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Episode 711: Finding A Way Off

After a 4 month hiatus, Sliders Season Seven has returned with the rest of the 7th season episodes, hope you enjoy.Previously On Sliders: After the sliders began a journey to locate Wade, Colin and Brandon, the group continued their journey for quite sometime and after finding a way to save Arturo, they change the timeline, making things different, including the group, who now, Quinn and Arturo are trying to get home, Laura Cosgrove as a CIA agent trying to get home and Joe LaFountain who tagged along and he is just enjoying the ride. AND NOW SLIDERS -In a darkened room, Quinn can be seen resting on a bed, when a door opens shining light in, and someone enters, sitting on the bed and the person is revealed as a woman; when talking to Quinn, telling him to wake up, Quinn groggily opens his eyes, looking at the person, and surprised the woman wasn't his female slider companion, but his mother. "Whats going on? Why are you here?" "Quinn, I just came to stop by, see how you were. I hope you didn't forget me Quinn, your own mother" "Where am I, and what happened to the others?" "Quinn, calm down, don't freak out on me now. Your home, you don't need to worry anymore" What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Mark Wahlberg Cristi Conaway and John Rhys-Davies as Arturo "Sliders" Episode 11: Finding A Way Off Guest Stars: Linda Henning, Dorian Gregory as Detective Raymond Gaylor, Sabrina Lloyd, Tanja Reichert as Stephanie, David Praal as lizard scientist, and Dirk Benedict as bear scientist -Quinn awakens again, feeling awkwardness, realizing he wasn't with the others and in a completely white room with the sun shining in. He gets out of his bed, heading to the door, only for it to be locked. Quinn yells to anyone outside, that he didn't belong here and wanted out. A man in a white uniform comes to the door, opens it, getting Quinn to back off near his bed.
"Good morning Mr. Mallory, how are you feeling today?" "Whats going on here. Where am I?" "You're in your room. Dr. Dreifess should be coming soon. So for now, eat your breakfast and calm down. I don't want to knock you out again with my needles" Quinn looks at the man's shirt, which read Gate Haven, and he soon realized he was in a psychiatric hospital. Dr. Dreifess arrives as the man exits; Quinn starts eating his eggs while the doctor closes the door, and taking a seat across from Quinn, "So, I hear you were visited by your mother last night. But how are things anyway Quinn, are you doing better today? Don't forget, your friend Wade is stopping by today" "Wade, where is she at?" "She'll be along shortly, just relax and eat your breakfast" "Where am I?" "Quinn, I know you haven't gotten the reality feel for it yet, but your home, not on some parallel earth like you claimed to be" "I'm not crazy, parallel worlds exist. I've traveled through them for nearly 7 years. I must be in some dream state or maybe I was attacked and forced here" "Quinn, you've got to realize, your suffering from a form of mental illess, leading you to believe this story your living. For 6 years, you've been at the Gate Haven Mental Hospital, after you took off, disappearing, and scaring your mother, who feared for the worst. She did finally find you laying in an alley, near death" Quinn eyes widen, but unsure if he should believe what the doctor was saying. Over at the Concord Hotel, Arturo, Laura and Joe are in the room, talking to a black male, "Detective, I do believe Quinn needs to be found, before anything tragic happens. And I do believe those people who captured him, could cause him to remember nothing of his life" "Mr. Arturo, it may be harder than you think to track your friend down, since you people showed a week ago, and have no identification on you" "We apologize for that, but for now, finding Quinn is top priority" "I'll see what I can do, I'll have my imformants look into things. Like I had said when we began the investigation, this won't be easy, we need time and information to proceed in finding your friend. If those people took your friend, this would be the best time to take them down" the detective leaves the room, with Arturo looking to the others. Back in the hospital, Quinn is in a large room, with other patients, playing cards with a young woman. A familiar face arrives, wanting to speak to Quinn alone. Wade Welles, a key person in his life, takes him down a hallway, "So, I hear your doing better by each day. I'm glad of that Quinn. I just hope this sliding to alternate earths is leaving your mind" Quinn stops walking, looking to Wade, "You have to believe me, I mean I've always trusted you" "Quinn, you know you can trust me, but don't make a big deal out of this. Look, I think if you got out of here for awhile, maybe you'll realize the big picture, and know your home, and not sliding to different worlds" "Thats not a bad idea, lets go" "Well first we need to find Dr. Dreifess, and ask for permission. You get dressed and I can handle the doc" Minutes later, Quinn and Wade are walking to a car when she opens the passenger side door, telling him to get in, and she would take him to a great dining facility. While driving, Quinn starts asking questions of his past, "I just can't understand why my life isn't as it was. I've always known of sliding to earths, and trying to get home, yet I'm wondering if I'm dreaming it