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Episode 709: God's Machine

-The portal opens out in a desert, tossing the group out into hot sand, which Maggie soon realizes and reacts with standing up, "I guess not being out in the desert too much, I now will make sure to never slide here again. Quinn, I think as soon as we get back to a better reality, you can fix that timer that will land us 2 miles away from your house, instead of places like this""Maggie, you know I have to have a spreadout area if we want to find Wade, Colin and Brandon" Geena is wiping herself off, then asking, "So, when do we slide out Quinn?" "In 59 hours and 12 minutes" Ryan, who also doesn't like the place comments to the group, "Hope theres water somewhere, because I really would hate to die here" The group starts walking, and soon fall into a 15 foot deep hole, and landing in more hot sand, Maggie is getting annoyed, "Great, just what we need, another problem. I think this is our end. How about we dig holes and lay in them" Joe and Doug try to leap up to grab something that will get them back up on level ground, but then suddenly, the ground starts shaking and the sand below the sliders feet disappears to reveal a white tiled floor, and then something covers the top of the hole, leaving the sliders in the darkness, "Great, now what, are we being buried alive" White light soon covers all around them, and the floor shifts downward, like an elevator and it takes the sliders down far, as it speeds up and the group can barely keep their balance. What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Kari Wuhrer Nicholas Lea and Mark Wahlberg "Sliders" Episode 9: God's Machine Guest Stars: Erik Palladino, Robin Givens, Sabrina Lloyd, Cleavent Derricks, Mark Kiely, Wes Charles Jr., John Rhys-Davies as Professor Arturo and Special Guest Star: Roger Daltrey as Colonel Rickman - The room stops moving downward, with the sliders falling and ramming to the floor. The group get up, to see a hatch open up, so they exit into another white covered room and 4 walls soon appear in blue, forming around the group. Maggie looks confused, "Do you think we've all died and gone to the afterlife?" "No, I'm thinking we've been captured by a force, and its likely they plan to make us-" A loud voice is heard above them, cutting Doug off, "I am God, and this is my world" A figure appears from a beam of white light, and the sliders soon notice him but too bright to see his face, "I brought you here to take a chance of a lifetime to put things right that once went wrong" "Can you make that clearer. Change what, our past?" "You all have been through a great deal. For I have watched you from day 1, as you Quinn Mallory, opened a portal to a parallel dimension and nearly 7 years later, here you are. I feel that your biggest problems will soon arrive, and its in my plan for you all to change your destiny" "Are you saying I could go back and change my history, so me and my friends aren't lost" "If you wish. I will give you 1 hour to make your choice to make the past right" the figure disappears with the beam of light. A circular table appears with 6 chairs around it; the group decide to sit down, to chat. Quinn looks to the others, "This is quite an interesting experience. I mean to actually change the past for the better that could get us home, or make sure we don't experience the hell we did the past year" "How do we know this isn't a trick, or a dream. You mean we're suppose to believe God is here, and we have a chance to speak to him, and able to make changes in our lives. If this was possible, why didn't he show up a year after you started sliding?" Maggie slaps Joe's arm, "Joe, are you always unbelieving about miracles?" "Always. You can't believe this thing or person who is going to let us change our history for the better" Doug take charge of the conversation, "Well lets decide, all in favor of getting home, and making our past better. