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Episode 714: Ape World

-The sliders exit a supermarket and soon head to a nearby alley. Joe pulls out a bottle of Pepsi from his bag and drinks what he can, while Quinn snacks on chips and Laura is eating 2 donuts at a time. Arturo, who is in front of the 3, turn around, "You guys are eating like animals. Its not like we didn't have a chance to eat here"Joe stops drinking for a few seconds, "Professor, who can drink chlorined pop and only liver. I can't. And I'm glad this store had something better, when we paid a little to the manager" Arturo looks at the timer, "Its time to move on 3...2...1" the vortex opens, and the group quickly enters, dropping their groceries on the ground. The vortex reopens in a similar looking alley, shoving the sliders out onto the ground, and trash flying in their faces. Quinn helps Laura up as Joe assists Arturo. "We have 32 hours until the next vortex opens. I suggest we make the best of it this time" Arturo places the timer in his jacket pocket and follows his younger friends out into the street, where they soon notice apes walking the streets, driving cars and buses and sitting on benches. The sliders start walking down the sidewalk with many apes staring at them. Quinn turns to the others, "What is this, did we land on a movie set?" "I suggest we keep moving and not talk to anyone until we get to the Concord. I will be most interested to learn of this world and their evolving" Just as they are about to cross the street, 3 police cars corner them in and are about to arrest them, when Joe, Quinn and Laura make it over a police car, leaving Arturo to be forced to the ground and arrested. What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Mark Wahlberg Cristi Conaway and John Rhys-Davies as Arturo "Sliders" Episode 14: Ape World Guest Star: Charlton Heston as Cornelius -Arturo is taken down a hall and a flight of stairs of the police station and soon is placed in a cell, where someone is lying on a cot with a blanket covering their body, unable to reveal who or what it is. The ape officer tells Arturo that his friends were being pursued and they all will be tried when captured. Arturo takes a seat on a cot beside the other person, when they get up, looking at Arturo, "Your human?" Arturo looks at the man, revealed as Joe, "Excuse me Mr. LaFountain, but I've always been human. When did you get captured?" "Who the hell is Joe, I'm Leo Davidson, Captain Leo Davidson. I came back from the future and I landed here, realizing I was the only human, and I was soon arrested. I've been down here for 9 months, 16 days and a lot of hours" "I apologize. My friend looks exactly like you, so I assumed you were him" "So, whats your story. I assume your a time traveler as well?" "Not quite. Its hard to explain, but basically I along with 3 others are travelers between parallel dimensions. We got ambushed and I was the only one captured" Joe's double soon stands up to strech, and yells out to an officer he was hungry, since he hasn't gotten food in a few days. Arturo stands again, "Do you know what happened to this world. I mean the humans, are there any?" "There's suppose to be 6 billion here. I arrived from the future and I landed in the Lincoln Memorial, with everyone pointing guns at me. Even Abe Lincoln was an ape" "So apes evolved, dominating this earth with no humans to exist. This almost sounds like a killer ape race, known as the kromaggs who we ran into several years ago. But I bet on this earth is better off with friend apes" "They're not so friendly. I've been in this cell and I was supposed to be put in touch with someone to talk about what happened. I'm still waiting" Quinn, Joe and Laura make it into an abandoned factory, hiding for time being. With little light, the 3 walk around, unknown of what was inside of the factory with them. "We should of let them arrest us, since Arturo wasn't likely to jump the squad car" "At least we can find out what happened here, then rescue Arturo" "Guys, I agree with Quinn, we shouldn't have left Arturo alone on this earth. This society could be full of apes and no humans. Didn't you say something about defeating some killer apes long ago?" "Those were kromaggs. I bet here,the apes may be more friendly than deadly. If this world is as normal as the usual worlds, then we probably should obey the laws and get arrested, so we can be with Arturo and slide out from the cell if we're put in one" Police sirens can be heard as squad cars pass by quickly. Back in the cell, Arturo is laying on his cot and up against the wall, looking over a book, which is called "Our History: Past, Present and Future" he puts the book down, looking over to Joe's double, "Have you taken a look at this captain?" The double turns around, "I don't really care about this world's history. I need to find the truth, learn how my earth turned into ape country" "As you said earlier. You traveled through time, how far into the future?" "Hundreds of years at least. I