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Episode U-602: A Slider Led Into The Slaughter

Logline: When the sliders land in another kromagg ruled earth, they meet a scientist that tells them that the kromaggs have a virus hidden in a facility, but its heavily guarded. So they risk it any way, and shortly after arriving, they meet an escapee, in a part of the facility they are traveling in, to locate the virus.Guest Stars: William Morgan Shepard and Martha Hackett. Synopsis: The wormhole opens from above, tossing the 3 sliders out on the top of a roof. Allison helps Remmy up, then Nick asks how much time they have until the next slide, so Remmy tells him, 11 hours in change. They head down the stairs, finding that no one is around, and that its very quiet. They exit the building, to find damaged buildings, cars destroyed or turned upside down, trash everywhere, then Nick comments that maybe they just missed Marti Gra. Suddenly, they hear a loud noise coming from the sky, Remmy tells the others to get back inside the building. They see a manta ship hovering over the city, then Remmy gets upset that these maggots are taking almost every world over. After the manta ship leaves, the sliders head to the woods, when they hear voices and grunts, they see kromaggs heading their way. Nick finds an old hut, which looked abandoned, so they run, hiding inside. When the kromaggs pass, a man's voice is heard behind them, telling them that if they move, they were dead. The man tells them, he knows about kromaggs turning themselves into human form, but Remmy assures the man they are human. The man sees a device in the hold of Remmy's hand, so he tells Remmy to toss the timer to the floor. After realizing what it is, he tells the sliders to turn around, apologizing for any inconvenience. Allison picks the timer up, sticking it in her back pocket. The man introduces himself as Dr. Alan Thorne. He begins explaining that the kromaggs conquered this earth, about 3 years ago, his family was sluaghtered, but he was able to hide in this place, but occasionally had to go out for food. Remmy tells him their story, and he agrees that the kromaggs should be destroyed. Nick adds that they are trying to find a virus, to kill the 'maggs, then the doctor realizes he may be able to help. Dr. Thorne explains that a virus was made, but shortly after the scientists tried to use it, the kromaggs got a hold of it, and placing it inside a storage facility, heavily guarded, so no unexpected people would find it, and use it. The sliders agree they have to try to get inside. The doctor tells them its suicide, but he is willing to show them the location, since he wants the kromagg virus as well. The doctor arms them up with weapons, then they head out, but are forced to use the sewers again. Allison complains, on how she hated to live in these accommodations, due to the smell and who knew what was in the water. They arrive in an alley, right across from the building, Nick takes their backs, telling the others to head, while he follows behind, since he was a good soldier back home. The doctor disagrees, telling him if they die, Nick wouldn't have been paying attention. They run out in the open, and luckily make it to the alley. The door is easily unlocked by the hands of the doctor. Remmy takes lead, then suddenly, a man attacks Remmy, but Nick and Allison are able to get the man off Remmy, and point guns at him. Nick yells to the man, asking who he was, the doctor exclaims, he's probably a 'magg spy. The man assures them, hei is human, but hiding, after escaping a few months ago before, and learning of the virus. The doctor tells the sliders, the man should be tied up, Remmy agrees, so the man won't foul the plans. The man then says he knows the location of the virus, this intrigues the group, so Remmy decides he would be helpful. The man introduces himself as Cory Hatfield(Shawn Weatherly), then Nick hands him a gun, as the group carefully walk on, with Cory in the lead. They find a cooridor, and as they enter it, they are stopped, when they find the virus, but 25 guards are located at any available spot. Cory gives the group an idea, even though it isn't that good, they risk it, even if they are killed. The group head in, firing at any possible target, the kromaggs are firing back. When its quiet, they believe its clear, they come up from behind crates. Suddenly, a kromagg soldier fires on Dr. Thorne, hitting him in the back, Nick then kills the 'magg. Remmy grabs a hold of Dr. Thorne, telling him its ok, and they are on their way out, but its too late, the doctor dies in Remmy's arms. Allison helps Cory with the virus container, after Cory is able to take the back way in for the locked mechanism. They begin to head for the exit, when 'maggs appear, pointing guns at them, then a woman general appears, telling them they were stupid enough to try to take the virus. The Femagg general finds the timer in Allison's hold, but she tells a guard to destroy the timer, while the sliders are led to a prison cell nearby, along with the disposal of the body in the other room. The sliders are tossed in, Remmy is mad for what happened to Dr. Thorne. Cory feels bad for getting them all into this. Nick begins to question how Cory suddenly showed up, when they were about to go in search of the virus. Cory explains he was on his own, when the sliders showed up, then he thought they were kromaggs, and he may have to defend himself. Allison tells Nick to stop the interegation, then Nick hits the bars, for getting stuck in a prison cell. Remmy asks Cory, what his story is, Cory explains he is not of this earth, he was sliding to world, but later captured. He was brought here from another prison off world, but during a transfer to another world, he escaped in the confusion. He ran for 4 months, then now is which is where he met the sliders. Dr. Thorne suddenly appears, the group is shocked, he explains he didn't really die, he pretended, so in case of capture, he could come and rescue them. The cell door is opened, the doctor leads them out, with the virus and the timer, along with a gun he has. A 'magg soldier appears from behind, just as they exit, but Dr. Thorne shoots him with the gun. They make it to another building, far from the prison location. They find a quiet room, high on the 34th floor. Nick is excited that they can now go home, and destroy the kromaggs. Allison is able to figure out how to work the machine to go off. Dr. Thorne tells them that it could only work once, so Remmy feels that this world should be first, and the doctor then states he has the equation back at his hut for the virus. Allison agrees to go back, but Remmy feels its a group project. Just as they exit the room, heading to the elevator, the doctor turns into a large 'magg soldier, he attacks Nick, but Remmy and Cory get him off. Remmy realizes Dr. Thorne was a 'magg spy, all along, the container is probably useless. The agressive soldier tries to attack again, but Cory grabs the gun he was hiding in his shoe, he fires, knocking the 'magg down, and unconscious. Allison believes its a new breed and it could lead to the destruction of the human race. Remmy tells the others they have 2 hours until the slide, so if they can find the hut, the equation for the virus could be there. Cory asks if he would be able to join them, to find his earth. Nick tells him, if they make it out of this world alive, he can. The group then heads out. They find the hut, but a few 'maggs are on the way. Allison finds a secret door, she gets it open, then they all enter. Nick is last in, closing it, so the kromaggs couldn't follow their tracks. Remmy is amazed on how much equipment is here, Cory begins to hunt for any papers, about hte virus. Suddenly they hear a bang at the door, they realize the 'maggs have arrived, the timer reads 1 minute. Remmy is hopeful they find what their looking for, then Nick takes a piece of metal off a table, to reveal a small versioned chalkboard, Allison sees a pad of paper, and a pen. She quickly begins to jot down the formula, the vortex opens, Allison tells them to go, she gets down to a few more symbols, left to be written, but suddenly, the 'maggs break through, so she quickly leaps into the wormhole, as it closes, without getting the last part of the formula. Back at a kromagg base, the Femagg general contacts another leader, she tells them that their plan has gone into action, with putting a human plant with the group, it could lead to find kromagg prime sooner, due to Quinn Mallory not being able to finish the job. The Femagg begins to continue that the first use of a hulk sized kromagg warrior, has brought some good results. The other kromagg leader tells her, they can proceed with creating more warriors. Executive Producer: Jerry O'Connell
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