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The First Three Seasons: A Retrospective

I begin with: nearly 5 years ago, Sliders debuted on March 23 1995, at 8p.m. [Actually, March 22nd - ed.] and after I had read the TV guide, I knew this show would be interesting to watch. My first impression was it was a 2 hour movie and that would be it, then I realized it was a tv show. I soon began watching Sliders every Wednesday after 90210, and I couldn't wait to see the ideas the show had. I had hoped the show was returning in the fall of '95, but it was gone, and I began to worry that the show was gone forever. I thought that the pilot was very interesting, especially never seeing anything on tv like this before, a world where Russia ruled America, or where an earth that had a trimatic nuclear winter. I felt bad for Remmy, since he lost his car, I sorta thought, he should of taken his insurance with him, maybe he could get a new car, when returning home.As the next few weeks continued, I started thinking the way the creators of this show had, to bring the sliders to a world where it had a change in a coarse of history. And I hoped that episodes like season 1 would be around, but I was wrong by season 3. I also really enjoyed the characters, and also the concept of getting total strangers to become a team, instead of people that knew each other, like a family or a group of friends. When Luck of the Draw air, I was totally surprised by the ending, Quinn getting shot, and Henry, the dog, and Ryan joined them for the slide. I figured Jerry O'Connell wanted out or left the show for reasons, and Ryan would take his place, but when March 1st 1996 came around, I learned that Ryan and Henry were gone, and they were back to the original 4 members. I wish they could of added Ryan at least, to join the cast, and things definately would of been different for the group. When Season 2 began, I hoped they would continue sliding, and actually be back around for another season in the fall. But then I began to think, what if this show was only going to air from March to July or August every year. I would plan for it, but relieved that it came back. I found all the episodes for S2 to be fun to watch, but I didn't understand about the 2 professors and who really did slide. I wish Tracy could tell us, at least we would know. It would of been fun to go back in S4 or S5 to find that it was the wrong prof. that slid, like in a chat Tracy had, he said that, that would of been a kind of story line to go back to, but now, it never happened.
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As I continue on with my review, I will start off with Season one, since in my part 1, really didn't talk much of what I thought about S1. I think one part I wish they could of elaborated more on, was about Remmy. I know Remmy revealed stuff about his life before the slide in Dragonslide, but that should of been introduced in S1, so we as the fans could of learned about the characters lives before sliding. But out of all I thought the shows were good especially with the alternate history. I wonder sometimes, what if Sliders season one would of survived a 22 episode commitment. Would we still have seen Luck Of The Draw, in a different version or not at all. Maybe if things would of worked out, S1 and S2 could of been a whole season together. I was also hoping that Quinn and Wade could of gotten together at least by the end of S1, if it stayed for 22 eps. Now leading into the Second Season of Sliders. I was shocked to see Quinn alive, and that Ryan saved his life. I of course repeat this, but I thought Quinn was dead and that Ryan was going to replace him. I had wondered alot of new things for them to experience, would they get home, like in Into The Mystic, I thought for a second before the show ended that it was the end, and they got home, but I was surprised of what they did. I really enjoyed The Good, The Bad, and the Wealthy, since it was like the old west but it was in present time, leading to a hateful thought about S4's Way Out West. But at least the cast was together. I also thought that Michele, at the end of El Sid, joined the group and I thought she would make a great addition, but I was wrong when I got to watch Time and World Again. I as well wasn't sure about Arturo and his double in Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome, but I figured everything would come out, and that it was the real professor that slid. I have a friend that tells me that the wrong Arturo did really slide, it seems the Arturos have different jackets on during the struggle, so I still have to see if its true.
