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Episode 713: Facing The Past

-The blue colored vortex opens above a boat in a lake. Quinn flies out, landing in the boat, and Joe follows, landing on top of Quinn, who is then forced down, as Laura lands on Joe. Arturo comes out, only for him to flip the boat over, and land everyone in the water. The 4 rise to realize they didn't get deposited on land, but instead, water. Quinn and Joe turn the boat over upright, and they all soon get back into the boat, and head for shore, which was a long distance from their location. Joe hands Quinn the timer, who looks at the read-out, "Well we slide in 3 days, and just enough time to relax, than be in an uprising at San Francisco College For Intellects""I told you professor to leave, before you made people angry" "Mr. LaFountain, I went there to work on the timer, but those imbeciles couldn't tolerate a brilliant physicist, so it lead to an uprising" The 4 finally reach land, which was a beach, and they realize no one was around, which relieved them of suspicion. After walking up a hill, they notice a bus stop nearby, so they take a seat, and before they sit, Arturo notices on the bench a flier, explaining of the Golden Gate Bridge being built and the time of completion is October 14, 2005. Arturo hands the flier to Quinn, "Now I wonder what they used to get across the bay. I mean in the olden days, large ships would carry cars from one side to the other. Let just hope we don't run into problems that force up across the bay"
What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Remain The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Mark Wahlberg Cristi Conaway and John Rhys-Davies as Arturo "Sliders" Episode 13: Facing The Past Guest Stars: David Charvet, and Matthew Ashford as Richard Lyons -When reaching the Concord Hotel, Laura checks the group in, while the others head to a restaurant called Gallagher's. Laura joins up with them, taking a seat beside Quinn, "I can't believe this hotel is so cheap. I mean I paid $5 for each of us, and that even includes everything in the hotel" "Just be lucky we landed here. Our bank is running low. I think it might be wise for someone to get a job" "Don't look at me Quinn. The last job I had was a cook, and I hated it" "Professor don't worry. We'll never have you work at a fast food place again" Joe and Laura laugh about Arturo's experience, but are soon stopped by the waiter. "Welcome to Gallagher's, here are some menus and I'll be back to take your order" As Arturo grabs his menu, he looks at the waiter funny, and realizes it was his son, or actually his double. "Excuse me sir, but is something wrong?" "No, you just look like someone I know. My apologies" The waiter leaves the group, heading into the back. Laura looks to Arturo, "So Professor, who was that?" "My son. Or more acceptable, my son's double. Its been so long since I've seen him. I often wonder how he's fairing back home" "Don't worry Professor, we'll get home, someday" "Quinn, I suggest you concentrate more on your menu, than my problem. Don't forget, I'm the brains of the group, so don't think that you'll get us home. I'm tired of this journey, and I think your perkiness lead to the death of Wade Welles and the loss of our friend Rembrandt Brown!" Arturo soon gets up, exiting the restaurant, then stops and turns around, looking at his young comrades, "I'll be in the room. I prefer to be left alone, sicne I can't deal with you people and your impertinance" With disappearing, the other sliders are surprised of how easy it was for Arturo to upset, until Quinn takes control of the conversation, "I know its been hard on him. I know how much its hurt, realizing we are no longer home and can't be with those you love" The waiter soon returns, "So your friend must not be hungry" Laura smiles, looking at the waiter, "He has a headache, so we'll just go ahead and order" "Okay, what'll you have" Later in the afternoon, Laura, Quinn and Joe head around town, including a visit to a mall. With walking around, Joe soon becomes interested in music, while Quinn and Laura get ice cream and sit at a table. "Quinn, I know that Joe and I haven't been sliding as long as you and the professor have, but I'm wondering if Arturo is going to have a nervous break down, since I know he won't be able to handle problems if the timer screws up" "Don't worry about the professor. I think this slide is making him uneasy, due to see his son" "So, did Arturo ever bring his son up?" "Not really. I mean he often mentioned his son Jacob, but he feels some things were never dealt with between them and he feels he may never see his son again, which he really does and wants to make amends with him" Laura soon notices a man at the ice cream counter, Quinn looks around, then back at Laura, "Someone you know?" "Yes. That man at the counter is the duplicate of my late fiance" "I'm sorry" "Don't be. He died in a rain storm coming home from the office, and it hurt he greatly. I got over his