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Episode 710: Flashbacks

-Quinn sits in a waiting room, reading a magazine, when a door opens, to reveal a woman, calling out to Quinn Mallory. Quinn tosses the magazine back on the table, and heads to the woman, who then leads him to a room, where a man introduces himself as Dr. Gregory Ross, and tells Quinn to sit down on a couch, "So, I hear your having problems, lay down, and spill out what is need to be said""Well doc, I guess it really started 4 years ago, when me and my friends got home, only to realize, we weren't really home" What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home..... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Mark Wahlberg Cristi Conaway and John Rhys-Davies as Arturo "Sliders" Episode 10: Flashbacks Guest Stars: Sabrina Lloyd, Cleavent Derricks, Charlie O'Connell, Rebecca Chambers, Eric Szmanda, Linda Henning, Monika Schnarre as Melanie, and Kari Wuhrer as Agent Maggie Beckett -With flashing back to Quinn's neighborhood, a red vortex opens, Wade comes out, followed by Arturo, then Quinn, and Remmy, who lands in the mud, with Arturo laughing, "Well at least this time, you didn't have the luxury to land on me" "Well I think we should do a few more slides to be even" Remmy laughs, as Quinn heads to the main road, "Well this is it, home" "So, do you think your mom is going to freak out, since you just left yesterday?" "Probably, but I think we deserve a celebration" When approaching the Mallory house, Quinn knocks, and his mother answers the door, "My god Quinn, you've come back. And it looks like you brought your friends. Come inside" Mrs. Mallory hugs hugs Quinn, and soon heads to the kitchen, stating she would find a bottle of champagne to celebrate their homecoming. Back in the psychiatrist's office, Quinn continues further down the road back home, "After we got home, I thought I finished a mission and saved people's lives from pulsars, but I never really realized how good things are, until you don't have them. With our timer, I mean vehicle of transportation to all our places of travel, I realized they were useless, and I dismantled them, considering one day, to return to my travel plans, once I figured it out" "So Quinn, are you saying you enjoyed this travel more, than being home?" "In some ways, yes, but after 2 months there, and going through all the publicity stunts, I felt a bit of deja vu, since we had experienced it before" The flashback goes to Cal Tech, with Wade, Remmy and Quinn all dressed up, meeting Arturo in his office, "Its quite glad you all showed, I have a bit of bad news" "Is it your illness, are you dying?" "No Mr. Brown. We have more immediate problems than that, besides, if you people checked your messages, I was cured 3 weeks ago. Anyway, I recently discovered we aren't home" "Oh no, not again, first it was Q'Ball who did this, now you" "I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. Brown, but as I was catching up in the news, I soon discovered this last week, that here, the Gulf War didn't occur until 1993 and ended last year, before our return here. I also found many other little things wrong with this place" "But this makes no sense, my life was as it had been prior to my leaving. Maybe its about time we gave up, this is the best possible world to live in, and if a war is the only major thing different with this place, then I say forget it, and move on" "Wade, I think you've given up on us way to long ago, not believing we can't go home" "Quinn, I don't mean to be rude, but do you plan to slide for the rest of your life" "If it means finding home!" "I can't believe this. I'm about to go on tour, and you bring this up now. Why didn't we look into this stuff before feeling it wasn't home" "We all were taken by the thought that Mr. Mallory found out home, so we just believed it, and took back our lives, or the lives we thought we had" "Well, thats it. I guess I say bye to you all, and if you ever stop by, and I'm feeling bored for an adventure, call me" "Rembrandt, stop" "No Wade. I've had it. I can't take this anymore, never knowing if I'm home, or on some freakin parallel earth" "Rembrandt, if you calm down, we can talk this out. If we slide out, you know we'll be coming after you" "Not this time. I'm going and no one can stop me. I'll see you all on the flip side" Quinn walks up by Wade, "I think if we give him some time, he'll show back up" "And what if he doesn't, and he means what he says" "Ms. Welles. I doubt that either way, Mr. Brown would rather stay here, then slide into the unknown. If we have to, we'll go on, and with having the coordinates of this earth in the timer, we can return, and drag him off world" "And that was the last we saw of Remmy. I know Wade was more upset than any of us. I guess she never forgave me or the professor, for leaving him behind" "And so what happened next with your adventure?" "After moving on, we just kept moving around until 3 months past. Wade had told me of the kromagg dynasty's evil ways, and that they could easily capture them again. I decided the time was right, to find the homeworld, but we easily found it less problematic, when they captured us, and returned to their homeworld, to torture us; however, we were saved by a resistance group" In an underground hide-out, Quinn, Wade and Arturo