so she's glad to be from a parallel world. The sliders head across the street, then the girl walks behind them slowly, so she won't be noticed. Down an alley, Remmy takes out the timer, which reads 15 seconds, he then opens the portal, they all enter, then the girl quickly runs and leaps into the portal. Inside the vortex, it goes unstable, and creates 2 wormhole trails, one of them opens above a tree, tossing Remmy out into it, then it closes. The other vortex opens tossing the others out in a parking lot outside a mall. They are shocked when the girl comes out, and not Remmy. Cory grabs the girl, asking where she came from, she explains, she overheard their conversation on the last world about having abortions, so she thought that if she came along, she could lose the baby. Remmy jumps from a branch, landing on his feet, he's shocked with no one else around, so he begins to walk down a pathway, heading out into a busy intersection. He soon sees Maggie's double with black hair, and his double across the roadway. He doesn't want them to notice him, so he begins to walk left, suddenly, out of no where, a woman on a bike comes over the hill, telling Remmy to watch out, but with his slow reaction, the woman hits Remmy, knocking them both down. She apologizes, but not before the doubles arrive. Maggie's double help the woman up, who is also a slider, then asks Remmy if they could talk to him, since they knew he was a sliding double and the Rembrandt of this earth, take off on a boat. Remmy agrees, as he helps himself up. At the Chandler Hotel, Allison doesn't understand what happened, and Cory figures that either Remmy slid to another world, or landed on this earth, but somewhere else. Nick agrees with what Cory states, but their first problem, wast the girl. They found out the girls name was Rachel Pier, and Allison tries to get the gists of things, on what to do about her. Rachel tells the 3, that she would rather stay here, in this dimension, than to return and be disrespected by her people, if they found out. Allison tries to tell Rachel that giving birth is a good thing, but Rachel tells her, that she doesn't live in her shoes, she doesn't go through the pain she's in, and can't support a child without money. Rachel then exits, saying she needs air. Nick agrees with what Rachel said, that its hard to be poor, since he has been poor, most of his life. Cory tells the 2, that they should watch Rachel as much as they can. At a table in a park, the 3 sit Remmy down, explaining why they had to speak to him. They introduce the woman as Valerie Mallory, and they explain that her brother, Colin, was killed in an experiment, lead by Dr. Geiger. They had met another doctor, named Diana Davis, and with using them as lab rats, Colin was able to help this other guy named Quinn Mallory, so he could somewhat walk again. Their timer was destroyed along with the encounter, so the vortex opens near them, whenever it wants to, and they slide through, but on that particular happening, they had 3 hours, and Dr. Davis said she would print up a file on this occurance, making sure it wouldn't happen again. Remmy then begins his story, and he is shocked that Diana didn't go more into the alternates that helped Mallory walk. Valerie asks if they was a way to locate this Dr. Davis, and Remmy tells her, he knows that last place he saw her. Maggie's double feels nothing could come of it, but Remmy's double agrees with Valerie, to find Diana and make her pay for what she did to them. Rachel walks out of an abortion clinic, then the 3 find her, Cory asks why she was here, and Rachel told him how dumb he was. She had gotten an appointment, but refused to tell the sliders, when it was going to happen. That night, at the Chandler, Rachel begins a party in the bar. Several other guests from the hotel came, and everyone starting drinking beer, and listening to loud music. Back in the room, Nick and Cory plan to search the island, to see if Remmy slid here, while Allison was planning on watching Rachel. In another hotel, Remmy agrees to stay with the others, until he could go in search of his friends, in the morning. While Valerie and his double head to the bar, Remmy sits with Maggie's double to chat about what to do. Remmy asks if they had ever searched for a Quinn Mallory, since he knew that almost every double was a slider, but Maggie's double felt, it wouldn't be worth it, since either way, Valerie or Quinn was the same person. Ever since the incident has happened, its all been about revenge on Dr. Geiger and Davis, and really hadn't had time to finda a way to get a timer again. Remmy feels for the group, since he also went through a situation like this. As hours pass, Nick and Cory search the streets and places, but no luck, then they locate the other hotel, miles away, by the help of a homeless man