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With the summer months coming down to an end of 1996, fans had protested Sliders to stay on with another season, and with luck, the show persisted on. On September 20th, the 3rd season began. In the following issue of TV guide for the 21-27 of September 1996, here is what we were hoping to see in the show: Sliders THE BIG NEWS: The scifi seris is aiming for a broader-or at least younger-audience in its third season. "I'm committed to making Sliders a true family show," says executive producer David Peckinpah. "There won't be a lot of sexual content or profane language this year." Count on more involved special effects and-with production shifting from Vancouver to Los Angeles-some tropical settings. HOT PLOTS: Our involuntary wanderers will find themselves in parallel universes where dreams can be deadly, where tornadoes are ubiquitous, and where the planet spins far more slowly. TRANSFORMATIONS: The roguish recurring character of Logan St. Clair (Zoe McLellan) will be beefed up. As the female counterpart of Quinn (Jerry O'Connell), she is a fellow slider who jumps among the same parallel worlds, stealing natural resources. Professor Maximilian Arturo (John Rhys-Davies) will contract a strange alien affliction that will profoundly alter his personality. And we thought R&B singer Rembrandt Brown (Cleavant Derricks) had all the musical talent here, but computer expert Wade Wells (Sabrina Lloyd) reveals an unexpected gift this year. From this article, it has a lot of happenings this season, but after we went through everything, it was as good as S1 and 2. I feel upset of what Peck said, he wanted this a family show, but he must of lost memory after this interview. In a way, I can understand on how he thinks the way he does. I will start with Electric Twister Acid Test, even though, it was the best ep. it was sorta like saying, is this world like ours in any way, is there a small town of California, where a small community is plagued by tornadoes? Or This Slide Of Paradise, do we have the science to genetically transforms humans into a hybrid of 2 species?
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With the 3rd season starting, I realized it had changed in both bad and good ways. I really enjoyed the action, but like in Electric Twister Acid Test, there was no alternate world's history. All this episode told was about 1 town that changed. But I can see how Pechinpah, made a statement, has this ever happened on our world. But it still isn't right to this kind of ep. I really was hoping to see Logan return in 3rd season later on. It would of been fun to bring Ryan back to. An episode could of been about Logan taking Ryan hostage, to get the sliders to help them, after she tracked their wormhole. I enjoyed The Guardian, but that episode was different, since, how could Quinn's father of died when he was younger, but in the Pilot, there was the picture on the frig, revealing Quinn was older. Maybe Tracy had wanted to do this episode, to be like doubles of the real sliders, but then it wouldn't make sense, since in Desert Storm, Arturo still had the disease. To continue on, I felt that the episodes were good, I enjoyed Dream Masters, Dragonslide, Fire Within, Prince Of Slides and all of the rest. When I watched Slide Like An Egyptian, I first thought that Quinn would be saved and they slid off, but he wasn't, then in the pyramid, Arturo opened the vortex and I thought they were going to slide, but I was soon wrong. I don't understand that when Wade refused to go without Quinn, Quinn never did the same for Wade, like in Mother and Child (explain more later on in S4). I also felt it was time for a fresh start, to get a new timer, but I wish they could of made that episode like the 3rd episode of the season, so they could get a feel for new timer. And also since the new vortex was different inside, that would of been better, with the egyptian timer. When Paradise Lost aired, that was an interesting ep. but I didn't realize that the eps. to come would change the group forever.
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When Sliders episode "Paradise Lost" ended, I couldn't wait for the next episode, but I learned it was not going to be on 2 weeks, but the scenes from the Exodus were interesting to watch. As days approached, I realized it was a 2 parter, but I knew nothing bad would happen, the sliders have been in worst trouble before, but the 4 will slide out together. After I had watched the first part, I was surprised to see that the man with the disease was Rickman, but thought it was him in the first place, then Maggie and Quinn find Earth Prime, I started to think, maybe Sliders is ending, with them all finding home, but I was wrong. Then on the Sunday after the first part of the episode, I got the new TV Guide, with an ad for Sliders, it had shown the original four with the saying: Tonight, One Of Sliders Will Not Survive. Who Will Make The Ultimate Sacrifice. I didn't know what to think, I had enjoyed the 4 for so long, and one of them was leaving. I began to think, since Maggie was around, that Sabrina Lloyd was leaving to pursue other stuff, but then I thought what if in the final moments, Rickman killed Rembrandt who is trying to save Malcolm. I thought Quinn was going to die, and replaced by Maggie. I didn't realize Arturo was the one going to leave. I watched the 2nd part and I was upset and sad at the same time. Then after Arturo died, then I thought that Malcolm was joining the group and they were to go on for the next few episodes to go in search of Rickman, for revenge, but I realized they had a tracking device. I rewatched it the following morning, to get a feel for the fact that Maggie joined the group. I wondered how things would change and hope she would get along with the gang. I hated the thought that maybe Quinn was going to be lovers with Maggie, but I don't know how to figure that one out yet. But out of it all, the 2 parter sucked, and I wished that the way John Rhys-Davies had the episode would of been better, at least Maggie would of joined.