located my spaceship with no survivors. Except in this future, there were a few hundred humans as slaves. I escaped with a few others, except a conflict happened between us and those apes. I figured if I used a space shuttle, I could return to the past and return home, hoping nothing happened" "Its possible that you somehow altered your future, which lead back to your past, changing things all over. Time paradoxes and such aren't my hobbies, but I assumed you created this new timeline, with you being the only human to exist" "Except now, I sit in this cell, hoping for answers, but as you can see, I haven't moved out yet" "From reading this book, it seems as if apes evolved more dominately, making sure humans never existed. I can't be sure, but I suggest you find a time travel machine and make corrections" "How though, its not like I can go to the nearest K-Mart and get one" "If its possible, someone may have the knowledge for you to learn from on how you can fix the timeline here" "First we need to exit the prison. And I doubt that to happen in the future" An officer soon comes down to the cell, "You both are required to come with me. Someone is here to speak to you" The cell door opens, with both Arturo and Cpt. Davidson confused of what they will be getting into. When arriving at an office, the officer opens the door, and the 2 enter, not surprised it was an ape who actually wanted to talk to humans. He turns around from looking out the window, looking at the 2 strangers, "Take a seat, I have much to ask" The man tells the officer to close the door, giving them some privacy. "Gentlemen, welcome to our world. I don't suppose either of you can explain your appearance here?" "Well actually I can. I'm Professor Max Arturo and I came here through a transdimensional doorway from another world. I was with three friends until we were separated by your police" "Yes, I heard of your situation. I hear your friends will be joining us shortly. Now then, what about your Captain Davidson, can you say the same?" "Not really. I was on a space craft when I went after a friend who was stuck in an asteroid field. I was hurled away and landed in the future, where I realized apes had taken control again" "As you no doubt noticed, this entire planet is populated with apes. And yet, I still wonder how you arrived here, saying this is your planet" "This makes no sense. I'm from 2047, and this looks like the beginning of the 21st century, so I must have returned to a parallel universe, as this professor explained" "Well, if you both come from parallel universes, then I should ask, why did you come here, when there are likely millions of universes to explore" "For several years, my companions and I have traveled to several hundred worlds, and no matter the situation, we always end up clueless as to what we will come upon. Surprisingly, we landed in a universe where apes became dominant, and humans never existed" "Good work professor, I was wondering when that genius brain of yours was going to work" Arturo can tell the man's sarcasm, but doesn't say anything that may get him in trouble. "So whats the plan, what do you plan to do with us, kill us?" "No, not quite captain, I've decided the best solution to this would be to send you and your fellow travelers to D.C. and let our scientists poke at you all, to see what you really are" "What about the public, they will want answers" "We can create a cover story captain. Besides, our society of people believe anything. You'll be forgotten by next week" "One last thing though sir, what is your name, or are you from the FBI and can't reveal it" "There you go again professor. I'm surprised you haven't been on Jeopardy" The door opens, with an officer entering and stating that they had the other humans behind cell bars. The man tells the officer that his new friends can return there, and he would meet up with them later. Arturo and Cpt. Davidson are taken back down below and as they reach the cell, the other sliders are surprised to see Joe's double. The 2 are shoved in, with the officer soon leaving. Quinn hugs the professor, "I hope we didn't scare you too much. We thought we would save ourselves and rescue you later" "Well my boy, you were smart for getting arrested" Joe soon looks over his double, with the captain looking back at him, "This is quite interesting to see a double of myself for the first time" Arturo looks over, forgetting to introduce the doubles to each other, "Mr. LaFountain, I believe the captain has your face, but he has a different name" the captain introduces himself to the other sliders and Joe introducing himself to the captain. Laura looks to Arturo, "So, what are they going to do with us?" "Unless we slide out, we'll be heading to Washington D.C. and probably never see the day of light again. The man, or actually I should say ape talked to us a few minutes ago and he seemed mysterious. I nearly cursed him out for making fun of my humanity, but I realized the ape had the cards and he could kill us