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to live through kromagg hell, or even lose my world" "I think we all know what we want, but I think I may be able to change my past, and make sure the kromaggs never conquer worlds" "Why you Quinn? Is it because you've been sliding the longest and you feel you get the history change. I don't think so. I suggest we go back to Kromagg Prime during its early days and kill off the kromaggs for good, since those apes did come from one world" Doug nods his head, then looks over to Quinn, "I agree with Ryan. I mean what is your plan Quinn. It can't be better than this deal" "I guess I would be selfish to do this change, but I figure with saving my professor, me and him could make sure the kromaggs never land on worlds to conquer and kill millions. What about you Maggie, your husband, Dr. Steven Jenson, or have you forgotten him" "I haven't, but we both know its likely we wouldn't be able to change my world, or what happened to them both" "Geena, what do you think, you've been quiet" Geena slightly smiles at Joe, for making sure she added her two cents, "I guess what everyone wants, a solution to make things better. I lost my world to the kromaggs, and my family was killed for their enjoyment. I guess if Quinn is telling the truth, that his professor could make sure we don't lose our lives or families, then I'm for Quinn's option" Doug starts looking angry, with turning toward Geena to make a point, "Geena, how can you not see the big picture. If we kill those kromaggs, we wouldn't be here, living world to world. I know I want to go home to my old life" "Yeah, but what if something happens, like the kromaggs could have duplicates on other worlds; we may not even know how many kromaggs exist on one earth, us 6 against billions. Besides, if we killed the kromaggs, we'd be no better than those 'maggs!" "I think we should vote. Either my choice or Quinn's choice" All but Doug and Ryan agree to Quinn's plan, feeling they have no real options to consider. The remaining hour was quiet, with the group staring away from each other. God soon reappears, asking for their option, "God, we've decided. After much discussion, we've decided to go back 4 years, to save my friend Professor Arturo, along with Dr. Jenson" "Very well. In a few moments, you'll be transported back to the year 1997 and on the military base. Unfornately, only Mr. Mallory and Ms. Beckett can go back, since sending you all back, could disrupt the timeline, causing new problems. You will have as much time as needed to make sure your plans work out, then you'll be sent back here, to see if you succeeded" "How will we know when to return?" God gives Maggie a device which looks like a wrist watch, stating she or Quinn would need to push the red button on it, for it to activate. Joe heads to Maggie, realizing this may be the end for them, "Maggie, I can't believe this is over for us" "I know Joe. But if I can save my husband's life, I want to try. I just hope we can someday meet, and be close friends" the 2 share a long kiss, then Joe lets go, as a red vortex opens, Quinn turns to Maggie, "Lets go!" Maggie looks at Joe for a few more moments, then Quinn pulls her in, leaving behind her old past, to take on a new future. The red vortex opens, tossing Quinn and Maggie out into darkness, and they soon realize, it was the bathroom in some quarters. The 2 exit, to find Wade outside the door, talking to Colonel Rickman. "If you need anything, the guards are at your disposal. Or if personal problems come up, I'm at your disposal" Rickman tells Wade to have a good day, exiting the cooridore. Maggie and Quinn notice Wade about to enter, but she shuts the door, walking off in the same direction as Rickman. "That was close. Now I think we should find Arturo alone. I'm guessing the second day, since Wade had mentioned a moment talking to Rickman privately and she nearly became attracted to him" "Well good thing she didn't, or she might of died. If this is your second day on the base, you and the professor would be in with me and Steven. We should probably corner Arturo at the first chance we get" "Too bad God didn't give us new faces, so we could atleast fit in" "Well we better leave these quarters, before Wade or Rembrandt show" the 2 exit the room, looking both directions to see if it was clear, and take off in the same direction as Wade and Rickman. With slowly moving around the base, officers noticed the 2, but didn't say anything to them. Quinn suggests that they head for underground to hide, even though that was where Remmy had met Malcollm, but they easily can catch Arturo later on" The 2 take off, nearing the entrance to the basement and other underground areas, when they bump into Wade, who is shocked to see them, "Quinn, Captain Beckett, what are you doing back here. I heard you just slid off this world. And when did you have time to change clothes Quinn?" "We need to speak to you privately, lets head to your quarters" Wade is confused, but agrees to go with the two. When entering the room, Wade shuts it, turning