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After The Exodus Part 2 ended, things were about to change for the group, they added a new person to replace an old friend. I was upset that they had to add Maggie, especially with all her reason for Sliding is to kill Rickman for her husbands death. I didn't think Rickman should of been on, they should of killed Rickman off in Exodus Part 2, leaving Quinn, Remmy and Wade to slide off, leaving Maggie behind so she could lead the new colony, but of coarse, Pechinpah had to bring conflict to the group, for his own fun, probably enjoyed watching Maggie as she ran, or yelled at Wade for being so annoying. When The Breeder aired, I realized that David Peckinpah wanted this ep. I bet it was his truest idea yet. As the 3rd season continued, I was sorta getting used to the fact, Maggie (the bitch) had joined, and she was kinda taking over as the leader in the first few eps. she was in. I enjoyed The Other Slide Of Darkness, it was an original ep. but Rickman spoiled it too much. I then began to realize, Quinn was no longer himself, and he had attached himself to Maggie, I wonder why, maybe the Quinn character was suppose to become lovers with Maggie or the fact Arturo was gone, and Quinn felt with her just starting, he would show her the ropes of sliding. I liked the idea that someone posted that it would of been a better idea to have Quinn be found out to be a kromagg spy, and they find the truth out, that their real Quinn was in a slavy colony. I also think it would been better to have Maggie to have met the 'maggs before long, like on The Otherworlds page, on Earth 1125 where Quinn dies, and in the 3rd season finale, which is called Common Ground, to have Maggie die at the end, saving Wade.
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With the end of S3 coming to an end, I was disappointed about a lot of things, especially Rickman. That character was a waste of time, they should of changed the storyline so that Maggie (or someone else better than her) could of been still a marine officer, but goes sliding for a different purpose, maybe it would of been better to say that Maggie was Arturo's daughter and she was a science techie. When I started to watch This Slide Of Paradise, I first realized it looked familiar to a movie I saw, then I realized, The Island Of Dr. Moreau (not sure of spelling), so I realized Peckinpah scammed us again with an episode that wasn't original, maybe he realized S3 was going down hill, and tried to think of a movie to end the show with a cliffhanger. Near the end, I then began to ponder that maybe Sliders was going off the air, Quinn, Wade and Remmy would slide home and Maggie slides on or dies, but I was wrong, especially with a cliffhanger. I think one of the better ideas the writers could of used was have Rickman as someone else everytime they saw him, rather than giving another guy the job, that would of been better. I also didn't understand that Quinn pushed Remmy and Wade into the vortex, but the next scene, Quinn didn't have the timer, I wonder where it went to. I thought he put it in his back pocket, so I'm unsure of that, maybe Remmy was supposedly to have taken it but the scene got screwed up. At the end, when the 2 land in a future world, I really felt, at least someone had brains to give a different kind of world, a world where technology has advanced far more than ours. Another thing I don't get is, how could the egyptian timer's tracking device get damaged in the fight with Rickman if Rickman didn't do anything with it. Then theres Rickmans timer, another thing that doesn't make sense, if his memory chip was destroyed in The Other Slide Of Darkness, how could the timer still hold Earth Primes coordinates.
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Dorky never did get around to his promised review of the fourth and fifth seasons, but I would be very, very surprised if anyone minded.
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