all up" "Quinn, I think you just lost it 6 years ago when Stephanie was killed in the car crash, 3 days before your wedding" "I always had a crush on that girl, but I don't remember getting engaged to her. Are you sure this isn't a dream" Wade pinches him, telling Quinn he was awake. The car pulls into Pizza Hut, with the 2 exiting the vehicle, and entering the restaurant. After ordering a large pizza, they continue to talk, "Wade, I was wondering something, before I went crazy, did I used to work at Dopplers Computers?" "Of coarse Quinn, we were coworkers, along with that annoying boss of ours, Hurley. Except after you left, I was forced to work with this bimbo, Maggie Beckett, who Hurley was dating, and she always got the attention, and I was always yelled at" "If I remember correctly, I ran into a Maggie Beckett, except she was marine officer, who we left on her new world, with her people" "I think I remember your mom talking about her fictional friend. In a way, I would of loved to have your Maggie work with me, than that whiny old bitch" "Hey, do you think we could stop by someone's house after lunch?" "Um, maybe, who do you want to see?" "Professor Max Arturo. I know I will never forget him, since he was my hero in some ways that lead me to believe I was sliding, and he even had joined me, along with you and a singer named Rembrandt Brown" Back at the Concord Hotel, in the bar, the 3 sliders sit, drinking beer, discussing their problem, "I'm considering the fact, that these people wanted Quinn for the obvious reason. We have sliding technology, and they want it" "Professor, how are you so certain, I mean we didn't even run into those guys until we got halfway here" "It could easily be explained Laura, that they saw us slide in, and soon followed us. I just hope Quinn is found alive, and those men behind bars" "Well we should do something, maybe we should go find those men ourselves, since that detective is trying to do his best, but he could take weeks to find Quinn and we slide in 28 hours" "I agree Joe, besides, there can't be that many places weird people hang around, are there?" Laura states, eager to find Quinn. "First things first, we need to back track our steps, remembering everything we did, until those people caught up to us. Plus don't forget the clue that certain groups of oddistic people hang around in abandoned warehouses or buildings" "Well we could research the buildings at the library and check everyone of them" "Good idea Mr. LaFountain" The 3 sliders soon get up from their seats and head to the library. Back near the home of the professor, Quinn and Wade head to the door, with no one answering it. Quinn decides to break in, by smashing a window on the front door, and the 2 enter. Quinn yells for Arturo, but there still is no response. Quinn and Wade look at his desk, with Quinn finding papers showing of interdimensional travel. Quinn looks to Wade, "See, I found proof of this, that sliding exists. Now all I need to do, is find Arturo and hopefully he can fill me in" In an abandoned warehouse, there is a small room, with 3 bodies strapped upon metal tables, and the bodies have electrical wiring around their neck and 2 small colored see through eye pieces above their eyes, shining a ray of blue light into their pupils. Over at Quinn, his eyes start moving, so a doctor injects a suringe into his neck, and his eyes stop moving. The doctor looks over at his companion, "I think its about time we shifted this specimen, or he may awaken" The other doctor agrees, telling the doctor near Quinn to do so. Quinn shifts realities, with him appearing in dressy clothes and sitting by a fire, with a woman, drinking champagne. The woman gets close to Quinn, "I think this relationship will last forever" Quinn kisses the woman, then looks into her eyes, "So do I Stephanie, and I'll be glad if we have children as bright as you and I" On the sidewalk, outside of the library, Arturo, Joe and Laura are walking, Arturo stops to overlook the papers they found, covering abandoned buildings and warehouses. "Now, with such a small list, it shouldn't be hard to find Quinn. So I guess we'll split up to find whatever we're looking for" "Hows that possible, the sector police will stop us all before we can head into another sector of the city" "Then we'll all have to stay together, and make a quick entrance into the sectors we need to go into and get out. The more faster we find Quinn, the more of a chance he is alive" Quinn is making out with Stephanie, when he stops, and realizes something wasn't right, Stephanie asks what was wrong. Quinn gets up, to look outside, he turns back to her, "I'm realizing something that I can't get over. I was in a house with a friend, with trying to prove to myself that sliding existed" "Quinn, what are you talking about?" "Sliding, the interdimensional form of travel. Why didn't I see it so clearly. I remember being jumped with my friends" Outside of Quinn's mind, the same doctors as before hover over him, yet we do not see them, "I think he's starting to come to" "We can't let him, we're not finished yet" Both of the doctors reveal themselves, one as a lizard looking creature, the other a bear formed figure, "We still need a few more calculations to get the sliding technology right, or we won't be able to leave this earth to find one that will accept us" "What if the subject can't survive this project, we could be killing an