around, "Okay, whats going on?" "Wade. Its hard to explain, but we've come from the future, Here to prevent Arturo's and Dr. Jenson's deaths" "This is crazy Quinn. Don't tell me these marines are brainwashing you" "Wade, you need to believe us. Take a look at my hair, its longer than it was when you first slid here and its no longer red. Its hard to explain, but we're from the future" "So what happens to the professor and Jenson?" "We shouldn't really tell you, since it could disrupt the timeline. All I can say, is that we need to get Arturo and Jenson alone, and hope they believe us, like you are" "Its going to be hard, since both of them are being supervised by Rickman, and I doubt he would let either of them take a coffee break" "Just try to get them here. Even if you have to pull a gun on them" "I'll see what I can do, but no promises" Wade exits the room, leaving Quinn and Maggie looking at each other, unsure if this was a wise choice with letting Wade help. "I hope she doesn't get Rickman. He is the last person I want to see" "Well, if we know Wade, she'll play her cards right" "One thing I just realized Maggie, is that if we stop Rickman and save our people, Laura will never exist with us. I mean Rickman did get her to be his spy to follow us" "Well maybe Laura will have a better life with her not running into Rickman or could be stuck as a kromagg slave girl that dies sooner or later" As 15 minutes passed, Arturo soon appears in the room, with Wade following him; he looks to Quinn, confused, since he saw his young friend slide through a wormhole with Cpt. Beckett. "Wheres Dr. Jenson, Wade?" "I couldn't get him to leave, so I have Arturo instead" "Professor. Its hard to explain, but like we told Wade, we're from the future, and as hard as we have to tell you this, you'll die tomorrow night by the hands of Colonel Rickman" Wade is surprised of this news, and looks to Arturo for a response, "I don't know what to say. Its hard to believe, but there is no other explanation, since I just saw you two slide through a vortex. But why would you return to prevent my death. Unless something happens in the future I'm needed for" "From where we come from, we're lost, sliding to find some friends, and we also had recently delt with a kromagg invasion, that couldn't be stopped from happening" "So if I live, what would happen, a miracle. Doubtful, but again, you could be doing this for your own personal gain. Mr. Mallory, if this is true, why bother saving me life. If I save one of your lives, then let it be that I die" "Not if I can tell you what to do. 4 years ago, Rickman had attacked you and locked us in a room. But if you tell my younger self to stop from going after Rickman, you'll all make the slide and hopefully Rickman can be stopped" "Professor, don't be stubborn this time. I think if this future Quinn is willing to save your life, then listen. Quinn, you have my full support. Is there anything else we should do" "Actually Wade, you can help me. My husband is killed by Rickman in the base's chapel. If you, Remmy or Quinn can stay with him, It would be appreciated. You might be able to trust my younger self" "Well Mr. Mallory, I guess we part here. I'll do my best to make sure we survive and hopefully save Dr. Jenson" Arturo exits the room, with Wade staring back at Quinn and Maggie, "Don't worry guys, I'll make sure we save everyone, and hope to get us home" "Oh Wade, one thing I forgot to mention. When you have a chance to speak to my younger self, tell him to work on a way to defeat the kromaggs, since they will become a pest later on for you. So I guess I should say thanks Wade, you've always been a true friend" Wade hugs Quinn, and kisses him on the cheek. Maggie hugs Wade, "Watch out for yourself and the others, and to never let Quinn go" "I be sure of those things. Bye guys" Wade exits the room, leaving the 2 alone. "I guess its time to go back, and wait to see if anything changed" "This could be the last slide of all. And if we succeed, I'll never see Joe again, or know him like I have the past few months" Maggie pushes the button on the watch, and a red vortex opens, Maggie holds out her hand, "Together?" "Sure, lets go!" Quinn and Maggie leap into the portal, with it closing seconds later. The night of the slide, in a medical ward, Wade and Remmy return to reveal information to Quinn and Arturo, "Q'Ball, it was Rickman, he was the one that attacked your professor. We found these in his office" Remmy shows a canister with viles inside it. "He