all" "There might be a way to escape" The sliders now paying attention to the captain, seem confused as ever, "When I was brought in by a cargo plane, it took a few hours before I could be brought here, because of some transportation delay. I've even noticed several times with limited traveling, so there could be a gas shortage" "If that can stall us, we may find a way to escape, and still slide out" "What about the captain, would he come with us" "Mr. LaFountain, I'm right here, and I'm unsure if I would travel to a parallel world with you guys or stay here and fix my reality" "You can come with us captain, there is enough room in the wormhole for another passenger" "Thanks professor, but first, why don't we try escaping" By nightfall, the sliders and their new human friend remained in the cell, until their mysterious friend appeared, "I see you guys are lounging around as apes wouldn't. I called my friends in Washington, and they are so excited to see you humans, so they can disect you and learn of your species" Arturo soon heads near the bars, "I don't see why you are letting scientists do this. We mean no harm to this world, and we'll be leaving anyhow, so why bother?" "I don't see how you will be leaving, since your not outside and we've implanted you all with trackers, so you would be detected in seconds" Quinn soon joins Arturo by his side, looking at the ape, "When do we leave?" "Tomorrow afternoon sometime. Even with those earths you visit, you can believe in our planet, gas is in small amounts, with it being hard to get. After tomorrow, you'll be on your way to Washington, and that will be the end for you all" The ape disappears, returning upstairs. Arturo and Quinn look to the others, but Laura soon considers something, "What if they head downward, heading to Los Angeles, since we are in San Francisco. If we can keep the timer hidden, we can easily slide out from our prison cell going to Washington" "We still have a problem, we slide several hours from beyond the sliding zone so we couldn't slide out if we wanted to" "But Quinn, didn't you say that a long time ago, your double sent you to Los Angeles and you then started sliding between San Fran and Los Angeles?" "That is true, but if we could even escape in Nevada, we wouldn't have far to run, and then slide out" The following day, the sliders are being led out in prison uniforms to a horse trailer, and forced to sit down and chained to the wall. The door is soon closed with the truck taking off with the trailer. Inside, Quinn takes the timer out, looking it over, then putting it back in his pocket. Laura who is sitting by Quinn, tells him it was a good thing they didn't notice the timer, or it would be harder to slide out. As the truck gets down the road into the forest area, the truck soon stops, with the sliders confused. The back door opens with people covering their identity, unchain the sliders and they take them into a van with it taking off and the officers firing at the van. An hour later, the van pulls into an underground garage, with it entering through a dark passage and finally out into a lighted area. The van's back doors open with the sliders exiting out, after a few figures exit first. Quinn soon asks what was going on, and one figure takes off his mask, and responds that he came to save the humans who he heard were special. Arturo tells the ape that they weren't even from there, and should be let go. 2 other figures appear from another room, with knocking the sliders out with hand grips. Joe awakens, finding himself on a cot, with the other sliders on cots as well. He notices there was a little light, but figured he should awaken his companions. He heads to Quinn, tapping on his shoulder, "Hey man, are you awake yet?" Quinn opens his eyes, looking at Joe, "Yeah, I'm awake. Where are we?" "I think we're back in a prison cell, but I can't tell" "We should wake the others, in case those apes come back" "Quinn, do you have the timer?" Quinn feels his pocket, not feeling it, "Its not here, they must have taken it while I was out" "Lets just hope we get it back in time" Arturo soon awakens, sitting up, with the other 2 following in his lead, "Where the devil are we?" "I'm not sure professor, but just as long as they don't kill us" "Mr. LaFountain, I think for once, that you would realize that people are never shot when their captors find them" The door quickly opens, with 2 apes pointing guns at them. Joe looks to Arturo, "Are you sure?" "Come with us, Cornelius wants to talk to you all" The group follows the ape, while another ape bring up the rear. They are lead into a dining room, with a table all set to eat on. "Take seats, Cornelius will join you very soon" Cornelius soon walks in, taking a seat at the head of the table, "Welcome. I know those police officers didn't feed you, so I think its fair to say, enjoy the meals I've prepared for you all" Laura soon looks to Cornelius, "So, why did you knock us out, or are we really prisoners?" "I believe the term your looking