and giving up money for the information, and they're able to locate Remmy, explaining what has happened. Valerie introduces herself to the guys, and Nick begins to get attracted to her. Remmy explains their situation, and tells them that Valerie wants to come with the group, to find Diana, but Cory feels that if all she wants is revenge, it wouldn't be worth it. Remmy's double tells Cory that he hasn't had to go through, what they have. Cory agrees, then Remmy says he will remain with this group, and find the others the next day, since they slide out in the morning. Allison tries to keep watch of Rachel, but too many people are around her, as well as drinking beer and dancing. Allison decides to take a seat outside the bar, drinking a martini, but then, a few people come out, pick her up, taking her back inside for the party, which leads to a destraction for Rachel, to exit the bar, and leave the hotel. As midnight rolls around, the beer party finishes up, Nick and Cory return with the good news about Remmy. Allison realizes that Rachel is gone. They head to the room, but no one is there, so they all agree to split up, heading out to find her. Allison takes a taxi, Nick heads to the abortion clinic, while Cory checks the streets. After a long search, no one can find her. Allison joins up with the guys, telling them to get in the taxi, and return to the hotel, leaving Rachel on this world. Suddenly, as the taxi turns a corner, Nick spots Rachel, walking in the darkness. He tells the driver to stop, Allison gets out, running to Rachel, but she persists, running away. Cory pays the driver as him and Nick run after her. Nick catches up to Rachel, grabbing a hold of her, she struggles, but Cory and Allison get there in time, to hold her. Rachel falls to the ground crying, Allison realizes that Rachel never had an abortion, and Rachel tells her that her appointment wasn't until morning. She just needed time to herself, to figure things out. Cory tells the others they should return to the hotel, and talk. Allison taks her coat off, sticking around Rachel's shoulders, since it was cold outside, and the fact that Rachel was wearing a skimpy outfit. In the room, Cory and Nick go to the next room to sleep, while Allison and Rachel remain awake to talk, while drinking coffee. Allison begins to explain that shouldn't decide this now, since in 3 months, the baby was due. She also tells a story, when she was pregnant at the age of 17, and had the abortion, but what was even worse, she had to face schoolmates, plus the guy that got her pregnant. Rachel tells her again, she's poor wouldn't have to worry about school, since she quiet a few years ago. Rachel states that her mom is an alcoholic, her dad isn't around, and theres no one else to support her. Allison asks about other possibilities, like food stamps, or a homeless shelters. Rachel didn't know what food stamps were, but considered the thought of going to a shelter. Rachel tells Allison, that its great for someone, like herself, to care for this child, and would like to think she would make a great mother someday. They hug, then Rachel heads to the bedroom, but not before thanking Allison for the talk they had. As the sun began to shine, the sliders were waking, as well as ordering room service for breakfast. Nick had told Allison about the others that Remmy met, and there was going to be another addition. Cory enters, with the timer, he hands it to Allison, telling her they slide in 5 hours. Back at the other hotel, Valerie tells her friends she promises to track their wormhole trail, when they find Diana. Remmy asks if they all want to come to say good-bye, and they do. Remmy gets a call, from Cory, stating where to meet for the slide. Both groups meet in a high school football field, since it was halfway between the 2 hotels. Everyone is introduced, and they plan to return Rachel to her world, to live her life with her baby, and bring Valerie along for the ride. Maggie and Remmy's double hug Valerie, but then suddenly, their vortex opens after 2 weeks. They're shocked then the 2 enter. Remmy tells Valerie she better go, since it would be the right thing to stick with her group, but she refuses, since she doesn't trust Remmy. Rembrandt seriously promises Valerie he will find them, and their revenge will be done with. Remmy grabs a hold of Valerie, hugs her, then shoves her into the vortex as it closes. A few minutes later, another vortex opens on the previous world, this time in a lounge bathroom, tossing the 5 out. Rachel is somewhat relieved to be back. They exit the lounge, Remmy takes the timer, which reads 52 minutes. Allison tells the others to meet her at the Chandler Bar, since she has to help Rachel, get to a shelter. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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