got some kind of disease in the Gulf War, the only way he can survive is by injecting himself with the brain fluid of certain donors" The door suddenly is closed, and Quinn and Remmy head to open it, and even kick at it, but its locked, Quinn turns to Wade, "Wade, grab that gurney and bring it out" "What for?" "Just do it. Remmy, help me with this" the 2 carry a tank of oxygen, with placing the tank on the gurney and strapping it on, Arturo sees whats going on, realizing what was going to happen, "Newton" "Just like you taught us, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. All right, strap this on tight" Wade, now realizing what Quinn was going to do, "A jet repelled battering ram. Quinn your brilliant" "Save the compliments to see if it works. All right on tight, make it straight, lock the wheels. And get back, get back, because I'm afraid this might explode" Quinn hits the tank with a pole, and the gurney takes off, ramming into the door, which opens. "Good job Q'Ball" "Thanks man" "Look, about before, I'm really sorry" "Forget about it" "Quinn, we gotta move it, Rickman could start sliding at any time" "Alright, lets get the professor up. Come on professor. The pulsars are getting closer" The 3 sliders help with the professor, and exiting the room. In another room of the base, Maggie appears by Rickman, "Colonel, have you seen my husband?" "Bad news captain. Some of the civilians made it to the lab, I think they thought Steven knew where the shelters were. I got there too late. I'm sorry" Maggie gets emotional, "No, it" Maggie tears up, "I know this is difficult for you, but we've got to be strong, we have a mission to complete" After Maggie controls her emotions, she gets back on track of the mission, "Sir, what about Mallory and the others?" "We can't wait, we gotta go now before the mob reaches us. I'm gonna open the vortex" Maggie is left alone, to cry in the loss of her husband. Down below in a cooridore, Quinn and Wade are helping Arturo as they head for the slide, when Malcolm appears and Remmy is shocked to see him there. "Malcolm, what are you doing out here, why aren't you inside?" "I went to see colonel Rickman to beg him to let my folks come with us and saw him kill Dr. Jenson" "Wow, slow down, slow down" "And he was going to shoot me" The red vortex opens, Wade interjects standing in front of Remmy, "Malcolm, where is Dr. Jenson?" "I saw Rickman shoot him in the chapel when I went to see him" "I'm going after Rickman" "Quinn no, if Rickman wants us dead, he could kill us all when we get there. Now Malcolm, take me to Dr. Jenson, he may still be alive. Remmy, come with me. Quinn go back to the medical ward and get a first aid kit" Quinn is confused of Wade's actions, but figures saving Dr. Jenson would be a better idea than getting killed. Remmy, Wade and Malcolm arrive in the chapel, to find Dr. Jenson on the floor, Wade rushes to him, and feels a weak pulse, "He's alive, Remmy help me get him up" Wade and Remmy manage to get Dr. Jenson up and carry him back to Quinn and Arturo, but Quinn isn't all that happy, "What is it?" "Thanks to your caring of others, we missed the slide" "Quinn, you said we slide in an hour, right, so we just wait, and slide out. I have faith that this earth will remain intact until we can leave" "Great, a religious telling. Wade thanks to you-" Arturo cuts him off, "My boy, I think you should trust Ms. Welles. I have faith in her, so I think we should get underground, find flashlights and a radiation meter, and slide out from there. I also suggest you work your magic, and make sure we can lock onto the photon trail Rickman and the others slid through and hopefully catch Rickman, before its too late. On the native world, Rickman is giving orders, when he nears Maggie who isn't paying attention, "Captain Beckett!" Maggie turns herself around, "Sir" "I want a barbwired fence beyond those trees, and I want your report on my desk in 3 hours" "Permissiont to speak sir?" Rickman nods his head, "Colonel, why do we need a holding pen?" "We're gonna use the native population to build our new colony captain" Maggie interjects, "Your talking about slavery" "Just look at the people we brought with us captain; scientists, engineers, doctors; their not use to hard labor. No. We use the native population and when they build our new city, I'll set them free" a beeping sound on Rickman's watch is heard, "Our world just ended captain" Rickman walks away, leaving Maggie by herself. The sliders, along with Dr. Jenson and