death, but seeing him now, I think I would like to see if this one knows me. And we could possibly fall in love again" "Don't forget we slide in 3 days" "I know. But if I can at least make amends with this duplicate, things might feel less hurtful on my emotions" Laura stands up from her chair and heads to the man who begins to walk away. Laura stops the man who soon drops his ice cream cone on the floor, "My god, Laura, your alive!" The man picks Laura up and they kiss. Quinn looks on, smiling and notices the 2 starting to walk away. Joe soon appears, taking a seat, "Whats going on with her?" "Laura found someone she needed to talk to" "Hey Quinn, guess what. I got us some jobs" Quinn looks to Joe confused, "Jobs, what jobs?" "I was looking at some Korn cds, when I bumped into this model. We became attracted to each other immediately. We chatted, and it turns out she is staying at the Concord Hotel too. Isn't that great?" "And getting to the point, which is?" "Well anyway, there's a fashion show going on at the hotel and they need people to help the women dress. I told her I might be able to find aonther guy to help. So what do you say?" "I guess it would be fun. When do we start?" "Tomorrow morning. We need to show at 9 a.m. and talk to the main guy for this show" Laura and her lover's duplicate continue walking, when he stops her, "Look, I need to speak to you seriously. Who are you?" "As I told you, its a complicated story. But I should reveal this to you now. I'm from a parallel world. I came here with friends, and I was shocked to see you here today. See, on my world, you died in a rain storm-" "Thats what happened to you. Except you died when some weirdo guy showed up at your work and started shooting everybody. I thought I lost you forever. But your not Laura Cosgrove. I knew Laura, and you can't be her" "Like I said, its outrageous, but it's true. I can have a friend explain it to you, if you'll listen" "Fine, but until your friend proves otherwise, I won't believe you" Back at the Concord Hotel, Arturo is seen entering Gallagher's, and he is met by his son's duplicate, "May I be of help sir?" "I don't mean to bother you, but do you have a moment I could speak to you, if your not busy?" "Sure, have a seat. I'm near the end of my shift. Would you like some coffee?" "Sure, thanks" The waiter soon returns with coffee, placing a cup in front of Arturo and he taking a seat across from him, "So, what can I do you for?" "I know you won't believe this, but I feel it may help myself come to grips with not having my son in my life. I'm a scientist who has been traveling among the multiverse between parallel worlds, and from where I come from, you are my son" The waiter is very confused, looking strangely at Arturo, "Not to be rude sir, but that's the most hogwash I've heard since the Gulf War" "I know that you wouldn't believe me, and I apologize for it. But I guess I feel that you are the closest thing I have to family, even though you aren't" "I guess I should say I would like to have you as a father figure, since my father died years ago of a brain aneurysm, and I barely knew him. I'm just confused why you would want me as a song" "When I was on my earth, my son and I weren't the best of friends, and I feel to this day I was foolish for not realizing that every day that passed, I would lose the chance to see my son" "So how long have you been doing this traveling through, what did you call it, multiverse?" "Yes, the multiverse is quite a large place and I, along with a few others, have been traveling for quite some time, and yet no sign of returning home" "Man, that sounds sucky. I probably would feel the same way you are now" "Yeah, you probably would. Don't feel sorry for me though, I've enjoyed this trip, since my home earth could be hell now" "I know this may sound stupid, but would you like to go to dinner tonight and maybe catch up on parallel cultures" "That would be acceptable. My room number is 455, come up around 7 p.m. and we can go. I do thank you for this, since I need the feel of family, due to having so many problems lately" As Arturo is about to enter an elevator, the others, along with Laura's fiance, head to Arturo, "Professor, we need to talk!" Arturo looks over, noticing it was Laura who yelled out the words. The others quickly catch up to Arturo, "What is it that you need my help with?" Joe shoves Arturo into the elevator, "I think we better go to the room" "So then its true. I can't believe it, parallel dimensions, doubles, even old fiances who suddenly are alive" "I know its difficult to believe Mr. Lyons, but every bit of it is true. Mr. Mallory would explain it nicely, but in one dimension, he lost all knowledge of interdimensional travel and explanations of this phenomena we are experiencing" "I think the both of us should leave, take a walk to figure things out. I'll be back later" Laura and Mr. Lyons disappear, leaving the guys alone in the room. "Professor, I think I should apologize for talking the way I did at