for is guests. Honored guest to be at that. I saved your lives. The least you can do is enjoy what is available to you" "What about our timing device?" "Mr. Mallory, I do have your device, and I believe you do travel between worlds, but you no longer need it, since I've arranged for transport to take you all to Italy" the group looks to Cornelius, wondering if they were going to be alive for long; Arturo soon takes on a conversation with Cornelius, "I beg your pardon sir, but you have no right to force us to remain here. We have homes to go to and if you return our timer, we can go on" "I'm sorry, that just can't be done. Eat up, you have a long day ahead" Later that night, in the cell, Captain Davidson remains awake, listening to the rain fall on the building. Joe soon awakens, with realizing his double was awake, he looks over and starts talking, "So cap, what do you think will happen to us?" "I'm not sure, but I doubt you'll be sliding off world anytime soon though. I think I decided that my world is no longer, and I might as well slide off with you guys in about 29 years" "Maybe if we have activated the timer early we might not be in this mess" "I think you should just give up on getting out of here. I have and I know we could die very shortly, if we don't obey the ape's rules" "Captain, if you don't mind, but what lead you back to this world when with no humans existing?" "Not sure. I went after a monkey friend, and I soon ended up on a planet ruled by apes. I returned to what I believed was my world, and instead apes are ruling the planet. I guess if I could have taken a chance, I might be dead, or a thousand miles out in the ocean hiding from them. I know this world is done for and I want to leave as quickly as possible" Joe soon stands up, getting the other sliders up, "I have a plan that may save us all" Quinn, Laura and Arturo stand, as well as the double, "Mr. LaFountain, whats your plan?" "I figured that if one of us can be in pain, those apes would have to come in, and then when they are in, we exit, taking their weapons and find the timer" "Works for me, but who gets to play the person with pain?" Joe punches Quinn in the stomach, knocking him to the floor, and he starts whining of how much his stomach hurts. The 2 ape guards enter, with Joe and his double attacking them and knocking them unconscious. Quinn takes one of the rifles while Joe takes the other. The 5 quickly exit the prison cell and locking the door, to make sure no one exits. "I think we should split up, Quinn, take Laura and Arturo, my double and I will go another way" the 2 groups take separate hallways, with the 3 approaching an elevator and Arturo hitting the down button. The door opens with the 3 entering and soon realizing there was 7 levels to cover with names under each level. "I think we should head to level 4, the science department" Laura pushes the button and they soon head down, with the doors opening seconds later. Quinn looks to the others, "Lets go" the 3 locate 3 rooms and each cover one, finding nothing. The doubles head down another hallway, with reaching a dead end and a room, which Joe notices Cornelius through the window at the top of the door, is holding the timer and looking it over. "We found the timer, lets go and get it" the 2 break down the door, with Cornelius shocked to see them. Captain Davidson heads to Cornelius and takes the timer, with Joe about to shoot him, but his double stops him, "We aren't killers. Leave him be" Cornelius shivers with fear on the ground and the 2 exit the room, leading for Cornelius to sound the alarm. When approaching the elevator, Joe pushes the down button and when it opens, Quinn, Laura and Arturo appear. Glad to see each other, the 2 get into the elevator and head to level 1 which exits out up above, and in the forest. Quinn exits first, "Not surprising that an elevator is in the forest. We better go, they may catch up to us yet" The 5 run through the forest, hoping to find a main road to get on, but no luck. When they take a break, energy weapons fire over their heads, making the group run again. Arturo looks at the timer, and telling the others they slide in 3 minutes 45 seconds. Cornelius cuts the group off, and nearly hits Arturo with his weapon, but he misses. The group continues running, but are suddenly surrounded, with apes pointing their guns at them, Cornelius heads to the group, "You can't win. I now control you, so hand me that timer and I won't kill you immediately" Cornelius laughs, but Joe punches him, knocking him down to the ground, he looks to the professor, "I think you better work your magic now!" Arturo looks at the timer, "5.... 4... 3... 2... 1" the blue colored vortex opens in front of the group, with them exiting at will. Captain Davidson looks at Cornelius who has now backed off, "You can have this earth, I'm off to find my paradise!" the double looks at the wormhole and leaps for it, and after his entrance the vortex closes.
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