are sitting with a woman at a table, "Melanie, do you think that this plan of yours will work. I mean, if the humans can over throw the kromaggs, we'll be ready to leave this god for saken rock" "We'll see, but the reason why we exist, was to stop the kromaggs from attacking our earths and others, while we try killing them and getting off world" The flashback continues, with showing the 3 sliders, Melanie, and a few other resistances in the trenches, firing weapons across the area, to the kromaggs, who also have set up weapons of their own to kill humans, "I hope this will work, at least we can change this for the better" "Well this is all we can do Quinn. I'm a resistance fighter, and I plan to stick with it, until I'm the last one standing" A large explosion occurs near them, killing several resistance members. The sliders and Melanie rush to another hiding place, to continue firing at the devils; 5 more men appear, helping the 4 out, and destroying an area full of 'maggs. "After what was nearly over, the professor devised a plan to create a device to make this world cloaked to other such travelers, and make sure the kromaggs couldn't slide in or out of this earth, forcing them to remain on their homeworld. Before the device was about to activate, we had to take all the humans with us, so I created a slide wave and slid off all the humans of that earth, and returned them to their earths, except us, since the device was near overload, and I didn't want to strand all those people there" "Quinn, I don't mean to interject, but what is your reasoning for coming here. I understand you never found a place to call home, but what is this story telling your doing" "I guess I feel I need to sort things out, since I've been having a feeling, like I'm suppose to be living another life, with more pain than in this reality. I suppose I just need a break from all the problems we've had lately" "Continue if you will. So, what happened after your duel with the so called kromaggs?" "The 3 of us moved on, and we were doing fine. We even had met another guy that joined us, from the amish territory, named Colin Mallory, where on his earth, his parents died and he was living alone. We did run into my lookalike, who caused his girlfriend to get amnesia, so with nothing really in his life, he came with us, and we even found our real earth, except the authorities were less pleased, since we all got arrested by the FBI, and questioned. Luckily, we did make an ally, with an agent Beckett" The flasback leads to a prison cell, with the 4 sliders inside it, "I guess the FBI won't be reluctant to let me leave, even though I'm not of this earth" "We're sorry Colin. We should of made sure you were kept hidden in Quinn's basement and slid off world" Agent Maggie Beckett approaches the cell, opening it, "I think you guys are about to leave" the sliders are confused, but look as the cell door opens, and the agent heads to Quinn, "Here is your timer, you have less than a minute" "Why are you helping us?" "I realized everyone should be given a chance to have an adventure, especially a scientific experiment. Go before the authorities catch on, and hope you succeed with your mission" Wade heads to the agent, "thank you Agent Beckett, I know what your risking, and I hope when we return one day, you can be around to help us survive our own world" Quinn opens the portal, and the 4 quickly enter, as the agent watches on. "As we had to move on, we ran into a problem with our traveling device and it was damaged, leading Colin to stay with us a while longer, since he couldn't get home. A few months later, into our fifth year, we had landed in San Francisco, except earthquakes were every other day occurances, and we suddenly lost my friend Wade, due to one, after she went down with a house, into the Golden Gate river" Quinn is bending down on a side of an edge over looking the river, holding flowers, and looking out at the river. Arturo arrives, "Quinn, I think its time you came with me to the hotel. Colin is worried about you, and its about time for us to depart" "Professor, I just need a few more minutes. I just can't believe Wade is gone. We've been through the worst, and I thought these next few months of sliding together, would be smooth, but I was wrong" Quinn tears up, crouching up in a ball, crying. Arturo bends down to hold him. "With a month passing, the 3 of us finally moved on, even though I wanted to continue visiting that earth. I will forever miss Wade, and wished I could of said the things I wanted to" "So you were in love with this Wade, were you?" "You bet. If we had a nice homecoming, I might of asked Wade to marry me, and we probably would be living in a house, with our kids right now" "Continue Quinn, I think I'm starting to understand you and your situation" "In a new territory to cover, we had ran into a situation of losing Colin, and we couldn't find him; We soon had gotten involved with an underground group, that tried stopping the government, who took people's identifications and gave them to other people. Colin had met a young woman woman, whose father disappeared, and he had taken this man's identity. The man we worked with, Rick Mallory, again, no relation to me, to later find out, was working to find his identity, and retrieve it, but after he didn't feel this was a place to live, he