lunch. I know how hard it was to see your son's double. I had no right to say we would get home, when its you that is keeping this group together" "Quinn, I think I should apologize, I had no right to over react the way I did. I did however make dinner plans with my son's double and I hope we can become close as I would have with my own son if I was home" "Speaking of plans, Quinn and I are scheduled to work at a fashion show tomorrow, so don't expect us to be around" "Fine by me, I'll find something to do" "I wonder if Laura is going to have a hard time saying good-bye to her fiance" "But Joe, think about it, if I found a dead fiance on one of these worlds, do you think I would leave without them or even leave?" "No, but Quinn, I doubt Laura would stay here, knowing she would lose all chances to get home if she remained on this earth" In the city of San Francisco, Arturo and his son Jacob, arrive at Bistro's Bar and Grill to have dinner. After ordering drinks and their food, they start a conversation which ends quickly. Arturo soon looks to his son's double, "So, can you explain the fact why the Golden Gate Bridgee isn't built yet?" "Not really. I just heard on the news that the city thinks it would be easier for cars to move across a bridge, instead of being transported by loading them onto a ship" The 2 become silent again, but are soon given their drinks, and the waitress states their food would be finished in 10 minutes. "I think this is a real nice place. I like the way its not too bright or too dark" "I agree" Jacob says in a boring tone. Arturo can't seem to say anything and feels bored. Jacob then speaks up, "Look, I know we don't really know each other, and its going to be hard to say things, since we come from different places. Why don't you explain to me about your family" "Not much to tell. My wife died several years ago after my son was born, and we didn't really get along. My son quickly grew up and headed off to Harvard to become a lawyer. We often would see each other for holidays, but we just never clicked. I think my son blames me for his mother's death" "Your son probably never felt loved. You might have also been hard on him at a young age" "Perhaps, and I probably did things I wasn't proud of. So how about you and your family" "Like you, not much to say. My mother sent me off to boarding school when I was 8 and then when I turned 18, I came to work at the hotel and I barely see my mother who remarried and moved back east. I know it was hard for her to cope after my father died, but I still wonder why she didn't want me around, knowing I would miss him too" "Maybe you should go see your mother, take time off work and go see if she still wants you in her life. You never know what could happen, and its better that you know now than be lost among parallel worlds and realize you can't go home and be with those you love" Laura and Richard exit a movie theater, with getting a taxi, and taking off to his apartment for dinner. "I hope you like meatloaf, because my Laura loved it" "I would love to try your cooking, anything sounds good to eat. I know that I may seem selfish to find you and get back into your life, even after you lost your fiance; but ever since my Richard died, and when I started sliding, I hoped for a chance to find another Richard who would consider being with me" Richard kisses Laura and backs off, "If you'll have me, I'm willing to try again, and hope this time I don't lose you" The 2 continue to kiss and soon are dropped off outside of the apartment building. When entering, Richard offers Laura some wine, and tells her to relax in the living room, while he cooked up their dinner. Laura decides to open the wine bottle herself and pours it into 2 glass for the two of them. They toast their beginning, and take sips of their wine. Laura looks into Richard's eyes, "Are you really hungry?" "Not really, are you?" The 2 start kssing passionately and head to the bedroom with stripping to their underwear and making love in bed. By the following morning, Laura returns to the room, finding the others eating breakfast. Quinn stands up getting more coffee, who offers some to Laura, but she declines. "Sorry that I didn't call last night, but I become sleepy and fell asleep at Richards" "Ms. Cosgrove, I believe that you owe us an explanation of what your involvment with Mr. Lyons is" "He is my dead fiance's double. I know I was going to wait until it was time for the slide, but I think I should tlel you guys now. I've decided to stay here, and make a life for myself with Richard. I know how much I used to nag about not being home and working for the CIA, but I believe this journey has lead me down a different path in life and I now know what I want to do" "We figured you'd want to stay. But are you really sure about staying, I mean once we leave, its likely we'll never return" "I've made up my mind. I will see you off at the slide, and I will start over here, since my double died and now, I can take her place" Joe looks at his