innocent victim" The lizard scientist heads to his collegue, "Do you remember all the hatred we were given in the real world, do you want to live like a freak for the rest of your life. I don't and that's why sliding to parallel earths is our only chance" After a slow process, the 3 sliders made it through sector police, without any identification. Arturo figures their best shot was to split up the 4 buildings they had to visit. Joe decides to hit the 2 farthest out, while Laura and Arturo would check the 2 nearby. Arturo tells Joe to meet them back in the area within 2 hours, and would try their luck again elsewhere, if they were unsuccessful in finding Quinn. Back in the altered reality, Quinn, this time is sitting in a classroom, which is revealed as Professor Arturo's classroom, and Quinn sitting there, drawing circles, while Arturo is asking a question which the answer was U4. Arturo then tells Bennish that it was U4 and not U2. Quinn, Wing and a woman are walking together, commenting to each other how Arturo really isn't as intelligent as he thinks he is. Quinn brings up a book he was reading, and the woman is confused, asking if it was on the class reading list. Quinn tells the woman it was light reading. Quinn arrives at Dopplers Computer store, and is met by Wade, telling of scoring the hockey tickets from her ex boyfriend, then he is shifted to his basement, looking at the chalk board with the equation to sliding. Quinn is shocked of where he was at, and doesn't understand why he was suddenly where he was. Arturo and Laura locate one of the abandoned warehouses, and try to enter, but there was no way in, until Laura noticed a window nearby, and uses a metal pole on the ground to break it open, and they easily can enter. Laura and Arturo climb up a few feet from the ground to enter the warehouse, and land in the building face first on a cement floor. Laura helps Arturo up, and the 2 walk around in near darkness, but they come to their end, when they realize they were in a warehouse without adjacent rooms, and so they exit, this time using a door on the other side of the warehouse. Joe locates an abandoned building, but as he enters, and makes a quick search, he finds nothing of importance. During the next search for Joe in a warehouse this time, he locates a room that is locked off, and tries all he can to bust the doors open, but they don't budge. On the other side of the doors, are the scientists, working feverishly to find the equation for sliding as Quinn and 2 others are having their memories probed for information. The lizard scientist notices the doors trying to be opened, and speaks to his comrade, "I think they've located us, we need to work much faster" "Calm down, it could just be no one that is important to our capture" Joe manages to break the blockaded doors and sees what was going on; the lizard scientist hisses at him, then sprays a slimy liquid at Joe, who is soon covered in it, and drops to the floor, now unconscious. Back at the sector area, an hour later, 2 sliders show up, waiting for Joe. Arturo considers that Joe had found something, or could have been attacked, leading him not to show up. Laura figures that they couldn't wait for long, since they only had passes for the sector for a short time, and must return to their area when the time was up. A sector officer shows up near the 2, "I noticed you guys have all your time taken up, now lets move and return to your original location" "We apologize for this, but one of our friends isn't here yet, and we would like to wait for him" "Not my problem. You either move now, or you go to jail, whats your choice" "Officer, I don't mean to be rude, but we would rather have our friend with us when we cross back over" "That does it, your going to jail!" "No wait, we can return tomorrow, its not like our friend is going to be showing up dead" Laura gets a hold of Arturo, about to push him, "Thats right Ms. Cosgrove, we shall be off. My apologies officer, it won't happen again" The officer points the way out, and as they are about to exit, Arturo mumbles, calling the officer a blistering idiot, but when the officer hears him say something, he stops Arturo and Laura asked what the problem was. The officer says nothing and points to the exit. By nightfall, the 2 scientists had completed their work, and it was just a matter of minutes to activate a wormhole to take them off world. Joe, who is in the corner soon awakens, to notice all the slimy ooze on him; Joe starts wiping it off himself, and the bear scientist notices him, wh then points it out to his comrade. Joe quickly stands up, prepared to defend himself. "Whats going on here? Who the hell are you?" the lizard scientist gets near Joe, "You aren't from the FBI, CDA, or the sector police?" "No. I can now see that you kidnapped my friend, and I need him back" "What for? You've undoubtedly noticed our unique physical appearances" "Well both of you look weird, but why did you kidnap Quinn?" "Quinn, is that his name. As you obviously don't know our situation, I shall tell you what happened. 