Malcolm, stand near Quinn, holding the timer, "Hows that thing suppose to track Rickman?" "When this red light goes steady, it means its locked onto a photon trail, right now its still tracking the wormhole that Rickman slid through" Arturo, who is holding the radiation meter, looks to Quinn, "If this thing gets much higher, we're all going to burn up" Quinn soon states there is 10 seconds left; the radiation meter gets hot, and Arturo drops it, with Quinn opening the vortex. Remmy and Wade, along with Dr. Jenson, enter first, followed by Malcolm, Arturo and finally Quinn. The group soon shows up at the base camp, where they find Maggie, who is shocked to see Dr. Jenson and the sliders, "How is this possible, I was told he was killed by a mob" "No time to talk, we need a doctor for him" Maggie takes over Wade's spot, with helping Remmy carry Steven to the fire, where she calls for a doctor. A woman appears; Maggie states he is in critical condition, and Dr. Jenson is layed on a cot, with the doctor stating she can save his life. "Maggie, it was Rickman who shot your husband, and attacked the professor who nearly went into acoma. We need to go after him" Maggie hands Quinn a gun, and they take off; Quinn looks to the others, "You guys stay here, until we get back" Walking down a hill, Maggie and Quinn watch out for Rickman, "Where's Rickman?" "He's scouting a second base camp" "Is he armed?" "No, not inside the perimeter" the 2 go to the bottom of the hill, "Is he alone?" "I don't know" "Lets go" Maggie starts down a path, when shining her flashlight down to the ground to find canisters, then suddenly, Rickman attacks her, putting the gun to Maggie's head, "Sloppy procedure captain" "You basterd, you nearly killed Steven" "He was a victim of bad timing" "And maybe he found out you were destroying innocent people. Your good at that, aren't you colonel" "I did what I had to do, I'm an officer Beckett, trained to survive. And these people, and I had 150 lives waiting for me to take them to somewhere safe" "Yeah, whose gonna save them from you" Maggie is shoved to the base of a tree, "Unfortunately, not you" Rickman is about to shoot her, when suddenly, he is shot in the head, dropping the ground dead, with Quinn arriving, bending down to Maggie, "Are you okay?" "Yeah. If you didn't save me, I would of died" Quinn looks over to Rickman, and notices the timer Dr. Jenson created. The timer is counting down from 10 seconds, he quickly picks it up, opening the vortex, "How about one more ride" Maggie stands up, "Sure, after you" The 2 leap into the red vortex, with it closing quickly. By the following morning, Wade exits a tent, with finding Quinn talking to the captain, and Remmy with Malcolm. She joins Arturo by the fire with a stick, used as a cane, "So Professor, how did you sleep?" "Like hell Ms. Welles. I loave camping out and hopefully this is the last. But I definately gained some strength back, so I can be as I was" "So, how does it feel to change the timeline?" "Quite an interesting experience. Now that I look back, I suppose telling the future Quinn that I would of rather have died, than live, was impotence talking" "Well, in a few minutes, we can take off for home, and look back at this as an experience we will never forget" Quinn is handed the timer that Dr. Jenson created, "Well, this timer is yours for the taking. Just hope one day, you'll return and take us for a ride" "I think you'd all enjoy sliding, just remember your home coordinates. Captain Beckett, it was nice to know you, and glad to have searched this world out for you and your people, and hope you can lead this group into the 21st century" "Thanks Quinn. It was a pleasure meeting you" Maggie and Quinn shake hands, and Quinn walks off, joining up with the others. Remmy, who is knelt down, is speaking to Malcolm, "Are you ever coming back?" "We have your coordinates, and I'll make it a promise to revisit this earth, and maybe one day, you can come to mine" "I'd like that" "Look, your gonna be okay, there are a lot of good people here who will look after you" Quinn, Wade and Arturo join up with the 2, as Remmy stands back up. Quinn looks at the timer, "Its time" Quinn opens the vortex, Wade enters first, followed by Arturo, then Quinn, and Remmy quickly hugs Malcolm, "keeping drawing" and Remmy leaps into the red vortex as it closes. "I'll be waiting Rembrandt, I'll be waiting" Malcolm then turns around, walking back to the camp area.
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