watch, then at Quinn, "Its about nine, lets go" the 2 get up and exit the room. Laura soon looks at Arturo, "And that was about?" "They got jobs for a fashion show. I believe Joe met a young lady yesterday and they hit it off. So are you staying for breakfast, or just came in to tell us you were leaving us?" "I basically just came to reveal my plans. How about we have dinner later, say our good-byes the right way" "Agreed. How about you meet up here, and we can take off" "Fine by me, say 6:30?" "See you then" Laura soon exits the room, leaving Arturo alone in the room to enjoy his breakfast. Quinn and Joe are met by a large man in the dressing room, "You the guys Tiffany talked to me about?" "If Tiffany said we were here for the jobs, then yes. I'm Quinn and this is Joe" "Fine, why don't you start here. Just get the supplies from that closet over there and clean the floor, then the walls" "But I thought we would have jobs with helping the women get into their outfits" The man laughs, "Uh yeah, sure, whatever you want to believe. No one does that except the woman's assistants" the man leaves, laughing more. The 2 start cleaning, regretting the idea to have jobs. By nightfall, the sliders had headed out to the marina, to eat at a seafood restaurant with soft music and sea gulls all over the boardwalk. "I think we should toast to the new beginning of Laura, and her new life with Richard" "We don't have to Quinn, since I'm ready to live anywhere" The 4 cling their glasses together and taking sips afterward. "Well I should make a speech about why I'm going to miss Laura. I know when I joined you three, I wasn't welcomed, but I felt that Laura made me feel like I was with family, because like her, no one liked us when we started sliding. I will miss all the fun I can do with her, and the way she always would hit on me, knowing I was always interested in her" Laura smiles, and tells Joe that he could stop, since she was getting embarrassed. They soon get their food and start eating, when Laura starts speaking, "I guess I should really thank you all. When I started sliding, I didn't think I would survive in the multiverse, and with a main mission to complete, I realized I falsly accused strangers, and I also realized I may never get home. I hope you guys have a great journey and get home fast. Good luck and I want you guys to know I will always think of you as a family and I love you all very much" After dinner, the sliders soon take Laura home, and as she enters the apartment, she notices candles in the living room. She heads to the bedroom and she is shocked to see Richard with another woman in bed. Richard sees Laura, and tries to stop her from leaving the apartment, "Laura, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I'm already married and I was hoping to start a relationship with you and get married, since in the state of California, we are allowed two wives" "Theres no way I can handle this. What we had last night was what I wanted for the rest of my life. But with you having another woman in a relationship, there is no way I can fit into society" "But would it be that bad. I could even move to another place with you, and just rotate between you and Shelly. You could even take on another mate" "I guess I was wrong, I thought I found someone I could spend my eternity with, but I now realize thats a fantasy, good-bye Richard, have a nice life!" Laura opens the door, and slams it, with heading to an elevator. When entering the elevator, she quickly remembers the last conversation she had with her Richard. In an apartment, raining heavily outside and lightning can be heard, Laura is talking on her cordless phone while sitting on the couch, "I hope yo get home soon. I'm a little nervous that the power will go out, and I won't see anything" Richard can be heard on the other line, "Don't worry. As soon as I get there, we can celebrate our engagement and stay in bed all evening" "Great. I'll see you then" The flashback moves forward, when Laura arrives at the hospital and heading to Richard's room. Laura is met by a doctor, "I'm sorry, the accident caused severe injuries and Richard won't survive the night" Laura starts tearing up, exiting the apartment building, and begins crying, while running into the darkness. With the sun shining in the city, and down the road a few blocks from the hotel, Quinn, Joe and Arturo can be seen entering a park, with Laura joining them seconds later. Quinn hands Laura the timer, "Once more for old times sake?" "Sure. I need to tell you guys something. I've changed my mind, I'm going with you. I'd rather not talk about it, okay?" "Fine Ms. Cosgrove, and I do suggest you go in first and not land on me, knocking my back out again" Laura smiles, and soon opens the gateway. Laura enters first, Quinn looks back at the other two, "I hope she reveals what happened, because I'm already confused" the other two agree and they all enter the portal, with it closing seconds later.
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