25 years ago, my associate and I were created by a scientist, hoping to perfect a species that would survive anywhere, including the involvment with military missions in case of capture" "So you basically were just trained soldiers" "Exactly. And after the 2 of us were created, the scientist noticed flaws in our genetic makeup, so they planned to destroy us, except we escaped, and have been on the run for the last 9 years" "So what lead you to kidnap people?" "Not normal people, scientists and genius'. We had studied cases in scientific experiments involving parallel earths. We felt that if we found a way off this world, another may accept us" "But how did you know my friend was a scientist from a parallel world?" "Lets just say we saw you come through your portal, or whatever it is that you travel through. But now, we have the information from your friend and a couple others, so we can leave shortly" "I'll promise to keep your secret, since we ourselves are leaving shortly. But back to the matter at hand, can Quinn come with me? Or is he being used in some other scientific experiment" "Your friend is no longer. We realized that when we hooked up our patients, there was a fail safe mechanism" "You mean Quinn would flatline if he was unhooked from the machines you have him on?" The bear scientist stands up from the computer he was working at, "It be true. But there is an alternative. Your friend is in a state of consciousness he believes is reality. Now if you were to enter his reality, and bring him out of it, there may be a chance your friend would survive" "Then lets do it" "There may be a problem. When you go in, you may not come back alive, since Quinn is likely to have no memory of sliding and unless you can convince him to return with you, that's it" "Its a chance I'll have to take, hook me up" After being hooked up, the lizard scientist is about to hook the eye pieces above Joe's eyes, when the bear scientist speaks up, "I'll give you 30 minutes, you should recognize a portal that you can return through. Good luck" Joe awakens on a sidewalk, near a stop sign; he quickly gets up and looks around to find no one in sight. Quinn appears exiting a house with a woman, and Joe heads to him, stopping Quinn in his tracks, "Quinn, do you know who I am?" "No, am I suppose to?" "Your my friend Quinn. We are a part of a team that slides through parallel worlds. You, Arturo, Laura and I have been doing this for quite a while" "I'm sorry to say, but this is where I'm from. I don't slide to worlds" the woman tries to pull Quinn away and he starts walking away with the woman, but Joe doesn't give up and stops Quinn again. "You have to believe me. Do you know Wade Welles?" Quinn looks at Joe, "Wade? You know Wade?" "Yeah, I knew her, in a sense. If you come with me, I'll take you to her" "Wades dead. I lost her a long time ago" "No she isn't. If you come with me now, I'll take you to her" the woman persists and pulls Quinn away from Joe, but Quinn stops and walks back to Joe, "I don't know why, but I now feel a connection to you" Quinn has a pain in his head, and he starts bending down. The woman fades, along with the area, and the 2 appear in many different enviroments, until reaching Quinn's basement, that is completely empty except the black board with the equation, Joe looks around, then back at Quinn who is now standing up, "This must be where it all started" "It did Joe. I lost control, but I barely can understand what I did" A portal appears, Joe looks at the portal, then back at Quinn, "This is our ticket out of here, lets go" Quinn hesistates, but quickly leaps in, with Joe following. the black board suddenly disappears, along with the portal. The 2 awaken on metal table, opening their eyes, with the 2 scientists above them, welcoming them back. Quinn and Joe are released from their restraints and Joe introduces Quinn to the scientists who did a job on him. "Sorry we had to attack you Quinn, but it was for a problem we needed to fix and we didn't believe you would have volunteered" "Your right, but what happened to me? I no longer feel like the genius I was" "We apologize for that, but we needed as much sliding information as you had, and that basically wiped your genius mind clean. But now you be as normal as your friend Joe" the bear scientist walks to the desk nearby and grabs a device, and opens a portal. The 2 quickly enter with no chance of capture to put his memory back into place. Quinn hits a wall, pissed off and unable to think clearly. Joe tells Quinn it wouldn't be so bad to have a normal brain like him. "How is this going to help find a way back home for us all! I doubt Arturo can handle all the work!" Quinn collapses, and Joe catches him before hitting the floor and Joe wonders if what just happened was a side effect to losing brain power. Joe carries Quinn back to the sector point to get him back across to the Concord Hotel; a sector police officer wastes a few minutes on question involving Quinn, but the 2 make it back to the hotel. As Joe opens the door, Arturo and Laura are shocked to see the 2 that were missing. Joe places Quinn on the couch. "Bad news. I found the people who took Quinn and others. They were scientists of different races, one from the lizard species and the other was a bear. They took so much memory from Quinn, that he no longer can call himself a genius and he basically is dumb as Laura or I" "So Quinn couldn't explain M Theory or the Einstein-Rosin-Podolsky Bridge equation. I can't believe this happened. I guess its up to me to take leadership of this group" "Both me and Joe and would probably agree to this, since we aren't scientists" The 3 sliders remain standing over Quinn as the screen fades to black.
![[ <<< Gate Haven ]](i/b2g.gif)  ![[ <<< Dorky ]](i/b2d.gif)