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"Looking Backwards"

No I dont mean the book by Eddie Belamy I am talking about my popular 4th season machine. This is a retrospective like the year five jurnal. It isn't real, I made it up, and thought it would make it more interested.Eating lunch at Applebees I sat down on the toilet with Chris Black, with Peekinpah in the next stall, we talked about the season fanale. David Peekinpah, eating his own ribs, giving me a pat on the back and told me I did a good job. Slidewave had premiered the week before, and with good ratings, we were talking about what to make the finale. Our budget was hurting, because eating too much, we ran the water bill up, with all the shower scenes. My origional plan for the season finally was shower world, kind of like waterworld, but with showers. The climbax of the ep was, when Quinn barged into the shower, with Maggie, and shouted "Bath tubs are not a myth, I've seen them!", but with the one shower scene in Uncommon Ground, which Danny Lucks choreographed, with our stunt team, we knew Big Spender would be a Big Hitt. We were told no more shower scenes but we couldnt think of anything else to put in so we shot the scene at Peekinpah's house. After all how can Maggie slide if she isnt slippery. We also found out, from the studio, that there was still money in our Shawn Connery fund, and we never used it, so we called him and he guessed starred in the episode. Actually it was David Peekinpahs idea, he said "I see Shawn Connery in a robe, go with it" so we did. He was great and it turned out to be a good pay-off to the ark from the season premier, with the robe person turning out to be Shawn Connery. Of course, he wasnt our Shawn Connery, he was a double with physic powers and who likes to eat ribs. We also brout Wade back into the picture, trying to tie up lose ends, while we waited to find out if we would be renude. We still dont know if there will be another season, or if a movie will be made. The sliders still have to find out if they go home, because if they dont, they cant redo the coordinates. So we didn't go with my origional idea for the season finale, but I was pleased with what happened. Now you know how it all happened, working with Chris Black, david Peekinpah and Shawn Connery over lunch.
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