joined us, even with the risk of not finding his home again" "The beginning of our sixth year didn't turn out like we hoped, and we ran into the CIA. They had believe that I was this guy they were looking for, who had stolen technology to travel to alternate realities; my friends were suspected also, but we defeated the CIA, and exiting the area" In an interrogation room, Quinn, Arturo, Colin and Rick, sit around a table, with Laura Cosgrove questioning them, "Quinn Mallory, I think you should stop lying to us, since the man we're looking for, has the same face as you, and your friends are no doubt accomplices" "Pardon me madam, but we are no such people. As we told you before, Mr. Mallory created sliding on his earth, not stealing it from some scientist on this rock" "Then explain to me, how you all suddenly appear, using similar equipment that this other Quinn Mallory used. If our scientists could look at that timer of yours, they'd no doubt find the truth for themselves" "We had kept yelling back and forth to sort the situation out that day, until we managed to get a hold of our travel device, and exit, except for the minor problem, with that CIA agent, joining us, leading for us to be stuck with a non friedly person. Shortly after time went by, she realized we weren't the men the CIA was looking for to kill" A blue vortex opens in a park, dropping Quinn, Arturo, Rick, Colin and Laura all in mud. Quinn stands up, wiping himself off, looking at the timer, "We slide in 45 minutes, just enough time to eat something and slide into some place creepier" "Quinn, I don't suppose we could of forgotten about going back to deal with that vampire" "Professor, we had to. If Kelly wasn't saved, she would of become one, and we would have felt stupid for losing a life" "So, where do you think we are, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or anywhere in between?" "Ms. Cosgrove, I suggest you start realizing, we don't care where we land, just as long as we aren't killed on the spot" Laura gives Arturo the evil eye, with him looking away seconds later. The 5 start walking out of the area, when they pass a statue of George Washington Carver. Quinn stops in his tracks, "This is really odd, but this place seems familiar, since I remember once, we landed at our same position, and noticed the statue of George, and that deli with patio furniture placed outside it" "Quinn, I see what you mean. Your thinking we've returned to the world we left our companion Michele on, but its possible we didn't. Parallel earths can be the same" The sliders head to the deli, buying lunch, and taking seats outside the deli, eating their lunch. "I know this seems outrageous, but maybe we should have a see if our Michele was around. Do you remember where we left her at?" "Yeah professor. I believe she had decided to move in with the motel clerk she met, and at the motel we stayed at, and where she had fallen in love with him" "Yeah, but we slide in 17 minutes, will that be enough time to find her. For all we know, this Michele could have left on a trip or out of the country" "Ms. Cosgrove, I hate to say this, but do you always look poorly upon situations that we may find achieving" "I just feel you guys should be concentrating on getting me home, so I could concentrate on finding the real Quinn Mallory that went sliding" "You know Laura, I think for once, you should enjoy yourself. Its not everyday your life changes for the better" "Rick, I know this may seem odd, but I loved my job as a CIA agent back home. I mean exploring these places are interesting, but if I had someone with me, that I knew, this trip may seem less pitiful" A taxi pulls up near motel parking lot, dropping the sliders off. The group head inside a trailer, where a man, sitting in a metal chair, wearing black rimmed glasses, and an undershirt stained with sweat, along with holding a fly swatter, trying to hit flies, while trying to watch a black and white screen, that keeps screwing up on him; the man does continue hitting the television set. "Excuse me sir" the man seems annoyed, but reluctantly stands to stare at the group, "All rooms are booked, no vacancy" "We're not here for a room. We're looking for someone. Her name is Michele, we never found out her last name. she had met a clerk here, and she stayed with him" the man looks closely at Quinn and Arturo, "Oh okay. Yeah. Now I remember seeing you 2, along with 2 others. Well hate to say it, but Michele and Rollin moved to Seattle last month, I don't have an address" "Thanks for telling us. We'll be leaving now" The 5 exit the trailer, and Quinn seems a little saddened, "Too bad we didn't get to see her one last time" "Don't forget Mr. Mallory, like I said, infinite possibilities. Who knows, maybe one day we can find our old comrade, and see if her life improved" Quinn looks at the timer, "The timer is down to 4 minutes. I think we should start walking, and find a nice alley to slide out in" A woman from a far, notices the group moving in the opposite direction and she quickly rushes to them. She nears Quinn, "Hey, is that you, Quinn Mallory!" The group turn around, and Quinn is shocked to see Michele, looking different than before, and now having her hair dyed light brown. "Its you. Or I think I may have the wrong one" "Quinn, its me. Your old friend from 4 years ago. The one who lived a hellish life with Sid, and then shot him on the next earth after betraying them" "Then its settled, your our Michele. Except why are you here, and not in Seattle?" "Bad news Quinn. Rollin turned out to be like the bastard Sid was. I had to come back here, hoping for a possible reunion with you back here. Here you are, and I think I should ask for a favor, give me a lift through the dimensional doorway again?" "As long as you like. You remember the prfessor. And these people are Rick Mallory, Colin Mallory, and Laura Cosgrove" "Interesting, three Mallorys, I guess this trip may be interesting after all" "And after Michele had joined, I started to feel re energized, and ready for anything" "So you had a thing for this Michele too?" "Kinda. We shared a kiss on the first world we journeyed to, and then she left us for good. Pretty much after we found Michele, we didn't relax for long, when something else happened. When visiting this one indian type area, they had taken us on as workers, or more life slaves, as Rick put it. My friend Bennish had found us, and we had escaped the compound with him, except while me, the professor and Laura had to help other slaves, we were too late, and missed our ride home. Luckily, we still had our traveling device, and we used it, except we couldn't follow, getting us stranded out in the multiverse alone again. Two months past, we had landed on this certain earth, where people couldn't easily be trusted, and soon got first hand, when this guy steals our traveling device, shortly after arriving, and we had to get it back from the black market" In a marina, near sunset, Quinn, Arturo and Laura are walking to a boat, when they are approached by a chinese male, who has a gun pointed at them, "We've come to speak to Mr. Yagamuchi, I believe he already is in company with a Joe LaFountain" "This way, but don't make stupid mistakes, or you'll end up with the electric eels" the 3 are lead down below in the cabin of the boat, where they find Joe and Mr. Yagamuchi, with three guards. "Ah, the so called sliders, welcome to my boat. Have a seat, your friend Joe was just talking about trading your little device for his charitable needs" "Mr. Yagamuchi, I don't mean to be critical, but you are making a mistake for keeping our timer hidden. Now we have a time limit until the portal opens, and we are to depart soon" "Mr. Arturo, shut up. I have the upper hand right now. Mr. LaFountain, do we have a deal, 50 grand for that machine" Joe is reluctant to agree, with looking to the sliders, and back to the mob boss. The timer is seen with counting down from 7 seconds, "Well, what do you say?" "I'll agree to your terms, but not before I do this" Joe picks up the table, throwing it at the guards, and catching the timer, tossing it to Quinn, who soon opens it, with the three exiting that earth. Joe quickly leaps in seconds later, and a few bullets flying after them. The portal reopens in a green pasture, dropping the three out, leading for Arturo to quickly shove Quinn and Laura down, telling them to duck. Joe flies out, landing on them, followed by a few bullets, that hit a tree. As the group gets up, Joe is amazed of his first slide, "Wow, that was the best excitement, besides banging the boss's wife" "What do you think your doing here. We never invited you" "Look, I saved your lives. I got your machine back. Its the least yo can do for me. I mean, did you all really want me dead" the three don't answer. "Mr. LaFountain, I feel that with saving your life, we could consider adding you on, but don't expect your trip to be long, and returned to your earth" "Okay, well then, lets celebrate, I'll buy dinner" the 3 sliders walk on, as Joe catches up, trying to fit in with the group. "And here I am today, still trying to get back home, with too many situations to conquer" "Mr. Mallory, I believe your time is up with me. I've learned more than I need to know, so I suggest you try to get a life, and go home, before I kick you out" Quinn stands up, shakes the psychiatrist's hand, and exits the office. Down at a bar called the Irish Pub, Quinn is downing a beer, when Arturo, Laura and Joe arrive, "Quinn, we were worried about you. Where did you go?" "Professor, ease up, I don't need to explain all my actions to you. I just took a walk, and wound up back here" "Hate to say it Quinn, but we leave in two minutes" "Joe, have a seat, drink up, while I take on a tab" Joe looks to Quinn oddly, then asking Quinn if he was drunk; Quinn states he wasn't, but Arturo states otherwise, "Mr. Mallory, your done with this place, lets go before you are poisoned" Quinn stands up, burps loudly, and exits the bar, with the 3 remaining inside. "Professor, how long has he been like this?" "Ms. Cosgrove, I hate to say it, but he had started this drinking when he lost Wade, but really hasn't increased use, until recently. I wonder if this had anything to do, with losing Jackie, since he did get close to her, and even she couldn't keep her liquor down. I just hope he doesn't over do it, and die" The 3 exit the bar, joining up with Quinn, who now is on the ground laughing; Arturo and Joe helps him up, as Laura opens the blue colored vortex. Laura leaps in first, followed by the 3 linked together, and the vortex closes seconds later.
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